3. Dream a Little Dream of Me

I'm back with an update! I am glad you guys liked the last chapter and are enjoying the plot of this story. I will give you a warning THIS CHAPTER IS A STRONG M. MATURE READERS ONLY. They won't all be like this, but this chapter is. Just be advised.


Jay sat reclined in the bed flipping channels on the TV plastered on the wall. He sighed as he hit the buttons on the remote trying to find anything that would peak his intrest. He made his way through the channels before deciding on "Jurrassic Park"

He turned the bedside light off and his attention turned toward the bathroom door opening and his partner stepping out in her silk nightgown. Jay's gaze followed Erin as she put her dirty clothes away and walked over to the mirror and started brushing her hair.

"Stop being a perv, Halstead" Erin held Jay's gaze in the mirror and smiled as she watched him look away.

Jay turned his gaze back to the TV and rolled his eyes "Sorry, I just wanted to get a good look at the person who's responsible for using up all the hot water on board a 600 passenger ship"

Erin rolled her eyes and sat her brush down on the vanity before turning to look at her partner. "Says the man who secretly gets massages he thinks nobody else knows about"

Jay's head whipped around "Excuse me?"

Erin stood up from her chair and walked over to her side of the bed "Oh, you didn't know I knew that? Yeah, Ruzek told me all about your secret trips to the massage parlor"

Jay shook his head "Yeah? well did Ruzek also tell you he's got a death wish?"

Erin pulled the covers on her side of the bed back and quickly looked at Jay who was sleeping clad in a pair of boxer shorts and nothing else.

"Please, like you'd ever do anything to hurt your boyfriend" Erin sat down on the bed and pulled the covers up over her legs before settling back against the pillows.

"Ruzek doesn't know anything about me. Maybe I don't go for the massages. Maybe I just like Happy Endings" Jay raised an eyebrow as he looked over at his partner.

"You're sick" Erin shook her head and looked at the clock. "What time are we supposed to meet with Dawson and Onlinsky?"

Jay looked at the clock and said "We're supposed to meet them at 8 in the morning. The ship is supposed to have a day at sea, so it should be another day of gambling for Mike Lane. We won't have any ground coverage until Monday when the ship docks on port for the day"

Erin nodded and yawned as she rolled over on her side "I'm going to hit the gym in the morning. Are you going to come with me?"

Jay shook his head "No thanks. I don't think this ship gym can keep up with my training"

"Said like someone who knows they'd get their ass kicked in the gym with me" Erin replied as she pulled the covers up around her shoulder.

"Lindsay, I can kick your ass anytime...anywhere. And I can't believe you're going to bed already. I mean if we're playing the part...this is our honeymoon. Shouldn't you treat me to a wife duty?" Jay asked touching Erin gently on the shoulder.

Erin turned her head to look at Jay "Aw. what did you have in mind?"

Jay raised an eyebrow and smiled "Is this the kind of treatment that you gave Severide? You must be a horrible "Scrabble" player"

Erin rolled her eyes for the 100th time that night and looked at her partner "Halstead, you should be so lucky. For your information, when I play "Scrabble" I play all night"

"Well, since I'm technically your "husband" you should consider giving me a game" Jay leaned closer to Erin and she shook her head before rolling out of the way.

"Keep on your side of the bed, Halstead. Anything I feel of yours around me, I will cut off" Erin felt Jay roll back on his back.

"Invitation is always open for you Lindsay" Jay smiled as he heard Erin sigh.

"I'll keep that in mind, Halstead"


Erin stirred in the early morning sun. She could feel Jay's breath against her ear and she sighed softly, cuddling closer to him. He shifted in his sleep, nuzzling her ear and mumbling something incoherent as his arms tightened around her a little.

She opened her eyes and looked at his sleeping face, smiling slightly at the look she found there. He looked peaceful and childlike in his sleep, a goofy, contented smile on his face.

Erin lifted her hand and brushed her fingers over his face softly and he sighed in his sleep, like he knew she was touching him, and his face relaxed slightly.

She kissed the spot over his heart, feeling the steady beat of it under her lips as she heard him mumble her name softly.

She felt his cock twitch against her thigh and she smiled. Never doubt Jay to be raring to go first thing in the morning. He would certainly keep her on her toes if they were to be together or if it were entirely up to him, he'd keep her on her back.

Erin giggled to herself as she tried to resist the urge to reach down and slide her hand into his boxers, but it just became too much of a temptation.

Her fingers slowly traveled over his stomach, through the thin line of hair there, and slid under the elastic of his boxers as Jay shifted again but didn't wake up.

Erin sighed as she wrapped her fingers around him and he twitched and grew harder beneath her fingers. She stroked him gently from base to tip and his hips jerked slightly.

Erin kissed his chest softly before moving gently out of his embrace, her hand slipping from beneath his boxers.

He rolled onto his back, his now raging erection pressing prominently against the soft fabric of his cotton boxers.

Erin scooted down on the bed, tossing the light sheet to the floor. She slipped her fingers under the waistband of his boxers and slid them down over his hips, his erection popping free, bobbing in anticipation.

Jay mumbled and shifted again, giving Erin just the opportunity she needed to slide his boxers lower and down his legs. She slipped them off and settled herself between his thighs.

Erin blew on his cock softly and watched it jump in reaction. She giggled softly before she lowered her mouth to him, taking his head between her lips, her tongue swirling around the tip as she began sucking him softly. His hips instinctively arched off the bed as she took him further in her mouth, the heat of her mouth causing him to begin throbbing.

She pulled back and blew softly on him again, her cool breath against his hot skin, causing him to jump again. She swirled her tongue over the soft head and down the underside of his shaft.

Jay moaned in his sleep and Erin smiled, loving how much she affected him even in his sleep and she took him deep in her mouth again. She wrapped one hand around his base as she sucked him harder, her tongue flicking against him as her lips slid up and down.

Jay's eyes fluttered open and he moaned again gutturally as he reached down to bury his fingers in Erin's silky hair.

"Erin?". He whispered sleepily as he looked down to see her head bobbing up and down on him. His hips bucked against her and he groaned as he gently caresses the back of her head. The feel of her lips on his achingly hard member was like heaven.

"Erin". He said again, his voice husky as he felt himself getting closer to the edge.

Erin smiled around him and she sped up her motions.

Jay felt the telltale tightening in his balls and his hips arched high off the bed as he groaned loudly, coming into her mouth in heated spurts, his entire body shaking. Jay fought to slow his breathing as his hips lowered to the bed, his legs trembling as they relaxed.

Erin swallowed every last drop and licked him clean, her tongue gently swirling around him as he softened.

"Erin" He whispered her name again reverently as she kissed a gentle path over his stomach to his chest. Jay wrapped his arms around her, burying his head in her hair and sighed.

"Good morning" he mumbled softly into her neck

Erin pressed closer to him as he turned his body to face her.

She looked at him and smiled "Good morning".

Jay's brow furrowed as he looked at her "What are you doing to me?"

Her fingers gently covering his lips interrupted him. "I know you'd never hurt me. I just needed awhile to feel safe with someone. I really want to be with you"

Jay kissed her fingers softly, his tongue slipping out to tickle the tips of her fingers. Erin giggled and Jay felt his heart leap in his chest at the sound. He took one between his lips and sucked it gently.

Erin's eyes darkened with desire and Jay's mirrored hers as his other hand gently drew small circles on her stomach. He wanted desperately to touch her but he wasnt sure if she was ready.

Erin saw the hesitation in his eyes and she leaned forward to kiss him, taking his hand in hers and guiding it down into the small scrap of silk she wore. Erin lifted her leg over his hip, giving him better access as his fingers willingly found her ready.

Jay moaned softly into her mouth and his cock jumped and began to harden again at just the feel of her beneath his fingers. His fingers danced over her swollen flesh as Erin closed her eyes and moaned softly, arching her hips toward him.

Jay deepened the kiss as he rolled toward her, his rapidly returning erection pressing against her thigh. Erin pressed closer to his hand, urging his fingers to move lower as she scraped his nipple gently with her nail.

Jay's tongue explored the crevices of her mouth, her sweet taste intoxicating him. Erin opened her mouth wider, her tongue fighting his for dominance as she let him fill her senses completely.

Erin's hand slid over his stomach, his muscles quivering under her soft touch. She wrapped her fingers around his throbbing cock, her thumb sweeping over the tip, spreading the moisture she found there.

Jay pulled his mouth away as he fought to steady his breath, his fingers delving deeper and deeper into her body, and he struggled to open his eyes.

"Erin" He panted softly as his fingers continued to assault her tender flesh, Erin's hips moving in the same rhythm as his fingers.

"Are you sure?"He asked breathlessly.

Erin nibbled his bottom lip as she stroked him harder and she watched his face as he fought to maintain control. She loved him even more for the way he resisted his own urges to make sure she was ready.

"Jay, I want this. I need this" She whispered against his lips as he traced the outline of her lips with his tongue.

Jay looked into her eyes and saw love and trust. There was no fear in her eyes. He became overwhelmed with his love for her and his breath caught in his throat.

"You can control it Erin. Whatever you want and nothing more" Jay struggled with the words as Erin continued to stroke him, bursts of pleasure rippling through him from head to toe.

Erin grinned like a Cheshire cat as she rose to her knees. She bit his bottom lip gently before pulling away from the kiss and his fingers slipped from her. She pushed the silk bottoms covering her down her thighs and off her legs. She slid her tongue into his mouth as she pushed him onto his back and straddled him in one smooth move.

She moaned into his mouth as she settled herself on his waist trapping his hard cock between them. Jay buried his fingers in her hair and he plundered her mouth, stealing her breath.

Erin slid slowly along his length coating him with her moisture as Jays hips bucked up against her and he bit her tongue gently.

Erin pulled away from his lips and sat back, circling her hips against him, teasing him mercilessly.

His eyes darkened as his fingers ached to grab her hips, lift her and impale her on his throbbing cock, but he was afraid to go too fast. He didn't want to rush this. As much as he wanted to flip her over and drive into her over and over, until neither once of them could breath, he held back and let her set the pace.

Erin could sense he was holding back and rose on her knees. Jay's cock popped up, his head nestled at her entrance and Erin leaned forward to kiss his chest. She kissed a path up to his neck and gently nibbled on the skin of his throat.

Her tongue swirled along his throat and up and over his chin as Jay kept his hands at his sides, his fingers fisting involuntarily.

He opened his mouth under hers and she whispered against his lips.

"Jay, please touch me"

His hands lifted to her face and he cupped her cheeks as he held her gaze.

"I love you, Erin"

Erin sat up straight up as Jay's hands fell from her face and rested on her thighs and Erin lowered herself slowly onto him, taking his throbbing flesh into her body inch by glorious inch. He filled her completely and Erin closed her eyes as her body adjusted to him.

A strangled moan escaped from Jay's lips and his eyes rolled back in his head at the feeling of her wet velvet walls surrounding him. His hands settled on her hips gripping her gently.

Erin's head fell back as she began to move against him, rising up on her knees and then lowering herself back down slowly.

Erin's eyelids fluttered as she focused on the feeling of Jay beneath her and inside her. Jay's hands rose to cup her breasts, his thumbs sweeping over her them. Erin threaded her fingers through her hair and she moaned as Jay, unable to hold back any longer, thrust up into her forcefully.

Erin leaned over him, her breasts grazing his chest as she kissed him deeply. Jay's hand nestled in her hair and he moaned into her mouth as her body shook with the force of her rocking.

Erin whimpered softly before pulling her lips away to sit upright. She leaned back and rested her hands on his thighs as she rocked harder, taking him as deep inside her as he would go. She needed this nothing mattered right now. Not the mission, not Voight, nothing except the man in bed with her.

Needing to taste her again, Jay sat up, his lips clamping over her neck. Erin lifted her hands and buried them in his short hair, holding him captive against her.

Erin kissed the top of his head as she whispered his name and Jay fell onto his back, taking her with him. Jay's hand slid over her sweat slicked skin and rested on her thighs again as he continued to gently bite and sooth her neck with his tongue..

"Jay". She panted as she felt her orgasm quickly approaching and she sat back up, needing the leverage to propel her over the edge.

She grabbed his hand and entwined their fingers as his side. Jay felt her walls contracting around him and that was all it took to send him crashing over the edge. A guttural moan tore from his lips as he exploded inside her as Erin shuddered around him.

Jay grabbed her hips again, holding her steady as he pulsed inside her. Erin leaned forward and collapsed on top of him, her harsh breath tickling the skin of his neck and Jay wrapped his arms around her, holding her gently.

They lay together, as they caught their breath, their heartbeats slowing. Jay placed soft kisses on her forehead and Erin lifted her face up to look at him. He kissed her full and deep as he murmured into her mouth.

"I love you, Erin".

Erin opened her eyes and smiled at him, her watery eyes shining with the love and trust she felt.

"I love you too, Jay"


Jay's eyes shot open, his breath coming out in harsh pants as he propped himself up on his elbows. He ran a hand through his hair and looked over at the empty space on the bed next to him. The early morning sun rays shown through the gaps in the curtain and he shook his head trying to get the memory of his dream out of his mind. He rolled his head back and groaned as he felt his cock throbbing against the front of his boxers. He heard the key to the door open and struggled to get out of bed and shut the bathroom door just as the door to the suite opened.

"Jay?" Erin said knocking softly on the door.

"Yeah?" Jay called as he turned the shower on.

"I just wanted to make sure you were ok. We have to meet Olinsky in an hour" Erin took a drink of her water bottle and ran zipped her work out jacket up around her.

"Yeah..."Jay said rubbing his eyes "Yeah...I'm just getting ready"

Erin nodded and ran her hand over the door. She walked over to the bed and sat down. She laid back against the blankets and looked up at the ceiling. Should she wanted to ask Jay who he was dreaming about this morning when she left for the gym, but she didn't know if her heart would take the disappointment of knowing it might not be about her. Why did things need to be so complicated between her and Jay? Why couldn't she just love Kelly Severide?

Everything with Severide made sense and on paper they were perfect. That's what her head said, but her heart...damn that heart of hers. It just wouldn't listen to what her mind was screaming for it to hear.


Well, I hope that you guys liked the chapter...Like I said, if there's something you'd like to see happen. Just drop it in the comments and I'll try to add it into the story. Hope it wasn't too intense for you. I kinda felt like I owed you guys a little bit of "Scrabble" even if it was only dream "Scrabble". Thanks again for the reviews. You guys rock!