35. I Knew You Were Trouble

Thank you so much for the reviews! I'm glad you guys liked the last chapter!


Sean Roman got up from his bar stool and walked towards the door. The whole time feeling Adam Ruzek's heated gaze on him.

"What's up, man?" Roman asked as he walked up to Adam.

Adam forced a smile as he looked at Roman. "Oh, I think you know what the fuck's up...outside"

Roman walked out of Molly's and onto the sidewalk. "If this is about me not wanting to go to that baby shower you guys are throwing for Jay and Erin then..."

Ruzek grabbed Roman by the shoulder and forcefully yanked him around. "You know it's not about that. You not going to the baby shower is just because you're a dick who thinks he's better than everyone. My beef is with you and MY girlfriend"

Roman was quiet for a moment. "What girlfriend is that?"

Ruzek laughed spitefully as he clinched his fists beside his legs. "You're real funny man. When you first came to the district, I thought that you and I could be friends. I mean we're both smart asses so we have that in common, but the difference between you and me is that I care about what happens to other people. When you didn't back Kim up and she got shot, she forgave you. So,I forgave you because I know that mistakes happen in this job"

Roman shook his head "You're not going to let that one go are you?"

Ruzek shook his head "I'm NOT done talking. So shut up"

Roman looked around at the small group of people who were standing a few yards down watching the scene unfold. "I'm not going to feel guilty about Kim. She told me not to"

Ruzek took a breath as he tried to control his anger "That's not the problem. The problem is, YOU" Adam forcefully put his finger against Roman's chest. "Took advantage of my girlfriend taking pity on you"

Roman shook his head "No I didn't. Kim doesn't love you. I mean why would she? Look at you. You're just some loser who lucked into making it on the IU one day. And what's the saying "Once a cheater...always a cheater" You had a fiance when you met Kim"

Ruzek stepped forward as he clinched his fists tighter. "That's none of your business"

Roman shrugged his shoulders "Yeah, but you don't have any room to talk to me about anything. I kissed Kim and I'll do it again if I want to"

"Who are you trying to impress buddy?" Adam asked.

"Not you" Roman spat.

"I"m going to tell you this once and only once. Stay away from Kim" Adam stepped closer to Roman.

"Kind of hard to do when we work together" Roman shoved Adam away from him.

Adam pointed at Roman as Roman shoved him. "I'm warning you man"

"You're a fool to think that Kim is going to be with you forever. I mean look at her...and then look at you. She doesn't love you. If she did she'd have told you about us kissing a week ago. She kissed me back just thought you'd like to know that" Roman raised an eyebrow and stepped towards Ruzek.

Adam couldn't control his fist as it raised and connected with Sean Roman's jaw. Roman stumbled back into the brick wall outside of Molly's and grabbed his jaw.

"Real classy, Ruzek. Sucker punching" Roman spat out blood from his busted lip and onto the sidewalk.

"Hey! Same unit men...You're on the same team" Matthew Casey yelled as he and Peter Mills came out from Molly's and separated Ruzek and Roman before things went any further.

"I'm cool" Ruzek said holding his hands up "I'm cool"

Casey let go of Ruzek's arm as Adam paced a few steps away.

"You alright?" Mills asked Roman as he handed him a napkin.

"Like you care" Roman said jerking the napkin away and holding the napkin to his lips.

"How about I take you home, man. You've had a lot to drink tonight and I think it's best you go" Mills reached down for Roman's arm.

"Don't touch me, man" Roman spat.

"Just go home, Roman" Ruzek said as he shook his hand.

Adam couldn't be sure, but he was pretty sure he'd just broken his fingers hitting Roman in the face. And that just pissed him off even more than he already was.

"Fine, maybe I'll just go to Kim's. I bet she'd like to know what it feels like to be with a real man" Roman shook his head and started walking away.

Adam snapped and took off for Roman, he'd have caught him too if Casey and Mills hadn't been using all of their strength to hold him back.

"LET ME GO" Ruzek yelled as he tried to jerk from Casey and Mills' grasp.

"He's drunk man. He's drunk...You both just need to cool down" Casey encouraged.

"Adam, he's not worth your job" Mills added. "Think about what Burgess would say"

At the sound of Kim's name, Adam instantly relaxed. Casey and Mills let loose of their grip on Adam and took a step back.

"I'm not just going to stand around and let him say anything he wants about my girl" Ruzek said. "And I sure as hell am not going to let him put his hands and lips on her"

Mills and Casey nodded. They both agreed with Ruzek, hell they'd have done the same thing if it were them.

"How did you get here?" Casey asked.

"A cab" Ruzek answered.

"Why don't you let us take you home. We were heading out anyway" Casey offered.

"Sure" Adam nodded as he looked down at his fingers that were starting to swell.

"Do you think I could get some ice first?"

Mills nodded and walked towards Molly's as Casey and Ruzek walked towards Casey's car. "I'll get you some man"

Ruzek nodded "Thanks...and could we try to keep this between us? At least until I can tell Kim?"

Mills and Casey looked at each other and then at Ruzek.

"Sure man. whatever you say" Casey assured.


Jay slowly walked down the hall to his bathroom and glanced inside and sighed. Bunny laid in the tub full of ice water in and out of unconsciousness. Erin sat knelt down next to the tub on the tile floor. A waste basket handy for the multiple times that Bunny had been sick.

Jay watched as Erin dipped a washcloth down into the ice water and wrung the excess water out before bringing it up to Bunny's face and wiping her forehead.

Jay shook his head and walked back down the hall to his kitchen where Teddy was making coffee.

It wasn't that he didn't want to help Bunny, he really did. He just didn't want his pregnant wife kneeling on a tile floor at two in the morning taking care of someone who should be taking care of her.

Jay walked into the kitchen as Teddy poured himself a mug of coffee. He looked over at Jay and held an empty cup up as Jay walked up to the counter.

"Thanks" Jay said taking the empty mug and reaching for the coffee pot.

Teddy nodded "You're welcome...how is she?"

Jay put the coffee pot back and looked at Teddy. "She's coming around. What did she take, Teddy?"

Teddy shook his head "I don't know. I came home from work and found her. I think maybe I brought it on"

Jay leaned against the counter and yawned. "What makes you say that?"

Teddy took a drink of his coffee. "Because I told her last week that I was moving out of her and Johnny's place and she didn't take it very well. I just needed a change man. You know? I mean I'm 23 and I'm sober and I'm going to school and working. I just thought I'd be making it easier on her and Johnny"

"That's understandable" Jay said taking a drink of his coffee.

Teddy sighed and looked down at his coffee mug "Not to my mom I guess. Her and Johnny have done nothing but fight since I mentioned it. And tonight when I came home she was laying on the couch with an empty vial and needle next to her. I didn't know what to do. So the only person that I could think of to help is my pregnant sister...pathetic right?"

Jay walked over to the kitchen table and sat down. "Has it always been like this with you and Erin?"

Teddy nodded and walked over to the table and sat down. "My first memory ever in life is of Erin. I was two and it was Christmas Eve and it was snowing and my wonderful mother was pretty addicted to Meth by this point and she'd left me and Erin for a few days. And I remember Erin bundling us up and she and I went outside and she carried me into town and we went to the store and she bought us the Kid Cuisine TV dinners and she carried me back home. Which she was maybe seven or eight at the time and town was at least a mile from our trailer so...she was freakishly strong at that age" Teddy smiled at the memory and paused for a moment and took a drink of his coffee before going on.

"...Anyway, we go back to the trailer and she made fixed the TV dinners and we ate and she told me she had a present for me and it was this Mr. Bucket game. I don't know if you remember that game but it was this bucket and it spat out balls and you scooped them up and put them back in the bucket. But we played that game all day long. Erin said that Santa had brought it early cause I was such a good baby brother and I realize now that she didn't even get a present that year. But she somehow got me that game. It was the best Christmas of my life to this day it still is"

Jay sat his coffee cup down on the table and looked at his brother in law. "Do you ever ever hate Erin for the way things turned out with you two?"

Teddy instantly shook his head "I'd never hate my sister. Life might have taken us in different directions and I might have had to have dealt with demons that she didn't have to, but it made me stronger. And that path brought me and my sister back together. Would things have been easier if I'd have gotten to go live with Hank Voight? Maybe...But you can't spend your whole life thinking "What if". As I got older Hank did try to reach out to me, but I just wouldn't have it. It wasn't my life path and really would you want to live with Hank Voight?"

Jay shook his head and took a drink of his coffee "Nope"

Teddy sighed "I am thankful to Hank though. He gave my sister the life that she deserved and without him, I don't know where she'd be. The thing about my sister is, she's fiercely loyal. She puts everyone before herself and sometimes I wish she wouldn't. But I'm also thankful that she has you"

"Me?" Jay asked.

Teddy nodded "Yeah, I told Erin when we were kids that I knew there was somebody out there who was going to treat her like she deserved to be treated and I was right. She finally found you. And when I tell you that I've never seen my sister so happy. I mean that. You are everything I ever hoped she'd have in her life. And I'm just thankful that I was able to get sober and come back in her life"

Jay looked over at Teddy and studied him for a moment. Teddy sure had come a long way from the person he was when they'd found him in New York. When he came to Chicago he'd gotten into a therapy group and an outpatient substance abuse program and he'd really changed his life for the better. Working at night and taking classes at the local community college during the day. Jay was as proud of him as Erin was.

"You know you're always welcome here Teddy" Jay said.

Teddy nodded "I know. And I should come around more than I do. It's just with work and classes and your and Erin's work schedule it's hard to talk other than a phone call. I think I've only seen you both once or twice since the wedding. But that's going to change when the baby comes"

Jay smiled "I take it you'll babysit for free?"

Teddy shrugged his shoulders "Free?...I don't know about free...we'll work something out though. I mean my niece is going to be a date magnet"

Jay took a drink of his coffee and shook his head "You think it's a girl?"

Teddy nodded "Oh yeah. She's going to be the coolest damn kid on the block. "Little Ass Kicker" is what I've decided to call her"

"I don't think that's going to fit on a birth certificate" Jay said. "And could you maybe not use my child to pick up dates?"

"Speaking of. Have you guys thought of any names for my future niece?" Teddy asked.

"We have" Jay said.

Teddy and Jay sat in silence for a few moments before Teddy finally spoke "Well, I can't mind read...what are they?"

Jay sighed he and Erin had a names for the baby, but they hadn't discussed telling anybody the names they'd picked. Surely she wouldn't mind if he told Teddy though. "Alright, I'll tell you but if you tell I'll kill you"

Teddy rolled his eyes "I'm not going to tell"

Jay looked down at his empty coffee cup "If it's a boy it's going to be Caleb Matthew and if it's a girl Everly Katherine"

"Evie" Teddy said "I love it"

"Or Caleb" Jay added.

"Caleb's nice, but save it for next time. The baby's a girl" Teddy said.


Erin sighed as she wiped Bunny's forehead with a washcloth. Bunny groaned as the cold cloth was brushed across her head. Her eyes opened as she tried to take in her surroundings. She reached her hand up and grabbed Erin's wrist to pull the cloth off of her forehead.

"Mom, what did you take?" Erin asked laying the washcloth back onto the side of the tub.

"I don't...remember" Bunny said bringing her hand up to cover her eyes.

"Are you ok to stand up?" Erin asked as she moved to her knees to stand up from the tile floor she'd been sitting on the last 90 minutes.

"I don't know...can you help me?" Bunny asked keeping her hand over her eyes.

Erin stood up and ran her hand over her swollen stomach. "Mom, I can't lift you"

Bunny dropped her hand from her eyes as she looked up at her daughter standing above her. "You can't do anything for me"

Erin sighed and looked at the bathroom door before bending down and wrapping her arms under Bunny's arms and pulling her up.

"Mom, you've got to help me" Erin said as she pulled against Bunny.

Trying to pick her mother up was like trying to lift dead weight and Bunny's wet clothes just added to it. Bunny braced her bare feet against the tub and was halfway up before her feet slipped out from under her and she fell pulling Erin down with her.


Erin laid on her back on the uncomfortable bed in the emergency room as she looked at the ceiling. The rhythmic sound of Baby Halstead's heart filled the room as Erin looked over at the fetal monitor she was connected to. Jay had stepped out to call of all people Hank Voight after Erin had practically begged him not to. She didn't want to deal with Hank, it was bad enough that she dealt with his wrath after he found out she'd went to Detroit a few months ago.

The curtain pulled back and Jay came in and took a seat next to Erin. "Hank's on his way"

"Jay I'm fine" Erin assured "It wasn't even that bad of a fall. The ER doctor said that everything is fine"

Jay shook his head "Yeah? Well the ER doctor isn't Dr. Backus and if we have to sit here all night, we're going to see her"

Erin sighed as she looked down at her swollen wrist.

The parents to be were currently waiting on the results of Erin's xray. She didn't think it was broken but it still hurt. She'd put her hand out to protect her stomach as she fell and the impact of the ceramic tub and Bunny's weight falling on top of her wrist had caused something in her wrist to snap.

"I'm sorry" Erin said turning her head to look at her husband.

Jay shook his head "Not now Erin, ok?"

Erin sighed and looked over at the fetal monitor. Baby Halstead's heart was as strong and steady as ever and the rhythmic beat was lulling Erin to sleep.

"I just want to know why you'd do this after I asked you not to" Jay asked as he finally looked up at his wife.

"She's my mom, Jay" Erin said resting her hand on her stomach.

Jay sighed and stood up "I get that Erin. I do believe me. But this...we can't do this"

Erin nodded "I know"

Jay stepped towards Erin's bed and placed his hand on top of her stomach. He felt his heart break as he watched Erin's eyes well with tears "I really thought things were different this time. She tricked me just like she always does. And I fell for it...like I always do. I mean a few days ago we were talking about the baby and going shopping and now tonight she was the same person I grew up with"

Jay sat down on the side of Erin's bed. "I'm sorry baby"

Erin shook her head as the tears she'd tried to fight rolled down her cheeks freely "Why doesn't my mom love me?"

Jay sighed and leaned forward and placed a kiss on Erin's forehead. "Remember what you told me when you went to see Kyle Smith? How you wanted to start a new chapter in your life and look forward to the good?"

Erin nodded as she looked up at Jay. "Yeah"

Jay pulled back and placed his hand back on Erin's stomach. "Maybe that should apply to your mom too"

Erin wiped her eyes as Hank Voight walked into her room.

"What the hell happened?" Hank asked as he pulled the curtain back.

"She fell" Jay answered before Erin had a chance to speak.

"Where the hell were you?" Hank asked locking eyes with Jay.

"I was with Teddy" Jay answered. Narrowing his eyes at Voight.

"Hank" Erin sighed and tried to break the tension in the room. "I'm fine"

"If you were fine you wouldn't be at the emergency room. You know I don't understand you Erin. You went behind everyone's back and went to Detroit and now this" Hank shook his head and rubbed his forehead with his fingers.

"What was I supposed to do? She's my mom" Erin asked.

Hank sighed "Erin, your mom has demons that you can't help her with. You don't need the drama in you life. We've had this discussion many times"

Erin looked down at her stomach and she smiled sadly when she felt Jay take ahold of her hand. "I just thought she'd like to know her grandchild. Things were finally starting to get to a point where I thought we'd actually be able to have some kind of relationship"

Hank was about to respond when the curtain pulled back a little and Bunny's husband Johnny poked his head around the side of the curtain.

"Hi Erin" Johnny said. A sympathetic smile on his face.

"Hey" Erin said.

"Are you ok?" Johnny asked.

"I'm fine" Erin assured

"And the baby?" Johnny asked.

"The baby's fine" Erin said. "How's my mom?"

Johnny sighed "She's sobered up now. She doesn't even remember what happened. I told her, she feels horrible about what happened. She's going to get help this time"

Erin nodded as she looked at Johnny. "That's good. I'm happy for her"

Johnny stepped on the other side of the curtain and was quiet a moment before speaking. "I am sorry about all of this, Erin...Jay. I hope that it doesn't affect your decision to let us be apart of this baby's life. Bunny is so excited to be a grandmother. And If you and Jay could find the forgiveness..."

"I don't think this is a good time to talk about this" Jay said with no emotion to his voice.

Johnny nodded "You're right...I'm sorry. I'm taking Bunny to an impatient drug center. She can get the help that she needs there. I'd like to give you all the details of how to contact her when I get them"

Erin nodded "Ok"

Johnny nodded and pulled the curtain back and stepped on the other side of it. "Y'all have a good night"

Jay let go of Erin's hand and followed Johnny out of Erin's exam room. "Is Bunny still in the ER?"

Johnny nodded "Yeah, we're just waiting on some discharge papers. They wanted to make sure she didn't have a concussion or anything"

"Can I see her?" Jay asked.

Johnny nodded "Yeah...sure. It's the first curtain across from the nurse's station. I'm going to go call Teddy and let him know what's going on"

Jay nodded and turned to walk towards the curtain Bunny was behind.

"Jay" Johnny called.

"Yeah?" Jay asked not turning around.

"Please go easy on her. I know it's asking a lot considering the circumstances" Johnny pleaded.

Jay didn't say anything he simply nodded and went on his way.


Bunny had just finished getting dressed when the curtain to her room was pulled back.

"Did you talk to them?" Bunny asked assuming it was Johnny coming back.

"Bunny" Jay said.

Bunny felt her heart sink as she slowly turned and faced her son in law.

"Jay..." Bunny started.

Jay held his hand up "Stop...cause there's nothing that you could say at this moment that would excuse anything you've done tonight"

Bunny nodded and took a seat on the hospital bed. "Is the baby ok?"

Jay nodded "That baby's fine"

Bunny felt relief wash over her "Thank God"

Jay nodded "I want to talk to you for a minute"

Bunny looked down at her hands "I am sorry for tonight. You just have to understand...I was so mad..."

Jay held his hand up again. "No. I want to talk first"

Bunny nodded and stopped talking.

Jay folded his arms over his chest as he looked at the woman sitting on the bed. He knew he needed to use his words carefully.

"You know..." Jay started. "I want to thank you"

"What?" Bunny asked. She raised an eyebrow at Jay not knowing what he was thankful for.

Jay gave a half hearted laugh as he continued "I want to thank you. It's because of you that I have Erin, the one person in my life that I love more than anything on Earth. And that person is giving me the greatest gift that two people could share. And because of you...we could've lost that tonight"

"And I told you I was sorry" Bunny said.

"Shut up" Jay said. He was trying really hard to control his emotions. He really was.

Bunny nodded "Alright"

Jay looked down at the floor before looking up at Bunny "As Erin's husband and the father of our child, my job is to protect them. Tonight, I went against my better judgment and let my guard down. I assure you that it will not happen again. Johnny tells me you're going to rehab?"

Bunny nodded "Yes...I am. I want to get clean for my kids...my grandchild"

Jay nodded "That's good. And I'm glad for you. But I'm here to tell you...this is it...if you don't get sober and STAY sober. You're not going to be in Erin's life. And you sure as hell aren't going to be in my child's life"

Bunny raised an eyebrow at Jay. "Excuse me?"

Jay shook his head "You heard me. The shit you've pulled with Erin her whole life? That stops tonight. If you can't be good to her and treat her like a mother should treat their daughter...then you're not going to see my wife, talk to my wife or even look at my wife. The same goes for your grandchild. This is it Bunny. Your last chance. What you do with it is your choice"

And with that Jay gave her one last look and walked away.



What did you guys think of the crossover?

I for one was glad that Erin offered to tell Hank. I think it's a testament to the fans that she's falling in love with Jay and it's so damn perfect.