Six Months

Chapter 126 Six Months?!

Ancient One was already familiar with this kind of thing, so she completely ignored Dormammu's angry roar.

She worked hard to find Fanny's position with magic until she was completely exhausted. She was a little surprised at how much energy she had to expend to find Fanny's general location.

After a little hesitation, Ancient One decided against opening a portal and instead used astral projection to travel the countless galaxies and meet Fanny.

"Master Ancient One!" Fanny was shocked when he saw Ancient One while he was beating up Red Skull. He didn't think twice and sent Red Skull flying before crying to Ancient One, "You're finally here!"

But as he approached Ancient One and noticed her appearance, he exclaimed in shock, "Don't tell me...are you already dead?"

"Thanks to you, I am not." Ancient One smiled. She ignored Fanny's words and instead turned her attention to the scenery of Vormir. "How did you get here?"

"Because of two damned stones!" Fanny said fiercely, "The one that's with you is fine. But when I curiously approached the Space Stone, it sent me here before I knew it!"

Ancient One looked surprised, as if not expecting any of this to happen.

"Master, I cannot open the portal to go back," Fanny quickly asked Ancient One for help. Although he had asked the Soul Stone to help with returning home, it was still more reassuring to ask someone on his side instead of a total stranger.

Ancient One frowned. Vormir was too far away from Earth. Opening such a long-distance portal would be very difficult even for her; she wouldn't use astral projection form to meet Fanny otherwise.

Fanny became a little nervous when he noticed Ancient One's expression. Deciding not to go back and being unable to go back were two very different things.

"Master, could it be that you can't open the portal as well?"

"It is indeed a little troublesome." Ancient One nodded. From her expression, it seemed to be quite the conundrum.

Fanny sighed. He couldn't help but curse at the Space Stone again in his heart. "If you really can't do it, then forget it. The Soul Stone already promised to send me back."

Fanny didn't want to make things difficult for Ancient One. Moreover, debts must be repaid accordingly. He continued, "I also want to train here for a while anyway. There is no need to rush back."

Ancient One was a little surprised. She turned to look at Red Skull not far away and thought for a while before saying, "This planet is basically a dead planet. Lawless and without rules. You would indeed have an easier time grasping Ars Magna here."

Fanny could not help but admire Ancient One's vision. As expected of Sorcerer Supreme, she found out what he wanted to do with a single glance.

"Actually, it's not impossible to bring you back; it would just be dangerous."

The portal must cross through countless galaxies. Even someone of Ancient One's caliber cannot guarantee a safe passage.

She could use astral projection to come this far because it was a spell she was the most proficient in, but bringing Fanny's soul back without his body would not be a viable solution.

Fanny hesitated. He ultimately shook his head. "I don't need to hurry back yet. I would ask for your help if there was absolutely no other way."

Fanny smiled when he saw the look of worry and guilt on Ancient One's face. "Actually, other than boredom, I am doing just fine here. Oh, by the way, please tell my sister not to worry. Just say that I have something important to do, for the time being, let's say, for six months..."

Fanny estimated that Loki's invasion of Earth would happen around that time.

"Also, tell her to deal with the school as well," Fanny suddenly added. He did not want to be expelled from school for an unexplained absence.

"She is actually in Kamar-Taj. I will tell her later." Ancient One nodded. She then sighed and said, "I'm very sorry!"

"Don't be, Master. What do you have to apologize for? I was simply too careless."

Fanny never thought that the Space Stone would whisk him away all the way to Vormir. He thought that the worst outcome would be falling out with Nick Fury and making an enemy of SHIELD.

Actually, if Fanny really wanted to return home, he could tell Ancient One to go to SHIELD, find the Space Stone, and activate it so Soul Stone could bring him back.

But Ancient One was still an Earth-born human. Fanny wasn't sure if Ancient One could activate the Space Stone without being hurt, so he put that plan in the back of his mind. He would only consider that option if he really couldn't stay on Vormir anymore.

He could also wait until Nick Fury's research succeeded in activating the stone, but that was a hopeless outcome. That would basically be waiting until Loki arrives on Earth.

"I will find another way. You be careful."

Ancient One was not an indecisive character. After living for so long, she had seen too many lives coming and leaving her own. Even if Fanny died unexpectedly, she would only be sad for a moment.

"Yeah!" Fanny nodded and watched as Ancient One's figure faded. He sighed; as expected, he needed his own strength.

If he was strong enough, he could go back and forth as he wished. He wouldn't need to wait for help from others.

"Is she your master? Is she also from Earth?"

Red Skull had observed the conversation silently, only coming forward to speak after he saw Ancient One leave. He was essentially a ghost, so he could sense how Ancient One was in the form of a pure soul. He could also see how terrifyingly powerful Ancient One was through the soul alone.

"Yeah, she was Earth's Sorcerer Supreme." Fanny nodded. He cleared his mind and prepared to continue fighting. His path toward strength was exceedingly simple: he only needed to keep fighting.

Red Skull sighed when he saw the worried Fanny. How the hell did Hydra grow over the deep and tumultuous Earth?


"Ancient One!!!"

Ancient One returned to Dormammu's enraged roar. She had borrowed a lot of power this time, so she decided to hold herself back from wandering around in the near future.

Ancient One then followed Fanny's instructions and found Skye.

"I have already found him, but due to some circumstances, I am currently unable to bring him back." Ancient One looked at Skye apologetically and continued, "Fanny told me to tell you not to worry about him. He will return within six months, at most. He also asked you to help deal with the school."

"Six months?!" Skye was stunned. She asked Ancient One anxiously, "Sorcerer Supreme, where is Fanny? Why can't I contact his phone? Please don't lie to me. Did anything happen to him?"

Skye couldn't hold back her tears. She couldn't even begin to imagine how to explain to her parents if something happened to Fanny.

"Don't worry, he will be fine." Ancient One walked towards Skye and patted her head to comfort her emotions before explaining frankly, "He was trapped on a very distant planet, so he could not get in contact and could not come back for the time being."

"Are you saying that he is not on Earth now?"

If the person in front of her was anyone other than the venerable Sorcerer Supreme and Fanny's master, Skye would've suspected that Ancient One was joking.