12. Bang Bang There Goes Your Heart

Kind of a longer one. I hope that you guys like it. Have to warn you. It's a strong M...

A/N: I don't own any of these songs...


Jay adjusted his tie and looked in the mirror as he stood in Erin's living room waiting on her to finish getting ready. He fixed his cuff link and noticed the time on his watch.

"Erin, we have to get going" He called from the living room.

"Five more minutes" she called from the other side of the bedroom door.

Jay rolled his eyes and walked over to the kitchen island and pulled his suit jacket off of the chair. He buttoned the black buttons and sighed. He hated suits. He didn't understand why the Policeman's Ball needed to be so damn formal. He walked around the kitchen island to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of beer. He popped the top and took a drink and turned just as the bedroom door opened.

Erin walked out of the bedroom and Jay's breath caught in his throat. Stunning didn't even begin to describe the sight in front of him. Erin wore a floor length satin red dress. It was sleeveless and had silver jewels that trimmed the v neck line and had a slit from the middle of her thigh revealing her toned legs. She turned around slowly the back of the dress was open back except for the straps which criss crossed around her back and the dress had a small train that followed her as she walked. Her hair was pulled to the side and pinned in a loose, curly bun.

"Does this look ok?" Erin asked picking up on Jay's silence.

"Ye...ye...Yeah" Jay stumbled over his words unable to take his eyes off of the sight in front of him.

"You ok?" Erin asked a nervous laughter falling from her mouth.

"You look beautiful, baby" Jay said as he sat his beer on the counter and walked over to Erin.

"You don't look so bad yourself" She smiled and took note of his tailored black suit and tie with a white dress shirt underneath.

"This old thing?" Jay asked running his hands down the front of his suit. "I do look pretty bitchin"

"So bitchin" Erin laughed as Jay wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a hug and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

Erin wrapped her arms around Jay's neck and deepened the kiss. Jay groaned against her mouth and he pulled her tighter against him. His hands running across her bare back and down to rest against the curve of her ass.

Erin's hands ran down Jay's chest and around his back as they continued to kiss. She laughed softly against his mouth and gently bit his bottom lip as she pulled away from him.

"We should go" Erin stepped back ran her hands down the front of her dress.

Jay cleared his throat and sighed "I think I'm gonna need a minute"


Adam Ruzek made his way into the W Hotel in downtown Chicago with Kim on his arm. He couldn't deny that he felt like the luckiest man alive with this girl on his arm.

Kim was dressed in a floor length blue satin dress. It was strapless and fitted until her thighs and then it flared out with a slit in from revealing her legs. Not to be the girl who chooses comfort over style Kim opted to match her dress with matching blue tennis shoes instead of high heels.

Adam wore a black suit with a blue dress shirt under his suit jacket. He decided to go without a tie and he pulled Kim closer to him. "In case I haven't told you. You look really beautiful tonight"

"Just tonight, Ruzek?" Kim asked pushing a stand of her pin straightened hair back behind her ear.

"Well, most days you look nice. I can't really complain" Adam joked as he and Kim walked up to the doors of the banquet hall.

"Gee, thanks" Kim shook her head and laughed as she and Adam walked into the banquet hall.

Chicago's finest were out in full force tonight for the annual Policeman's Ball. It was always a good time and what better way to spend a Friday night with coworkers and raising a little money for charity.

"Do you want to dance with me?" Adam asked as he and Kim found their table.

"Um, sure" Burgess said placing her clutch purse down on the table next to Laura Dawson who was watching Antonio dance with Trudy Platt. Who currently had her hands sliding lower and lower to Antonio's ass.


Erin took a deep breath as she looked up at the hotel. She wanted tonight to be perfect. She wanted to have a fun night with her boyfriend, with her friends and just forget about the events of the past 6 weeks. She didn't want to go in the banquet hall and be the girl that everyone took pity on and felt sorry for.

"You ok?" Jay asked as he walked up to her from tipping the valet to park his car.

Erin shook all the uneasy feeling out of her mind and looked at Jay. "Yeah...Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just ready to go and have a nice night with you and all of our friends"

Jay smiled and took ahold of Erin's hand "Well, I hope that you can find the time to save me a dance"

"We'll see...I mean Kelly Severide is right down the street. You never know where the night will take me" Erin started walking up the steps to go into the hotel.

"There's that wonderful Erin Lindsay mouth that I've been waiting on. By the way, you're still not funny" Jay walked up the steps to the hotel doors.

"You know you like my smart ass-ness" Erin raised an eyebrow at Jay as she walked past him and into the hotel.

Jay followed and grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back against him. Her back to his front. "There are so many other things that mouth could be doing to me, instead of smarting me off all the time"

Jay's breath was hot against Erin's neck and she closed her eyes as she leaned back into him. "You'll just have to play your cards right"


Burgess and Ruzek made their way to the dance floor as "Lucky" by Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat started to play over the speakers. Kim laughed as Adam pulled her to him and dipped her backwards.

"So, are you planning on spending the night with me tonight?" Adam asked pulling Kim closer to him

Do you hear me,

I'm talking to you

Across the water across the deep blue ocean

Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying

Boy I hear you in my dreams

I feel your whisper across the sea

I keep you with me in my heart

You make it easier when life gets hard

"I don't know. I mean I do have to get up early tomorrow" Kim said as she looked around the room

"Why?" Adam asked running his hand down her back as they danced to the music.

"I promised Platt that I'd help her clean up the commons area at the precinct. They're doing some renovation to it and me and Roman have to go and help her" Kim said as she looked around the room at the decorations.

"Why does Sean Roman need to go?" Adam asked pulling his head back.

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend

Lucky to have been where I have been

Lucky to be coming home again

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

They don't know how long it takes

Waiting for a love like this

Every time we say goodbye

I wish we had one more kiss

I'll wait for you I promise you, I will

Lucky we're in love in every way

Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed

Lucky to be coming home someday

Kim shook her head and looked up at Adam "You don't have anything to worry about. It's not like that with me and Roman...we work together"

"Just like we work together? Or like Lindsay and Halstead work together?" Adam asked.

The truth was he trusted Kim. He really did and he even liked Sean Roman. But, there was something about Roman that he couldn't put his finger on. Something that said to him Roman saw a little bit more in Kim than just friendship.

"I promise you that there's nothing going on between me and Roman. We're just friends. He told me he thought my goodness could rub off on him" Kim said as she laid her head against Adam's chest.

And so I'm sailing through the sea

To an island where we'll meet

You'll hear the music fill the air

I'll put a flower in your hair

Though the breezes through the trees

Move so pretty you're all I see

As the world keeps spinning round

You hold me right here right now

"He wants your goodness to rub off on him? He probably wants your ass to rub off on him" Adam said looking across the dance floor at Roman who was talking to Atwater.

"He does not" Kim shook her head and pulled back to look at Adam.

"I love you, ok. You need to get that through your thick skull" She ran her hand up Adam's arm and smiled.

"You say you love me?" Adam asked raising an eyebrow at her.

"Most days" Kim smiled and shrugged her shoulders.

"Well, I kinda love you, too" Adam said pulling her into his arms and kissing her as he dipped her backwards

I'm lucky we're in love in every way

Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed

Lucky to be coming home someday

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh


Erin took a drink of her tea as she looked around the dance floor. There were cops from all of the 22 districts around Chicago represented. A full house for sure. It was a wonderful fundraiser and the Children's Hospital of Chicago would benefit from the money raised.

Erin scanned the room for Jay and smiled when she found him dancing with one of the young cancer patients that had come to the Policeman's Ball as one of the guests of honor.

The little girl was maybe six or seven Erin guessed and her small feet stood on top of Jay's as they danced. Her purple dress matched the head band that was around her beautiful bald head. She must've been telling Jay some crazy story because he threw his head back and laughed as he danced with the small girl.

Erin's eyes radiated with love as she looked at him. He was everything she wanted. She couldn't believe how someone like him could ever happen to her. She felt the voices slowly filling her mind again as she watched Jay dip the little girl backwards causing her to laugh.

You're not good enough for him.

You're not smart enough

Not pretty enough.

He's going to leave you

They ALWAYS leave you

Erin shook the thoughts out of her head and looked down at her glass. God, she'd kill for some alcohol.

"Got time to give me a dance?"

Erin turned her head and looked up at Hank Voight who was standing just behind her chair.

"Sure" she said and stood up from her chair and took his hand.

Erin was surprised to see Voight here. While he did help with donations to the charities every year, he never showed up for the Policeman's Balls. At least not since Camille had died. The last one he ever attended was with her just as she was getting sick.

Hank took hold of Erin's hand and walked through the crowd to an open spot on the floor. He was dressed in an all black suit. "Typical" Erin thought to herself as she stepped into Hank Voight's embrace as they started to dance to the song "There You'll Be" by Faith Hill

When I think back on these times

And the dreams we left behind

I'll be glad 'cause I was blessed to get to have you in my life

"How have you been feeling?' Voight asked as he felt Erin wrap her arm around his back.

"I'm ok" Erin said. She knew that she was lying to the man who'd known her since she was just a lost kid going nowhere fast.

Voight nodded as he and Erin danced to the music "You know, after Camille died I didn't think I'd ever be able to step another foot inside one of these things. You know this was her favorite event that we did?"

Erin shook her head "I didn't know that"

Voight nodded again and looked over Erin's shoulder at Jay who was sitting down and watching them. "She would start planning the next year's as soon as the ball would end"

Erin smiled as she thought back on Camille Voight. She was a saint. If there was ever a woman who made it to the other side, it was Camille Voight. "She loved her parties"

When I look back on these days

I'll look and see your face

You were right there for me

"That she did" Voight smiled as he thought about his late wife. God, how he missed her. "My point is, I knew when Camille was getting sick. Hell, maybe I knew even before she did. But anytime that I'd ask her if she was okay, she'd always say "I'm fine"

Erin tensed as she listened to Hank talk. She silently prayed this story wasn't going to somehow be made about her, but she knew she already had the answer.

"She didn't want to worry you"

In my dreams I'll always see you soaring by the sky

In my heart there'll always be a place for you

For all my life

I'll keep a part of you with me

And everywhere I am there you'll be

And everywhere I am there you'll be

"My biggest regret in this life was believing her when she kept saying "I'm fine" I knew she wasn't. Just like I know that you're not "Fine" if there's a problem, I want you to tell me" Voight pulled back and looked down at Erin.

Erin looked up at the man who had rescued her. Who'd taken her into his home and raised her. The look she saw on his face was not that of a boss, but of a concerned father.

"I just have a few rough nights every now and then. I mean it comes with the job"

Well you showed me how it feels

To feel the sky within my reach

And I always will remember all the strength you gave to me

Your love made me make it through

Oh I owe so much to you

You were right there for me

Voight kept his eyes on Erin and he silently kicked himself. He loved this girl and he'd go above and beyond to protect her. But part of him felt like in protecting her, he was the one who was hurting her. It wasn't his intentions. He only did what he did to protect the people he loved and cared for. But, he hated that he'd made her afraid to be honest with him.

"Maybe you should go talk to that counselor I told you about. I'm sure that she'd help you through all of this"

In my dreams I'll always see you soar above the sky

In my heart there'll always be a place for you

For all my life

I'll keep a part of you with me

And everywhere I am there you'll be

"No, I don't need to talk to anybody. I'm not crazy" Erin said her eyes narrowing as she looked up at Voight.

"I didn't say you were crazy, Erin. I'm telling you that you were brutally attacked. You can't just go on living like that didn't affect you" Voight tried to reason with Erin.

"I don't need you to tell me I was attacked. I see it every day when I look in the mirror. Do you not think that I don't close my eyes and see that knife above me? Cause I do all the time. Does that make you happy? Are you happy now?" Erin asked tears welling in her eyes.

'Cause I always saw in you my light, my strength

And I want to thank you now for all the ways

You were right there for me

(You were right there for me)

You were right there for me

For always

Voight pulled Erin back into him and he held her to him "I'm sorry, Erin. I wish that I could make this go away for you. If I could I would. Please just think about going to talk to somebody. I can go with you or even Halstead"

Erin shook her head. "No, I don't want Jay to know about this. You have to promise me that you won't say anything Hank. Please"

Voight weighed his options as he looked over Erin's shoulder back at Jay. He finally had the leverage he needed to end this "romance" between the two of them. Jay would never forgive Erin for not coming to him with something like this.

But as he turned his gaze back to the young girl in his arms he was reminded of his precious Camille. She'd have loved Jay. And he knew that if he betrayed Erin like that, she'd never forgive him. As much as he hated to say it he knew that Jay Halstead was here to stay.

"I won't say anything. Just as long as you go to talk to someone about how you're feeling"

Erin didn't say anything. She just stepped back into Hank's embrace as the song continued to play out.

In my dreams I'll always see you soar above the sky

In my heart there'll always be a place for you

For all my life

I'll keep a part of you with me

And everywhere I am there you'll be

And everywhere I am there you'll be

There you'll be


The Policeman's Ball was still in full swing as Jay and Erin made their way onto the dance floor. Erin had long since removed her shoes and was walking around bare foot. "Note to self: No heels next year" Erin thought as she followed Jay to the empty spot beside where Adam and Kim were dancing as "She's Everything" by Brad Paisley started to play.

She's a yellow pair of running shoesA holey pair of jeansShe looks great in cheap sunglassesShe looks great in anythingShe's: "I want a piece of chocolate.""Take me to a movie."She's: "I can't find a thing to wear."Now and then she's moodyShe's a Saturn with a sunroofWith her brown hair a-blowingShe's a soft place to landAnd a good feeling knowingShe's a warm conversationThat I wouldn't miss for nothingShe's a fighter when she's madAnd she's a lover when she's loving

"Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?" Jay asked as he pulled Erin into his arms on the dance floor.

"Once or twice" Erin smiled as she looked up at Jay.

Jay raised his wrist up to look at his watch "I do believe that it's almost 10 pm. Which means that we're very close to Saturday. and that means I can take you home and show you just how sexy you looked in this dress"

"You're pretty full of yourself tonight, Halstead" Erin ran her fingers along the back of Jay's neck as they danced.

And she's everything I ever wantedAnd everything I needI talk about herI go on and on, and on'Cause she's everything to me

"Can't a guy be honest around here?" Jay asked raising a brow at Erin.

"I don't know. I feel like you kinda only want to get in my pants" Erin ran her hand down Jay's chest as they danced and she smiled when she felt him take a hold of it.

"Me in yours? Oh, no, no, no. It's you who wants in my pants. I am a true gentleman" Jay raised his and Erin's clasped hands up to his mouth and kissed her hand.

She's a Saturday out on the townAnd a church girl on SundayShe's a cross around her neckAnd a cuss word 'cause it's MondayShe's a bubble bath and candlesBaby, come and kiss meShe's a one glass of wineAnd she's feeling kinda tipsyShe's the giver I wish I could beAnd the stealer of the coversShe's a picture in my walletMy unborn children's motherShe's the hand that I'm holdingWhen I'm on my knees and prayingShe's the answer to my prayerAnd she's the song that I'm playing

"In your pants? Halstead. You're dreaming" Erin stepped even closer to him and rested her head on his shoulder.

"I think the cruise proved that statement true" Jay felt Erin laugh against his chest and he placed a soft kiss on the top of her head as he breathed in the soft smell of her shampoo and perfume combined.

"I can't believe I showered in there after you were making nice with yourself" Erin teased as she looked over at Ruzek and Burgess dancing.

"Well, you probably shouldn't use the shower at your apartment anymore then" Jay said not missing a beat.

And she's everything I ever wantedAnd everything I needI talk about herI go on and on, and on'Cause she's everything to me

"You're an idiot" Erin laughed and pulled back to look at him.

Her gaze met Jay's and she couldn't help the pull on her heart as she was met with nothing but love in his eyes.

Jay reached down and brushed a loose curl from Erin's side swept bun and ran his hand over her cheek.

"You're beautiful" Jay whispered "I'm so in love with you"

Erin smiled as her eyes welled with tears.

Jay's gaze searched hers and his smile fell "Baby, what's wrong?"

She's the voice I love to hearSomeday when I'm ninetyShe's that wooden rocking chairI want rocking right beside meEvery day that passesI only love her moreYeah, she's the oneThat I'd lay down my own life for.

Erin shook her head as a tear slid down her cheek "Do you believe in magic? I never used to. I mean, how could I? 13, You're taking care of your junkie mom, you hope against hope for magic, something to make it all better. It never comes, and, you know, my dad's in jail. Well, no abracadabra there. And then there's Severide. Well... any magic that was there, that ran out? But, then there's you. Jay Alexander Halstead, The living and breathing proof that someone up there is thinking of me... my friend who was with me always. It's pure magic"

Jay ran his across Erin's cheek and he bent down and kissed her.

"Do you think I can take you home now?"

And she's everything I ever wantedAnd everything I needShe's everything to meYeah, she's everything to meEverything I ever wantedAnd everything I needShe's everything to me


Jay yawned as he laid in Erin's bed waiting for her to get out of the shower. Why is there never anything on TV on a Friday night?

"Erin? Are you ok in there?" Jay called looking over at the bathroom door.

Erin looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair fell down around her in loose waves as she'd taken the time to blow dry it after her shower. She'd put a little bit of make up on and she stepped back as she looked at herself.

Her red nightie was silk and fell to just below her butt. the bottom and the cups around the top were trimmed in lace. Erin closed her eyes and looked at the door.

"This is for Jay. He loves you" Erin whispered to herself.

Erin walked to the bathroom door and placed a shaky hand on the door knob.

"Erin? are you ok?" She heard Jay ask again and heard the mattress on the bed shift as he got out of it.

"I'm fine. I'm just finishing your present" Erin said from the other side of the door.

"What present is that?" Jay asked taking a step towards the bathroom door as it opened and Erin stepped out.

"You look beautiful Baby" Jay said walking over to her and wrapping his arms around her.

"Thank you" Erin said softly. She reached over to the wall and flipped the lights out. The only light coming in the room was from the moon and the downtown Chicago lights.

She stepped out of his embrace and over to the bed. She pulled the bedspread down as Jay walked up behind her. His hands slid under the silk nightie she wore, caressing the warm skin of her side tenderly.

Erin turned to face him again as Jay lifted the red nightie over her head, tossing it to the side. His eyes traveled hungrily over her bare breasts, his mouth watering at the sight of them. He lifted his gaze to her face and she could see the heat in his eyes and her breath hitched.

Erin reached for his waistband and pulled his shirt free. Her cool hands touched the warm skin of his stomach and he jumped slightly but never took his eyes off hers. Jay's hands lifted and he cupped her breasts in his palms. Erin shuddered as a soft moan escaped her lips.

Her fingers fumbled with his zipper as her head lolled back, her eyes fluttering closed. Jay continued to gently touch her as he bent his head to suck softly at the base of her throat. He felt her racing pulse beneath his lips and he scraped his teeth gently over it causing it to race even faster.

Erin finally got his zipper down and slid her hand into the front of his boxers. His already hard cock jumped in her hand as she gripped him.

"Erin," Jay groaned against her throat, the feel of her hands finally on him felt so good it almost hurt.

Erin lifted her head, her eyes dark with desire and she pushed him away gently. She sat on the edge of the bed and pushed his dress pants and boxers down his legs, letting his manhood jump free from its confines.

She licked her lips and brought them to his tip, She took his head in her mouth and sucked him softly as his fingers speared through her hair. Jay closed his eyes and moaned at the feeling of her soft lips and tongue on him. After a few moments he gently pulled her head away from him. He had no intention of coming in her mouth.

Erin looked up at him and smiled softly and Jay caressed her cheek gently.

"Lay down, baby" Jay whispered as he helped her to lean back and scoot up to the middle of the mattress. He slipped her panties down her legs. When he was finished he stood back up and lifted his undershirt over his head and he stepped out of his boxers and dress pants.

Erin watched him through heavy-lidded eyes as she reached a hand out to him. Jay lifted his knees onto the bed and leaned over her. He placed a soft kiss over her stomach and murmured something she didn't quite understand against her skin before his lips started to travel up her body, leaving a path of fire in his wake.

Erin sighed as she thread her fingers in his hair, tickling the tops of his ears with her fingertips.

Jay chuckled softly as he lifted his head from the underside of her breast.

"I love you," Erin whispered as she looked down at him. Jay winked at her before lowering his mouth to her breast again and he shifted to lay beside her.

Erin turned toward him. She cupped his face in her hands and leaned forward to kiss him. He figured she wanted more foreplay so he gently caressed the underside of her belly before his fingers slid lower and into her.

Erin moaned into his mouth as she lifted her leg over his hip to give him easier access to her. One of her hands left his face and traveled down his chest. She twirled her fingers in the hair just below his navel and she felt his cock jump against her hand.

She took him in her palm and stroked him firmly. Jay's hips bucked against her and she giggled against his lips. "Lay on your back," she murmured into his mouth as she swept her thumb over his tip, collecting the beaded moisture.

Jay rolled onto his back and watched as Erin brought her thumb to her mouth and licked his desire from it. He then helped her to her knees so she could straddle him.

Erin rested her knees on either side of his hips as she trapped his throbbing cock between them. Jay could feel her wetness against him and he groaned, needing to bury himself inside her. He needed the relief that only she could bring him. That only her body could give him.

Erin looked down at Jay and ran her fingers across his chest. She circled his nipples with her fingernails and his eyes fell shut as his hips jerked. Erin slid her wetness along his shaft, coating him with her moisture.

"Please?" Jay begged her softly and Erin rose up on her knees. Jay's cock popped up, begging for her. He moved his hands to her hips to help her as she grasped his cock in her hand, guiding him to the deep dark recesses of her body.

Erin rested her hands on his chest for leverage as she lowered herself down on him slowly, her wet velvet walls swallowing him inch by inch. Erin's leg's trembled as she felt her first orgasm overtake her, the friction of his cock sliding along her clit as she lowered herself onto him sending shock waves throughout her entire body.

Jay held her hips steady, as he watched her eyes flutter again as she rode out her climax, her walls clamping around him like a vise. Jay gritted his teeth as he fought the overwhelming urge to just thrust up into her hard and deep and release himself inside her.

When the tremors had passed, Erin opened her eyes and looked down at him again. She was so incredibly beautiful. She took his breath away.

Jay's hands moved away from her hips and he took her small hands in his large ones. He loved seeing their hands together. The rough and calloused against the soft and delicate. He entwined their fingers together as Erin started rocking slowly. Just enough to make his hips buck again.

Using the strength in Jay's arms and the muscles in her thighs as leverage Erin leaned forward and increased the motion of her hips, circling her body over his. Jay moaned as he watched her face, watching the myriad of emotions and sensations. Erin smiled at him, nibbling softly on her bottom lip as she concentrated on the feeling of his hard cock inside her. Jay lifted his hips off the mattress thrusting gently inside her, letting her walls grip him and pull him in.

"Harder," Erin whispered into the almost quiet room. The only sounds inside it were the gentle squeaking of the springs beneath them and the gasping breaths coming from both their lips as they sought completion in each other's bodies.

Jay thrust his hips harder, lifting them higher each time she lowered herself back down on him. Jay could feel himself getting close, felt himself lengthen inside her. He released one of her hands and brought his fingers to where they were joined. His other hand moved to her breast and teased the hard peak of her nipple. He brought his finger to his lips and wet it before returning it to her nipple, circling the tender bud.

Small sexy moans escaped Erin's lips as she pulled his hand away from her breast and pulled it to her lips. She locked her eyes on his as she sucked on his fingers, letting her tongue flick against the tips before she thread their fingers together again and let their entwined hands drop to rest next to Jay's hips.

Erin started trembling again as his name escaped her lips. "Jay," she whimpered as she rocked against him, harder, crushing the finger, that was still tickling her enflamed clitoris between their pelvic bones.

"That's it baby," Jay murmured as his eyes, which were mere slits, clouded even further with desire.

Erin felt her walls begin to throb again and she threw her head back and her mouth fell open as her eyes went blind from the intense pleasure rocketing through her body. She tightened her thighs around his hips just as her walls tightened around his cock. Jay groaned as his cock twitched and then exploded inside her, pumping his seed deep into her body.

Erin slumped back against him as she gasped for air, waiting for her racing heart to return to normal.

"Thank you," Erin whispered as she wet her dry lips with the tip of her tongue. "For saving my life"

Jay tilted Erin's chin up and he brought her lips to his and kissed her.

After a few minutes, Jay shifted to help her to climb off him and she settled on the mattress beside him. Jay reached for the bedspread, pulling it over them. He pulled her back against his chest and snuggled up behind her as his hand again covered her stomach gently. He buried his face in her soft hair, inhaling the smell of her shampoo.

He kissed her just below her ear as he whispered softly. "I love you."

"Love you," she murmured as she drifted off to sleep.


I hope that you guys liked this chapter. If you didn't, I'm sorry. Don't give up on me yet. I've still got some ideas left. I hope that you guys are staying warm. Warm? I don't even know what that word means anymore. Thanks for the reviews. Have a great night. Also, so much for respecting privacy, but are Sophia and Jesse dating in real life? People swear by it on Facebook. I thought she was still with the guy from Google. Who's like a billionaire, but she's not. If they are, it really plays through on screen. Must be where all that Linstead chemistry comes from.