You Should Call Him Uncle

Through his stay on Vormir, Fanny's experience bar was almost full. According to his prediction, the bar for the seventh extraction would need another week of training with Red Skull at most.

He didn't expect that he would be pulled back home just before he could extract the seventh skill.

He had wanted to check on Kamar-Taj and find a way to fill the last bit of experience, but Loki had been discovered too quickly. He had no time to go anywhere else that afternoon.

That was why Fanny immediately thought about farming experience points from Thor when Nick Fury told him that the Thunder God was coming.

"I have never seen an alien before. Let me meet this God of Thunder!" Tony immediately stood up. He had always been very interested in Asgard ever since he heard about it.

Captain America frowned when he heard Tony's words. The upright captain had always been prejudiced against Tony. Conversely, after reading the comprehensive information about Asgard, he had a good impression of Thor, the god that had a lover on Earth.

"Stark, we still don't know Thor's objective," Captain America retorted.

"That's why I want to help everyone find out!" Tony didn't have the best impression of Captain America either. He turned to look at Fanny provocatively as if inviting Fanny to go along.

Fanny already considered filling the last bit of the experience bar with Thor, so he accepted the 'provocation.'

He walked to Tony's side and said, "Then I'll go with you. I'll take the responsibility to oversee him!"

Captain America still had respect for Fanny, who he saw as the 'benefactor' that saved his life. More importantly, this matter really did require a resolution.

According to Nick Fury's information and the news on TV, Fanny and Tony were the only two in the room that Captain America knew could fly, and Fanny was probably the stronger between them.

In addition, Fanny's personality was more reliable than Tony, so Captain America had no choice but to agree. "Please be careful!"

Fanny responded by equipping 'Demon Armor Incursio,' surprising the near-invisible Barton again.

Tony's armor was not as convenient, unfortunately. It had been improved countless times, but it would be impossible to catch up to Fanny before nanotechnology developed into maturity.

"Did you save that guy from the ice?" Tony asked Fanny curiously.

"'That guy' you're talking about is a hero of the United States," Fanny explained to Tony with amusement in his eyes. "Nick Fury found the captain in a glacier and asked me to help bring him back through the portal."

"He should've stayed in intensive care, not ordering people here!" Tony pouted, still a little unhappy.

"Speaking of which, he was around as old as your father. You should call him uncle!" Fanny teased Tony with a smile.

"Uncle?!" Tony shivered after imagining that scene. He shook his head. "I'd rather get another round of shrapnel to my heart."

"Have you never thought of taking them out?" Fanny stopped walking to face Tony.

Tony's expression was a little hesitant. In the beginning, he simply didn't have anyone he trusted enough to perform the operation, but now...

He was afraid that the operation would result in failure.

The world could go on without Tony, but it couldn't be without Iron Man. Tony wasn't ready to let anyone else wear that mantle.

He no longer had to worry about palladium poisoning. He lived with a beautiful girlfriend, powerful armor, and generally happy life. He would rather maintain the status quo.

"Do you know a way?" Tony asked, looking at Fanny. If Fanny had a special way to safely remove the shrapnel, all the better.

"No!" Fanny shook his head. At present, none of his abilities could help Tony take out the metal pieces.

He thought of a certain doctor who would abandon the profession. That man should have the skill needed to safely take the shrapnel out of Tony's chest. But considering that man's current personality and obsession with a 100 percent success rate, that man would definitely refuse this operation.

"But maybe you should look for notable Chinese doctors..." Fanny thought of the original plot and suggested.

"Alright!" Tony responded with disappointment. What he really needed wasn't competent doctors but psychological preparation—which he wouldn't need if the surgery was 100% assured to be successful.

Fanny said nothing more. He actually had another suggestion that has a safer way with a higher probability of solving Tony's problem.

That was the 'poor' Wakanda.

Vibranium had advanced the technology in that country by leaps and bounds over the rest of the world. Moreover, Black Panther's sister was a prodigy. It would be trivial for their technology to remove the metal shards from Tony's chest.

But asking for their help would be difficult. Wakanda was a country of extreme isolationism. Forget about Tony; their king would even kill their own people to keep their secrecy.

It's not a problem that could be solved with money, either. The country might look poor from the outside, but from its continued refusal of foreign aid, Tony's money wouldn't be any better for them either.

Thus, Fanny kept that thought for himself for now.

Tony had equipped his combat suit while Fanny was thinking. The two followed Nick Fury's instructions to fly to the target location.

The sky above the helicarrier was covered in dark clouds, and lightning flashed from time to time. Fanny scanned the surrounding airspace, and Nick Fury's voice came from his headset, "The energy reading is still on the rise. Be careful!"

Just as Nick Fury finished speaking, a massive bolt of lightning struck, accompanied by a descending figure.

This was the first time that Fanny had seen Thor. The Thunder God's red cape and golden hair were very conspicuous against the dim sky.

"I got a visual!" Tony had also noticed it. He shouted excitedly into the communication system before activating his propulsion to rush toward Thor.

Fanny followed closely behind him. The dark clouds in the sky began to dissipate with Thor's arrival.

After falling for a while, Thor raised his hammer to slow his descent. He was shocked when he saw Tony rushing at him.

He acted before he could think and slammed Tony with a lightning bolt.

"Energy reserve at 300%!" Jarvis' reported in Tony's suit.

Tony had ceaselessly worked on his anti-Fanny armor research. One of the issues he worked on was to deal with 'Explosion Magic,' and the solution he came up with was improving his Iron Man armor to absorb pure energy.

And electricity was the most common form of energy in modern society!

"Hey, everyone saw that, right?!"

Tony was obviously under no impression that lightning blasts are common greetings in Asgard. After making sure everyone in the communication network saw what happened to justify his own aggression, he fired a blast of energy at Thor!