13. I Will Try To Fix You

Thanks for the reviews everyone. I appreciate each and everyone of them. Sorry if I made anybody mad asking if Jesse and Sophia were dating. I understand it's not my business, all I meant was I thought they had really great chemistry together. Hope that you guys have had a good couple of days. Don't forget to review =-)


Erin rolled over and instead of being met with Jay's warm embrace she felt empty bed. She opened her eyes and wrapped her comforter around her before sitting up in bed. She looked around the room and saw that Jay's clothes were gone, the only thing of his remaining was his button down dress shirt from the Policeman's Ball last night that was hanging over the back of her bedroom door.

Erin slipped out of bed and walked over to the door and grabbed the white dress shirt and buttoned it up before slipping on some clean underwear and making her way into the bathroom. She brushed her teeth and ran a brush through her hair before pulling it up into a pony tail.

And that's when she saw it.

The small purple mark on her collarbone. A hickey?

"Shit" Erin said as she stood on her tip toes to the bathroom mirror to get a better look at what Jay'd done to her.

The sound of the front door to her apartment opened and Erin heard him lay the keys down on the kitchen island before setting some bags down and starting to unload them.

Erin rolled her eyes and walked out of the bathroom and through her bedroom and leaned against the door frame as she looked at Jay.

He was dressed in jeans and a Blackhawks t-shirt and he absent mindedly unpacked grocery bags and put stuff away. He turned around to grab another bag of groceries when he saw her in the doorway.

Erin stood with her arms folded against her and she leaned against the door frame with an annoyed look on her face. Jay glanced down at his watch and saw that it was only 8:45 in the morning. What could he have done to have pissed her off already.

"Good morning" He spoke first not really sure of the response he was going to receive.

"Morning" Erin walked over to Jay and turned the corner of the kitchen island. "Do you notice anything that wasn't there last night?" Erin asked the annoyance in her voice was evident.

"Um, clothes?" Jay asked. He wasn't really sure where she was going with this. But you could never go wrong with cracking a joke. He heard Erin groan and he couldn't help but bite back a smile as she stepped closet to him.

"Look at this!" Erin exclaimed as she pulled the collar of the dress shirt back to show off the small hickey on her collarbone.

"Oh...that" Jay said an audible chuckle leaving his lips.

"It's not funny, Jay" Erin sighed as she heard him laughing. "I've got to go to work with this on my neck. You branded me. Why didn't you just piss on me while you were at it"

"Baby I'm not into that" Jay joked as he stepped toward Erin and reached a hand out for her.

"Stop making jokes, Halstead" Erin narrowed her eyes at him and stepped back away from his grasp. "This" she said gesturing to the mark on her collarbone. "Is not funny"

"Erin, I'm sorry" Jay said simply as he took another step towards her and pulled her into a hug.

"Shut up" Erin frowned but allowed Jay to pull her into his embrace.

Jay placed a kiss on Erin's forehead before pulling her all the way into his arms. "I'm sorry, baby"

Erin rolled her eyes and laid her head against Jay's chest "No you're not"

Jay pulled back and looked at her "Yes, I am. But in my defense, you weren't exactly complaining about it last night. In fact pretty sure round two consisted of a lot of "Please Jay...Don't stop...Oh God"

Erin pulled away from Jay's grasp and walked over to the sink. "Jerk"

Jay laughed and watched as Erin opened the cabinet above the sink and stood on her tip toes to grab a glass. He groaned as his dress shirt rode up her thighs and fell just below her ass as she raised her arm over her head.

He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her pulling her back to his front. "Would it help if I told you that you look so sexy in my clothes that I think you should wear them all the time?"

Erin sat her glass on the counter and leaned back into Jay. "Maybe..."

Jay smiled and placed a soft kiss on her neck "Would it also help if I told you that I brought you a cronut and a coffee?"

Erin sighed and smiled "You should've started with that"

Jay placed a second kiss on Erin's shoulder and ran his hand down to grab the bottom of his dress shirt and pulled it up her thighs. His hand slid under the shirt and up her side. He smiled against her shoulder as he heard her sigh and lay her head back against his shoulder.

Erin closed her eyes as she felt Jay run his hand up her bare skin and stop just under her breast before moving to fan his hand out across her flat stomach. She tensed as she felt the tips of his fingers skim against the scars on her stomach.

"Jay..." Erin said softly opening her eyes.

"Hmm?" Jay murmured against her shoulder as he brought his other hand up and started to undo the buttons on his shirt.

"Stop" Erin whispered.

"Just relax, baby. No hickeys...at least not where anyone can see this time" Jay whispered as he moved to the buttons just over her stomach.

Erin felt a panic rise from her stomach and radiate through her entire body. Sex last night was different. It was dark, Jay didn't see the scars that were on her body. The light of day made them all to real, she couldn't stand the thought of him looking at her and being revolted. "Jay...please" she whispered.

Jay groaned against her neck and pressed his growing jean covered erection against her behind. "Just tell me what you want, Erin"

"Stop" Erin said grabbing his hands and pushing them away from her. She stepped out of his grasp and kept her back to him as she quickly buttoned his shirt.

"Erin?" Jay looked at Erin quizzically and ran a hand through his short hair. "What's wrong?"

Erin felt the hot tears welling up and burning her eyes as they threatened to spill over. "Nothing. I'm going to go shower"

Jay stepped towards her but quickly stopped in his tracks when he saw her hold her hand up.

"I'm fine" Erin said as she walked to the bedroom.

Jay watched as the bedroom door shut and a few moments later he heard the shower turn on. He walked into the bedroom and over to the bathroom door and turned the knob but the door was locked. "Erin, are you ok?"

Erin sat in the shower on the tile floor still wearing Jay's dress shirt. Steam filled the room as the hot water pelted down on her skin turning her legs a light shade of red. "I'm fine"

Jay placed his hand on the door and tried the door knob again "Baby, please let me in. Whatever's wrong I can help you. Is it something I did?"

Erin pulled her legs up and wrapped her arms around them. He thinks it's his fault? "Way to go. Erin. You're even more worthless than you thought. He fucked you and now he's going to leave you"

Erin couldn't fight the tears anymore as they slid down her cheeks. She placed her head onto her knees and started sobbing. Jay pressed his ear to the door and could hear her crying over the sound of the shower. He said her name again and jerked harder on the door handle. "Erin? babe let me in"

"I'm FINE!" Erin screamed over the shower "JUST LEAVE"

Jay felt rise in his body and he used his shoulder to break the door open. A wall of steam radiated from out of the bathroom and into Erin's bedroom like smoke. Jay quickly turned the water off and grabbed a towel off of the sink.

"Erin" Jay said kneeling down.


Jay knelt all the way down and wrapped his arms around Erin. The dress shirt she still wore was wet and burning hot against his skin as he pulled her body into his arms.

"I'm fine. Just leave...You got what you wanted from me. I fucked you, you can take your stuff and leave" Erin jerked out of Jay's embrace and into the corner of the shower.

"Erin, baby please. Let me help you. Please just tell me what I can do" Jay pleaded with Erin.

"You should've let me die" Erin said looking away from the tile wall and over at Jay. Her voice was full of venom as she spoke.

"What?" Jay asked looking over at Erin. He reached for her again and he felt her recoil from his grasp.

"If you'd have just let me die, I wouldn't have a daily reminder of what happened to me. I hate you" Erin spat as she turned her head away from Jay.

"Erin...You don't mean that" Jay said reaching to pull Erin to him and was met with a hard slap to the face.


Jay grabbed ahold of Erin again and held her arms down against him as he felt her jerk against him repeatedly. Sobs overtaking her body as she screamed for him to let her go.

Erin fought against Jay's strong embrace as she cried. Why couldn't he just listen to her and leave her alone. She gave him what he wanted. Why can't he just leave?

Jay held Erin in his arms as he felt her fighting stop and the sobs continue to overtake her body. Jay placed a kiss on the top of her wet head as he held her while she broke down in his arms.

After about 20 minutes he felt her start to relax and she raised her head up off of his shoulder.

Erin's hazel eyes looked up at Jay and she couldn't fight the tears that slipped down her cheeks "I'm sorry"

Jay smiled sadly down at Erin and kissed her forehead "Baby it's ok"

Erin shook her head "It's not. It's never going to be ok"

Jay ran his hand down Erin's back and kissed her forehead again. "Let's get you out of these wet clothes"

Erin nodded and she moved out of Jay's lap as she felt him stand up. Jay knelt down and helped Erin out of the shower. He stepped out of the bathroom only long enough to grab a change of clothes for Erin. When he returned he paused in the doorway for a split second and looked at the beautifully broken girl standing in front of the mirror.

He quickly walked over to her and placed the clean pajamas onto the sink and touched Erin's shoulder gently so that she'd turn and face him.

"Let's get you dressed and in bed" Jay whispered as he reached down and started to unbutton the still wet dress shirt that Erin was wearing. He got it unbuttoned and slid if off of her shoulders and it hit the tile floor with a soft thud. Jay reached for the pajama tank tip and helped Erin get it on before kneeling to help her out of her wet underwear and into a dry pair and a pair of pajama shorts. "All done. Let's get you into bed"

Erin didn't say anything. She just nodded and felt Jay wrap his arm around her as he helped her to the bed. Jay helped Erin in the bed and climbed in with her. "I'm right here baby, it's ok"

He felt Erin lay her head on his chest and she started crying softly into his shirt. Jay pulled the blankets up over him and Erin and her ran a hand up and down her back to soothe her as she cried into his chest.

After a few minutes Jay felt Erin start to relax in his arms. He pulled back and saw his sleeping girlfriend laying in his arms. He reached down and brushed a wet strand of hair off of her forehead and leaned down to place a soft kiss on her forehead.

Jay slowly maneuvered his way out of Erin's bed and covered her up before stepping out of her bedroom and shutting the door. He walked over to the couch and grabbed his Iphone and went to his contact list.

When he found the name he was looking for her stared down at his phone and then looked over at the bedroom door. Was this betraying her? She'd probably never forgive him for this. He could only hope that one day she'd understand. He looked back down at his phone and pressed call. After a few rings the line picked up.

"Voight, we need to talk"


Hope you guys like the chapter. Chicago PD tonight! yay!