40. Love Me Like You Do

Snow days from work lead to a new chapter! Hope that you guys like it.

Two Weeks Later

Roman approached Voight's office as he glanced at his watch. He was going to be late picking up Jenn for his lunch date work had run longer than he anticipated and, boy, he was sure he was going to catch hell for it. They were going to ski for the weekend and were taking off early in order to avoid the Friday afternoon traffic. Jenn had been hounding him for weeks to take her away. The weather was just starting to warm up and it looked like it would be an early spring so Jenn wanted to go skiing one more time before all the snow melted. And he wasn't one to deny her. She'd certainly make it worth his while in front of the fire each night, he was sure. And if he couldn't have Burgess, at least not yet, then Jenn would do for now.

He just needed to check with Voight before he left. Roman grasped the handle of the door in one hand and briskly knocked with the other before pushing the door to Voight's office open. His eyes swept over the sight that greeted him and he grinned before his face registered what he was truly seeing.

Erin looked up, startled, when the door opened. Everly's small body also jerked at the sudden sound and her lips slipped from Erin's nipple and she began to cry. Erin quickly placed her nipple in Everly's mouth again and she blushed as she looked around for the small blanket she kept handy in case she needed to cover up. She saw it sticking out of the diaper bag on the floor across the room. Great. She wasn't the kind of woman who was embarrassed about breast feeding. It was a natural thing. But she also wasn't used to being walked in on when she was doing it.

It had taken her over a month, but she finally brought Everly to the precinct to show her off. Commander Fisher had sent her a large bouquet of flowers when he heard about Everly's birth and she'd been meaning to come over and thank him personally. She visited with Voight for a while and he and everyone at the precinct fawned all over the newest member of the Halstead family until Evie had enough of the attention and decided that it was time for lunch. Voight told Erin to use his office so she could feed Everly in private. So much for privacy.

"Roman." Erin said his name as she moved Everly closer to her body so she could shield herself from Roman's roving eyes. What was it with men and their obsession with naked breasts?

Roman immediately turned around as he closed the door. "Erin, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were in here," he stuttered embarrassed. "I was looking for Voight."

"That's okay. You just startled us. That's all." Everly grunted around her nipple. Erin bent her face and nuzzled the top of her head softly. "Voight let me use his office because Evie was getting hungry."

Roman looked over his shoulder and caught another glimpse of creamy white flesh and he felt the blood rushing through his veins and to his groin.

"Could you hand me that blanket?" Erin pointed to the brown and pink diaper bag and after her request registered, Roman walked over, picking up the soft pink blanket. He turned and his eyes immediately fell to Erin's partially exposed breast again. He felt heat rush up his neck and into his cheeks as he licked his lips unconsciously. Erin frowned as she continued to look down at Everly. She could feel Roman's eyes on her and it made her very uncomfortable so she held her hand up higher.

"Roman? The blanket?" she questioned in an irritated tone as she looked up at him with narrowed eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry," he stuttered again as he walked to Erin and handed her the blanket. She immediately draped the blanket over her shoulder and then lightly over Everly to conceal them both. She readjusted Everly and winced slightly as she nursed a bit too eagerly.

"I didn't know you were coming by today Erin." Roman said looking down at his feet.

"I wanted to come over and thank Commander Fisher for the flowers he sent when Everly was born. And I wanted Everly to see the district" Everly stopped nursing and released Erin's nipple as she yawned softly. "I meant to come by sooner but I was sick and couldn't get out." Erin reached under the blanket and tucked herself back into her bra and shirt before she lifted Everly to her shoulder.

"Are you alright now?" Roman asked, his voice laced with concern.

"I'm fine. It was just a touch of an infection." Erin didn't want to discuss her health with him so she turned her attention to her daughter. Roman watched as she rubbed soft circles on Everly's back and he walked over to her and peeked around her to look at Everly's face. "She's beautiful Erin."

A soft smile formed on Erin's lips as she gently pulled Everly away from her shoulder and rested her on her lap, one hand supporting her chin and the other still rubbing Evie's back. Roman crouched down beside her and gently ran his finger along Everly's silky cheek as Everly's eyes darted around the room taking in all the sights.

"Thank you," Erin murmured softly as a small sound slipped across Everly's lips. "There you go, love." Erin leaned Evie back and she settled comfortably in her mother's arms and a soft sigh escaped her lips as she blinked her eyes.

Roman slowly stood, his hands sliding into his pockets. His pants were suddenly a bit tight and the smell of Erin's perfume wasn't helping.

"How have you been Roman?" Erin asked as she looked up at him. "How's Jenn?"

Roman's eyes bugged out of his head. "Oh God, Erin, I have to go. I'm late picking Jenn up."

Erin stood and walked over to the baby carrier that was resting on Voight's desk. "That's alright. I have to go anyway."

"I wish we could've had some time to talk." Roman walked over and watched her settle Everly in her seat, wrapping her blanket around her.

"Where are you and Jenn going? Erin asked, still a bit uncomfortable as she felt Roman standing close behind her.

"We're going to go skiing for the weekend". Roman glanced at his watch again silently cursing that he had to leave.

"Oh, that should be fun". Erin finished strapping Everly into her seat and turned to face Roman, startled that he was so close. She stepped back and reached for her coat. "Well, I have to run".

"Do you need any help?" Roman asked as Erin slid her arms into her coat. She slung the diaper bag over her shoulder and picked up the baby carrier.

"No, I'm fine. Thanks anyway".

Roman impulsively bent down and hugged her. "Take care Erin. And hurry back to work"

"Bye Roman." Erin turned to walk out of the room quickly. Roman watched her go and then flopped down on chair. Why is it that just seeing the women he worked with make him forget about Jenn?

As his cell phone began to ring, he muttered under his breath. "Oh fuck! Jenn!"


Jay and Adam sat at Molly's, nursing their third drink. Actually, it was Jay's fourth but they weren't really keeping count. It was the first time the "boys" had been out together since Everly was born. Things had been quite hectic around the Halstead household. Everly was keeping her parents very busy. Evie and Erin had some trouble with breastfeeding in the last two weeks. Erin had developed an abscess in her left breast, which was common in first time nursing mothers. She developed some flu like symptoms, including fever and vomiting and her breast turned red and was swollen and tender to the touch.

The doctor put her on antibiotics to clear up the infection and she had to have the abscess drained. It was hard on both of she and Everly for about a week with Erin's body struggling to produce enough milk for her since she could only nurse her daughter from her right breast. But now things seemed to be getting back to normal. Needless to say, it was hard on Jay as well seeing Erin so sick.

He wanted her so badly, his body was in a constant state of arousal. He felt like he was seventeen years old again, horny and not able to do what he wanted most. Bury himself inside her and show her how much he truly loved her. He was walking around with a constant case of blue balls and even the relief he found with his right hand didn't seem to alleviate the pressure.

Jay sighed and Ruzek looked out of the corner of his eye at him. "Okay, Jay, what the hell is with you tonight? We haven't had boys night in a long time and you've barely said ten words tonight."

Jay sighed again. "I know I'm lousy company."

"So what's bugging you?" Adam took another sip of his beer.

"Nothing. I'm just tired. Things have been crazy lately, you know."

"Well, having a newborn in the house can do that to you." Adam eyed Jay for a moment before motioning to the bartender for another round. "So, I take it you and Erin haven't had sex yet." Adam said the words so subtly that Jay choked on his beer.

"Jesus, Ruzek. Just get right to the point, don't ya?" Adam laughed and slapped Jay on the back.

"Yeah, well we've been friends long enough" Ruzek joked

Jay laughed and rolled his eyes at his best friend.

"So, how's Erin feeling?" Adam asked curiously. He knew about her abscess because Kim had gone over to help her a bit because she was feeling so awful when Jay was working.

"She's doing better. That's just it. I feel like such an asshole. She and Everly have been struggling and we're both exhausted and work is fucking crazy now and Erin's been sick and all I can think about is ravishing her until neither one of us can walk. I swear, it's like I'm in high school again and all I can think about is sex sex sex. My right hand spends more time inside my boxers than out of them."

Adam cringed slightly. "You know what Jay. Too much info."

Jay blushed furiously as he realized what he admitted out loud. Leave it to a little bit of liquid courage to lead him to confess his thoughts "Sorry, man. I didn't realize I said that out loud."

"No, I'm sorry. Believe me Burgess and I have plenty of dry spells. Sometimes it kills me to have to keep my hands off of her" Ruzek took a drink of his beer and looked at the TV at the game. "But you guys weren't having sex when she was in the last few weeks of her pregnancy"

"That was different." Jay sighed. "I don't know how to explain it, it just was. You'll be there one day"

Adam nodded, silently admitting to himself that he'd willingly give up touching Kim, if only briefly, if it meant they could have a child together. "You know you're a really lucky guy, Jay."

Jay reached out and put his hand on Adam's shoulder. "I know I am. Believe me I know. And I'm sorry for being such a dud tonight." Jay took the new beer the bartender had just brought and took a large gulp. "So how are things with you and Kim?"

Ruzek smiled "Well, since you've asked"

Adam reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a small black velvet box and opened it.

Jay looked down at the 2 carat coushion cut ring in front of him.

"Sorry man, I'm already taken" Jay said holding up his hand to show off the silver band on his hand.

"Funny" Ruzek said.

Jay shook his head and smiled "I'm happy for you buddy, when are you going to ask her?"

Ruzek looked down at the ring in his hand and closed the box. "Next weekend. God, I hope she says yes"

"She will" Jay assured. "I think she's the only person on Earth who'll put up with you"

Ruzek nodded "True, but she's not as big of a picnic as she looks. I mean she's gorgeous, yes. But she is a little bit of a pain in the ass...but she's my pain in the ass"

Jay raised his beer. "To our pains in the ass"

"I'll drink to that" Ruzk said raising his beer to clink against Jay's bottle.


Erin walked back into the living room and flopped down on the sofa tiredly.

"Is she finally asleep?" Kim asked softly as she stretched her legs out and placed them on Erin's lap. Nadia was sitting on the floor flipping channels on the TV.

"Yes," Erin yawned softly as she lifted her head off the cushion to look at the TV at an episode of "Full House" that Nadia was watching.

Erin looked over at Kim with one eyebrow raised and they both broke out laughing.

Nadia looked up and pffted them both."You guys just don't know a good show when you watch it, Do you?"

"Nadia, I do, but I'm afraid it's not "Full House" Erin narrowed her eyes.

"Pffft. You're going to sit there and tell me that you wouldn't want John Stamos?" Nadia ran a hand through her hair and leaned back against the couch.

"I always kind of thought Joey was hot" Burgess confessed.

"What?" Erin asked.

"If I'm being honest, I don't know why Joey Gladstone never found a wife. I mean, he has no obligation to the Tanner girls. He never showed favortisim towards any of the girls like Uncle Jesse did with Michelle. He bought DJ that car, taught Michelle how to ride a bike and don't get me started on him taking Stephanie to the Honeybee Sleepover. If anyone deserved a wife and a family, it was Joey Gladstone. He's A-OK in my book" Burgess grabbed a handful of popcorn and looked from Erin and Nadia back to the TV.

"I don't even have the energy to argue with you on that. Because it oddly makes sense" Erin yawned.

"Are you still on the antibiotics?" Kim asked as Nadia moved to sit on the chair beside the sofa. .

"I finished last night. I'm still feeling tired though. Taking Evie to the precinct today took a lot more out of me than I thought it would." Erin confessed.

"It takes a while, Erin. Just give yourself a break." Nadia urged.

"But I really can't seem to shake the fatigue. It's been almost seven weeks since Everly was born and I was just starting to feel like myself again, then I got the abscess. Because I was so sick with that, the doctor put off my final appointment until I got past it. I go see her tomorrow and hopefully she'll give me a clean bill of health. Jay's going to lose his mind, I hate to see the water bill this month" Erin sighed and Nadia and Kim burst out laughing.

"Awww, poor Jay." Nadia giggled at the thought of a frustrated Jay.

"Not poor Jay. Poor Erin. I haven't been this horny since the early stages of my pregnancy." Erin lamented under breath.

"Well you and Jay are at least helping each other out with that, aren't you? There's lots of things you can do even before you're fully healed." Kim asked

"You guys don't know what it's like having a newborn in a one bedroom apartment" Erin explained

"Yeah, yeah. But you have to make time to take care of your own needs too, Erin. Oh and dad's needs." Nadia giggled.

"Nadia, I think you've been spending too much time with Platt" Erin tilted her head back to look at her young friend.

"No" Nadia said "I just think she makes some valid points sometimes. At least she's honest about the touching and non-touching of her boyfriend"

"I'm just feeling a bit touched out too. I never imagined how much breastfeeding would take out of me. Everly constantly wants my breast and I don't mind. I love it actually. I love feeding her because it makes me feel so close to her But because she's always at one breast or the other, sometimes just the thought of Jay at them too is just too much." Erin finally admitted the words out loud.

She'd spoken to Dr. Backus about it the other day on the phone after she broke down after Everly's midmorning feeding. When she'd woken that morning, Jay was wrapped around her and his erection was poking insistently in her back. When she tried to move, he stared rocking his hips against her, moaning her name softly in his sleep. She was about to burst into tears when Everly did and she thankfully hurried out of bed to get her.

Everly's cries woke Jay, who was oblivious to what he'd been doing and Erin took Everly in the living room to feed him so Jay could go back to sleep. Once Everly was done having her breakfast, Erin walked back toward the bedroom so she could get her dressed when she saw Jay sleeping. Guilt overwhelmed her and she took Everly into the bathroom and cried until she heard Jay get out of bed. She managed to hide the fact that she'd been crying because Jay had to quickly shower and hurry out the door to get to work. But then after Everly's feeding a few hours later, which was her first one on her left breast since her abscess, she just lost it and called the doctor. Dr. Backus had talked her through it, explaining that what she was feeling was very normal for new mothers. She never said anything to Jay but she was sure he knew something was wrong.

"You know I'm sure that feeling touched out is normal, Erin." Nadia tried to comfort her friend.

"That's what Dr. Backus said too. But I've never flinched away from Jay's touch before. I don't like it. Especially since I'm dying for him. As much as I love that baby girl in there and would do every second of that delivery over again if I had to, she tore the hell out of my body. I wasn't sure if my body would ever get back to normal."

"Well, you'd never know it by looking at ya" Nadia glared teasingly at her friend.

"I'm sure Jay knows that things are crazy for you right now" Burgess assured. "I know he's a man and he loves you and wants to be with you, but I think he is more than willing to wait for you"

"We've come close a few times but Everly has this impeccable timing, if you know what I mean. And my body just doesn't turn on and off the same way anymore. I can't even stand to see myself naked at all anymore. I don't know how Jay is going to either."

"Erin, are you kidding me?" Nadia sputtered. "Maybe if you looked at yourself you'd see that you look fucking amazing. Do you have any idea how Jay looks at you? I swear that man licks his lips more than a cat after a bowl of cream."

"Maybe before." Erin's eyes welled slightly. Where was this insecurity coming from? She hated feeling this way, and she knew if she mentioned it to Jay then he'd just want her to make an appointment with Dr. Sullivan.

Kim sat up and reached over to put her arm around Erin's shoulder. Erin shook her head and laughed softly as she reached up and wiped her eyes.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" Erin shook her head. "I mean, I am so happy. I love my husband and my baby so much, I'd die in an instant for either of them. I just don't understand it"

Kim sighed softly as she released Erin's shoulder and tucked her feet beneath her bottom. Nadia looked over at her and saw a sad smile form on her lips. It was hard for Kim to hear about all the problems Erin was having with Everly when she would willingly welcome them whole-heartedly herself if she and Adam were to have a child.

"Enough about me and my life. How are things with Ruzek?" Erin asked as she looked at Kim.

Kim sighed. "Honestly? They're really weird. I don't know what I've done to make Adam so distant. But I must've done something. Because he's been acting so strange the last few days. I think he's going to break up with me"

"What?" Nadia and Erin both asked.

Kim shrugged her shoulders "I don't know. Ever since last weekend he's been really weird. Like he doesn't know what to do around me. I want to talk to him about it, but I guess I'm afraid to face the truth. I still think he thinks there's something between me and Roman and I swear on my life there isn't and if Adam were to break up with me..."

Kim's eyes welled with tears and she shook her head "Is there something in the water in this place?"

As if on cue, the front door opened and Adam and Jay stumbled through, obviously intoxicated. Jay's eyes darkened the second he saw Erin and he stumbled over to her.

"C'mere, Erin." Jay mumbled

Erin rolled her eyes at Jay as she stood up. "So, what have the two of you been up to?"

Jay pulled her into his arms and buried his face in her neck, inhaling her soft scent. "Boys Night" he murmured against the skin of her throat. Erin felt a rush of warmth fill her and she wrapped her arms around him gratefully.

"Oh, you have?" Her soft giggle turned to a moan as his tongue slipped between his lips and ran along the curve of her throat.

Kim stood up and walked over to Adam who was grinning like a drunken fool. She slid her arms around his waist and hugged him, her guilt over Roman eating at her even more than it was before her talk with Nadia and Erin.

Nadia stood up and reached for her coat. "Okay, kids. All this hugging and moaning is getting awkward for the only single girl here, so I'm going to show myself out"

Erin's head lolled back as Jay rocked his hips clumsily against her, his erection poking her in the belly. He cupped her ass in his hands and held her firmly against him as he growled against her skin.

"Jay," Erin whispered as he bit her neck gently. She tasted so incredible he wanted to swallow her whole.

Adam helped Kim on with her jacket as Nadia walked to the door.

"I'll see you guys later" Nadia said as she shut the door behind her.

"We'll see you guys laterr. Give that baby a kiss for me," Kim called as she led a still grinning Adam out the door and closed it behind them.

"What the hell are you grinning at?" Kim asked him as she helped him down the stairs, wondering how on Earth he and Jay had made it up.

"I just love you so much. Do you know that?"

Kim laughed. "Why do you say that?"

"You're just amazing, Burgess. God. Everything about you is amazing. I love you. Like. REALLY. love you." Ruzek explained.

"Alright." Kim laughed again as she looked up at him from beneath her lashes, her eyes twinkling. "So, how about you, stud? You wanna go home with me?"

Adam groaned softly and pressed her back against the door as he lowered his lips to hers. He kissed her sloppily and she moaned softly into his mouth as she slid her arms around his neck.

After a few moments, they broke apart. "I love you, Kim."

"I love you too. Let's get you home."


Erin felt tears welling in her eyes and she lifted her hands to Jay's face. She cupped his face in her palms, pulling his lips to hers. He moaned as his hands slid up her back and he buried his fingers in her silky strands.

She pulled her lips away after several long minutes and they gasped for air. "You taste like Tequila," Erin teased as Jay opened his eyes and they struggled to focus.

He ginned goofily as his eyes scanned her face. "God, you're beautiful." His grin changed to a frown almost instantly. "I'm sorry I drank too much tonight, Erin."

Erin unbuttoned his jacket and slid it off his arms. "Well you and Adam haven't gone out in a while. I guess you were due so I'll let it go this time." Erin tossed his jacket over the arm of the sofa. Jay's hands traveled over the curves of her hips and he licked his lips.

Erin chuckled softly, remembering what Nadia had said earlier. "What's so funny, Erin?"

"Nothing." Erin shook her head. "Come on, Halstead, Time for you to get into bed."

He grinned wolfishly, thinking he was being suave, and he pulled her back into his arms again.

"How are you feeling, baby?" Jay asked as he bent his face to suck on her neck.

"Mmmm," Erin purred. She wasn't feeling touched out at the moment. In fact, she was craving his touch immensely. She still needed to go to her doctor's appointment tomorrow morning to be sure everything was fine but they could certainly do other things tonight. Everly was asleep and hopefully would be for a while. "I'm feeling great. How do you think I feel?"

Erin pressed back against him and he growled against her neck. "Erin, please," he begged. "You're going to kill me. I can barely stand up as it is," Jay swayed at bit and rocked his hips against her.

"Well, why don't you go into the bedroom and lay down. I'll be right in and then we can see how you feel?" Erin reached behind herself and cupped him through his jeans and Jay bit her neck in response.


Erin turned in his arms and looked into his face. His blue eyes were dark with desire and she could feel his beating heart against her chest. She reached down and stroked him again, this time more firmly and Jay captured her lips in a deep kiss, his tongue slipping into her mouth as he backed her against the wall outside their bedroom. His tongue caressed hers and Erin sighed softly before Jay pulled his lips away from hers. He rested his forehead against her and closed his eyes.

"My head's spinning," Jay admitted regretfully.

Erin smiled softly as she stepped out of his embrace. "Go into the bedroom Jay. I'll be there in a few minutes."

He opened his blurry eyes and waited for them to focus. "Okay," he reluctantly admitted. He was about to tip over.

Erin turned him around and hit him playfully on the butt as he stumbled off to bed.

Erin rolled her eyes and cleaned up from the "Girls Night In" and she started the dishwasher and locked up before heading to the bedroom.

She walked inside and saw Jay sitting on the edge of the bed, looking down into Everly's bassinet. His fingers were softly caressing the baby's fist as she slept and Erin felt her heart melt at the sight. She walked over and sat beside him, her hand reaching for his other one and she thread her fingers through his.

Jay didn't take his eyes off his daughter but he squeezed Erin's hand gently to acknowledge her.

"I'm so in love with her," Jay admitted softly, his voice hitching with emotion and Erin felt her eyes well with tears again. She fell in love with him all over again.

Jay turned to look at her and his eyes, although hazy with alcohol were shining with the love he felt for her. He released Everly's fist and lifted his hands to her face, cupping her soft cheeks in his large palms. "And I'm so in love with you," he murmured against her lips before his kissed her again.

Erin melted against him as her arms wrapped around his middle. They moaned into each other's mouths as he pressed her gently back onto the mattress. Jay tenderly ran his hand down her side and rested it on her hip as they kissed deeply, hungrily. Needing oxygen, Erin finally pulled her lips away and nuzzled his neck.

She knew this wasn't going to go far. He was much too drunk. But she wanted to take care of him. He'd been so patient with her the last several weeks. And she'd missed him terribly. She missed how perfect it felt to make love with him. How loved she felt and how incredible it felt to show him how much she loved him. It was more than the sex. It was intimacy she missed the most. The feeling that they were one person, one heart, one body.

"Jay, let me just change for bed," she whispered as she kissed him again, this time softly. "Why don't you get under the covers and I'll be right back."

Jay wriggled his eyebrows as best he could in his drunken state as he sat up and lifted his shirt over his head. The thought of her in something small and silky and lacy sent all the blood that wasn't already there rushing straight to his cock.

Erin giggled softly and walked over to her dresser. She took a small black teddy out, the one Kim had gotten her for their wedding last year, and she winked at him before she headed to the bathroom.

She slipped into the lace garment, silently hoping it would fit her again. She sighed in relief when it fit her perfectly. She brushed her hair and then walked back to the bedroom. Jay was sprawled across the bed, his mouth wide open, snoring so loudly Erin was sure Everly would wake any minute. His jeans were unbuttoned and he had one shoe still on and Erin shook her head as she couldn't help but chuckle to herself. It figures he'd pass out.

She walked over to the bed and rolled him onto his side of the bed. She removed his shoe and socks and then divested him of his jeans. She pulled the covers down, after much effort, and covered him with the soft blankets. He mumbled her name in his sleep and she kissed his forehead softly before she walked over to the dresser and took out her other pajamas. She changed and was about to climb into bed when Everly started whimpering in her bassinet. Erin picked her up and walked over to the rocker to feed her, humming softly to her while she ate.

Once he she finished, she placed her back in her bed and covered her up. She kissed Evie's head softly. "Goodnight Evie-bug," she whispered against her soft dark hair before she moved to the bed and climbed in beside Jay. She snuggled up beside him and kissed his shoulder, again murmuring her love for him before she drifted off the sleep.


Jay groaned and rolled onto his back at the pounding in his head. He struggled to open his eyes but immediately shut them again when the sun streaming through the window tried to burn them right out of his skull. He slung his arm over his eyes before reaching over with his other hand to see if Erin was still beside him. Her side of the bed was cool so he knew she must have been up for a while.

After testing one eye a few times, he managed to get a small glimpse of the clock and saw that it was just after seven. He knew Erin had a doctor's appointment this morning and then they were heading to to go house hunting so he kicked the covers off and struggled to sit up. He placed his feet on the floor and tried to stand, only to slump back on the mattress and bury his head in his hands.

As he waited for the dizziness and nausea to pass, he heard Erin singing softly across the hall. Her soft sweet voice wafted into the room and Jay smiled despite the fact that it hurt his head to do so. He looked over toward the doorway and saw that Erin had left it open just a small amount. He heard Erin walk around the living room, chatting softly to Everly as they walked to the kitchen. He loved listening to their conversations. Erin was always talking to Evie. She'd read in one of her baby books when she was pregnant that babies who are talked to when they're very young develop better communication skills and are smarter. So she and Everly chatted all the time about all sorts of things and Jay was sure he could listen to them forever and never tire of it.

Finally he felt stable enough to stand and he walked over to the door and pulled it open. He walked across the hall to the bathroom and he brushed his teeth as he listened to Erin tell Everly about how they were going to go to see Papaw Hank today. Once he was done Jay decided to jump in the shower and hopefully the hot water would wash his aches and pains away. He slid his boxers down his legs and turned on the water, stepping under the hot spray of water.

Erin carried Everly's sleeping body down the hallway. She heard the shower running and wondered when Jay had gotten up and why he hadn't come out to say good morning. She figured he was probably going to be quite hung over this morning and was going to let him sleep until after she'd showered. But he beat her to it. She placed Everly gently on the mattress and covered her.

Erin looked over at the bathroom door and a sly smile made its way across her face. She walked into the bathroom and shed her clothes as she heard Jay's rapid breathing behind the opaque glass of the shower doors. She looked over at his silhouette through the glass and saw that he was slumped against the wall and she knew instantly what he was doing. She stepped closer and slid the door open just as Jay groaned her name softly. Jay was so caught up in his task, he didn't hear as Erin stepped inside the shower with him. His eyes were clenched shut and his hand was pumping his throbbing shaft as images of Erin beneath him filled his mind.

He jumped and almost screamed when he felt her hand touch his and his eyes flew open and his head whipped in her direction. "What the?" He released his cock and his erection vanished as he struggled to slow his racing heart.

"Good morning," Erin giggled and smiled at him as she leaned over and kissed his chest, Jay shuddered as her fingers closed over him, his erection returning instantly at the feel of her soft fingers.

"Erin," he choked as his body slumped back against the cool tile. His eyes traveled over her luscious body and his mouth watered as his eyes drank in the sight of what he considered to be the most perfect body on the planet. He lifted his hand and tilted her chin up so she could look at him as her hand slowly stroked him. His body trembled as her thumb swept over the blunt head and spread the silky moisture that pooled at the tip.

His eyes darkened as his hips bucked of their own volition. "Erin, you don't have to do this." The words were almost painful to say because Jay was positive he would surely die instantly if she stopped what she was doing.

"I know I don't have to. I want to." Erin stepped closer to him and kissed his chin as his hands sought out and caressed every part of her beautiful body that they could reach. "It's been too long since I've touched you Jay. I need you."

Her words broke him and unable to stop himself, Jay wrapped his arms around her and captured her lips hungrily. Her words sent a jolt of desire surging through his body and he knew he wouldn't last much longer if she kept up her ministrations. He crushed her against his body as his tongue swept into her mouth, his hangover completely forgotten. Erin could tell he was close and she released him. He groaned in pain and Erin pulled her lips away from him.

Jay opened his eyes and looked at her, his deep blue eyes full of agony and regret. Erin pulled out of his embrace and slowly sank to her knees in front of him. Her tongue swept across the tip of his cock and his knees almost buckled beneath him. He slumped against the wall again as his hands slid into her silky hair just as her mouth closed over him.

"Fuck," he hissed through clenched teeth as Erin took him deeper into her mouth. Her lips slid up and down his aching flesh As the he warm water cascaded down his side but he hardly noticed as the feeling of her lips on him blocked everything else out of his mind. It was if he was deaf, dumb and blind for a second as everything in his body focused on the pleasure she was creating. Erin could feel his legs shaking and she smiled before she continued her actions.

It only took a minute of her hot mouth surrounding him before he felt the semen rush up his shaft and burst into her mouth. His cock pulsed in her mouth as three short bursts of come landed on her tongue and slid down her throat. His fingers fisted in her hair as he cried out her name louder than he intended but he was unable to stop himself.

He helped her to stand and pulled her into his arms as he buried his face in her neck. "Thank you," he whispered against her wet skin.

"I've wanted to do that for weeks," Erin giggled giddily as she hugged him. He lifted his face from her neck and cupped her cheeks in his palms. He brushed his lips softly over hers, silently thanking her again.

"Did I pass out last night?" he asked regretfully, not remembering everything but only bits and pieces.

"Yep," Erin reached for the soap and began lathering it in her hand.

"I'm sorry, baby" Jay admitted as he took the soap from Erin and began making a lather in his own hands.

"It's okay. I figured you wouldn't be able to do too much anyway." They began gently washing one another, each sighing softly at the other's gentle touch.

"I'm sorry about getting plastered too, Erin. I didn't intend to, it just kind of happened."

Erin shook her head "Really, it's alright. You never do it and I know you and Adam haven't spent much time together lately."

Jay gently slid his soapy fingers down Erin's flat stomach and Erin opened her legs a bit wider, allowing him easier access. Jay was careful, knowing that her doctor's appointment this morning was her final one and the one that would give her clearance to have sex again. But he couldn't stop himself from softly tickling her clit. Erin's body trembled under his soft touch and she moaned his name as she buried her face in his chest. Before things could get too carried away, and as much as he hated to stop, Jay turned their bodies around slowly so Erin could rinse off beneath the spray of warm water.

A small sound of regret escaped her lips but she looked up at him. He bent down and kissed her softly. "I'll make it up to you later, I promise."

She nodded, knowing he was right and they finished their shower. Jay handed her his towel so she wouldn't get cold and once she was dried off she walked into the hall and got him another one.

"Are you sure you don't want me to go with you to your appointmen?" Jay asked towel drying his hair.

She shook her head as they walked into their bedroom to get dressed. "No," she whispered, not wanting to disturb Everly. "I'll feed her before I leave. And she'll be fine until I get back. I noticed she had a low grade fever this morning and I'm afraid she might be coming down with something. I'd rather her stay here until we have to leave for Hank's"

Jay nodded and walked over to check on his sleeping daughter. He reached down and caressed her cheek again. "I'll be glad when she doesn't sleep so much anymore"

Erin slid her arm around his waist and chuckled. "Well, she's starting to stay awake a bit more now. But let me tell you something," Erin brushed her lips softly against his neck. "I want her to sleep tonight for as long as possible."

Jay grabbed her hand and lifted it to his chest, resting it against his beating heart. "Oh, she will. If we have to leave her in the hallway" Jay joked as he turned his face to look at her. "I'm not above waking her up right now and just keeping her up all day"

Erin rolled her eyes and laughed "Real funny. If you want to wake her up, go for it. But you're the one who has to stay at home with her. And I don't know if you've heard, but you should never wake a sleeping baby"

"Go to your doctors appointment. So we can go to Voight's, go and look at houses and then I can come back here and have my way with you" Jay wrapped his arms around Erin and nuzzled her cheek gently.


Later that night Erin and Jay sat in the kitchen of Voight's house as they ate dinner. Hank ate his spaghetti with one hand while he held Everly in his other arm.

"Sorry you guys didn't have very much luck house hunting today" Hank said.

"No big deal" Jay said taking a drink of his tea "We don't want anything too far from the city I know we both don't want a long commute to work and everything in the city is more than we really want to spend"

"We'll find something" Erin said swallowing a bite of spaghetti as she joined the conversation. "Today was only our first day looking"

"I have a suggestion for you guys if you'd want to hear it" Hank offered.

"What?" Jay asked twisting a forkful of spaghetti onto his fork.

"Well when is your lease up?" Hank asked.

"May" Erin answered wiping her mouth.

"The Wilson's next door are moving this summer. I think in July, how about you guys move in here after your lease is up and then put an offer in on the Wilson's place?" Voight suggested.

Jay coughed as he choked on his spaghetti. As if a newborn didn't already affect his and Erin's sex life...living with Hank Voight? Jay may as well go and join a Monastery.

"Chew your food, Halstead" Hank said "What do you think, Erin?"

Erin raised an eyebrow and nodded "It's definitely something to think about. And we will consider it"

"Ev thinks it's a good idea don't you? You want to live with your grandpa, right?"

Hank nodded and he looked down at Everly who spit her pacifier out and smiled a full gum filled smile at her grandpa.

"She loves the idea"


Hope you guys liked the chapter. I needed something to do. I'm so over snow that I can't even stand it. The cold might not bother Elsa, but it sure as Hell bothers me.

Also, I had a guest reviewer leave me a comment about sending you an e-mail if I wanted to talk. You mentioned that you had written a book, I'm always looking for new friends to talk to. I just moved away from my family and friends with my husband so if you see this and want to drop me a PM I'd be happy to be e-mail buddies.

Please Review...

Also, is anyone emotionally perparing themselves for Chicago PD this week? Rumor has it, that Voight finds out about Linstead.