6. I Was Counting On Forever

Thanks for the reviews. I am beyond thankful that you guys are liking this. It's kinda my baby. I don't know if I want to keep this going or end this and start a new story...like a sequel...thoughts?


Jay rolled over on his side and looked at the clock and was met with the red numbers 2:54am. He was starting to get worried. He hadn't seen Erin since she'd went to meet with Olinsky hours ago. He sat up in bed and slipped some shoes on before walking out the door and going down the hall. He made his way down to Olinsky and Dawson's room and knocked.

After a few moments the door opened and Antonio Dawson rubbed his eyes and looked at Jay.

"Can I help you?" Dawson asked rubbing his eyes and yawning as he looked at Jay.

"Is Erin here?" Jay asked quickly. The darkened room instantly told him that any meetings or briefings were clearly over.

"No. She was gone when I came back here after out talk. What do you mean she's not with you?" Dawson asked now fully awake.

"She never came back to the room" Jay said panic starting to rise in his body.

Olinsky walked up from behind Dawson and said "It's a ship. We'll find her. There's only so many places she could be"


Erin's eyes fluttered open as she tried to adjust them to the dark room. She tried to pull her arms down but was met with resistance. She looked up to see them strapped to the bed posts. She jerked her arms and winced as she felt the dull ache from the back of her head.

"You're awake...I have to say I was getting worried" Mike Lane said as he stepped closer to the bed.

"What the hell are you doing? My husband is going to be looking for me" Erin said as she started fighting the restaints around her wrists

Mike Lane laughed softly and walked over to Erin on the bed "Let's be honest. You don't have a husband. How's Chicago been Detective Lindsay?"

Erin's eyes darted from Lane's to the door and back. "I don't know what you're talking about. I'm not a detective"

Mike sat down on the bed and ran his hand across Erin's cheek before rearing back and hitting her across the face. "Again with the lies? You don't remember me do you Erin?"

Erin felt the hot tears spill over her lashes as the pain from the hit radiated her body. "What the hell's wrong with you?"

Mike grabbed Erin's jaw and jerked her face so she was looking at him. "You might have fucked Charlie Pugliese over but you're not going to do it to me. Remember Charlie, Erin? Your friend? He told me all about you, showed me your pictures. I knew as soon as I laid eyes on you the other day that you were the Erin from the pictures. The same white trash that you always were"

Hot tears rolled down Erin's cheeks as she looked up at Mike. She didn't remember him ever being friends with Charlie. She groaned as Mike tightened his grip on her jaw. "What do you want?"

Mike laughed and leaned down and brushed his lips against Erin's ear. "I want to watch the life leave your body"


Olinsky and Dawson sat in the security office trying to get a plan on how to rescue Erin. After searching the ship with no leads they were able to find the secuity footage of her going into the elevator and Lane following her in.

"She's with Lane. She's got to be. We have to go get her" Jay said pacing back and forth.

"We can't just storm in there Halstead" Olinsky explained. "We're need to suit up before we even attempt to go to his room"

"The hell we do!" Jay yelled before grabbing Olinsky's gun off the table and walking out of the security office.

Dawson stood up and went to the door "Halstead, get back here! That's an order!"

"If you're not going to get off your ass to go and get her, than I am" Jay shouted checking to make sure the gun was loaded before making his way up the stairs.


"Boss, maybe you should reconsider this. I mean we can take the money and go" Smith said trying to reason with the man who was sharpening his knife.

"Kyle, you knew what you were getting into when you joined up with me and David. You're either in, or you'll be fish food" Lane said as he ran his fingers over the sharpened butcher knife in his hand.

"I'm just saying that this is murder. Maybe you should take that into consideration" Kyle said looking at the door to the bedroom where Erin was and over to the door where David was standing.

"Have you ever seen someone die, Kyle?" Mike asked.

"Well...no" Kyle said leaning back in his seat.

"It's a feeling like no other. You've never truly lived until you watch the life leave someone's eyes. See them take their last breath. I've only ever seen it happen. I've never actually done it yet. That changes tonight" Mike stood up from his seat and looked at Kyle and David. "You two go and do a sweep. Go find the maid's cart and grab as many towels as you can carry"

David and Kyle didn't move from their spots "NOW!" Mike shouted causing both David and Kyle to jump before they both hurried to the door and down the hall.

Jay cocked his gun as he watched David and Kyle walk down the hall and out of sight. He slowly slid from around the corner and started down the hall.


Mike reached into the bedside drawer and tore off a piece of duct tape and went to place it over Erin's mouth. He winced as he felt her teeth bite into his hand and break the skin.

"Stupid fucking bitch" Mike yelled slamming his hand across Erin's face.

Erin cried out as Mike grabbed her face and placed the tape over her mouth "I'm really going to enjoy watching you bleed to death"

Erin struggled to breathe with the duct tape over her mouth and watched as Mike made his way to the dresser. She faught against the restraints and twisted as hard as she could. It was no use. She silently prayed to God for help and then her life up to that point started playing through her mind. Everything from throwing her first punch in Kindergarten to taking care of her mom after a drug induced binge, to Hank Voight handing her his card on the street one lonely night and him taking her in as his own, to meeting Jay. Jay, the vision of his face entered her mind and it somehow brought her peace. He was everything that she never knew she wanted. And she was just sorry that she'd never get the chance to truly be with the man she'd so long seen as just a friend.

Mike walked over to the dresser and grabbed the long butcher knife he'd sharpened earlier. He looked in the mirror at Erin who was laying on the bed and he smiled as he met her gaze. "Don't worry baby, just bite down and hope that you go into shock soon"


Jay slowly inserted the key card into the door and placed his hand on the handle and slowly turned it. He started to push it open when he felt a hand grasp his shoulder. His gaze shot up to meet Alvin Olinsky who placed his hand on his lips and motioned for Jay to go in.

The two men made their way into the dark room, guns pointed as they searched for Erin. The light coming from under the door drew Jay's attention and he nudged Olinsky and gestured to the door.

Olinsky nodded and slowly moved past Jay and looked through the crack in the door. He sighed when he saw Erin laying on the bed and looked back at Jay and nodded as a sign to let him know that she was indeed with Lane.

Alvin put his hand on the door and was met with muffled screams. He instantly cocked his gun and kicked the door open and pointed his gun at Mike Lane who raised the knife over his head and slammed it down into Erin's body.

"GET ON THE GROUND" Olinsky ordered pointing his gun at Lane.

Mike Lane raised his hands over his head and drove the knife into Erin's body one last time before a gunshot rang out and Lane fell off the bed and onto the floor.

Olinsky walked around the bed and saw Lane rolling on the ground in agony. He pulled his cuffs out and cuffed Lane as Dawson and Jay ran in the room from subduing Smith and Evans.

Antonio Dawson felt his stomach heave as he watched Jay run to Erin. The amount of blood that was pouring onto the stained sheets with every single beat of the young detective's heart was astounding.

"Erin!" Jay screamed as he loosened the straps on her arms and legs and pulled the duct tape off of her face

"Jay" Erin said her partner's name falling off her lips as a whisper.

"You're fine" Jay said placing his hands over the stab wounds as best as he could. He could feel the warm liquid running between his fingers as he looked helplessly down at the girl he was in love with slowly dying in front of him

"I'm so cold" Erin whispered as she turned her head to the side to look towards the window.

"Help's on the way baby girl. Just stay with me" Jay pleaded pressing harder onto Erin's wounds and a soft cry escaped her lips.

"I'm sorry" Erin whispered as she turned her head back to Jay.

"Don't say sorry" Jay said looking down at her wounds before he turned to look at her. "Just keep your eyes on me. Just look at me. Okay? You keep those beautiful eyes on me"

"I can't…" Erin trailed off. Her skin was starting to turn a soft shade of grey. Each pulse of her heart made the blood pour out less and less.

"Just stay with me Er" Jay pleaded as the tears started to roll down his cheeks. "They're coming baby. Help's coming. You just stay with me. You're going to be just fine"

Erin tried to keep her eyes on the man who was hunched over her. She felt no pain, not anymore at least. "Jay...I..."

Jay shook his head as the tears blinding him "You're fine. You're not going anywhere, Erin. You're staying with me. I'm gonna marry you baby girl. We're going to have babies...so many babies. You just STAY WITH ME"

"I love you" Erin whispered as she lost the battle and her eyes slowly shut.

"Erin!" Jay screamed as he shook her. Her whole body was limp as he took his blood soaked hands and started chest compressions on her lifeless body. Everything seemed like it was frozen. It was like he had tunnel vision and all he could see was the face of the beautiful girl he was trying to bring back to him.

"Erin, please don't do this. Don't leave me" Jay sobbed as he continued doing CPR as the onboard medics made their way into the room. Jay couldn't hear them. He didn't feel Dawson and Olinsky pulling him off of Erin so the medics could work on her. He sank down the wall, nothing mattered now, nothing. He laid his head against the wall. Praying to God to please send Erin back to him. Praying to take her place instead. Praying that this was all a dream.

It wasn't a dream though. He looked over at the bed as the medics used the AED to shock Erin's heart to get it beating again. her limp arm with his mother's ring hung off the bed and he watched as the blood dripped from her french manicured finger and dropped to the floor.

There was no audible sound coming from the room. At least nothing Jay could hear. Only silence...peace.