45. Tell You My Sins and Sharpen Your Knife

Thanks for the reviews for the last chapter. Sorry this update has taken longer than my usual ones. Things have just been so crazy, with work and life...but you guys don't need to hear my excuses. Chicago PD comes back next week. YAY! I don't know how I feel about it though.

This chapter is rated M.


Kim walked through the door of Molly's and her eyes scanned the bar as she looked for her target.

She sighed when she saw Sean Roman leaning against the bar with his head on his hands, clearly intoxicated.

Kim saw Gaby Dawson standing in the corner and when Gaby spotted Kim she walked over to her.

"Hey, sorry. I didn't know who else to call. I thought maybe since you're his partner you could talk some sense into him" Gaby explained.

"It's ok. I had just gotten home anyway. I was at Party City with Erin" Kim explained.

"Great, I know everything for Jay's party is ordered and in the freezer in the back. I don't know how she managed to keep this a surprise" Gaby said.

"I don't know. Especially since Adam knows. He's a bit of a blabbermouth" Kim joked.

"Adam Ruzek? Never" Gaby feigned shock as she looked at Kim.

"I know, right?"

Gaby shook her head and bumped Kim's shoulder with her own. "He's going to be really hung over, he should know not to drink like this on a work night"

Kim sighed "I don't know what's been bothering him lately. Things were actually starting to get back to normal. This drinking is really getting out of control"

Gaby nodded "Are you going to talk to him about it? He's good police, I'd hate to see him lose his job over something like this. Which is why I called you and not Antonio or anyone else from your unit"

"I'll talk to him" Kim assured. "Thanks for calling me"

"You're welcome. I'll see you Saturday night" Gaby said a smile forming on her face as she looked towards Matthew Casey as he walked in the door.

Kim walked over to Roman at the bar and gently touched his shoulder.


Sean Roman jerked his head up and looked at KIm. "Hey"

"Hey..." Kim replied. "You ok?"

"Yeah...I'm...fi...fine" Roman said.

"How about we get you home?" Kim reached down and took Roman by the arm.

"Are we going to your place?" Roman raised his eyebrows suggestively as he looked at Kim.

"No. I'm going to get you home and get you sobered up" Kim explained "We have to work in the morning, remember?"

Roman nodded as he stumbled and walked next to Kim. "You're really beautiful, you know that?"

Burgess shook her head "Sean, stop"

"I know you want me, you shoud dump Ruzek and come be with me" Roman's breath was coated with alcohol as he spoke to Kim and she turned her head as she tried to get away from the smell.

"You have a girlfriend Roman, you have Jenn remember? Your old partner Jenn?" Burgess reminded.

"Jenn" Roman said her name and furrowed his brow. "Yeah...I remember her"

"Good" Burgess said with a smile as she finally made it to her car. "Now let's get you home"


The afternoon sun shown through the clouds onto Hank Voight's house and through the windows of the wood floor. The young married couple paid no mind to the sound of thunder in the distance as they were too wrapped up in each other to notice the storm coming in.

"Jay please" Erin whimpered as she ground down against him.

Jay groaned as he held onto Erin's hips and moved her on top of him. "God Erin"

What had started out as lunch had quickly turned into much more when Jay walked through the door of Hank Voight's home. These afteroon "lunch dates" were the only time that Erin and Jay got to be alone. Hank was always at work and Evie was down for her afternoon nap. So the hour gave Erin and Jay the time that they needed to themselves to do with what they saw fit. Which ususally led to them upstairs in some compromising position.

Erin closed her eyes and threw her head back as she moved faster against Jay. "Jay, I'm so close"

"That's it baby girl" Jay encouraged as he watched Erin lean forward and grip the pillow under his head.

Erin bit her lip and moaned as she started to grind against Jay getting as much pressure on her sensitive clit as she could.

"Shit Erin" Jay said as he felt his cock throbbing inside of her.

The sound of Jay's cell buzzing on the nightstand next to him filled the room.

Jay groaned as he heard the phone ring. He tightened his grip on Erin's hips as he tried to slow her. "I need to get the phone"

"Jay, please I'm so close…I just need a few more minutes" Erin pleaded.

"Five minutes baby. Just give me five minutes" Jay said reaching for his cell phone and answering his call.

"Hello?" Jay said

"Where the hell are you? You were supposed to be back from lunch twenty minutes ago" Voight's voice said on the other line.

"I'm on my way. Had a little car trouble" Jay lied as he looked up at his wife who was still slowly moving in his lap.

"Why didn't you phone it in?" Voight asked. "We need you here for the briefing"

"Umm…can we do it later?" Jay asked as he looked up at Erin who continued to rock against him slowly.

"No…we can't do it "later" get your ass here and get your ass here now" Voight said.

"I'm on my way" Jay said

"I don't know why you think you deserve special treatment, Halstead. Just cause you're living in my house, doesn't mean extended lunches or not calling in car trouble..." Voight said.

"I'm on my way" Jay said "I'll be there in 10 minutes"

Jay put his phone on the bed and looked at Erin who'd started moving faster against him. "Erin, we got to stop"

"Jay please. I'm almost done…I promise" Erin pleaded again she took his hand and brought it to where their bodies were joined "Help me"

"I can't baby…I need to go" Jay said moving his hands back to her hips and pulling her off of him.

"Can't you just cut out early? It's Friday" Erin asked laying down on the bed.

"I wish I could. You know I can't" Jay said as he got out of bed. Erin watched as Jay grabbed his pants and boxers and slid them up his hips. He groaned when he confined his rock hard erection in his pants and zipped them.

"What am I going to do?" Erin asked taking Jay by the hand and sliding it between her thighs. "I'm so wet for you"

Jay groaned and flicked her swollen clit and pulled his hand away. "You're killing me with these lunch time quickies. We really can't keep doing this. Voight's going to catch on"

"You don't like these "Scrabble" sessions?" Erin asked.

"You know I do. But if Voight fires me, then we're going to have to live here forever" Jay said

"Go to work" Erin said "And you know we do need to tell him we're moving out, right?"

"Yeah, I know. I pencil that in when Hell freezes over" Jay said.

"It's probably better you're leaving. Evie's gong to be up from her nap soon" Erin said as she watched Jay pull his shirt on.

"I'll be home later this evening" Jay said leaning down to kiss her.

"I love you" Erin said as she watched him grab his phone and walk out the door.


"So where the hell were you today?" Hank asked as he and Jay walked around the mall looking for a Mother's Day gift for Erin.

"I told you, I had car trouble" Jay lied as he and Hank walked into "Bass Pro Shop"

"Sure..." Voight said "So, when are you guys going to look at the house next door. The Wilson's said you can come anytime to see it"

Jay nodded and looked down at Everly who in her baby bjorn against his chest. "Um..."

"Not quite the answer I'm looking for, Halstead" Hank said.

"Erin and I actually found a house. We put in an offer on it and they accepted it and next month we're going to be moving in it" Jay said looking up from Everly to Hank.

"I see" Voight said letting what Jay told him sink in. "Where is this place"

"It's outside of the city" Jay said.

"How far?" Hank asked.

"It's like a 15 minute drive" Jay said.

"When were you going to tell me, or were you two just going to take Everly and leave in the night?" Hank asked.

"We were going to tell you, Voight" Jay said.

"So you're just going to take Everly and move. She's adjusted at my house, don't you think it's going to be hard for her to be in the country?" Hank asked "Or were you and Erin too selfish to think about your daughter?"

Jay narrowed his eyes as he looked at Voight "This is for our daughter. Everly needs a yard to run in and Erin and I need the safety of knowing she can play outside without running into the street or worrying about someone just walking up and taking her from us. We deal with that shit every single day, Hank. You know that. So forgive us if we want our daughter to have somewhere to run and be a kid"

Voight was quiet for a minute "That's about the dumbest thing I've ever heard. She's just now learning to sit up on her own, she's years away from needing a yard to play in. And for your information, the Wilson's have a backyard. Hell. I have a backyard"

"You're over-reacting" Jay said "Nothing's going to change"

"Not for you. Cause you always end up getting what you want, don't you Halstead?" Voight spat as he turned on his foot and walked out of the mall.

Jay sighed and looked down at Everly who looked up at him and smiled.

"Glad you think daddy getting his ass handed to him is so funny"


Kim stepped out of the small shower and wrapped the towel around her body. Her back was aching and she felt like her bruises were worse than they were this morning. She tried to turn to look at her bruises, but the small quarters inside her bathroom made it impossible for her to get an adequate view of her back.

Kim sighed as she turned and brushed her hair in front of the tiny mirror, thankful that she and Adam were finally alone. That's all she wanted all night.

Her stomach was full of knots as she slid on the forest green negligee Erin had bought her as an engagement gag gift. She knew she had to tell Adam about Roman and what happened but she was terrified. Terrified of his reaction. Terrified that he'd be angry with her for not telling him sooner and for not calling him last night after Roman left.

Kim knew she should have called him. She had wanted to call him desperately. She wanted him to come over and hold her and tell her that everything was going to be all right. She needed his strength and his love and his protection.

He promised her that he would protect her always and she knew he would; but who would have guessed that she would need protection from Roman. In addition to Adam, Roman was the last person she ever would have imagined she needed protection from.

Kim shivered slightly as she slipped on the sheer robe that was part of the negligee set. She hoped that Adam didn't notice her bruises underneath it. She intended to tell him about Roman, but did he really need to see how horrible her bruises were? It would only make him angrier and he was going to be angry enough as it was.

Kim dreaded the rage she knew she was going to see in him. She wasn't afraid he would be angry with her. He wouldn't blame her for what happened. Would he?

Adam had wanted to stay with her last night and she wished she had let him. But it was so late after she got home from work, that she just wanted to be alone and relax.

Kim checked her face in the mirror. She looked tired and drawn, not the way a blushing bride to be should look. She shook her head and sighed and rubbed her temples slowly.

All she should be thinking about was Adam and what they wanted to do to each other. She and Adam should be making love until dawn, not having a conversation about how Roman attacked her.

That was a conversation Kim didnt even know how to even start.

Adam didn't seem interested in talking much at all earlier. His tongue was busily engaged in assaulting her ear and neck in the car ride from Molly's and since then he'd been busy packing up a few boxes that Kim hadn't packed for their move to their joint apartment.

So, Kim had taken the opportunity to shower. They had been very lucky that the day was cool considering it was the middle of May; but somehow, Kim had felt like she was melting.

She now felt refreshed and was ready to face the inevitable. At lease she hoped she was ready.

Kim walked out of the bathroom and through her small apartment. She found Adam sitting on the bed, lighting a candle on the table beside it. He looked up at the sound of the door opening.

He smiled and his eyes darkened with desire as they swept over her body, taking in her beauty. He felt all his blood rush south and his breath caught in his throat.

He stood and walked over to her without saying a word; his eyes saying all that he was feeling for her at that moment. He cupped her face in his hands and lowered his mouth to cover hers.

Kim sighed as she opened her mouth under his and his tongue slipped between her lips running along the front of her teeth.

Kim's arms slid up around his neck and her fingers tickled the short hairs on the back of his neck.

Adam's hands dropped from her face as he deepened the kiss, moaning into her mouth. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her flush against his body.

He loved her and needed her and wanted her more at that moment than he ever had. Kim his beautiful soon to be wife. There was nothing in his life that was more important than she was and he would give his life for her. Feeling her pressed against him now, Adam knew that his life was complete.

Kim winced slightly as Adam's arms tightened around her. Adam released her, pulling back to look in her face, his brow furrowed. He had lost count how many times she'd flinched when he hugged her today and he had had enough.

"That's it Kim. Tell me whats going on".

Kim looked up at Adam with an anguished look on her face. She looked like a deer caught in the headlights and she stepped away from him. All the courage she had in the bathroom seemed to vanish in an instant.

She was careful not to turn her back to him as she walked to the bed and sat down; leaning over to blow out the candle he just lit. Adam watched her curiously; worry etched in his face as he walked over and knelt in front of her.

"Burgess, please talk to me. Please tell me what I've done". He begged softly as he took her hands in his and brought them to his lips. "Whatever it is, I'll do anything to make it right".

Kim's eyes, which had begun to tear, snapped up from the spot on the floor where they were focused to look into his eyes, the eyes of her fiance.

His hands reached up and cupped her face and he implored her.

"Burgess, sweetheart, my god, what is it?"

Kim slid off the bed and onto his lap and she buried her face in his chest as she began to sob.

Knowing that she cringed every time her hugged her, Adam tentatively wrapped his arms around her loosely as she cried into his chest, soaking the t shirt he had changed into when they got home.

Adam's heart broke as he held her in his arms. He hadn't seen her like that since she and Roman were held hostage and she cried in his arms in the locker room and suddenly he was more terrified than he had been in a long time.

The first thought that entered his mind was that she was pregnant Granted they stopped using condoms after she went on the pill, but maybe they shouldnt have. Oh, God, Adam thought, what if she was pregnant?

Adam bent his head and be breathed against her ear.

"Baby, tell me. You can tell me anything". Adam pleaded softly in her ear, his chest constricting at the feel of her body shaking against his.

"Adam, I'm sorry. I should have told you. I'm so sorry."

"Told me what? Kim, you're scaring me".

Kim lifted her face from his chest, her eyes swollen and red. Adam used his thumbs to brush her tears away before he kissed each of her cheeks gently.

"I knew something was wrong today. I can always tell. Burgess, you don't regret me proposing do you?" He asked, the words barely slipping through his lips, over the gripping claws of fear that clutched his throat.

Kim shook her head, her eyes widening at his question. Her hands clutched his shirt tightly.

"No Adam. No. Thats not it. Agreeing to marry you is the best thing I've ever made. I could never regret that. Ever.

"Then what is it Burgess?"

Kim's eyes began to well again and he saw the fear in her face.

She hesitated a moment before she spoke

"It's Roman". She admitted, her voice barely a whisper.

Adam's eyes narrowed, but he fought to keep his face neutral.

"What about Roman?"

Kim's eyes slid to the right, avoiding his gaze.

He was drunk last night at Molly's and Gaby called me to come pick him up and..." her voiced hitched.

Adam felt his body grow cold. His hands fell from her face.

"What happened with Roman?"

Kim closed her eyes a moment then she looked him straight in the eyes. Her voice shook as she spoke.

"He-" She stuttered slightly. "He attacked me"


Adam's face paled and he sat back on his heels, feeling like he had been punched in the stomach and a look of pure horror crossed his face.

"What did you just say to me?" Adam asked, his voice low.

Kim felt him pulling away and reached her hand out to touch his chest softly.

"Adam, please let me explain?" She begged him softly, her eyes pleading.

Adam closed his eyes a moment, trying to steady his breathing.

Roman attacked Kim.

Those three words kept going through his mind over and over.

The rage building in his system was overwhelming. Adam felt his body begin to shake from the force of it as his eyes began to water behind his lids.

Roman attacked Kim.

Roman hurt her and here she was sitting in front of him , her eyes swollen and red, her body trembling with fear.

Adam never wanted to kill someone as badly as he wanted to kill Roman at that moment. His fingers clenched as he imagined them closing around Roman's windpipe, his face turning blue as he struggled for air.

The rage Adam felt frightened him and he tried desperately to calm himself for Kim's sake.

She needed his love and understanding right now, not his anger.

Roman would have to wait.

Kim leaned closer to him, placing her other hand on his chest, over his heart. She waited for him to open his eyes.

When his eyes finally opened, they were filled with agony. Adam lifted his hands to her wrists and pulled her hands away from his chest.

He brought them up to his lips and kissed them softly, the tears he tried desperately to hide, welling in his eyes as he looked into her face.

Her beautiful face.

Her beautiful face that was red and swollen and full of fear.

He wrapped his arms around her, momentarily forgetting her back and she began to sob again against his chest, her body wincing from the contact but not wanting him to let her go. Kim wrapped her arms around him and held on to him tightly.

Adam jerked back as he remembered and he took her face in his hands.

"What did he do to you Kim?" Adam choked, the tears finally escaping his eyes.

Adam wiped her tears with his thumbs as she covered his hands with hers.

Kim lowered her eyes, unable to look him in the eyes.

Adam felt his heart stop beating at the implication of her action. His mind screamed the way his voice longed to.

"Burgess, please?" He whispered as he tilted her face up gently.

Kim pulled away and stood up, her body trembling. She stepped away, wrapping her arms around herself, suddenly feeling very cold.

Adam didnt move from his spot, unable to stand.

"It doesnt matter Adam". Kim said softly, hoping he would accept that answer.

Adam interpreted her answer the way he needed to and he stood up abruptly. He looked at her back, noticing the faint outline of the dark bruises beneath her sheer robe.

Adam clenched his fingers again as the rage in his body flared again. He looked at her longingly, wanting to go to her but not sure if she wanted him to. His breathing became labored at the thought of Roman touching Kim and hurting Kim and he groaned angrily as he strode across the bedroom and to the hall.

Kim turned and caught sight of him as he opened the door and stepped towards the living room.

She rushed after him.

"Adam? What are you doing?" She asked frantically as she stepped out into the living room and found him putting his shoes on.

He didnt answer her and just continued with what he was doing.

Kim reached out and touched his arm tentatively.

"Adam, what are you doing. Please come back to bed" She begged him, her voice hitching from the tears still streaming down her face.

He reached for his keys on the counter and she grabbed his arm roughly.

"Adam stop!" she commanded and he turned to look at her, his eyes as red and swollen as hers. Her heart broke at the anguish and pain she saw there. She stepped closer to him grabbing his hand in hers.

"Adam, where are you going?"

"To talk to the bastard" Adam answered her abruptly, not meaning to.

"Why Adam? He was drunk. It was an accident. He probably doesn't even remember it. Why are you making it worse? Why do you want to find Roman?" Kim asked, suddenly afraid that he was angry with her.

Adam's voice was low and controlled, an almost monotone growl, and his eyes flared again.

"Because I'm going to kill him"

Kim gasped, seeing the fire in his eyes and she knew he was serious. She knew he was going to be livid but she'd never heard Adam speak that way about anyone.

"Adam, please come to bed with me. I don't think heading out right now is a good idea" Kim pleaded with him, her eyes never leaving his.

"He's not going to get away with this, Kim. He-" Adam stopped speaking abruptly, unable to finish his sentence, his voice cracking, as the thought of what Roman did to Kim clutched his chest like a fist.

"Adam, come back inside to bed with me and I will tell you what happened" Kim knew instantly what he was thinking and knew she needed to tell him everything.

Adam closed his eyes a moment to try to get his temper under control. He opened them again to see fresh tears streaming down Kim's face and that broke him.

Kim was more important than his revenge on Roman and he reached out to cup her face in his hands.

"Burgess, go back inside. I'll be right there"

Kim sighed in relief and covered his hands with her own, bringing one to her lips and kissing his palm.

"I love you". She whispered against his skin before pulling his hand away.

They stood looking at one another for a moment before she let his hands go and turned to walk back into the bedroom.


Erin closed the nursery door as Jay walked up the steps. "Voight knows about our house"

"I know" Erin said walking towards her husband.

"He's pretty pissed" Jay said. "I think we should probably stay upstairs until we move"

Erin looked down at her watch and over Jay's shoulder. "Is he here?"

Jay shook his head. "No, he's with Olinksy"

Erin nodded and reached for Jay's hand and smiled "Good"

"Why is that good?" Jay asked as Erin stepped towards him and looked up at him.

"I want to finish what we started this afternoon" Erin explained and she stood on her tiptoes and kissed her husband.

Erin's back slammed into the wall as she and Jay stumbled toward her bedroom. Her long legs were wrapped around his waist and he was sucking fiercely on the soft warm skin of her throat as his hands cupped her ass, massaging the firm globes with his fingers.

"Jay" Erin murmured as she massaged his scalp with her fingers, her tongue dipping skillfully into his ear as her teeth nibbled gently on the outer shell. She ground herself against his hard cock as they finally stumbled through the door to their room.

Jay growled softly against her throat and he bit the tender skin gently as he kicked the door shut with his foot and immediately strode over to their bed, resting her gently on the mattress. Jay pulled his lips away from her throat and blew cool air on the furious red mark he had left behind.

He rested one knee between her thighs while his other foot remained on the floor. He placed his hands on either side of her head and pushed himself up on his hands so he could look at her. Her skin was flushed and she looked like she was almost glowing. His eyes traveled hungrily over her face and neck, and then down to her ample breasts. His mouth watered at how they seemed to be bursting out of her bra, her mouth-watering cleavage peeking out of top of her low cut tank top. His eyes traveled lower, over her flat stomach and down to her long tanned legs, hungrily drinking in the sight of her.

He loved her so much. He missed touching her whenever he wanted and he balanced himself on one hand as he let the other lightly skin over her shoulder, then down the side of her breast to her hip and the along the silky skin of her thigh. He lifted her leg and pulled it around his back as Erin opened her eyes and looked up at him.

Her eyes were dark with desire, her pupils were dilated to the point where they seemed to blend seamlessly with her irises. Jay's breath caught in his throat at the sight. Her eyes were hypnotic and he lost himself in their dark depths, seeing his life, his past, his present and his future in them all at once.

Erin reached up and cupped his face in her hands as she smiled softly at him. She would never get tired of Jay looking at her the way he always did. It was always enough to make her weak in the knees.

"I love you" Erin said softly as Jay closed his eyes and turned his face to place a gentle, open mouthed kiss on her palm.

"I love you" He growled huskily as he pressed his hard cock against her, feeling the heat of her body through her thin cotton shorts. The both moaned at the contact.

Erin's other hand slid down his chest and over his stomach. Jay's muscles reacted to her soft touch and he shuddered slightly.

She reached the waistband of his jeans and she cupped his throbbing erection in her hand, squeezing and massaging him through the fabric.

"Erin!" He groaned her name as he buried his face in her neck again sucking her skin fiercely. Erin deftly unzipped his fly and slid her hand into the front of his boxers, stroking him firmly from base to tip, spreading the beads of moisture from his tip along his shaft.

Jay groaned like a dying man and he pulled away from her. He stood as Erin let her arms fall to the bed beside her. She watched him through heavily lidded eyes as he quickly pulled his shirt off and tossed it over his shoulder. He unbuttoned his jeans and pushed them over his straining erection and down and off his legs. He left his boxers on for the moment and Erin eyed the moisture soaking the front of them. Erin licked her lips unconsciously and briskly sat up, needing to taste him. Erin pushed his boxers over his hips and engulfed him in her mouth, her tongue sweeping across his tip, hungrily drinking his pre-cum.

Jay's hands flew to her head and his fingers slid into her hair as her name tore from his lips.

"Erin," The sound that emitted from his lips sounded like something close to pain but that was definitely not what he was feeling. The feeling of her soft lips sliding along his shaft, her hand gently massaging his balls, her tongue flicking the tip each time she would momentarily release him before engulfing him again in her moist cavern was almost unbearable.

"Baby, I'm gonna come if you don't stop". The words barely made it past his lips before she tightened her lips around him and sucked him hard. His hips jerked forward and he exploded in her mouth violently.

"Erin!" He cried out gutturally as his cock pulsed and throbbed in her mouth.

Jay's legs trembled beneath him and he knew if he let go of her hair, he would surely collapse to the floor. Erin continued to suck him softly until the tremors in his body subsided and then she released him from her warm mouth. She kissed his tip gently and then tilted her face up to look at him. He was smiling down at her with a look of awe and complete love. His hands slid out of her hair and caressed her cheeks softly.

Erin closed her eyes as Jay leaned down and kissed her, slipping his tongue between her sighed into his mouth as Jay gently pushed her on her back without breaking the kiss. His hands moved to her waist as he settled one knee between her legs again. Jay pulled her tank top up and his fingers caressed the warm skin of her stomach lightly. Erin shuddered softly at his soft touch.

Jay's hand slid up her ribs and his fingers caressed the soft underside of her breast through the satin fabric of her bra. Erin's fingers tickling the hairs on the back of his neck distracted him from his thoughts and he released her lips and nibbled on her chin. His soft lips took small sips of her delicate skin as they traveled over her throat. His tongue dipped into the hollow of her throat before he moved his mouth lower, tasting the soft skin of her clavicle, relearning her taste all over again.

Jay's hand slid down over her stomach again and he unbuttoned her shorts and yanked them gently down her legs. Jay pulled back and helped her to kick them off along with the small scrap of silk she wore beneath them.

Jay's eyes immediately devoured the sight of her, his gaze falling to the at the apex of her thighs as she let them fall open gently. He licked his lips as his eyes raised to hers again. Erin had leaned up on her elbows and was watching him, her eyes mere slits of desire.

Jay's hands reached for her tank top and he pushed it up. Erin raised her hands above her head, helping him divest her of the garment. Erin's breast were covered by a green satin bra, a bra Jay had never seen and one that pushed her breasts together in such a delectable way that Jay could not resist leaning forward and running the tip of his tongue along the deep crevice it created.

Erin cried out and her body jerked as she felt a rush of liquid flood her core.

Jay pulled back quickly and looked up at her afraid that he had been too eager. But Erin's eyes flew open at the loss of contact and grasped his head and pulled him back to her breast again.

He reached up with one hand and flicked the front catch open. Her breasts spilled out and Jay began devouring her soft flesh hungrily. His hands kneaded her breasts gently as his tongue laved her nipple ruthlessly and he took as much of her flesh into his mouth as he could.

Jays hand slid down her stomach and speared through her. But before he even touched her tender nub, Erin cried out, her body shaking as his ministrations sent her crashing over the edge.

"Jay!" she cried as the orgasm tore through her and Jay slid his fingers into her, feeling the last of the spasms around him as her velvet walls gripped his fingers. He continued to thrust his fingers into her as her body calmed.

Jay was surprised that she had come already, just from what he was doing to her breasts but he was not a man to complain that his wife was deriving so much pleasure from him. He released her from his mouth and moved to devour her other breast as Erin thrust her hips upward against him, demanding his immediate attention to ease the ache that still lay deep in her body.

Jay's cock which was rock hard again, brushed against her thigh and he moaned around her flesh.

Jay pulled his lips away and let his fingers slip from her center. He pushed up on his hands so he could watch her as her body calmed.

Erin's head was thrown back, her eyes were closed and there was a thin sheen of sweat covering her flushed skin. She took his breath away and he felt a lump in his throat as she opened her eyes, feeling his heated gaze on her.

Jay smiled softly at her as she scooted a little higher onto the bed so her entire body was resting gently in the center of the mattress. Jay lifted the one foot that was still on the floor onto the bed and settled himself beside her. He lets his hand gently caress her, running his fingers softly along her side.

"My beautiful wife," he murmured before he lowered his mouth to hers. Erin opened her mouth and Jay slid his tongue between her lips. He moved over her, his knees settling between her thighs and his cock resting gently at her entrance. Erin's legs instinctively wrapped around his hips as her arms slid up around his shoulders.

Jay pulled his lips away again so he could look deep into her eyes as he slid slowly into her. Erin's eyes fluttered as she felt him filling her inch by glorious inch and Jay's eyes rolled back in his head at the feel of her warm wet walls surrounding him completely.

"Oh God, Erin!" Jay groaned as buried himself completely inside her.

Tears stung Erin's eyes as she felt Jay hit bottom. He was as deep inside her as was physically possible and she tightened her legs around him. She didn't want him to move, she just wanted to feel him.

Having to make a schedule for sex was hard and Erin felt like a part of her was missing. The most important part of her, her heart. But now he was here. The man who was her life, her husband. The man she lived and breathed for. The father of her child.

Jay held still as long as he could, knowing how much Erin loved to just feel him inside her. But after a few minutes, his urge to thrust became too overwhelming and he pulled almost all the way out of her before plunging back into her hard.

Erin rocked her hips against him as they quickly fell into that familiar rhythm, never taking their eyes off of one another. Jay thrust deeply into her heat, pressing her deeply into the mattress beneath them as Jay leaned down to kiss her softly.

Erin's eyes fell closed as she moaned softly, the sensation, the feeling of him inside her, overtook her. Jay buried his face in her neck, sucking softly on her skin and he increased the speed of his thrusts as he buried his cock inside her over and over again. Erin tilted her hips so that she could feel his cock more directly against her clit as he moved within her.

Jay pulled her arms from around him and he joined their hands, linking their fingers. His motions became more erratic as he felt himself getting closer and closer to the edge. It was all too much and his body was screaming for the relief that only her body could bring him.

Erin's body began to tremble again and she screamed his name, not caring who in the world heard her. Her walls clamped around his cock tight as her climax started at the tips of her toes and rippled up her body until it settled in her core. She lifted her hips high in the air as he thrust deeply into her body.

Jay groaned loudly, the sound a mixture of pleasure and pain as he felt himself erupt and he shot his seed deep within her. He thrust one last time and then held his hips steady against her, pressing firmly against her clit and the feeling sent her crashing over the edge again, her body jerking violently from the force of her orgasm.

Jay's lips clamped over hers and he thrust his tongue into her mouth, swallowing the soft whimpers that fell from her lips as she rode the wave of her orgasm until her hips finally lowered back to the bed. Jay collapsed on top of her and tore his mouth away from hers, burying his face again in her neck as he fought to catch his breath.

Erin turned her head and kissed the side of Jay's face as they both struggled to get their breathing back to normal.

"Happy Birthday"


Hank sat at the bar with Alvin as he nursed his beer.

"You know this could be a good thing. They couldn't stay with you forever" Olinsky took a drink of his beer.

"I didn't expect them to. I just think that they could've been upfront and told me that they were even looking at a house would've been a nice gesture. But no, they had to go behind my back and buy one without even telling me" Hank shook his head and took another drink of beer.

"Yeah, but you're a neat freak. Are you telling me that you're going to miss coming home and seeing baby toys spread all over the floor of your living room?" Alvin asked.

"It's not about that Everly could have everything in that house if she wanted it. What's mine is hers. Nothing will ever change that" Hank explained.

"It's not like you're never going to see them again. They're going to be 15 minutes away. I really think this is a good thing for them. I mean, they bought a house. It's the American Dream. They're doing a hell of a lot better than me and Meredith or you and Camille did at their age" Olinsky took a drink of his beer and looked around the quiet bar.

"That's true. God, Camille and I didn't have two pennies to rub together some days. Those were good days though...really good" Hank sighed.

Olinsky nodded and looked at his best friend "And they're not leaving tomorrow, they still have to let the house sit in Escrow for a few weeks. It'll be June before they're gone. Don't you want to live alone again?"

"Not as much as I don't want to die alone" Hank said before taking a drink of his beer.

The door to the bar opened and a slender figure scanned the room and made their way over to Hank and Alvin's table.

The sound of footsteps closing in on the table caused Hank and Alvin to look up.

"Sergeant Voight...Detective Olinsky" the voice said.

"Sergeant Benson" Olinsky nodded as he stood and moved down so she could take a seat.

"Please, call me Olivia" She smiled and took a seat as Hank gestured to the bartender for another round.

"What brings you to Chicago, Olivia?" Hank asked.

Olivia nodded a thank you as the bartender sat her drink down. "It's funny you ask, I need your help on this one"


I hope that you guys liked this chapter. I kind of have mixed feelings about it. Mostly because I was pretty upset when I was writing parts of it.

On that note:

Thank you guys for all the PM's and comments you put in reviews asking about my dad. He's doing some better, he's still got a long road ahead of him. I live far away from all I've ever known so I really don't have any friends here that I can vent to, so writing and PM'ng back and forth with you guys is what keeps me sane. So thanks for that. You'll never know how much I truly appreciate you guys sticking with this story and reading it and reviewing. There are so many stories that are better than mine, and the fact that ya'll stick with me really makes me so happy.

Also, Sophia had a "Come to Jesus" meeting with one of those alleged "Fans" of hers on Instagram. I like it when she gets sassy like that. (I realize that was out of nowhere, but I work with toddlers so...I'm mildly crazy)

Please Review. Thanks!