Red Skull - Me

Chapter 122 Red Skull: Me???

The wooden house was not big, but it had all kinds of daily necessities. Even the small details and decorations had been replicated from Fanny's imagination.

However, these things could suddenly disappear if Fanny wasn't careful. This was the limitation of Ars Magna's Creation.

They were maintained by the power of thought, and their cost in mental power scale with complexity. The smallest distraction could unravel the created items completely.

"Where did all these things come from?" Red Skull muttered, floating inside the house and gawking at the furniture.

Fanny had arrived to Vormir alone. The armor could be waved away as an unknown technology, but this wooden house and all its furniture were beyond anything technology could explain.

"This is my power," Fanny casually replied. He hadn't cared to tell the Soul Stone about it, but he didn't currently dislike Red Skull.

Red Skull's desire to recruit Fanny into Hydra strengthened as he observed everything around him. He was worried that Hydra would be finished otherwise, even without Steve Rogers. He still had some attachment to that name.

Ars Magna was much stronger outside Earth's confines, but Fanny's creations still cannot last forever. Fanny discovered that they could only last for three hours before disappearing, including the wooden house.

But even so, Fanny was still happy and excited. It was unfortunate that he had no idea how spaceships worked; otherwise, he could just create a spaceship back home to Earth. Though, the duration might be too short even if he knew how to do that.

Fanny didn't have the time to sleep; he continued testing the limits of Ars Magna.

He discovered that a simpler and clearer image could result in easier and longer-lasting creation. And the more he understood the object he was creating, the less energy and effort he would need to manifest it.

Unbeknownst to Fanny, Soul Stone was furious at his carefree test. Even after Fanny used his system for a while, the Soul Stone still couldn't comprehend it.

Clouds suddenly gathered in the perpetual twilight sky, accompanied by thunders. The Soul Stone manifested for the first time in front of Fanny, accompanied by a flash of orange light and an explosive roar.

Red Skull calmly watched all of this from the side. His resistance against irregular events had increased after all the bizarre things that Fanny had done. Forget about Soul Stone; Red Skull felt that he would be able to maintain a straight face if Captain America suddenly appeared.

Fanny wasn't surprised by Soul Stone's appearance either. He simply took a few steps back, vigilantly maintaining his distance.

Curiosity about an Infinity Stone had landed him in this predicament. He would not repeat the same mistake.

"Your body is too weak!"

Fanny had been curious about Soul Stone's intent, but his expression darkened at the sudden insult.

"I'm plenty strong on Earth!" Fanny retorted, although, honestly speaking, his real body was indeed rather weak. He couldn't even withstand bullets. He was above the average of ordinary people, but he was pretty reliant on Demon Armor Incursio.

"Why do you care if my body is weak?!" Fanny asked. Could the Soul Stone be trying to join his side?!

"I don't, really. I just feel that you won't be able to use my power, even if you go through the ritual."

Fanny froze. He realized that all these damned stones were the same. The Space Stone sent him here without rhyme or reason, so how much better could the Soul Stone be? He didn't even want to know what kind of character the Time Stone in Ancient One's hands had.

Fanny had no way of knowing that the six Infinity Stones hardly, if ever, initiated communication with others and displayed their intelligence since their creation.

Fanny was the first being to speak with Soul Stone like this. Even its guardian Red Skull had only ever received commands.

"I don't want to have you either, you damn Stone! Acting all high and mighty!" Fanny said stubbornly.

If it was possible to obtain the Soul Stone without paying a sacrifice, of course, he would take that chance. Only someone that got their brain kicked by Thanos would refuse.

Especially now that he had a problem that the Soul Stone might instantly solve.

The problem of Hulk and Banner's souls!

The Soul Stone commands all aspects of the soul in this universe. If this Infinity Stone could not solve that problem, he might as well give up.

"Your soul has something that does not belong to this universe!" Soul Stone announced the result of its observation, which had only deepened its curiosity.

The Infinity Stones were six singularities that had existed since the creation of the universe. Any existence that they could not understand must have originated beyond or before the birth of the universe.

The Soul Stone determined Fanny's system as exactly that existence!

"Bah! No, it doesn't. Don't talk nonsense!"

Fanny was surprised but not alarmed that Soul Stone had discovered his secret. He calmly denied it. It doesn't matter if it was true or false, as long as he didn't admit it.

He had known that the system superseded the Infinity Stones ever since he tried to cheat with Ancient One's Time Stone. He relied on this fact to deny Soul Stone's accusation, knowing that it could not actually see nor influence his system.

Soul Stone didn't reply. It had no evidence to rebuke Fanny's denial.

"Anyway, we still haven't finished with the compensation talk," Fanny changed the topic, taking advantage of the situation. He didn't want Soul Stone to keep prying his soul.


The soul gem shone with orange light.

"You don't think that I came here voluntarily, right? To this cursed place where a skeleton and a stone fly around instead of birds?"

"But it's not my fault either!" The Soul Stone also felt inexplicably wronged.

"Space sent me here because of you! You're every bit as responsible!"

Fanny glared at the soul gem in front of him, thinking whether to summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon now. The order was a bit messed up, but it shouldn't matter whether it tasted the power of Soul Stone or Space Stone first.

But Fanny decided against it. Learning that these Stones have intelligence made him doubt that Blue-Eyes White Dragon could ever swallow them.

Fanny still had to make Space Stone pay for this transgression. Anyway, Blue-Eyes White Dragon was still a system skill. Just like Demon Armor Incursio, he didn't have to worry too much about it.

"What do you want?" Soul Stone tried to probe for a compromise, setting aside the rules of soul exchange.

"What do you have?" Fanny asked, a little surprised that the Soul Stone would seek to compromise this easily

Soul Stone glowed and angled itself slightly as if pointing at Red Skull.

Red Skull: Me???