Evolve, Blue-Eyes White Dragon!

"Sorry, that is classified!" Nick Fury shook his head and continued, "Actually, I came to ask; do you have any way of contacting him?"

Skye did not answer Fury's question. She instead frowned and asked her own question, "He decided to go and help you, right?"

Nick Fury looked at Skye in surprise, but he nodded and admitted to it.

"In other words, you let him go missing? You even let him leave Earth!" Skye glared at Nick Fury angrily. From what he had said earlier, they seemed to be unable to contact Fanny as well.

"How did you know that?!" Nick Fury lost his own composure and asked while frowning. The base's security should have been at a level where even mosquitoes could not enter or exit easily. He was at a loss for words that the news still leaked nonetheless.

But that seemed to be no problem to Skye. Could she be the reason why Fanny had free access to all kinds of information?!

Suspicion grew in Nick Fury's heart. He carefully sized Skye up.

Nick Fury then realized another possibility. He stared at Skye's face and asked, "You know of his situation. Have you contacted him?"

Skye huffed away silently, but Nick Fury had deduced his answer from her silence.

"He's still alive?!" Nick Fury was a little happy in his heart. Although Fanny's current personality and behavior were uncontrollable, Earth was undeniably better off with his presence. He was somewhat glad that he had come to find Skye. The two indeed shared a special contact method.

"Where is he now? We will rescue him!" Nick Fury urged Skye.

"I don't know. I only know that he is on a distant alien planet." Skye shook her head. Ancient One did not tell her what planet it was, but it didn't really matter. They're all so far away from here.

"How did you contact each other?" Nick Fury asked again. He mentally noted that Fanny had the ability to cross planets.

"We haven't contacted each other!" Skye shook her head again.

Nick Fury frowned. "Please trust me, Miss Helsed. I want him to return just as much as you do."

Nick Fury was being sincere. Fanny's return would mean he didn't have to ask Banner to get into guard duty, saving him a lot of money.

"I really can't contact him. He simply told me that he would eventually return and asked me to take care of his school matters."

Nick Fury was a little surprised to see that Skye wasn't lying; it was just that the subject matter was bizarre.

"How did he inform you?"

"Sorry, no comment!"

Of course, Skye would not reveal about Ancient One. She understood Kamar-Taj's rules. She was not stupid enough to tell a secret agent.

The thought of capturing Skye and interrogating her flashed through Nick Fury's mind, but he immediately perished that thought.

Skye had been able to say that Fanny was on an alien planet. That means despite Fanny's absence and the lack of direct communication, Fanny might still have some fail-safe left behind for Skye.

"So, when will he return?" Nick Fury asked. He had gained more than enough information anyway.

Skye hesitated for a moment before answering honestly, "Maybe in half a year!"

"Half a year?!"

Nick Fury had no idea why this specific amount of time, but neither did Skye.

"Thank you very much for your time, Miss Helsed. If you have any problem or any news about him, you can call me."

Nick Fury left behind a name card with his phone number. This name card also concealed SHIELD's most advanced listening device. Although he did not intend to do anything to Skye for the time being, he needed some contingencies in Fanny's absence.

Unfortunately, Nick Fury did not know that Skye was not an ordinary person. Fanny might not be able to find anything weird about the card,

but Skye was different. Her shock wave ability could sense abnormal vibrations within objects, which she immediately discovered when she touched the card.

"I understand."

However, Skye still took the business card without batting an eyelid. She hadn't told Nick Fury so much information without reason; she wanted him to be cautious. Skye also wanted to grow herself even without Fanny's protection.

Skye performed a deep check on the house after Nick Fury left. Sure enough, she found a bug hidden in a corner.

This was the first time Nick Fury had entered this place, so Skye had no idea when or how he had installed the device.

Meeting Nick Fury made Skye miss Fanny even more.


"What do you think it will become?"

At this time, Fanny watched as Blue-Eyes White Dragon's body glowed.

After ten days of feeding, Blue-Eyes White Dragon had finally completed the 2-star evolution. It was now in the midst of its evolution.

The evolution didn't need a long time; rather, it was completed just after Fanny finished asking, without giving Red Skull any chance to reply.

"It doesn't seem to have changed much," Red Skull commented while looking at the 2-star Blue-Eyes White Dragon, "But it's a lot bigger."

"Yeah!" Fanny responded offhandedly while carefully observing the evolved Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Just as Red Skull had said, its size was much bigger than before.

If it was only the size of a car before, it was at least a medium-sized truck now. Its scales became even brighter white, and although its eyes still lacked life, it was more lively than before.

"Can you speak?" Fanny asked while approaching the evolved Blue-Eyes White Dragon. What he hoped the most was for Blue-Eyes White Dragon to gain intelligence.


Blue-Eyes White Dragon roared as usual. It was unknown whether it said yes or no. Fanny wondered if there were any translation devices on other planets that could translate the dragon language.

After a simple test, Fanny found that the two-star Blue-Eyes White Dragon had not changed much. Other than its body having enhanced stats, it had no new skills.

Fanny was a little disappointed, but not by much. It was only its second star. The Blue-Eyes White Dragon in the anime had at least seven stars, so it should be able to evolve to that level.

Finally, Fanny wanted to test Blue-Eyes White Dragon's most important ability: energy absorption.

Fanny thought about it and decided against summoning the Soul Stone. He thought that while Blue-Eyes White Dragon had evolved, its second star should not allow it to withstand Soul Stone's power.

The test would be to see how much energy that Blue-Eyes White Dragon could absorb at once.

Fortunately, having worried that the miniaturized Arc Reactor would be dangerous to leave at home, he had brought it with him when he went to SHIELD's base. It had also been sent to Vormir with him.

"Come here, try the new dragon food!" Fanny said as he threw the reactor into Blue-Eyes White Dragon's mouth.