5. You Know What I Hate?

Thank you guys so much for the reviews. It makes me feel good that you guys are enjoying this story. Writing like this is a serious break from the adult world of "Big girl jobs, boyfriends, and stress" Why I ever thought life would be so much better when I was an adult, I'll never know. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy this chapter. =-)


"That's not a word" Erin protested folding her arms over her chest looking across the small table in their suite at Jay who had finished laying his tiles down and picked up the score pad to figure out his total.

"Um, yes it is, Lindsay" Jay looked up from the score pad and over at his partner who was currently narrowing her eyes at him.

"Wodge?" Erin shook her head and looked down at the various articles of clothing that were scattered across the floor. "Strip Scrabble" had seemed like a good idea at the time. A time when she actually thought she'd win at the game and not be down to the bare minimum of a tank top and a pair of underwear. "I'm gonna contest it"

"Have at it" Jay said smugly, running his hand across the small table dictionary on the table and pushing it across the table to Erin. "Just remember, you're on your last legs of clothing"

Erin looked down at the dictionary on the table and took a drink of her beer before she picked it up and started flipping through it. Her eyes skimmed the pages and words before she read

Wodge: A thick piece or a large amount of something

Erin's eyes looked up from the dictionary and her gaze met the man across from her "You were right"

Jay leaned forward and said "What? I'm sorry. I couldn't hear you. What was that?"

Erin shook her head and laughed. "I'm not going to repeat it, Halstead"

Jay sat back in his seat and took a drink of his beer before setting it back down on the table. "I'm waiting"

Erin looked down at the table and then back at Jay "Are you serious? Can't we just call it even? I'll let you drive"

Jay shook his head. The offer to drive was tempting, but not as much as the sight of his partner, the girl who had his heart, the girl he had kissed and wanted to keep kissing...naked. And not just in his dreams this time.

"Pretty sure a bet is a bet, Lindsay" Jay said as he moved in his seat trying to get comfortable. The erection that was pressing against his jeans wasn't helping matters any.

"Fine a bet's a bet" Erin stood up and slid her panties down her long, slender legs at least her tank top was long enough to leave a little to the imagination. The action caused Jay to groan and Erin smiled as she moved to sit back down.

"No!" Jay scooted his chair over to Erin and took her by the hand and pulled her to him. "Just tell me I win"

Erin let out a soft sigh and leaned forward to almost meet his lips. "You win," she whispered.

"Damn straight," he whispered back. "What do I get?"

Erin laughed softly and ran her hand up his chest softly. "I can't think of anything right off the bat. Would you settle for me?" Jay groaned again and guided her onto his lap. Erin sighed softly into the kiss and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, crushing her breasts against his chest. Jay's hands slid down her toned back and pulled up the hem of her tank top, feeling the goose bumps break out over her skin. She moaned quietly and ground herself gently onto his erection. Jay chuckled silently and thrust upward causing her to gasp.

"You like that?" he asked, thrusting up again. Erin cried out with pleasure as the evidence of her partner's arousal slammed into the swollen apex of her thighs. Erin's hands ran down his shoulder blades and around to his chest as she nibbled gently on his lower lip. Jay groaned as Erin kissed him and she felt her hands run down his bare chest to the button on his jeans.


The banging on the door tore Erin's lips away from Jay's and she turned her head towards the door. Jay groaned and took the opportunity to move his lips to Erin's neck. Erin closed her eyes forgetting about the knocking as she felt Jay's lips on the soft skin where her shoulder and neck met and his fingers slowly moving up her back from under her tank top.


Jay pulled his head back and looked up at Erin and quickly kissed her as he felt her move off of his lap. He watched as Erin quickly got dressed and tossed him his shirt and he pulled it on as she walked over towards the door and looked in the peep hole before opening it.

"What's up?" Antonio Dawson asked as he walked into Jay and Erin's suite.

"Oh, nothing. We were just playing a board game" Erin said. She was hoping that Dawson couldn't see the blush that she felt starting to form on her cheeks.

"What took you so long to answer the door?" Dawson asked looking over Erin's shoulder at Jay who was still seated at the table.

"We didn't hear the knocking" Erin lied her gaze dropping from Antonio's and to the ground. "Something we can help you with?"

Antonio nodded "Olinsky wants to see you before you guys go to bed. Just a final briefing on what's going down tomorrow"

Erin nodded and looked over at Jay "You ready, Halstead?"

Antonio held his hand up "Oh, I'll brief Jay. You go on down to Olinsky"

Erin looked from Jay to Antonio before slipping some flip flops on and walking out the door.

Antonio watched the door close before looking at Jay "How long, Halstead?"

Jay looked up at Antonio as he started putting the game away. "How long what?"

Antonio walked over to the table and placed his hand down on the "Scrabble" board as Jay was about to fold it up. "Nice try, Halstead. How long have you and Lindsay been together?"

Jay felt his pulse quicken as he met the gaze of his coworker and friend "We're not...we're not together"

Antonio shook his head "You want to try that again? Maybe tell me the truth this time. Tell me what Al and I saw from our deck wasn't nothing?"

Jay silently cursed and took a breath before answering "We're supposed to be playing a part, right. That's all. It wasn't anything more than acting"

Dawson looked at Jay and lifted his hand off the board so Jay could put it away. He took a seat at the table and watched as Jay put the game away. "I've not been in this career as long as I have without running across a few liars, Halstead. I don't care what you and Lindsay are doing. I'm just telling you that if Voight finds out about...whatever is going on. He's going to castrate you"

Jay knew that Antonio knew about him and Erin. There was no denying it. So he sat back down and looked at Dawson and sighed "Voight's not going to find out"

Antonio shook his head "Jay, the guy isn't blind. He's already warned you on more than one occasion. If you're worried about me saying anything, don't. It's not my place. I'm just telling you, Hank isn't going to like it. So if you think there's going to be some grand gesture on his part, I wouldn't hold your breath"


"And that's when we will cut them off at the gate" Olinsky explained as he looked up from his paperwork over at Erin who was sitting next to him.

Erin nodded and looked up at Alvin "No offense, but this is basically the same plan we talked about earlier. Why do you need to rehash it with me?"

Olinsky met Erin's gaze and sighed "It was more of Antonio's idea. He wanted to make sure we were all on the same page with this mission"

Erin looked down at the folder in her hands and sat it on the table. "I think I'm caught up now. Is this all?"

Olinsky watched as Erin stood up from the table and started walking towards the door. "Erin, I know"

Erin froze in her steps and kept her back to Alvin "Know what?"

She heard Olinsky exhale and her pulse instantly quickened. "About you and Halstead"

Erin turned and looked at Alvin. "What do you mean? We're partners. There's nothing going on with me and Halstead"

Alvin watched as the young girl walked towards him. He motioned for her to have a seat and watched as she sat down in front of him. "Erin, I saw you two tonight. From the balcony. Antonio saw it too"

Erin shook her head and looked down at the table. "That was nothing"

Alvin reached across the table and placed his hand on top of Erin's "Just be careful, Erin. That's all I'm asking"

Erin nodded and looked up at Alvin. "I always am"

Olinsky laughed to himself and squeezed Erin's hand "Don't worry about Hank. If this is what you want, he'll eventually come around"

Erin shook her head "I somehow doubt that"


Erin left Dawson and Olinsky's and made her way down to one of the ship's many cafe's to grab a bottle of water before heading back up to her and Jay's suite. They needed to talk, that much she knew. If they were going to work, she and Jay were going to have to try to keep it under wraps...at least for awhile.

The doors to the elevator dinged open and Erin stepped in and hit the button to her floor. Just as the doors were about to close an arm reached through to stop them and they slowly opened back up to reveal the arm attached to Mike Lane.

Erin forced a smile and nodded at Lane as he stepped on board the elevator.

"What's up?" Lane said as he returned Erin's nod and stepped close to her to push the button to his floor and he stepped back. "Kinda late for you to be out all alone"

Erin held up her water bottle "I got thirsty"

Mike nodded as he looked at her "You know, I saw the fight between you and your husband"

Erin thought for a minute and thought back to this morning at her and Jay arguing at breakfast. "Oh, that was nothing. we're okay now. I'm sorry you had to see that"

Lane shrugged his shoulders and looked at Erin "You know, it's not my place but you should have more respect for him than that"

Erin raised an eyebrow at the man in front of her. 6'3 and probably 250 she guessed by looking at his build. "You're right, it's not your place"

Mike held his hands up and stepped back as if he'd been defeated "I'm sorry. I just hate to see people in love fighting"

Erin nodded but didn't say anything. She felt a wave of relief as the elevator slowed to her floor. She felt the elevator stop and the doors start to open and then everything around her went black.

Mike Lane hit the "Door Closed" button and placed the pipe he'd concealed back into his cargo pants. His grip holding up the limp body of Erin as he the doors opened to his floor and he met the gaze of his accomplices.

The two men looked down the vacant halls of the ship before quickly helping Lane into his room with Erin. Lane laid her down on the bed and ran his hand down across her cheek. "You know what I hate more than couples in love fighting?"

"What's that, boss?" Smith asked as he looked down the empty hallway before shutting the door.

Lane laughed to himself as he reached into the desk beside the bed where the unconscious body of Erin Lindsay laid.
