10. You Won't Find This

As always, thank you for the reviews. I am glad that you guys like this story. I know that I keep saying that, but it means a lot. Can we just talk about how AMAZING that the SVU and PD crossover was? Oh. My. God. It was beyond good. Sophia Bush is amazing. That girl needs an Emmy nod for her work on that show. If I had any complaint, it's the same for every episode...I need more Linstead. I was DYING for a Jay and Erin hospital scene. I'm thinking that the next episode might be a little more "Linstead" filled.


Erin's brows narrowed as her eyes focused on Jay. The first thing she noticed was his black eyes. The second was the tube that was taped to her mouth and going down her throat. She turned her head and raised her hand up to her mouth. Only to have Jay grab her hand and bring it back down to the bed.

"Erin, baby, relax. Don't fight the tubing. You're ok" Jay assured keeping ahold of her hand and looking down at Erin.

Erin twisted in the bed and reached her other hand up to her mouth. She felt like she couldn't breathe. She just needed the tube out of her throat. Was that too much to ask?

"Erin, stop" Jay said grabbing ahold of her other arm and holding her hands down on the bed.

"I'll go get someone" Trudy Platt said as she walked out of the room.

Erin twisted against Jay. Tears welling in her eyes and rolling down her cheeks, as she tried to get free from him.

Jay didn't think his heart could break any more than it had, but he was wrong. The sight of Erin fighting the tube down her throat when she was awake was just as hard as her laying there comatose. "Baby just relax. You're ok"

The leads connected to Erin's chest that monitored her heart rate started going off. Signaling the elevated heart rate of Erin as she fought to get free of Jay.

Erin looked over Jay's shoulder at a doctor coming around to her bedside with a nurse following close behind.

"Miss Lindsay, just relax. You're in the ICU at Florida Hospital in Orlando. You were hurt. I'm going to give you a little something to help you relax and then we will look at your vitals to see if you're ready for us to remove the tube" The doctor explained.

He turned to the nurse behind him and Erin, Jay and Platt watched as he injected the medicine into Erin's IV. The rapid beeping slowed to a more steady beep and Jay felt Erin start to relax under his arms.

Erin's gaze looked from the doctor and then over at Jay who was looking down at her. Jay let loose of his grip on Erin's arms and he took a seat next to Erin's bed. Her gaze following him the entire time.

"I'll go let everyone know that she's awake" Platt said feeling the pressing need to give Jay some privacy with Erin. At least a few minutes alone before everyone started coming in and out of the room.

Jay looked over his shoulder at Platt and nodded "Thanks, Platt. For everything"

Trudy nodded and looked at Erin and Jay one last time before she exited Erin's room and went down the hall.


Jay looked back at Erin as Trudy left and he stood up and knelt over Erin and he leaned down and kissed her on the forehead before he sat back down.

"God...Erin, I've never been so scared in my entire life. Not even when I was deployed. Seeing you fade away right in front of me was the worst thing that's ever happened to me. I thought you were de..." Jay couldn't even finish the word. He looked down at his shoes and felt them get blurry as hot tears spilled out of his eyes and down his cheeks.

Erin raised her hand up off of the bed and reached over to touch Jay's cheek. He looked up at her and exhaled, his breath shaking and he took ahold of the hand that Erin hand on his cheek and intertwined their fingers and kissed her hand. His eyes locked with Erin's and he used his thumb to caress the top of her hand.


Hank Voight pulled into his hotel just as the sun was starting to come up. He looked at the text message on his phone and rubbed his tired eyes.


Hank got out of the car and shut the door. He walked around the back of the hotel and to the pool, opened the gate and went over to the table where the two men who had been with him earlier in the night were sitting.

"It's done" Hank said taking a seat at the table.

"Is anyone ever going to find him?" Alvin Olinsky asked looking at Voight who was opened the beer that was sitting on the table.

"There's nothing left to find" Voight said simply. Not looking up from his beer.

"Did he put up a fight?" Antonio Dawson asked sitting back in his seat. The events of last night and the last few days starting to wear him down.

"Nope" Voight said simply "But It's over now"

Dawson and Olinsky looked at each other and nodded before Dawson spoke "Nobody finds out right, Voight?"

"We did the world a favor last night. As far as I'm concerned Mike Lane never existed" Voight said pushing his chair out and standing up. "You should get some rest. It was a long night"

Olinsky and Dawson watched Voight leave and looked at each other.

"We did the right thing, right?" Dawson asked "I mean we did this for Erin"

Olinsky nodded "You do what you have to for the people you love. Lane will never hurt another person. So, yes. We did the right thing"


"Erin when I tell you, you take a deep breath okay?" the ICU nurse explained as she removed the tape from the side of Erin's face and grasped the vent tube. "You ready?"

Erin tightened her grip on Jay's hand and nodded her head as she prepared herself for the tube removal.

"Ok, deep breath, 1...2...3" The nurse said as Erin took a deep breath and the nurse pulled the tube up her throat and out of her mouth.

Erin coughed and gagged as the long tube was removed from her body. The ICU nurse handed her a cup of water with a straw so she could take a drink. Erin welcomed to cold liquid going down her throat and she laid her head back against the pillows.

"Feel better?" The nurse asked removing her gloves and taking the small empty cup from Erin.

Erin nodded and looked over at Jay. Her hand still holding onto his. She met his gaze and he smiled at her and brought her hand up to his lips and kissed it. "You okay?"

Erin nodded and swallowed her voice coming out in a low raspy whisper "Thirsty"

Jay looked up at the nurse who was writing on Erin's chart. "Can she have somthing to drink"

Erin's nurse nodded "Of course. Let me go and get her some ice water"

"Thank You" Jay said watching at the middle aged woman grabbed the plastic cup off of the bedside table and left the room.

"How you feeling, baby?" Jay asked moving from his place in the chair to sit on the side of Erin's bed. All the while still holding her hand.

"I'm OK" Erin whispered closing her eyes for a few moments before opening them back up to look at Jay. "Tired"

Jay nodded "We're going to get you all better. I promise you that"

Erin nodded and turned her head as the ICU nurse walked back in with Erin's water. She walked over and adjusted the straw and handed the cup to Erin. "Easy sips, Erin"

Erin nodded and took ahold of the cup with her left hand. The ice cold water going down her throat felt like Heaven and she had to restrain herself from chugging it down. Erin handed the cup back to the nurse and laid back against the pillows.

"Are you in any pain? Feeling dizzy? Are you hungry?" The nurse asked Erin.

Erin shook her head No and looked up at the nurse. "Ok, well if you need anything just hit your call button. I'll be here until 7pm"

Jay and Erin both nodded and they watched as the nurse left. Erin turned her head and looked at Jay and squeezed his hand.

Jay reached down and brushed Erin's hair across her forehead. "I'm dying to kiss you"

Erin smiled and let go of Jay's hand. "I need to brush my teeth"

Jay smiled and stood up. "I can take care of that for you"

Erin watched as Jay grabbed the hospital supplied tooth brush and tooth paste and went to get a cup from the bathroom and he helped Erin brush her teeth. When she was done he cleaned up and put everything away and came back to her bed and sat down. "Are you good to go now?

Erin smiled and nodded as Jay leaned down careful to not put any weight on her and he nuzzled her nose against his before softly pressing his lips down onto hers.

Erin reached her hand up and rested it on Jay's cheek as they kissed. After a few seconds, Jay reluctently pulled back and gave her another quick kiss before pulling back.

"I love you" Erin whispered. Her voice still low from being intibated.

Jay smiled down at her "I love you too, baby"

Erin ran her hand across Jay's cheek and up across his nose "What happened?"

Jay shrugged his shoulders "Just a little broken nose. Nothing for you to worry about"

Erin nodded as her eyes started to get heavy. "I'm sorry. I'm...so...tired"

Jay's smile slowly fell and he reached down to run a hand across Erin's forehead. "You sleep. We've got the rest of our lives to talk"

A small smile formed on Erin's lips as she sank into a much needed slumber.

Jay moved from sitting on Erin's bed to the chair next to her bed. He looked at the door as Voight walked in.

"How's she doing?" Voight asked. He hated himself for missing her waking up and not being here to see her. But, what he did was for Erin.

"She's tired. But she's doing really great. God, you don't know what it was like to watch her open her eyes. It's pretty powerful when you get your biggest wish in one moment" Jay said looking over at Erin before looking at Hank.

"You should go get some sleep. I'd like to be here when she wakes up" Voight said

Jay looked at Voight and exhaled. "I..."

"Halstead, just do this one thing" Voight asked.

Jay nodded and stood up from his seat. He leaned over and kissed Erin on the cheek and he smiled as he watched her stir in her sleep. He walked over to the door before stopping and turning to look at Hank Voight.

"Lane?" Jay simply asked.

"It's done" Voight said keeping his eyes on Erin.

Jay nodded and stepped to the door.

"Halstead" Voight called.

Jay stepped back and looked at his boss. "Yeah?"

Voight looked away from Erin and turned his gaze to Jay. "If you ever hurt Erin, I mean for anything. If I see her shed a single tear over you, I'll make sure that even dental records won't identify you"

"Kind of early with the threats, boss" Jay said

"It's not a threat. It's a promise" Hank assured.