30. Chances Are Love Can Change The Weather

Thank you guys for the reviews! I appreciate each and every one of them. I hope that you all the newest chapter. By chance did you all see the pictures of Jesse and Sophia at the TCA's? They looked amazing.


"So I was thinking that when you are up and out of here we should take a guy's day and do some fun shit" Ruzek suggested as he looked over from the White Sox game over to where Jay was laying on the bed.

"And go where?" Jay's voice was hoarse from having the vent tube down his throat the last 48 hours. He had finally been moved from ICU to a regular room and had the tube removed from his throat. His whole body ached from everything that had happened over the last few days. And even though he was thankful for the company of his best friend, he really wanted to see Erin.

"I don't know. Maybe we could hit up a Sox game, or get out of the city and go camping. We never hang out anymore" Ruzek turned his attention back to the TV. "And we'll never hang out after March"

Jay brought his hand up and rubbed his tired eyes. "What's happening in March?"

Adam mentally kicked himself as he remembered that Jay still had no idea that Erin was pregnant. "Oh...I...just...um...March...madness? March madness man. That's all"

Jay knew that Adam was hiding something. Ruzek was a horrible liar. "What's going on?"

"Nothing" Ruzek assured.

"You're lying. You won't look at people when you're lying" Jay pushed himself up so that he was leaning against his pillows and he sighed a thankful sigh as the pressure was taken off of his lower back.

"I'm not lying" Ruzek kept his gaze on the screen.

"Then what's happening in March?" Jay asked again.

"A birthday" Ruzek mumbled.

"Nobody's birthday is in March" Jay argued.

"Lie. Millions of people have birthday's in March" Ruzek retorted. Adam turned and nodded his head as if he were emphasizing a point.

"Nobody that we know" Jay laid his head back against his pillows and closed his eyes. Adam was giving him a headache.

"Not yet, anyway" Ruzek turned his head and looked back at the TV.

"What?" Jay asked. He opened his eyes and looked over at Adam who quickly grabbed his phone.

"Oh shit, that's Burgess" Adam lied as he quickly ran out of the room and past Platt who was walking past him and into Jay's room.

"Hey, Platt. What's up?" Jay asked turning his attention to Trudy.

"Not much, I just thought I'd stop by and see how you were. You look like hell. You need to shave" Platt said looking up from the floor and over to Jay.

"Anything else?" Jay asked. Is this the reception everyone is supposed to get after being shot and almost dying? If so, then remind him to never do it again.

"You really scared the hell out of everyone, Halstead. I don't think you realize how much" Platt said. She walked over to the empty seat beside of Jay and sat down.

"I'm sure that you guys were fine. Life and work went on" Jay wasn't really sure how to interact with Platt. So he figured that he'd just give her the sarcastic answers that she always gave him.

What he wasn't expecting was Platt to lean down and hug him. He was in fact, shocked as Hell that she'd do such a thing. "You really scared everyone. So don't say shit like that. You didn't see everyone, you didn't see Erin. You weren't there, so don't play the "Everyone would've been better of without me card" Because it's bullshit"

Jay was really taken aback by Platt's response. He thought she'd laugh. He wasn't expecting the hug. Of course he knew that nobody would be better off if he wasn't around. He just thought he'd have some fun with Platt. "I'm sorry, Platt"

Trudy shrugged her shoulders "It's whatever"

"So, did anything interesting happen while I was sleeping? Jay asked.

"Um, nothing out of the ordinary" Platt lied. God, Erin just needed to tell Jay already. It was like waiting for a bomb to drop.

Platt toyed with the idea of telling Jay about the baby, but she had made a promise to Voight that nobody would tell Jay. And as much as she liked Halstead and what he stood for, it wasn't worth having the deal with the wrath of Hank Voight.


Erin brushed her teeth and slid down the wall of the bathroom at Hank Voight's house. She wasn't sure how much more morning sickness she could take. She brought her knees up to her chest and laid her head against them as she tried to will her stomach to settle. Potato soup last night was delicious, potato soup coming back up? Not so much.

A soft knock on the door caused Erin to raise her head. "Yeah?"

"Are you ok?" Voight asked from the other side of the door.

"I'm fine" Erin answered as she gritted her teeth and fought a wave of nausea.

Voight opened the door and looked down at Erin and he knelt down on the floor beside of her. "Drink this"

Erin quickly shook her head as Voight extended the cup that was in his hand. "No thanks"

"It'll help you" Voight assured and he kept his hand out.

Erin groaned and took the cup from Voight. "What is it?"

"It's peppermint tea. It's good for nausea" Voight explained.

Erin brought the mug up to her face and inhaled the scent before she took a small sip. "It's not bad"

Voight shrugged his shoulders. "I told you it wouldn't be"

"I don't know how people do this" Erin confessed. "I can't take 7 and a half more months of this"

"Well, hopefully you'll get past it after the first trimester" Voight looked over at Erin and he couldn't help but feel sorry for her. He'd knew she'd been sick the better part of the morning and he hated that he couldn't help her more than just by making the tea.

"One could only hope" Erin took another sip of the peppermint tea and laid her head back against the wall. "This is my punishment for getting pregnant"

"It's not just you. Camilla was sick as a dog with Justin. She couldn't even drink water" Hank frowned as he thought back on Camilla's pregnancy with Justin.

"Really?" Erin asked. She adjusted her grip on the hot mug and took another slow sip of the tea.

"Yeah, it was horrible. But she started to get better after her first trimester. How far along did Dr. Backus say you were?" Voight asked.

"Um, it was seven weeks yesterday. So, that means I have five more weeks of feeling like this? Wonderful" Erin said sarcastically as she looked down at the mug in her hands.

"It'll get better, kid" Voight assured and he moved to stand up. "Are you going to go see Halstead today?"

Erin quickly nodded and took Voight's hand when he reached down and helped pull her to her feet. "Yeah. I need to finish getting ready. I hated that I wasn't there when he got the vent tube taken out. I should've been"

"Yeah? You also have a baby to think about, Erin. I'm sure that Halstead would want you to get some rest" Hank walked out of the bathroom and waited as Erin walked out behind him.

"I know that. But, it's no reason for me not to go see my fiance" Erin argued. She walked across the hall and sat the mug down on the dresser before sitting on the bed.

"Do you have to use that word?" Voight asked walking into Erin's old room and leaning against the doorframe.

"Don't start" Erin said as she bent down to slip her boots on.

"Are you going to tell him about the baby today?" Voight asked.

Erin shrugged her shoulders as she reached for her other boot and slipped it on her foot. "I don't know. I would rather wait and tell him when he's out of the hospital"

"I don't think that's a very wise choice" Hank offered as advice.

"Why?" Erin asked standing up from the bed and walking over to the dresser. She picked up her brush and started running it through her silky hair.

"Because the longer that you keep this from him, the harder you're making it on yourself" Hank folded his arms over himself as he looked at Erin.

Erin sat the brush down on the dresser and was silent a few moments before responding. "I'm going to tell him. I just need to figure out how to do it. He's coming home in a few days. I thought I'd just do it then"

"How are you going to hide morning sickness from him, Erin?" Hank asked.

Erin tilted her head back and rolled her eyes "I am going to tell him. Just let me do it"

"Whatever you say. I might not be Halstead's biggest fan, but he needs to know about this. Don't make me get involved, Erin" Hank warned before looking at Erin one last time and walking down the hall.

Erin ran her hand trough her hair and sighed. She'd tell Jay when the time was right.


3 Days Later

"Are you ready to come home?" Erin asked as she walked around Jay's hospital room gathering some of his things while the nurse went to get his discharge papers.

"You have no idea" Jay answered groaning as stood up from his bed and groaned as he felt the ache in his muscles from laying in the hospital bed for the last few days.

"I thought that it might be better if you stay at your apartment" Erin carried the things she'd gathered and walked over to the duffel bag and started to pack it.

"You don't want me to stay with you?" Jay asked taking a seat back on his bed.

Erin placed a folded t-shirt in the bag before turning to look at Jay. "I just thought it would be easier for you to get around your place. It's not so much walking and plus, you'll be around your stuff and your surroundings. I just thought you'd want to be home"

"Erin, come here" Jay reached out his hand and Erin turned her back to him.

"I should really finish packing" Erin said picking up another shirt and she began to fold it.

"Don't worry about that. Just come here, please" Jay requested his arm still extended out towards Erin.

Erin finished folding the shirt and laid it in the duffel bag before walking the short distance and taking Jay's hand.

Jay smiled as Erin took his hand and he guided her to stand between his jean covered knees. He looked down at their intertwined hands and brought it up to his lips and kissed her hand just above her engagement ring. "Baby, my home is where you are. I don't care if it's my apartment, your apartment, or some box on the street. Wherever you are, that's where I want to be"

Erin brought her free hand up and ran her hand through Jay's hair and down his cheek. The small beard he'd grown over the course of the last week tickled the inside of her wrist as she circled her fingers down and around his ear. "I was so scared" Erin confessed her hazel eyes welling with unshed tears.

Jay's blue eyes held Erin's gaze and he took his free hand and raised it up to her hip and pulled her closer to him. "Erin, I'm going to be ok. We're going to be ok. And six weeks from today, I'm going to be standing in a suit at the Chicago Cultural Center and you're going to finally be my wife. I couldn't go anywhere without having the vision of you walking towards me first"

A single tear slid down Erin's cheek and she exhaled and tightened her grip on Jay's hand. "I love you"

Jay smiled and dropped his hand from Erin's and he stood up from the bed. "I love you and I can't wait to spend my life with you and make all your dreams come true"

Erin gently wrapped her arms around Jay's middle and buried her face in his chest. "I need to tell you something"

Jay rested his chin on top of Erin's head and nodded. "What is it?"

Erin pulled back and looked up at him "I think you should probably sit down"

Jay furrowed his brows as he looked down at Erin. "What's wrong?"

"You should sit" Erin said as she walked him back towards the hospital bed.

"You're starting to scare me" Jay was only halfway joking when he took a seat on the hospital bed.

Erin looked down at the floor and took a few breaths in and out as she tried to calm her nerves. "There's no easy way to tell you this. So, I'm just going to tell you"

Jay frowned and looked at Erin. "Erin, what's going on"

Erin bit her lip and gathered the courage that she needed and her gaze rose from the floor and she met Jay's gaze. "Jay, I know..."

Erin was just starting to tell Jay the news when the door to his room opened and the nurse walked in. "Are you ready to go home, Mr. Halstead?"

Jay's gaze turned from Erin to the nurse who walked in and sat his discharge papers down. He looked back at Erin who broke his gaze and went back to packing his bag. "Um, yeah. Yeah, I'm ready to go"

"Ok, there's just a few discharge notes. We're sending you home with a prescription for 500 mg of Vicodin. You're to take one tablet every four to six hours as needed. Dr. Amato wants to see you back on Tuesday for a check up in his office at 11am. You have no dietary restrictions. The surgical site is to only be cleaned with antibacterial soap and water and patted dry with a towel. I've given you a small bag filled with gauze, surgical tape and a topical antiseptic. Change the dressing daily and after showers. No smoking, no drinking , no exercise, no heavy lifting over 12 pounds" The nurse explained handing Jay a pen so he could sign his release papers.

"No problem" Jay said taking the pen from the nurse and signing his name over the various papers.

The nurse nodded and took the pen once Jay was done "Oh and no sexual intercourse for the next six weeks"

"Excuse me?" Jay asked.


Adam Ruzek knocked on the door of Kim Burgess' apartment and waited for her to answer. After a few seconds Kim opened the door and came face to face with her boyfriend.

"Pizza al a Ruzek" Adam held up two Pizza Hut boxes "Well Pizza a la Hut...but it's all the same"

Burgess folded her arms and leaned against her door. "Is this your idea of making me dinner? Cause I'm pretty sure when you stopped me at work today, you said "I'm going to cook for you"

"Well, this is the Adam Ruzek style pizza" Ruzek joked and watched Kim roll her eyes. "Truthfully, I had to stay over and finish some paperwork, so I didn't have time to go to the store. And I know how you get when you speak out of hunger. Soooo..." Adam balanced the two boxes on one arm and pulled the top pizza box top open before continuing "I present thin and crispy pizza with everything"

Kim stood on her toes and looked at the pizza "You know, I am hungry. So you're lucky"

Ruzek shut the pizza box and handed them over as Burgess reached for them. Kim took them with a smile and said "Thank you" before kicking the door shut and leaving Ruzek in the hall outside of her door.

Adam frowned and raised his hand and knocked. Kim smiled to herself and walked into the kitchen and sat the pizza boxes down on her counter. She walked over to the door and looked out the peep hole. "Who is it?"

"Real funny, Burgess. Open the door" Ruzek said.

"I'm sorry, but I don't just open the door to strange men" Kim leaned against the door and smiled when she heard Adam mumble to himself.

"Just let me in" Ruzek knocked again.

"Are you a vampire? Cause vampires can only come in if they're invited in" Burgess joked.

"Very funny. I guess I'll just go meet some girls at Molly's" Ruzek gave a nod. Impressed with his witty comeback.

"Oh? That's fine. It's best you not be here when Roman leaves anyway. I mean, he's not even dressed yet" Kim teased and she laughed to herself when she heard Ruzek swear on the other side of the door.

"You know, I think you're joking, but I'm kind of getting nervous so if you could open the door...I'd really appreciate it" Ruzek asked with a plea.

Kim laughed and turned the doorknob and opened it. "You just missed him, he went down the fire escape"

"Ha ha" Ruzek frowned and walked past Kim and into her apartment. "I've seen the guy in the shower house. I don't have anything to worry about "

Burgess shut the door behind her and walked over to Adam. "Don't you think you deserve a little bit of teasing? I mean I'm still kind of mad at you"

Adam grasped Kim's arm as she walked past him and turned her to face him "Burgess, if you want to tease me. There are ways that I'd like a lot more than for you to use your work husband to hurt my feelings"

"He's not my work husband" Kim said trying to convince Adam for the millionth time that there is not anything going on between her and Sean Roman.

"I don't like the way that guy looks at you" Ruzek confessed.

"He doesn't look at me any special way" Kim walked into her kitchen with Adam following behind her. She opened her cabinet and grabbed two plates and handed Ruzek one.

"The guy likes you. I know that much" Ruzek took the plate from Kim and opened the pizza box.

"Um, clean hands" Kim said tapping him on the shoulder.

"Yeah yeah...I'm going, mom" Ruzek nudged Kim's shoulder as he walked past her.

"Thank you" Kim followed behind Adam waited for her turn to wash her hands.

"Kitchen Lemon?" Ruzek read aloud as he looked at the bottle sitting on Kim's sink.

"Um, yes. Bath and Body Works was having a sale and it smells amazing" Burgess explained reaching over and pressing the pump on the bottle so she could lather up her hands.

"Well excuse me. Any other Bath and Body Works products going around this place that I might benefit from?" Ruzek asked drying his hands on a paper towel.

"Maybe if you play your cards right" Burgess said with a smile. "And I mean REALLY play your cards right"

"Have I mentioned how much I love you? Cause I do" Ruzek said as he heard Burgess laugh.


"Home Sweet Home" Erin said as she used the key to unlock Jay's apartment door and held it open for him as he walked inside.

Jay looked around his apartment and sighed. He was so thankful to be out of the hospital and able to sleep in a real bed without being woken up every few hours. How people ever recover in hospitals was beyond him. Cause you sure as hell don't get any rest. "Just like I left it. Glad Ruzek didn't stop by and steal anything"

"You haven't looked everywhere yet" Erin joked as she sat Jay's hospital bag and his duffel bag on his couch. She reached down and grabbed the pharmacy bag and opened it, pulling out Jay's prescription.

"True" Jay took a long look around his apartment.

Erin walked to Jay's fridge and looked inside. She smiled a thankful smile that Atwater had delivered on his promise to go grocery shopping so that Jay would have food to eat when he got home. Erin grabbed a bottle of water and shut the fridge before opening the pill bottle and slipping one out and onto her hand.

"Let's get you to bed" Erin said walking over to Jay and handing him his pain pill and a bottle of water.

"Do you think I could take a shower first?" Jay asked "I've only been sponge bathed the past few days and trust me. That's not fun"

Erin scrunched her nose "Is that what that smell is?"

"Ha ha" Jay said taking the pill and water from Erin. "I was hoping you'd be able to help me. I mean there's so many places I'm too sore to reach"

Erin raised an eyebrow "Oh?"

Jay swallowed the pain pill with a drink of water and nodded "Oh definitely"

"Fine" Erin agreed "Let me just put this stuff away" Erin gestured to the couch and walked started to walk over to his couch, as Jay grabbed her hand.

"Don't worry about that stuff. Shower first. This stuff later" Jay turned and walked through his bedroom and into the bathroom as he gently pulled Erin behind him.


Kim placed a kiss on Adam's cheek as he placed one on her sweat slicked collarbone and rolled off of her.

"Am I forgiven now?" Ruzek asked as Burgess curled up against his bare chest and tightened her comforter around her naked chest.

"You're getting there" Kim answered. She closed her eyes for a few moments as she felt Adam raise his arm and started running his fingers up and down her naked back.

"Just getting there?" Ruzek frowned and stilled his hand "I clearly was bringing my best moves tonight"

Kim laughed against Adam's chest and placed a kiss against the beating of his heart and she raised her head and looked at him "Your best moves?"

"Um, hell yes. You didn't seem to have any problem with them a few minutes ago" Adam frowned as he felt Kim move away from him and off of the bed.

"Yeah, well that was then" Burgess slid off of her bed and grabbed her robe from the bed post.

Adam sighed a disappointed sigh as he watched Kim slip on her robe and tie it. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to take a shower" Kim said a hint of anger in her voice as she walked over to her dresser and started looking for pajamas.

"Are you mad at me still?" Adam asked leaning up on his elbows.

"Look who just caught up" Burgess shut her dresser drawer and walked out of the bedroom to grab a towel from the hallway closet.

"So you used me? You used me for sex?" Ruzek asked frowning.

"Yep, guess I got mine" Kim ran a hand through her messy hair and held her pajamas against her.

"I feel so used" Ruzek pulled the blankets up to cover his chest and frowned.

"Oh, poor you. Hey, maybe we should get married" Kim plastered a fake smile and walked into her bathroom and shut the door.

"That's real cold, Burgess. Real cold" Ruzek said he laid back on the bed and looked up at Kim's ceiling.

"I'm still spending the night, right?" he yelled.


The steam from the hot water filled Jay's bathroom as the hot water poured down on him and Erin. Jay closed his eyes as the water cascaded down his back and eased his sore muscles.

Erin placed a kiss on Jay's collarbone and reached over for the wash cloth and Antibacterial Dial Soap. She popped open the top and Jay's eyes opened to look down at her. "What are you using?"

Erin held the bottle up and inspected the label "Jay Halstead? Gentleman? Friend to women? Dial Mountain Fresh is the scent for you"

"Good to know" Jay sighed as he watched Erin squirt the soap onto the washcloth and he closed his eyes as Erin placed the rag on his chest and slowly started to work it against his skin.

Erin's gaze lifted from the work her hand was doing and up to Jay's face. He looked relaxed and happy and the fact that he was a little drugged up would soften the blow of what she was about to tell him.

"Jay, I'm pregnant" Erin stilled her hand against his chest as she felt his muscles stiffen and she bit her lip as she watched his eyes slowly open.

"What?" Jay asked. His pulse quickened and he felt dizzy.

"I'm pregnant" Erin felt her heart racing and she realized that the silence that she was currently getting from Jay was terrifying her.

Jay couldn't believe what he'd just heard. Erin was having a baby. His girl was going to give him a baby. A slow smile formed on his lips and he pulled her into his arms. "Baby, you're pregnant?"

Erin nodded "And I know we didn't plan this. And I-"

Erin's words were cut off by Jay's lips crashing against hers and she sighed as she started to relax against him.

Jay pulled back from the kiss a few moments later and he dropped his hand from Erin's face down to her stomach. "Our baby?"

Erin bit back tears as she felt Jay's hand run across her flat stomach and she nodded and watched as he shifted and knelt down to the tile floor in front of her and placed his lips against her stomach. Erin ran her hands through his soaking wet hair and she heard Jay mumble something against her before placing a kiss just above her belly button.


As far as Erin's pregnancy goes, would you guys like it to be extended over a period of chapters? Or would you like me to do a time jump? And of course the biggest question of all...

Baby Boy Halstead?


Baby Girl Halstead?

Please Review?