I... Want...

In the end, Skye chose to believe in Ancient One. She really couldn't think of anything on Earth that could stop Fanny from sending her any message whatsoever.

However, Skye was not the only one who was worried about Fanny. The staff members of Nick Fury's base were also worried sick about Fanny.

"We cannot determine where the energy brought him to!" One of the Tesseract researchers complained in a low voice. The base's laboratory had had its security increased several times. "And it's been more than a week. Even if we find him, would he even still be alive?"

"Lower your voice," Another staff member glared at the man and said in a low voice, "He is Knight of Divine Punishment. He might not even be human under that armor, so he wouldn't need to eat or drink. Why else would the director be adamant about finding his location?"

"Is that so?!" The man felt that this explanation made sense, sighed, and returned to work.

Those two people had no way of knowing, but their conversation had been monitored. Everyone here was being monitored, courtesy of Nick Fury's splurging, in order to prevent more incidents.

"Do you think he is still alive?" Hill suddenly asked Nick Fury, whose expression had not changed.

"I don't know, but I hope he is alive." Nick Fury sighed and seemed to decide something. He then said, "Follow me to the infirmary. I want to do an experiment."

Confused, Hill followed Nick Fury to the infirmary.

"Check my vitals carefully. If you see anything unusual, you knock me out immediately, understand?" Nick Fury solemnly told Hill while lying on the operating table.

"I don't understand what you mean." Hill looked at Nick Fury in confusion while holding a syringe.

"Just do as I say!" Nick Fury did not explain. After connecting the various instruments to monitor his body, he took a deep breath and said to Hill in an unusually slow manner, "I... want... to... tell... you..."


Nick Fury looked nervously at the instruments he hooked on himself. He sighed in relief when he saw there was nothing wrong, though there was a trace of disappointment in his eyes. He continued:

"of Divine..."

His body was still fine.


Nick Fury felt nothing abnormal about his body from beginning to end. He sighed silently after waiting for ten more minutes and then removed all the equipment from his body. He turned at the surprised Hill and barked a command, "Belay all order to find the location of the Knight of Divine Punishment!"

Nick Fury wanted to use the power of Fanny's 'oath' to test whether Fanny was still alive or not. However, he did not know that Fanny was lying to him and that the 'oath' never existed. He falsely concluded that Fanny might be dead already.

But he did not give up entirely. Perhaps the 'oath' was merely limited by distance. He added, "Then arrange a new team to continue the effort."

"Yes!" Hill nodded and then asked curiously, "What were you doing just now?"

"Just checking if his power was still working." Nick Fury didn't elaborate further and issued another order, "Maintain the security of the base and strictly control all personnel entering and exiting the premise. You must not let your guard down."

"But who are we on guard against?" Hill asked with a frown. Strict security and the atmosphere that resulted from it. The human and financial resources to maintain them would be astronomical.

This was a simple research and development base, but it had almost turned entirely into a military base.

"Aliens!" Nick Fury replied, pointing upwards, "He told me that the Cube originally belonged to an alien civilization. They might come to take it back, so I called him over."

If Fanny was here, he would definitely deny it in his heart, "I never said that; it was all your own paranoia!"

"Sir, yes, sir!" Hill responded with a serious expression. Although she often questioned Nick Fury's decisions, she still strictly followed them.

Nick Fury could not stop thinking about Fanny even after leaving the base. He knew that Fanny had a sister; he was hesitating about whether to meet her.

After thinking for a long time, Nick Fury ultimately decided to meet Skye.

His first reason was as the person closest to Fanny, Skye deserved to know what happened. Second, he thought that Skye might have some special method to contact Fanny. After all, he still had no idea about many of Fanny's secrets.

Nick Fury didn't dare to bring any secret agents or delegate the task of going to Fanny's home. He wanted to meet Skye in a different situation, but this might be inevitable considering Fanny's mysterious and unpredictable abilities. He knocked on the door with a heavy heart.

"I'm here!" Skye opened the door and asked in surprise when she saw Nick Fury on the door, "Who are you?"

"Hello, I am Nick Fury, a secret agent from SHIELD," Nick Fury directly revealed his identity. He continued to speak while looking at Skye's vigilant eyes, "I want to talk to you about your brother."

"I'm sorry, I don't know you. Please leave!" Skye looked flustered. She thought that Fanny had been exposed and was now being investigated.

Because Fanny did not want Skye to contact SHIELD for the time being, he had never told her that he had been in contact with SHIELD. Skye knew that he was in contact with the government but not the specific agency.

Nick Fury hurriedly stopped Skye from closing the door. "I am his friend!"

"Do you know each other?" Skye stopped, but she did not believe it easily. She continued, "He is not at home right now; he has something to do. He may not return for a while."

"I came to talk to you about this."

Gears turned within Skye's head. She stared at Fury at the door and asked, "Do you know where he went?"

"Can we go in and talk?" Nick Fury said while looking at Skye through the crack in the door.

A hint of hesitation flashed on Skye's face, and she glanced at the silver bracelet on her wrist. Ultimately, she opened the door and let Nick Fury enter the room.

"Do you want coke?! Orange juice?! Tea?" Skye asked politely in the living room.

"Tea, please!"

Skye took out a bottle of green tea from the fridge and placed it in front of Nick Fury. She then pointed her palm at Nick Fury and asked, "Do you know where Fanny went?"

"I knew where he was ten days ago, but not now!" Nick Fury said while opening the green tea bottle, but he had no chance to drink it.

Skye stood up and asked urgently, "Where did he go?"