31. Today Was A Fairytale

Thanks for the reviews everyone. I appreciate the feedback on Baby Halstead and Erin's pregnancy. I have decided that I'm going to do her pregnancy in six week time jumps. So, that means Baby Halstead will make his/her debut in around six chapters. I know a lot of you want to see a hormonal Erin and she'll definitely come out. But until then, I think some have you have been waiting for a wedding? Hope you enjoy the chapter. Parts of this are rated "M". Just a warning.


2 Weeks Later

Hank Voight pressed the lock button on his car as he walked up the steps to his house. He reached into the mailbox and pulled out a handful of mail before unlocking the front door and going inside.

He shut the door behind him and carried the mail into the kitchen. He opened the fridge and looked for a few moments and he grabbed a beer and walked over to the counter and started going through the mail.

He skimmed through the small pile of bills, and letters and stopped when he saw the familiar writing across the top of it: Erin's handwriting.

Hank knew what it was. He didn't need to open it to figure it out. He ran a hand over the front of the letter and turned it over and slid his thumb through the paper to open it. He pulled the black and white cardstock out and began to read:

Somewhere between all of our

Laughs, Long Talks,

Fights & Jokes...

I Fell In Love With My Best Friend.

You've Been Cordially Invited

to the Wedding Of:

Erin Kathleen Lindsay


Jay Alexander Halstead


Saturday, September 26, 2015

at 6:00 pm


The Chicago Cultural Center

"Tonight is the Beginning of Always,

a Formality, an Announcement

to the World of Feelings Long Held"

Hank Voight sighed as he looked at the invitation in his hands. Here it was, in five weeks Erin was getting married. Hank stood in his kitchen as he stared down at the card in his hand. He took a long drink of his beer and walked into the living room.

As he was walking a photo on the mantle caught his gaze. It was from a few months after Erin had come to live with him, Camille and Justin. The picture was of the four of them from a Christmas party at church. Hank and Camille stood in the middle and Erin and Justin were on the ends. Justin, Hank and Camille smiled brightly at the camera and Erin had her head tilted up towards Hank. A real genuine smile on her face as she looked at him. One of the first that she'd given since she'd moved in.

Hank laid the wedding invitation down on the mantle and reached for the picture. He ran his hand over the frame and across the photo as his gaze fell to Camille's face.

His precious Camille: God, how her father had hated him when he first started dating Camille. He never saw Hank as someone who was good enough for his daughter and Hank smiled sadly as he focused on Camille's smiling face. God, he loved her so much and oh how he missed her. She'd be so thrilled to have heard the news of Erin's engagement and the news of both Justin and Erin bringing grandkids into the Voight household? Forget it. She'd have this house filled with baby and wedding supplies.

Hank looked at the invitation on the mantle and over to the kitchen. He could remember so many times coming home and seeing Erin and Camille at the table talking. Camille helping Erin with her homework, holding Erin while she cried over the things that Stephanie and the clique from St. Ignatious found out who she was, and family dinner after family dinner. He missed it, the house was so empty without Camille.

"I miss you" Voight whispered looking at the picture one last time before placing it back on the mantle.


Jay was awakened to the sound of Erin in the bathroom. He furrowed his brow and squinted as his eyes tried to adjust to the red numbers on the clock as the early morning sunlight made it's way through the blinds of his apartment.

5:47 am

Jay groaned and sat up in his bed and ran a hand through his bed hair. He got out of bed and walked over to the bathroom door and knocked. "Erin, are you ok?"

"I'm fine" Erin managed to get out before her stomach lurched again and she emptied the rest of her stomach into the toilet.

Jay reached down for the doorknob "I'm coming in"

Erin caught her breath and looked over at the door as she saw the knob turn. "NO! I can do this without you"

Jay's hand stilled and he let go of the knob. He couldn't help but bite back a laugh. The last two weeks had been like this. He felt so bad for Erin, he really did. But it was going to be worth it. And he'd take the morning sickness from her if he could, right?

The sound of the toilet flushing and the sink running brought Jay out of his thoughts. A minute later the door opened and Erin stepped out of the bathroom.

"Anything I can do?" Jay asked.

"No. No, you've done enough already" Erin narrowed her eyes as she looked up at him and walked over to the bed.

Jay tried not to laugh. He really did. But the whole thing was just too much. Erin looked disheveled: Her dirty blonde hair pulled up into a messy ponytail, his Blackhawks shirt was oversized and hung off of her slender body and fell just below her thighs. She was beautiful of course, but this version of Erin wasn't one he saw very much.

"Shut up, Jay" Erin groaned. She laid down on the bed and curled up in the fetal position and closed her eyes.

"Aw baby, I'm sorry" Jay offered as some form of support.

"Shut up" Erin repeated

Jay sighed and walked over to Erin. His pajama bottoms hung low off of hips and he walked over to the window and pulled the curtains closed from the morning sun. The room darkened and Jay used the light from the bathroom to make his way over to Erin. He reached down and grabbed the blankets on his bed and covered her up before sitting down on the bed next to her. He reached down and brushed a few stray strands of hair off of her face. "Can I do anything to make you feel better?"

Erin opened her eyes and looked at Jay. The bathroom light illuminating his face made him look even more handsome in the early morning hours. And God, it pissed her off.

"Let me cut your balls off. Cause this isn't happening again. I'm serious. You. Vasectomy. Today" Erin pulled the blankets up over her shoulder and sighed.

"Do you think that Dr. Backus would give you something for all this nausea? I mean there has to be something that you can take" Jay sighed and climbed over Erin to his side of the bed. He pulled the covers over him and reached over and started to gently run his hand up and down Erin's back.

"I don't want to take anything that's going to hurt the baby" Erin said "I can take this. I can do it for our child"

Jay smiled sadly and scooted closer to Erin. "Baby, you don't have to be so strong. You're sick. You can let me help you. You can let all of us help you. And I'm sure that Dr. Backus could give you something to keep you from vomiting"

Erin shook her head. "I just want to stop feeling like this. They say it gets better. When? I want that glow that all those other pregnant women have. When am I going to get the glow?"

Jay laid his head on his arm as he kept rubbing Erin's back. "You have the glow"

"Vomit sweat doesn't count" Erin groaned

Jay chuckled to himself and he brought his hand up and around her side to her stomach. He started tracing small circles on Erin's stomach over her shirt. he scooted closer to her until his head was nestled behind her neck.

"Jay!" Erin called her eyes shooting open.

"What?" He asked pulling his head back and looking at Erin.

Erin turned her head and looked at him raising an eyebrow as her gaze shifting down to their middle.

"It's morning!" Jay said trying to explain the semi erection that was pressing against Erin's behind. "I can't help it"

"Well try" Erin groaned scooting away from him.

"So, is this a preview of what it's going to be like when we're married? I mean excuse me. We've not had sex in almost a month. I can't help that I think you're beautiful. But I'm not going to apologize for loving you" Jay wrapped his arm around Erin and pulled her back to him.

"You're so full of shit" Erin couldn't help the small smile that had formed on her lips. Her stomach was finally starting to settle down.

"You love me" Jay mumbled leaning down to kiss Erin's neck.

"You bug me" Erin sighed. "And you're on a no sex order from Dr. Amato"

"Well, he's just a surgeon. We didn't talk to an ear nose and throat doctor" Jay raised an eyebrow and smiled when he heard Erin laugh.

"That's not going to happen. So, dream another dream" Erin shook her head and snuggled back against Jay.


2 Weeks Later

The last two weeks had been a complete turn around for Erin when it come to her morning sickness. She'd finally talked to Dr. Backus about everything and Dr. Backus had been more than helpful when it came to giving Erin medicine to control the nausea. And it was a Godsend. She still felt tired and if baby Halstead had it's way, Erin would do nothing but sleep. But, there was no time for rest. There was wedding issues to finalize and Jay's apartment needed a serious dusting. So that's what she was going to spend her last Saturday as a single woman doing. Cleaning.

Jay had just finished loading the dishwasher when he heard Erin walk out of the bedroom.

Erin walked out of Jay's bedroom her tank top and capri style leggings clung to her body in all the right places. Jay groaned as he looked at her. Pregnancy was clearly agreeing with her body. Yesterday had been the 11 week mark and the tiniest hint of a baby bump was just starting to form just under her tank top, but her boobs were the biggest change. A change that Jay Halstead appreciated. They were almost a cup size fuller and were part of the reason that Jay couldn't control his body around Erin anymore.

Next weekend was what he was counting down the minutes to. Sure, it was his wedding day and he couldn't wait to finally be Erin's husband, but it was also the end of his no sex after surgery era. So while the wedding was going to be his dream come true, the wedding night? Erin didn't know what was in store for her.

Erin grabbed the duster and stood on her tip toes as she started dusting the blinds. Jay groaned as he watched Erin reach up and her tank top slide up her stomach.

"Christ Erin, do you want a pole to do that on?" Jay asked taking a seat on his couch.

"I'm just trying to clean" Erin turned her head back towards Jay and she bit her lip and brushed her hair out of her eye as she looked back at him. "Something wrong?"

Jay shook his head "No. Not a thing"

"Are you sure?" Erin asked laying the duster down on the TV stand before walking over to Jay. The wood floor was cold against her bare feet as she made the short distance to her fiance.

"I'm fine" Jay assured. He looked at the TV that was playing a rerun of "Friends" and he tried to focus on it, instead of his beautiful fiance.

Erin looked over her shoulder at the TV and then back at Jay. She smiled and moved to straddle him. Her slender and toned legs hugging his thighs.

"Erin" Jay sighed as Erin leaned in and nuzzled her nose against his.

"Yeah?" Erin asked closing her eyes as she felt Jay bring his hand up and gently grab her face.

"Don't" Jay looked up at Erin from his position. Her hazel eyes were closed. Her lower lip currently tucked under her top teeth as she bit it. Her dirty blonde hair fell down her shoulders in waves. Simply put: She looked stunning.

Jay tried to will his body to not respond to his fiancee who was seated on his lap. But the way she looked seated on top of him and being unable to physically touch her the last few weeks had blown that plan to hell.

Erin's eyes slowly opened as she felt Jay's growing erection through the fabric of his sweat pants and her leggings. "Detective Halstead. You must really like "Friends" or you're just really happy to see me"

Erin ran her hands down Jay's shoulders as she slowly started to grind against the tent that was forming in Jay's lap. She gasped and softly groaned as she felt Jay run his hands up her thighs to her hips. Her pregnancy hormones were in overdrive the last few days. She was insanely horny. A clear highlight as she neared the start of her second trimester.

"Erin please" Jay groaned. He couldn't take this sweet torture. He was dying to be with his girl. He was reduced to a teenage boy the last few weeks. Spending his mornings in a cold shower, while visions of Erin's naked form moving in his lap filled his mind. He needed her like a needle needs a vein. She was his drug and he was addicted.

Jay couldn't fight it anymore. He gently arched his hips off the couch and into the apex of Erin's thighs. Erin groaned loudly as she leaned back a little and placed her hands behind her on Jay's knees as she started to grind faster against him. "That feels so good. Oh my God"

Jay growled in his throat as he thrust his hips up off of the couch and into Erin's. "Baby, I need to fuck you"

Erin shook her head as she kept her eyes closed. Focusing on her movement in Jay's lap. "No. Not yet"

Jay laid his head back against the couch as Erin continued to rock in his lap. She spread her thighs further apart and her groans filled the living room as she neared the edge.

"Jay" she panted. His name falling off her lips like a prayer.

"That's it, baby" Jay encouraged. "Come on, Erin"

And that was it. Jay's words were what she needed to throw her over the edge. Her release hit his like a truck and she leaned forward her head burying in his neck as she tried to catch her breath.

Jay wrapped his arms around Erin's back. His rock hard cock was throbbing against his sweat pants and he started doing math problems in his mind as he willed his body to settle.

Erin pulled back and looked at Jay. Her hazel eyes were dark with desire as she looked at him. "I'm sorry"

Jay swallowed hard as he looked at Erin. Her face was flushed and he ran his hand along her cheek as he leaned up and kissed her. "Don't be sorry. Not for that. It was sexy. In fact, we should probably do that more often"

Erin sighed and she shifted in Jay's lap and he sucked in his breath as Erin moved against him. She bit her lip and frowned "I'm sorry"

"It's ok" Jay assured. His current level of sexual frustration was at an all time high. God, next Saturday needed to get here and fast.

"Can I do anything to help?" Erin asked. "Except sex"

Jay laughed and shook his head "You know how a couple weeks ago you were really sick from the pregnancy and I asked if I could help you and you said "No, you've done enough"?"

Erin nodded as Jay shifted on the couch and nuzzled his nose against hers "Well, Erin. Trust me, you've done enough already"

Jay gave Erin a quick kiss and ran his hands down her thighs as he moved her off of him and he stood up from the couch.

"Where are you going?" Erin curled her feet under her and ran a hand through her hair as she looked up at Jay.

"I have to go take care of this" Jay gestured down to his current state of arousal. "So, I'm just going to live in the shower until next Saturday"

"Well, it's only seven more days. And we'll be on our honeymoon. Doing all of the fun honeymoon things" Erin reached for Jay's hand and took ahold of it as she smiled up at him.

"Does all this suffering mean you'll let me put it anywhere?" Jay asked a sly smile forming on his lips.

Erin threw her head back as she laughed "In your dreams"


One Week Later

"Listen, just sign the guest book and then you can go in and be a pain in the ass inside" Trudy Platt looked up at the couple who had picked up a wedding program and were currently standing in front of her reading over it, instead of signing the book.

"Chill out, Platt" Kelly Severide said looking up from his program.

"I'm just telling you, this isn't the hooked on phonics table, if you want to read, go to your seat and read. This is a tight ship I've got to run" Platt explained as she held the ink pen in her hand out to Kelly.

"This is a really beautiful venue. I like it a lot" Brittany said linking her arm through Kelly's as she looked around the building.

"A lot classier than some Vegas chapel" Platt commented under her breath and took the pen from Kelly.

"Real good seeing you, Platt" Kelly said with sarcasm as he took Brittany's hand and walked up the steps to where the ceremony was taking place.

"Real good seeing you, Platt" Trudy mimicked as she flipped to a new page in the guest book and looked up at the people in line talking.

"Who's next? This isn't social hour. Get moving"


"You look so beautiful, Erin" Burgess complimented as she fastened the clasp on Erin's necklace.

"Thank you" Erin exhaled as she smiled wringing her hands together.

"I think I'm going to cry" Burgess stepped back as she looked at Erin.

The white strapless fit and flare wedding gown clung to Erin's frame in all of the right places before flaring out at her thighs into a pool of material with intricate details on the fabric. Erin's hair was pinned in a curled bun at the back of her head with her veil pinned in and cascading down her back. The dress fit her perfectly and to look at her, you couldn't even notice that she was pregnant yet.

Kim as Erin's maid of honor wore a strapless black cocktail dress with a white sash that tied at the middle. It was simple and elegant. Something that you could wear on more than one formal occasion. Erin told Kim that she could pick whatever dress she wanted as long as it stuck to the color theme of the wedding. Kim wore half of her hair pulled back and in loose curls. The black sandal heels she'd picked were already pinching her feet and she couldn't wait to take them off and cut loose on the dance floor.

"Don't cry" Erin said turning to look in the mirror.

She studied herself for a few long moments. She'd always invisioned this moment when she was a little girl, but she didn't think it would actually happen to her. If you'd have told the 16 year old version of Erin Lindsay that she'd be standing in a dress about to marry the man she loved more than she ever thought possible, she'd have thought they were crazy. But as the saying goes "Every now and then, in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives you a fairy tale"

A knock on the door took Erin from her thoughts and she looked over at the door as Kim walked over to open it.

"Sergeant Voight, you look nice" Burgess smiled as she opened the door and let Hank Voight inside.

"Thank you, Burgess. You clean up well" Voight offered with a nod.

"Thank you" Kim smiled.

She watched as Hank and Erin stared at each other for a few moments and she cleared her throat as she stepped towards the door. "I'm just going to go down the hall. I'll be right back"

Erin looked over from Voight to Kim and nodded as she watched her leave.

Hank studied Erin for a few long seconds. Of course she was a grown woman, living her own life and making her own choices. But at that moment, he saw the six year old girl who was standing in front of him lying about where her mommy and daddy were. He saw the 16 year old girl who called him from a payphone crying and pleading for him to come pick her up and rescue her from it all. And he saw the girl who took on so much responsibility when Camille got sick and passed away. She looked beautiful and happy and when he looked at her, the only thing he felt was complete and utter pride and love.

"You look beautiful" Hank offered as he stepped towards Erin.

"You don't look so bad yourself" Erin smiled as she looked at Hank. He wore a black suit with a long black tie and white dress shirt.

"I have something for you. It's not much" Hank said reaching into his pocket.

"Hank, really you didn't have to get me anything. You helped with the wedding and that was more than enough" Erin held up her hand as she talked to him.

"I know, but this is something that was meant to be yours for awhile" Hank pulled the black velvet box out of his pocket and handed it to Erin.

Erin ran her manicured nails across the box as she opened it revealing a pair of diamond earrings. Erin recognized them in an instant and her eyes welled with tears "Hank..."

"Camille would want you to have them. I mean, you have to have something old. That's just the tradition" Hank's raspy voice assured.

Erin looked down at the box in her hand and stepped towards Hank.

"I couldn't love anything more" She whispered and wrapped her arms around him.

Hank closed his eyes as he wrapped his arms around Erin as she pulled him into the hug. "My feelings exactly"


"You ready for this, man?" Adam asked as he helped Jay slip his suit jacket on.

Jay nodded and reached down to fix his cufflink. "I've never been more ready for anything in my life"

"I gotta say, I'm kind of nervous. I'm kinda rethinking that Big Mac I had on the way over here" Ruzek said

"Nice man" Jay shook his head as Atwater made thier way over to them.

"It's go time" Kevin said looking down at his watch.

"Let's do this, boys" Adam said looking at Jay and Kevin.

"Let's do it" Jay took a deep breath and followed Atwater and Ruzek down the hallway.

The three men made their way down to the room where the ceremony was taking place. Jay was met by the wedding planner and he followed her to the front of the room as Kevin took his seat and Ruzek went to meet Kim so he could walk her down the aisle.


"You know, you shouldn't look this beautiful, it's not fair to the bride" Ruzek locked eyes with Kim as she laced her arm through his as they started to walk down the aisle to the string quartet in the corner began to play "Canon in D" by Pachelbel.

"You trying to seduce me, Ruzek?" Brugess asked through a smile as she and Adam started walking down the aisle.

"Maybe, is it working?" Adam asked through his own smile.

"Maybe. Have I mentioned to you that weddings make me super horny?" Kim asked her gaze sliding to the side to look at Ruzek as they made it to the end of the aisle.

"What?" Adam asked just as they reached the end and had to separate.


"You ready, kid?" Hank asked as they lined up behind the closed doors and he took a step forward.

"Wait" Erin said tightening her grip on his arm.

"You ok?" Hank asked.

Erin nodded "Yeah. I just need a second"

"If you want to go. We can forget all about this. People will just have to get the hell over it" Voight offered.

"No, I'm ready let's do it" Erin nodded and exhaled as she smiled.

"You sure?" Hank asked as Erin loosened her grip on his arm.

"Yeah. I'm ready" Erin said a smile forming on her face as she gave him one final nod.


The doors to the ceremony room opened as the string quartet started to play "Here Comes the Bride". And that was it for Jay Halstead. The vision of Erin in her dress walking towards him was like God giving someon a glimpse into Heaven. He would never be able to put into words how beautiful she looked but the simple "Wow" that Adam Ruzek whispered behind him came close to summing it up.

Erin's eyes didn't leave Jay's from the second the doors opened. The smile that was spread across her face echoed Jay's expression. There may have been 150 people in that room but the two of them only saw each other.

When they reached the end of the aisle Hank and Erin stopped in their steps and Jay stepped towards them as the music came to an end and the quartet stopped playing.

Hank held onto Erin's arm a few moments as he looked at Jay. He turned his head and looked at Erin and then back at Jay. "Don't screw this up, Halstead"

"Never sir" Jay assured as Hank removed his arm from Erin's and stepped back as she stepped towards him and took his hand.

"You look so beautiful" Jay smiled and he and Erin walked the few remaining steps to where the preacher was standing.

The preacher nodded to both Jay and Erin before he began to speak

"Dearly beloved, We are gathered here today, in the presence of God and in the face of family and friends, to join together this man And this woman in Holy Matrimony, which is an honorable estate instituted of God, since the first man and the first woman walked on the earth. Therefore, it is not to be entered intounadvisedly, or lightly, but reverently and this Holy Estate there two persons present now come to be joined. If any of you can show just cause why they may not be Married, speak now, or else for ever hold your peace"

"Who gives this woman to be married today?" The preacher asked.

"I do" Hank Voight said and he gave one last look at Erin and Jay before he turned and stepped back to his seat as the minister continued.

"Let us pray: Dear Lord, we ask your blessing for our bride and groom on this day of matrimony. We pray that the sacred commitments of this day will sustain them throughout their lives. May the love that binds them, be strong and lasting, and may their hearts be filled patience and understanding for one another. May they be blessed with health, courage, and good fortune, as their love and friendship deepens through the months and years of their lives. We pray that they find peace together. Amen"

Erin and Jay opened their eyes and looked at each other as the preacher adressed the crowd.

"As Jay and Erin stand before us, willing and able to commit to each other for a lifetime. we realize that marriage symbolizes the love and harmony that transcends everything in the universe. May we be encourages, to find the spiritual qualities that bring us all closer to one another, so that we may learn to truly love and respect each other, all the days of our lives" The preacher looked from the wedding guests to Jay and Erin who turned their heads to look at him.

"This is the day you have chosen to become husband and wife. We are here, not only to witness your commitment to each other, but also to wish you every happiness in your future life its framework of commitment,and loyalty, marriage enables the establishment of a home,where through trust, patience and respect, the love and affection, which you have for each other may develop into a deep and lasting relationship. We, who are witnessing your marriage, hope that despite the stresses inevitable in any life, your Love and Respect for each other, and your trust and understanding of each other will increase your contentment, and heighten your joy in living"

Erin and Jay both nodded and looked back at each other.

"Jay" the preacher started "Do you do you take Erin for your lawful wedded wife, Will you love, honor, comfort, And cherish her, From this day forward, Forsaking all others, Keeping only unto her, for as Long as you both shall live?"

"I do" Jay said with a smile his blue eyes radiating love as he looked at Erin.

The preacher nodded and looked at Erin.

"Erin, Do you do you take Jay for your lawful wedded husband, Will you love, honor, comfort, And cherish him, From this day forward, Forsaking all others, Keeping only unto him, for as Long as you both shall live?"

Erin nodded as a tear slid down her cheek. "I do"

The preacher smiled and looked at the crowd. "Erin and Jay have chosen to do their own vows. Jay, whenever you're ready"

Jay took a breath as he looked into Erin's eyes. "Two years ago, I was just a guy. Who had a crush on a girl who only saw me as her friend. And I had to spend two long years doing one of the hardest things I've done, wait. I know a lot of people thought we were crazy and didn't support the idea of us being together and working together, but it was all these moments. All these moments I had with you every day that we worked together. Simple moments that told me that I was waiting for my wife. Erin, I love you so much. I will always love you, you're my best friend and I will continue to support and love you through the good times and the bad. I love you" Jay took the wedding band from Ruzek and slipped it over her finger.

The preacher looked over at Erin and nodded that it was her turn.

"Jay, I don't even know what I could stand here and tell you to convey the way that I feel about you. I've always loved you, even on days that I didn't like you very much. Never has anyone challenged me, annoyed me, encouraged me and loved me the way that you have. You save me every single day and to be your wife and the mother of your children is the greatest gift I could ever be given. I will love you forever" Erin smiled as she took the wedding band from Burgess and slipped it on Jay's finger.

The preacher smiled and looked at Erin and Jay and then at the crowd.

"Now that Jay and Erin have given themselves to each other by solemn vows, And the joining of hands, and the giving and receiving of rings, I pronounce they are husband and wife, Those whom God had joined together, let no one put Asunder. May I be the first to present to you Mr. and Mrs. Halstead. Jay, you may kiss your bride"

"Finally" Jay said as he pulled Erin to him and lowered his lips to hers as the sound of applause echoed through the room


Erin covered her mouth and yawned as she and Jay sat at Chicago O'Hare airport. The newlyweds flight had been delayed because of the rainstorm in Florida where they were going for their honeymoon.

"Babe, I think we should just get a hotel for the night. There's no way we're going to get a flight out tonight" Jay turned his gaze from the Weather Channel to Erin.

"You're probably right" Erin looked at the people around them. Most of them were settling in to spend the night at the airport. She didn't really want to spend her wdding night in the airport.

"I'll be back" Jay said he leaned down and kissed her quickly before he got up and walked over to the ticket counter.

Erin gathered up their bags as Jay came back. "I got us on the 10 am flight. So, let's go and get some rest"

Erin nodded and reached down for her bag "Sounds perfect"

"I've got it" Jay said picking up her duffel bag and tossing it over his shoulder.


Jay stood against the window looking out at the city lights. He looked down at his wedding band. The silver band was perfect along with the inscription "Put It Back On" that Erin thought would be funny to have put inside the band. Jay wasn't sure what he'd done to be in the place that he was at this moment, but he knew that he was beyond thankful for this life. Everything had led him here and he wouldn't trade a single moment. Because as of 6:22pm this evening, Erin Lindsay officially became his wife and you don't forget a moment like that.

The sound of the bathroom door opening made Jay turn and his breath caught in his throat as he stared at Erin.

Her dirty blonde hair fell in waves down her shoulders and the silky black lingerie slip she wore clung to her. She leaned against the door and crossed one of her toned bare legs over the other.

Jay was speechless as he looked at her. The slip fell to the middle of her thighs and had a tiny slit in the fabric by her left leg. The way she leaned against the doorframe caused the slip to cling to the tinest hint of her belly and his gaze rose to her full breasts. The only thing that really gave off a clue that she was even pregnant at this point.

Erin suddenly felt self conscious as she felt Jay's gaze on her. "Is this..."

"You're beautiful" Jay said not taking his eyes off of her as he walked towards her.

"Thank you" Erin said as Jay made his way to her.

Jay stopped just in front of Erin and he raised his hand to her face and gently touched her cheek with his fingertips.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Jay asked his blue eyes searching hers. His body was craving being with her, but he'd never forgive himself if he did anything to hurt her.

"I'm fine" Erin assured and she bit her lip as Jay leaned down and barely brushed his lips against hers and then crashed his mouth against hers.

More than a month of not being able to touch each other was having an instant effect on the just married couple. And pretty soon all forms of clothes were stripped as they made their way to the bed and laid down.

Erin leaned up to kiss Jay but he pulled back just out of her reach as he shook his head. She raised one eyebrow at him and his heart skipped.

"Just lie back Erin". He whispered as he reached out a finger and trailed in between her breasts and down to her stomach. He dipped it into her belly button and she giggled but she did as he asked, allowing her thighs to fall open with the movement.

Jay moved to the bottom of the bed and took her foot in her hand. He gently kissed her arch as his fingers massaged her foot gently. Erin's eyes fluttered closed again and she felt a shiver travel up her body. Jay smiled against her skin as he felt her shiver and he continued his ministrations.

He slowly kissed a heated path up her calf, to her thigh, peppering her skin with soft kisses as his fingers gently massaged her soft skin.

Erin moaned softly and she spread her legs wider as he moved closer to her core. Jay completely bypassed the area she was silently begging him to kiss and he moved back to the bottom of the bed and gave the same attention to her other leg, starting at her foot and slowly and torturously traveling up her left leg. Erin whimpered her protest and Jay chuckled.

"Come on Er. Patience is a virtue". Jay chuckled against the silky skin of her thigh as his fingers massaged the skin just before his lips caressed it. His fingers reached the juncture where he thigh met her body and his fingers flitted across her.

When he his mouth reached the same spot, Jay was overwhelmed with the heady scent of her arousal. He licked his lips as he fought the urge to busy his tongue inside her and devour her until he almost drown. He wanted to love her slowly. He wanted tonight to last as long as they could both make it last. He needed it to last so that it would last him until he was able to hold her and love her and taste her again.

Unable to resist just a taste however, Jay's tongue slipped between his lips and slowly ran his tongue along her folds, her glistening wetness coating it. Erin's hips arched off the bed as she moaned softly.

"Please Jay", She whimpered as she pressed her core against his tongue, begging him to ease the ache. Jay flicked his tongue against the tip of her clit a few times and Erin's entire body shuddered.

Losing himself like he knew he would, Jay plunged his tongue deep into her recesses as he placed his hands gently on her hips to hold her steady. It was only seconds before she cried his name again and her orgasm bathed his tongue and filled his mouth. Jay greedily drank from her as her body trembled violently.

He used his tongue to sooth her tender flesh and when her tremors subsided he gently kissed her folds and then the tip of her clitoris before he placed open mouthed kisses along the flat plane of her stomach.

He thrust his tongue into her belly button again, mimicking the movements he would be making inside her body in a few minutes.

Jay worshiped her body with his hands and his lips as he slowly moved up her body.

Erin slid her fingers in his hair and massaged his scalp gently. She felt so truly loved at that moment and tears stung the back of her eyes.

Jay reached her breasts and nibbled the soft underside gently, his tongue making soft circles along her skin. Erin's nipples puckered in anticipation of his lips reaching them. With the pressure of her hands, Erin urged Jay to take one in his mouth. Unable to deny her or himself, Jay closed his lips around one hard pink tip. He masaged it with his tongue as his hand took her other one and tweaked it gently between his fingers.

Erin arched her back as she begged him to take more of her in his hot mouth.

"Please Jay" She pleaded softly and Jay took at much of her mound into his mouth. He suckled her flesh gently yet firmly and he moaned. His teeth scraped against her nipple and he tugged gently on the nub.

Jay moved to her other breast and lavished it with the same attention, until finally Erin couldn't take any more and she pulled his head away from her breast and pulled his lips up to hers.

Erin slid her tongue into his mouth, the faint taste of herself still on his lips and she slid her tongue along his teeth. Jay opened his mouth willingly, granting her the entrance she sought and he settled between her thighs, his aching, throbbing cock resting gently at her entrance.

Erin lifted her legs and wrapped them around him, pulling him against her and the tip of his cock slipped between her folds. Jay slid into her body slowly, her wet velvet walls surrounding him completely.

Jay moaned into her mouth as his tongue danced with hers. He slid his arms under her shoulders and buried his fingers in the silky strands of her hair as Erin's fingers gently roamed over his back.

When Jay was fully inside her he remained still, reveling and savoring the feel of her, the slight tremors in her body as she adjusted to him gently massaging his aching flesh.

Erin pulled her lips away from his and tilted his face so she could look him in the eyes.

His eyes remained locked on hers as he began to move within her body. Slowly he pulled out almost completely before he slid slowly and gently inside her again. They developed a steady rhythm as they continued to watch each other, neither one wanting to look away, neither one wanting to break the connection they were feeling.

Erin's hips rocked against his, meeting him every time he would move himself within her again. The love she felt between them at that moment was more intense than she had ever felt before.

Erin's eyes slipped shut as she fought the orgasm that was quickly approaching. She didn't want it to end yet.

"Please look at me Erin" Jay begged as he felts the beginnings of her climax. Her walls gripped him and throbbed around his hard flesh and he stilled his movements, knowing that he would crash with her if he continued.

Erin opened her eyes at his soft plea and her body shook as the orgasm overtook her. Her eyes glazed over but she could still see him staring down at her, watching her with loving eyes.

Jay gritted his teeth as he fought his body's urge to follow her into oblivion. He kept his hips steady as he breathed deeply, waiting for her to come back within herself.

Erin's body continued to jerk as her breathing steadied. When she finished, she reached up and pulled his mouth down to hers again.

Jay kissed her deeply and began moving within her body again. This time more forcefully. He continued to kiss her, his tongue plunging into her mouth in the same steady rhythm as his cock plunged into her heated depths.

Finally, he felt the telltale tightening in his balls and he knew there was no holding back any longer. His thrusts became stronger and more erratic as he tried to help her catch up to him.

He pulled his mouth away from hers and buried his face in her neck. Erin knew he was close and tightened her thighs around him and tilted her hips slightly so that his shaft was rubbing against her clit as he thrust in and out of her. She wrapped her arms around him and held him tight, telling him without words that it was okay to let go.

"Erin", he whispered against her skin as his legs shook and he erupted inside her, his semen bursting from his tip and into her. His cock twitched violently and Erin felt him explode. She cried out as her walls clamped down around him again.

Jay groaned at the vise grip around his cock and his hips bucked, slamming against hers once more before he collapsed on her, his harsh breath tickling her neck.

"I love you", she murmured over and over again as their bodies continued to tremble. Erin turned her face and kissed his ear gently.

"I love you too, Mrs. Halstead"


I hope that you guys liked the chapter. I worked REALLY hard on trying to make this one live up to any Linstead Wedding expectations. I hope you liked it.

How did you guys feel about the episode of Chicago P.D?

Shirtless Jesse? + Sophia in her underwear? + Linstead kissing?

Thanks for reading, please review.