4. To Make You Feel My Love

Hi guys! I have to say, I'm pretty happy that you guys like Linstead "Scrabble" even though it was a dream. Just stick with me, I promise that there will be real "Scrabble" soon. I have so many ideas for this story, so I hope that you guys are liking it enough for me to continue.

A/N: I do not own any rights to the song "To Make You Feel My Love" by Garth Brooks.


Jay sat at the breakfast table on the main deck with Erin. His sunglasses covered his tired eyes as he yawned. He looked over at Erin who was picking at her barely eaten breakfast.

"You really should eat more than that" Jay said. Breaking the comfortable silence that the two had been sitting in.

Erin shrugged her shoulders and laid her fork down "I'm not really hungry"

Jay sighed and took his sunglasses off and placed them on the table before looking back at Erin. "Erin, really? I'm not Voight and I'm not going to argue with you. But, you hardly touched your dinner last night and now you're not eating your breakfast. Eat something"

Erin rolled her eyes in classic fashion and picked up a piece of her toast and took a bite of it. "Happy now?" She asked

Jay leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms "What's going on with you? Severide have you on a diet?"

Erin looked over at Jay and laughed "Not everything in my life is about Kelly Severide"

"Could've fooled me" Jay murmured his eyes scanning the dock for Mike Lane.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Erin asked starting to get pissed.

Jay shook his head and narrowed his eyes at Erin "You know what it means"

Erin shoved her chair out and stood up "Yeah? well next wet dream you have, keep with the tradition and go fuck yourself"

Jay watched as Erin stormed off and he silently cursed to himself and shoved his breakfast plate away before folding his arms onto the table and laying his head on top of them.

"Trouble in paradise?" a voice said from the behind him.

Jay lifted his head up and looked at Mike Lane standing next to him.

"Something like that" Jay said sitting all the way back up.

Mike pulled a chair out and sat down. "Can I give you some advice?"

Jay shrugged his shoulders and said "Sure"

"Your wife seems like a smart ass. And you know what you do with smart asses?" Lane ran his hands down the legs of his cargo shorts.

Jay raised an eyebrow and said "What? Deal with it?"

Mike Lane laughed and shook his head "You're funny. No, you need to put her in her place"

Jay looked at the man sitting next to him and reached for his sunglasses. "You want me to beat my wife?"

Mike nodded and said "That's the only way to keep women in line"

Jay's temper started to rise as the thought of any man laying his hands on a woman, especially Erin flashed through his mind. It took him everything he had not to break his cover. So, he took a deep breath and looked at Mike.

"Thanks for the advice, but I don't think I will be abusing my wife" Jay narrowed his eyes at Lane and pushed his chair out before standing up.

"Was it something I said?" Lane asked as he watched Jay stand "Didn't really mean for you to run off"

Jay pushed his chair in and turned to look at Mike. "No, I just don't want the wife too pissed. It is my honeymoon and all"

Mike Lane watched Jay walk away and he took a drink of his own coffee "If you don't want to put the bitch in line, I will"


Jay used his card to go into Olinsky and Dawson's room. He saw Erin sitting at the table with Dawson going over the notes that they had on Lane and his accomplices.

"Voight and the rest of the team are going to be on port tomorrow when we dock. We are going to attempt the take down then" Dawson explained as the team viewed the tapes of the vault worker slipping blank checks out of the sleeves and handing them to Mike Lane.

"Do you think this is going to be trouble with bringing them back to the US?" Erin asked looking through the notes on Lane.

"Extradition plans are already being put into place" Olinsky said looking up from the video cameras of security footage.

Jay looked at Olinsky and said "What do we know about the dealer at the black jack table?"

Olinsky looked back at the security footage and said "Suspect is a 23 year old man. His name is Kyle Smith, originally from South Carolina. His record is clean, just seems like a young kid caught up with the wrong crowd"

Jay glanced down at Erin who kept her eyes on the paperwork in her hands before he looked over at Dawson. "What about the vault worker?"

Dawson raised his arms over his head, stretching his arms over his head "Vault worker is named David Lewis, he's from Texas and other than a few speeding tickets and a citation for Failure to Yield he has no other priors"

Erin said "Is there a common link on how the 3 have found each other?"

Dawson and Olinsky were both silent before Dawson spoke up "We think they all crossed paths in Detroit. Smith was a student in Detroit and Lewis has a speeding ticket from just outside of Detroit"

Jay closed his folder and tossed it down on the desk "Is there anything on Lane and being in trouble for assault?"

Dawson shook his head "Nothing that we ever saw. Why do you ask?"

Jay looked at Erin before looking at Dawson "No reason, he was just trying to feed me some bull shit earlier"

Olinsky stood from his seat and walked over to the table where the other three were sitting. "Just trying to scare you probably"

Erin nodded "He's just more and more twisted every day"


Later that evening Jay and Erin were sitting on the deck after having dinner. Mike Lane was at the bar talking to a group of girls who were hanging on his every word. Erin scoffed and took a drink of her wine before setting it back down on the table.

Jay looked at her, taking a drink of his beer and said "He's unbelievable"

Erin shook her head "I don't understand why girls like that see in guys like him. All they do is lie to get into your bed and your heart"

Jay kept his gaze on Erin and sat his beer down "Is something bothering you?"

Erin sat back in her chair and folded her arms "Yeah, the thieving Casanova at the bar"

Jay motioned the waitress over and asked for another glass of wine for Erin and a beer for him. "I owe you an apology"

Erin looked away from Lane and over at Jay "For what?"

Jay looked at her and said "This morning. I shouldn't have busted your balls about Severide. If you two are a serious thing, than I apologize"

Erin looked down at her glass of wine before looking over at her partner. "There is no me and Severide. There hasn't been for awhile"

Jay couldn't help the feeling of hope that radiated of him. "I'm sorry"

Erin shrugged her shoulders and took another drink of wine "I shouldn't have told you to go fuck yourself. I took advantage of an embarrassing situation for you and that was wrong"

Jay laughed to himself and said "Yeah"

Erin smiled as the tension between the two completely faded away. She didn't know if it was the two and a half glasses of wine she'd drank, but she wasn't exactly feeling shy right now. "I only knew because I was getting ready for the gym"

Jay nodded and took another drink of his beer. "It's not the first dream I've ever had about her"

Erin felt her heart drop to her stomach "Is it your bartender friend?"

Jay shook his head and his gaze met Erin's "No. It's not her"

Erin held Jay's gaze and said "Anyone I know?"

Jay smiled and said "We're not drunk enough for me to tell you that"

Erin laughed and looked over at the band who had been playing since she and Jay had came on deck after dinner. "Will you dance with me, Halstead?"

Jay sighed and looked over at the couples dancing and then back to Erin. "I guess I could find the time, Lindsay"

"Well, gee thanks" Erin said sitting back in her chair.

Jay stood up and reached his hand down to Erin. "I'm so very sorry, "Mrs. Halstead" Jay said giving her a wink "Would you please dance with me?"

Erin looked over at Mike Lane who was still talking to his group of admiring women and then back at Jay. "Since you asked so nicely, yes"

Erin took Jay's hand and stood up. The two made their way through the small crowd on the dance floor until the find an open spot. Jay wrapped his arms around Erin's slender frame and she wrapped hers around his neck as they started to sway to the music.

When the rain is blowing in your faceAnd the whole world is on your caseI could offer you a warm embraceTo make you feel my love

A warm breeze had set in for the night and the stars blanketed the dark sky as the young partners danced to the song. Erin closed her eyes and she moved closer to Jay and rested her head against his chest as she breathed in his cologne.

When the evening shadows and the stars appearAnd there is no one there to dry your tearsI could hold you for a million yearsTo make you feel my love

Jay ran his hands around Erin's back as he danced with her. He looked down at the silver band that was on his left hand and he couldn't deny the sadness he felt knowing that he was going to have to take it off soon. He wished like hell it was a real band. He understood Hank Voight had his rules but, what he felt for his partner was beyond anything he'd ever felt for another woman in his entire life. It was more than just a partnership, he knew if it came down to it he'd lay his life down for Erin Lindsay without a second thought. "Erin?" he whispered.

I know you haven't made your mind up yetBut I would never do you wrongI've known it from the moment that we metNo doubt in my mind where you belong

Erin pulled her head back and looked up at Jay. She looked into his eyes and was met with his soft gaze. "Yeah?"

Jay took a shaky breath and closed his eyes. "I really don't even know how to tell you this. And God knows I probably shouldn't. The dream was about you. Most of my dreams are. I know that there's so many reasons that whatever this is between us wouldn't and couldn't work. My mind knows that...my heart, it's a real son of a bitch because it's a fixed point and it's always with you"

I'd go hungry, I'd go black and blueI'd go crawling down the avenueThere ain't nothing that I wouldn't doTo make you feel my love

Erin's gaze never left Jay's as he spoke to her. It was like time was frozen. One of those moments where she knew the next few moments would forever change the path of her life. "Jay..."

The storms are raging on the rollin' seaDown on the highway of regretThe winds of change are blowing wild and freeBut you ain't seen nothing like me yet

Jay's gaze held Erin's he sucked in a silent breath mentally preparing his mind and his heart for the rejection he knew he was about to receive. He couldn't blame her though. What could he possibly offer Erin? She could have such a future with Kelly Severide, he was the real stability that Erin needed, someone that he knew Hank Voight would approve of. He knew his heart would need time to recover, but he'd always stick by Erin. No matter what. "You don't have to say anything Erin"

There's nothing that I wouldn't do

Go to the ends of the earth for you

Erin shook her head and Jay took it as a note to stop talking "When I was 16, I wasn't sure where my life was going to end up. Girl with a junkie mother and a father in jail doesn't exactly spell out a bright future. When I met Hank Voight, he saw past that. He saw what he knew I could be. He saved me. When I met you, I felt like that 16 year old girl again. I didn't want to let you in, I didn't want to be that girl who was vulnerable and broken and scared but damn you, Halstead. You broke through that and I let you in. And that scares the hell out of me, because I'm so deeply in love with you"

Jay ran his thumb over Erin's cheek and wiped away the tear that had fallen from her eyes and he smiled at her before slowly leaning down and finally touching his lips to hers.

Make you happy, make your dreams come trueTo make you feel my... love

Alvin Olinsky and Antonio Dawson stood in silence as they looked down from their table on an upper deck to the couple below them.


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Be sure to drop a comment if you're feeling up to it! Don't know about ya'll but I am BEYOND excited for the crossover event next week. Hopefully Erin will be getting some "mouth to mouth" from Jay after her accident...