Before The Seventh Extraction

Surprise entered Loki's face, and dread his heart. He saw a card suddenly appear in Fanny's hand.

"My turn, come out, Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"

The one most shocked by Blue-Eyes White Dragon's sudden emergence was not Loki, but Black Widow.

Western culture regarded dragons as a symbol of fierce power and brutality. Princesses were captured by the evil dragons, and worlds were threatened by the same dragons. In short, the evil dragons' schemes caused all kinds of horrible things.

Therefore, when the massive Blue-Eyes White Dragon appeared, Natasha took a couple steps back in fear.

Loki was not as terrified. Asgard was in charge of the nine realms, so he was no stranger to large creatures. Although, he clearly had not seen Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

The sharp claws and the cold bone spikes on the wings brought a chill to Loki's spine.


Blue-Eyes White Dragon roared, and the small room shook.

Fanny jumped onto Blue-Eyes White Dragon's back. He turned the frightened Black Widow not far away and urged, "Come on, get ready to go!"

Natasha looked at the huge Blue-Eyes White Dragon, then at Fanny. She carefully climbed onto Blue-Eyes White Dragon's back along its tail.


Blue-Eyes White Dragon roared again, making Natasha tremble in fear.

Fanny ignored her and gently comforted Blue-Eyes White Dragon. He reinforced the oxygen bubble around them with 'Ars Magna' and ordered his dragon:

"Destroy this place and fly out!"

Fanny had zero doubt that Blue-Eyes White Dragon could destroy the building they were in. He had already tested its attack and defense after it reached its third star; he was still hesitant to let Blue-Eyes White Dragon defend against heavy attacks, but it didn't matter if the dragon was the one attacking.

Blue-Eyes White Dragon had been able to damage 'Demon Armor Incursio' with its claws. Fanny immediately understood that Blue-Eyes White Dragon's greatest weapon wasn't the 'Burst Stream of Destruction,' but its primitive claws and fangs.

As expected, Blue-Eyes White Dragon tore the specially reinforced room like paper. 'Ars Magna' helped prevent any spark from forming while the metal walls were being ripped apart.

The room was destroyed in the blink of an eye, and Fanny flew to the sky with his dragon.

Loki had a horrendous expression on his face while he watched the events unfold. He had painstakingly prepared all the countermeasures, but he couldn't even hold Fanny for ten minutes.

Blue-Eyes White Dragon let out another roar as it rushed out of the base, its white scales gleaming under the moonlight. The people of the city cried out in alarm when they saw the dragon, frantically trying to capture the scene with their mobile phones.

"Is this a real dragon?" Natasha had accepted the situation up the sky. Her fear had turned into curiosity as she touched the white scales beneath her.

"Of course!" Fanny looked around, looking for Tony and the others. Since Loki had set a trap to ambush him, the god of mischief probably also set a trap for the others.

The communication signal was restored immediately after they left the military base. Nick Fury's angry and urgent voice blasted from Fanny's headset, "Agent Romanov! Helsed! Come in immediately!"

"We're here!" Natasha's face changed. She ignored Blue-Eyes White Dragon and switched focus to the headset, "We were ambushed by Loki just now. We just came out!"

"Thank God you guys are fine." Relief entered Nick Fury's voice. He quickly explained the situation, "The Loki just now was just a fake. He disguised other people as himself. Even Thor had been backstabbed. Also, he stole the helicarrier and controlled Banner!"

Fanny found the location of Tony and the others.

Their battlefield was rather tragic, unlike the clean victory Fanny scored in the base. There were fire and craters everywhere; it was as if the entire place had been bombed.

Fortunately, they were not ordinary people, so they only looked a bit bitter but otherwise alright. Hawkeye, the weakest among them, must have found a secluded place to snipe from afar.

Tony and Captain America upped their vigilance when they saw Blue-Eyes White Dragon; they didn't notice that Fanny was on top of the dragon, thinking that it was another attack sent by Loki.

They only reacted after Fanny flew down from Blue-Eyes White Dragon with Black Widow in his arms.

"This is the little pet you're talking about?!" Tony and Fanny had discussed seeing Fanny's pet just before the mission started, so Tony immediately connected the dot.

"As you can see!" Fanny shrugged. He then turned to Thor, who was being supported by Captain America. "What happened to you?"

"We were ambushed." Captain America was covered in dirt and had an ugly expression. "Loki attacked Thor while distracting him with conversation. He then launched a missile against us."

Fanny looked at Thor's bleeding waist speechlessly. "You knew that he is sinister and cunning. How could you not anticipate an ambush?"

"He was still my younger brother!" Thor had a sad expression on his face, as if he still couldn't believe that he had been betrayed.

A Quinjet landed near them while they were talking. Nick Fury stepped down from the plane and assessed the situation, staring long and hard at Blue-Eyes White Dragon. He then asked Fanny,

"When did you get a dragon?"

"None of your business!" Fanny rolled his eyes. He then frowned as he turned back at the group of people that Loki had thoroughly beaten. He asked Nick Fury, "How did Loki know about the plan?"

"There is a traitor in the helicarrier. He had been feeding intel to Loki." Nick Fury sighed. He already sensed something abnormal within SHIELD last year, but he didn't expect that it would cause such massive damage.

Fanny was also kicking himself. He had become too conceited. The recent burst of growth made him think that he could defeat Loki.

"What is our next course of action?" Black Widow broke the silence. She and Fanny were the only one present that was in their best condition. Even Nick Fury had visible injuries.

"Chase after him and retake the helicarrier!" Nick Fury surveyed the survivors and set his eyes on the spotless Fanny. He then said, "Before I left, I noticed that Loki had controlled Banner. Are you confident that you can handle the Hulk if he appears?"

"Why don't we give it a try?" Fanny replied indifferently. Other than the SHIELD staff, everyone present could probably exchange blows with Hulk.

Thor seemed to be injured, but Asgardian possessed an incredible healing factor. The Thunder God should be able to recover in no time. Captain America's tenacity might not help him defeat Hulk, but he should be able to delay the green giant for a while.

Tony and Banner had researched the 'Hulk Buster Armor' for quite a while. It was unknown how far they had come, but they probably wouldn't fare worse than Captain America.

But all of them could only delay and hold Hulk back. It would be almost impossible for them to subjugate an enraged Hulk—not even Thor.

The same could be said for Fanny, but he was the most familiar with Hulk, so he might last the longest.

Before that, though, he still had a higher priority. His idle practice in the Quinjet had paid off: the system's experience bar was finally full.

He could now extract the seventh skill!