Ars Magna Beyond Earth

Fanny unleashed a chantless Explosion Magic to the distance, but it didn't have any abnormality this time. He was a little confused.

"Have I been infected by Hulk?"

Fanny began speculating, but his intuition told him that it wasn't possible. There wasn't any green on his body either.

Without any further clue, Fanny put the matter aside. He turned to Red Skull, who was also in deep thought, and sighed.

"I don't think I could return home for quite some time. Do you have anywhere to rest?"

"Huh?!" Red Skull was a little surprised at Fanny's sudden question. His surprise soon turned into embarrassment as he replied, "No, there had never been anyone here. I just fell asleep at a random place."

"Sigh, how miserable could you be?!"

Fanny couldn't help but feel pity for Red Skull: to think that same Red Skull that led the world-shaking Hydra had fallen so far.

"By the way, did you know why that Tesseract bastard sent you here?"

Fanny suddenly became curious about why Red Skull was teleported here after learning of his own circumstances.

"Maybe it's because I extracted too much energy from it…," Red Skull replied with an uncertain face.

"Hah, it's so petty."

Fanny felt that the reason should be more than that. Infinity Stones are called "Infinity" Stones because they hold nigh-infinite energy.

Red Skull had invested a relatively large amount of resources and research into weaponizing the Tesseract, but ultimately he had only created a limited amount of weapons with even more restricted deployment. The energy he extracted was merely a drop from a billion oceans; how could it ever be considered too much?!

But Red Skull didn't have any concrete answer, so Fanny didn't press further. He instead focused on where he should stay.

He had already scanned the surrounding terrain while flying in the air. This place had almost nothing other than sand and water.

That simply means he had unlimited free real estate.

"How have you been living all these years?!"

Fanny sighed when he saw Red Skull's inexplicably embarrassed face. That Red Skull specter could probably spend its time floating 24/7 without needing to eat, drink, or sleep.

But Fanny wasn't a ghost, so he couldn't continue without sleeping. One or two days would probably be fine, but he would probably die after a week.

Fanny turned his sight at the scenery around him up to the horizon. The perpetual twilight was rather beautiful, but it had no life. He sighed and complained at Red Skull, "This damned place is dead silent. There isn't even any grass!"

"This is a place of exile. All souls are controlled by the Soul Stone," Red Skull responded almost robotically. The many years he spent here had made him numb to the scenery.

"It would probably be great if I could tell it why roses are red!" Fanny had said that off-hand remark out of frustration. He fantasized about how beautiful the altar would look if it was surrounded by roses.

Before he could realize it, magic power poured from his body. Countless beautiful roses suddenly blossomed across the wasteland, their bright red petals filling the air with fragrance.

Red Skull and Fanny could only stare blankly at the inexplicable change of scenery.

"What's going on?"

Red Skull felt that he had encountered more incidents today than in the 70 years he had spent as guardian.

Fanny was overwhelmed by a mix of emotions when he saw the roses; shock, surprise, doubt, excitement, and all other emotions he didn't have enough words for. He finally realized why the 'Explosion Magic' had become incredibly powerful just now.

'Ars Magna.' It was Fanny's first skill, which he once thought was the strongest.

Unfortunately, he wasn't strong enough to bring out its true potential. Combined with the limiting environment on Earth, Fanny had never seen the true strength of 'Ars Magna.'

He had only remembered that he was no longer on Earth. Soul Stone's grip over the planet Vormir was clearly much weaker than the restriction placed on Earth or Bast's ancestral dimension.

Fanny had never been successful in the act of 'Creation' with Ars Magna. His control and scope of 'Ars Magna' on Earth had steadily improved, but he was still unable to create objects out of thin air. Hence, he mostly used 'Ars Magna' to support other skills.

But now, he had left Earth and the restriction of the Three Sanctums. Fanny had nothing preventing him from using 'Ars Magna to its fullest extent—vastly more powerful than it ever would be while on Earth.

Back when he had released 'Explosion Magic,' his mind had been clouded with rage. Yet even under such conditions, he had subconsciously used 'Ars Magna' to strengthen his magic.

A flash of orange light flashed over the blooming roses, and the vegetation disappeared. Their surrounding once again returned to the cold and desolate place they had always been.

"Don't change my place around as you wish!" Soul Stone complained in Fanny's mind. Although it's not as strict as the other supervisors, it was still in charge of this place after all.

Fanny was preoccupied with his joy to care about what Soul Stone said. He had long known that the Sanctum suppressed the 'Ars Magna,' but he didn't expect the skill to be this much more powerful outside the Sanctum's influence.

"Creation: Wooden House!"

Fanny calmly emptied his mind and used Ars Magna to imagine an exquisite wooden house. His magic power was quickly drained, and in an instant, an exquisite wooden house dozens of square meters in size manifested in the altar ground.

Red Skull, who had barely recovered from his previous shock, was immediately stunned again.

"Has it only been 70 years on Earth?" Red Skull muttered skeptically.

Red Skull had thought that all these years of bizarre experiences had prepared him for everything, including Captain America appearing right in front of him, but right now, he was proven utterly wrong. Just one person, Fanny, had managed to shake him so deeply that he couldn't close his mouth.

How did Hydra become the largest secret organization on Earth against people like this? Was I really that much of a hindrance to the organization?

"Wow!" Fanny exclaimed when he saw the wooden house he had just conjured. It looked exactly as he had imagined. Moreover, it didn't even consume all that much magical power. It was leagues better than when he was on Earth.

Fanny's opinion of Vormir turned 180 degrees. Suddenly this accursed place became a wonderful haven, and even Red Skull's horrid face became pleasant sight. Unleashing 'Ars Magna' brought him so much joy.

"What kind of ability is this?" The Soul Stone asked in Fanny's mind. Although it had seen that the effect was similar to Reality Stone, it didn't understand the mechanism behind it.

"Why would I tell you?" Fanny dismissed Soul Stone's question. He opened the door to the wooden house and entered it, excited to see whether the interior was also accurate to his imagination.

Red Skull watched Fanny enter the wooden house. After thinking for a while, he could not hold back his curiosity and follow into the house. More than anything, after so many years, he was tired of Vormir's scenery.