Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Soul Gem

Fanny also turned to look at Red Skull, confused. What use would he have for Red Skull?! To find out about people's names and fathers?!

Soul Stone was reluctant to give Red Skull away, as well. It needed a guide to explain the rules to the person who looked for it.

"I have nothing for you!" Soul Stone finally made that surprising statement.

"No, you have something!" Fanny retorted in dissatisfaction. One of the six most rare and powerful stones in the universe, and it can't even offer a proper apology.

"You're too weak to withstand my power, and I can't break my own rules!"

Fanny wanted to deny that statement about him being too weak, but he really couldn't bear the price of using an Infinity Stone.

"Give me your energy!" Fanny finally made the request after deliberating.

The soul gem flashed and replied, "But your body will collapse!"

"Not for me!" Fanny explained. He then summoned Blue-Eyes White Dragon's card and shouted, "My turn, come out! Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"

Red Skull didn't even bat an eye when the mighty and fierce Blue Eyes White Dragon appeared before him. It was a dragon, so what? He didn't care anymore. His expression wouldn't change even if the dragon transformed into a beautiful woman.


Blue-Eyes White Dragon roared softly and rubbed his neck against Fanny.

"Give it your energy!" Fanny said, rubbing the smooth scales of the dragon. He had wanted to feed it Space Stone's power, but switching it to Soul Stone shouldn't be too different.

"Summoning a creature from a picture and giving it a soul, what are you doing?" The Soul Stone seemed to be very surprised by Blue-Eyes White Dragon's appearance. It completely ignored Fanny's words.

"Give it your energy first!"

Of course, Fanny could not say that this was the system's power. He urged the Soul Stone.

"It still can't withstand my power!" Soul Stone replied truthfully. Despite Blue-Eyes White Dragon's mighty appearance, it wasn't really much stronger than Fanny.

"Just try it!" Fanny wasn't worried that Blue-Eyes White Dragon would die because it would just return to its card and begin a cooldown counter.

That was also why he dared to plan on using the Space Stone's energy before; failure wasn't any problem at all.

Fanny's determination, and Soul Stone's own curiosity, made Soul Stone relent. It finally said, "Let it hold me!"

Fanny gave the order to Blue-Eyes White Dragon, which grasped the Soul Stone with great difficulty.

Orange light exploded from the Soul Stone within Blue-Eyes White Dragon's claws, overtaking its own glow. The pure white scales seemed to begin cracking.


Blue-Eyes White Dragon roared loudly, as if in pain, but its body was visibly growing.

Fanny was a little distressed by the sight. He was the one who made the dragon go through all this, but the process felt a little cruel to him.

Just as Fanny was about to tell it to drop the Soul Stone, Blue-Eyes White Dragon's body suddenly emitted a burst of light, then disappeared and returned to the card.

The Soul Stone fell to the ground, but Fanny ignored it and went straight for the card. The second star was almost fully manifested.

But Fanny wasn't that happy with this result. The current Blue-Eyes White Dragon was still too weak to withstand the power of the Soul Stone. It had been able to absorb some energy, but the painful process was worrying.

Fanny frowned and looked at the Blue-Eyes White Dragon card, which was greyed out as unavailable. He then made the card disappear.

"It can absorb energy and evolve!" Soul Stone exclaimed, understanding why Fanny wanted it to give the dragon its energy. "Unfortunately, it was still too weak!"

Fanny only looked back at Soul Stone. He was aware of this problem.

Blue-Eyes White Dragon almost completed the evolution to its second star. His theory was proven workable. The problem was that painful process.

Although Blue-Eyes White Dragon would not really die, Fanny did not want it to evolve in this way.

Fanny then turned to look at Red Skull and asked the Soul Stone, "Other than seeing people's names and lineage, what other ability does he have?"

"Those are the duty I imposed on him!" The Soul Stone replied.

"No, I meant, can he fight with me?" Fanny asked frankly.

He concluded that he didn't have any urgent need to go back home anyway. The Earth wasn't in any danger for now.

Banner had begun to realize that letting Hulk out too often had its drawback. Hulk would grow more used to being the 'front' personality, ultimately resulting in their dynamics being reversed.

In other words, if Hulk was let out too often, it would be Banner who would be summoned according to Hulk's emotion, not the other way around.

After realizing this, Banner begins to reject Fanny's request to call Hulk out to fight, especially since there hasn't been any progress in separating him and Hulk.

As for Skye, she more or less had enough strength just to protect herself. She might even be able to defeat Tony if she could catch him unaware.

The only thing left was Kamar-Taj training and Mordo.

But on Vormir, Ars Magna had no restriction. The experience growth from its usage was enough to make up for Kamar-Taj's training.

If Red Skull, a specter with no need to eat, sleep, or go to the toilet, can become his experience dummy full-time, Vormir would be a perfect experience farm planet!

Fanny could prepare for his seventh skill while he was here. He could also evolve Blue-Eyes White Dragon normally through fried chicken.

If Blue-Eyes White Dragon evolved to withstand the power of Soul Stone, its strength would likely welcome rapid growth.

"Why would you want to fight him? His mission was to guide visitors and explain the rules," Soul Stone asked as if Fanny had grown a second head.

"Can't I feel bored?!" Fanny replied angrily. He then frowned. "Wait, what would happen if someone didn't believe in your rules?"

"Believe it or not, it's their own business!" Soul Stone replied casually.

"So he's just a normal tour guide?!"

Fanny was pretty miffed. He could only continue to practice his skills. The value of Vormir's Experience Dungeon was greatly reduced for him. Maybe he could just wait for powerful aliens to come here?!

But according to what Red Skull had told him during their conversation, it might be decades before another random alien would come to this place.

Soul Stone suddenly spoke again, "I can temporarily bestow him with a corporeal form to accompany you, but that will be the end of this 'compensation' matter."

"You still have to attempt to send me back and continue giving Blue-Eyes White Dragon more energy. That is my term!" Fanny added more conditions just in case.