The Seventh Extraction

However, he couldn't perform the extraction in this situation. He didn't strictly need to bathe and wash his body, but he would need a calmer mind to use 'Ars Magna.'

"Eat this and rest first!" Fanny sighed and summoned a few fried chicken pieces, distributing them among the injured crew.

Everyone was surprised when Fanny suddenly handed over the fried chicken wraps, but they didn't refuse the good intention, especially Thor. The Thunder God practically inhaled the fried chicken after taking the first bite. He then asked shyly, "Do you have more?"

Fanny was already aware of this side of Thor. He recalled how plump Thor would become after Thanos performed the snap in the original plot and handed two more fried chickens to Thor.

Look at how little Asgard was feeding the Thunder God!

The light healing effect of the 'Sumire Karaage Rolls' was rather weak and gradual, but it still helped the team to get up to snuff.

Under normal circumstances, 'Sumire Karaage Rolls' were simply exceptionally delicious food with a euphoric effect. But the group was all injured at the moment, so they immediately noticed its additional power.

"This thing can stop bleeding?" Nick Fury asked Fanny, looking around at the people eating around him. He was the least injured in the group, so the change to his body was most apparent.

"It was only speeding up your recovery!" Fanny casually explained.

Thor hadn't eaten the fried chicken wrap before now, so he had no resistance to its taste. He ate the two that Fanny gave him at the same time, one in the right hand and one in the left. He asked Fanny through his full mouth, "How on Earth did you make this? Why is this so delicious?"

"Magic!" Fanny stared at Thor. He had to admit that an Asgardian's physique was much stronger than an ordinary human's. Thor had suffered the most injuries, but after only eating 'Sumire Karaage Rolls,' the Thunder God had recovered faster than anyone.

Of course, it probably also had to do with eating faster than anyone.

Captain America looked at the exchange and was reminded of the recipe that Fanny had told him. He suddenly felt that the gift was rather heavy, though he knew that the fried chicken that he cooked would not have the same effect.

After they finished eating, the group gathered around Nick Fury, prepared to continue their hunt for Loki.

"What should we do with it?" Nick Fury asked Fanny while looking at Blue-Eyes White Dragon. He had just received the full report about Natasha and Fanny's escape, including how Blue-Eyes White Dragon had appeared. "Can you return it?"

Everyone in the group was curious about the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, including Thor. The Asgardian had never seen any creature quite like the Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

The astonishingly delicious taste of 'Sumire Karaage Rolls' had distracted them for a while, but after they finished eating, they finally turned their attention back to Fanny.

Fanny pondered for a bit. They were preparing to go chase after Loki, so the huge and conspicuous Blue-Eyes White Dragon would be a hindrance. It wouldn't be much help against Hulk either, so under the stunned gazes of everyone else in the group, he returned the dragon into card form.

"Is this also magic?" Thor asked in a daze, his jaw on the floor.

"Yes!" Fanny replied without hesitation. He could not talk about the system, so he handwaved everything with the word "magic." It suited his identity as a mage better, anyway.

"I knew it; Loki slacked on his magic lessons," Thor muttered softly, although he didn't think that Asgard had anything close to this kind of magic.

Tony was a simple man. When he saw the mysterious card in Fanny's hand, there was only one thing on his mind: "Can you let me study it? Just tell me your price!"

Captain America was only recently resurrected from his icy resurrection, so he could only depend on context clues to guess that this wasn't a common situation. But instead of being shocked, he felt happy that he wasn't left out as the one not used to the changes in the world.

Nick Fury observed Fanny carefully. Every secret that Fanny had revealed only confused him even further. There was also that matter about spending half a year on an alien planet...

Nick Fury felt that he wouldn't even bat an eye if Fanny whipped out an orbital mass driver cannon from his crotch.

Nick Fury had only been able to grab Hill and a few other agents on the Quinjet to escape the helicarrier. The rest of the crew was still onboard with Loki.

Fanny found a corner and sat down. He acted like he was resting, meditating for the skill extraction. The rest of the group also quietly found their own corner to rest and nurse their injuries, steeling themselves for the upcoming battle.

Half an hour later, Fanny finished focusing himself. He quietly let out a deep breath and prepared to start the extraction.

Before starting the extraction, he suddenly recalled his previous skills.

He had obtained six skills from the system. The first one had been obtained when he was still much too ignorant and naive, the 'Ars Magna.'

His own high expectation had led him to be disappointed with the second skill extraction, but that skill now had become his strongest weapon, the 'Sumire Karaage Rolls.'

He had been thinking about Iron Man's debut while extracting his skills, as well as the wave of changes that would follow. He was anxious and uneasy with his inability to protect himself, and he drew 'Demon Armor Incursio.'

That very armor had been a massive turning point in his life.

Right after extracting 'Demon Armor Incursio,' he had met Ancient One, joined Kamar-Taj, and obtained the Mordo Experience Dummy—as well as the inexplicable nickname Silver Knight.

His extraction pace had risen sharply after that.

The fourth skill that he drew was 'Sky Dance.' It was simply a flight ability, but it was a crucial power to have.

The fifth skill, 'Explosion Magic,' complemented his strong defense with a powerful offense. The Silver Knight was reborn as the Knight of Divine Punishment.

The sixth ability, 'Blue-Eyes White Dragon.' In his journey to find dragon food, he had tried to contact the Tesseract, but was instead sent to outer space to accompany a ghost for half a year.

These six skills had made Fanny rather powerful. At least on Earth, people and things that could harm him were few and far between.

Even if he stopped extracting skills now, honing and improving his current abilities would be more than enough to stop Thanos from snapping fingers in the future.

However, Fanny could not help but reach for any chance to become stronger. That's why he had continued to farm experience points and extract skills.

None of the six skills were the same as each other, and all of them were nothing like what Fanny expected.

This kind of uncertainty made it impossible for him to guess what skill the system would extract, including this time. Experiencing it six times wasn't enough to calm his nerves for the seventh.

The system menu was activated in the first second.

In the second, with bonuses activated, the extraction began.

In the third second, the extraction was over.

His movements were smooth and practiced.

Fanny's heart finally calmed down right before he saw the result. He wouldn't complain even if he got another cooking skill.

Even when expecting the unexpected, Fanny was still surprised by the seventh skill.

"Breathing Styles"

Source: "Demon Slayer"

Description: "A technique devised by humans to fight against the demons!"

Fanny vaguely recognized the name of the anime, but he had long forgotten about its contents. He was surprised by the skill's description; he silently wondered whether demons existed in the Marvel universe.

The name of the skill had led Fanny to think that the skill was related to breathing, so he wanted to see the effect while flying. But then he realized that the use of the word 'demon' instead of 'spirit' probably didn't mean something like Sadako or Kayako like he had imagined.

This was actually a skill that greatly improved the physical ability!