46. Sweet Child Of Mine

Thanks for the reviews. Hope that you guys like this chapter! I'd have had this up a few days ago. But between personal issues and saving over the first version of this with a letter to parents about things going on in my preschool class...It's been an adventure trying to do this chapter. Sorry for the delay.


"So we have to be very quiet" Erin explained as she lifted Everly's car seat out of the backseat. "Hopefully daddy's still sleeping"

Everly squealed loudly and kicked her legs as Erin carried the car seat up the steps to Hank Voight's house.

"Evie, shhh" Erin said as she walked into the house and shut the door behind her.

Erin was met with Hank coming down the stairs.

"Hey kid, I'm going out. I'll be back later" Hank explained as he pulled his leather jacket out of the hall closet and slipped it on.

"Where are you going?" Erin asked

Hank shrugged his shoulders "Out"

Hank walked past Erin and grabbed his car keys off of the end table.

"Are you wearing cologne?" Erin asked raising an eyebrow.

"What does it matter?" Hank asked looking down at Evie and making a face at her before walking to the door.

"Are you going to Molly's tonight?" Erin asked.

"Maybe...I don't know" Hank asked "Tell Halstead happy birthday if I'm not back"

Erin nodded and watched as Hank walked out the door and down to his car before looking down at Everly.

"Your grandpa's weird" Erin said looking down at Evie who smiled and turned her head away towards the side of her carrier. The pink headband she had on sliding up her her head.

Erin laughed and looked up the stairs. "Let's go give daddy his birthday present, does that sound like fun?"

Everly's head turned back towards Erin at the mention of her daddy and she smiled a toothless grin.

"I'll take that as a yes" Erin adjusted Evie's carrier on her arm and walked up the stairs and down the hall to her and Jay's bedroom.

She slowly opened the door and smiled when she saw her husband laying in bed still sound asleep. Jay's head was tilted to the side his face scruffy with stubble. His arm was draped over his bare chest and his other laying beside him.

Erin slipped her flip flops off and sat Everly's car seat down on the wood floor beside the bed and gave Evie her pacifier to keep the baby content. She reached into the grocery bag and pulled out a small candle with the number "30" out and opened the box from "Molly's Cupcakes" and pulled out the Cake Batter cupcake that she'd picked up for Jay. Erin placed the small candle in the cupcake and grabbed the lighter out of the grocery bag and lit the wick before slowly walking over to her sleeping husband.

Erin climbed onto the bed and gently straddled Jay before she softly began singing.

"Happy Birthday to you...Happy Birthday to you..."

Jay floated back into consciousness to the sound of his beautiful wife singing an off key version of "Happy Birthday". Erin was good at so many things, but singing? Probably wasn't her greatest talent. But God how he loved her so.

Jay opened his eyes and looked up at his wife. Erin's red tank top clung to her slender frame and her dirty blonde hair fell in loose curls off of her shoulders. Her make up was minimal and in her hand she held a single cupcake the candle flickering as she continued to sing.

"...Happy Birthday dear Jay...Happy Birthday to you"

"Thank you" Jay said bringing his hand up to rub his tired eyes.

"You're very welcome. Aren't you going to blow your candle out?" Erin asked looking over at the cupcake in her hand.

Jay smiled and held onto Erin's jean covered hips as he sat up.

"Thirty" Jay sighed and with a quick breath blew the candle out.

"Halfway up the hill" Erin teased and ran her hand down Jay's bare shoulder.

"Funny" Jay said reaching up and pulling the candle out of the cupcake and licking the frosting off of the bottom of it before placing it on the nightstand.

"I thought you'd find that funny" Erin said. Her hand still running up and down Jay's bare shoulder.

"Oh you're a regular comedian" Jay ran his finger over the top swirl of the cupcake and licked it off of his finger.

"Tasty?" Erin asked

"Very" Jay said his blue eyes locking with Erin's hazel ones.

"Can I try it?" Erin asked leaning her head down to lick the icing off of the top of the cupcake.

Jay groaned and watched as Erin's tongue snaked out and licked the vanilla icing off of the top of the cupcake. "Er"

Erin's eyes rose to meet Jay's and he leaned up and kissed her. Erin groaned and deepened the kiss and wrapped her arms around Jay's neck. Jay rolled over with Erin under him and pulled back before nuzzling her his nose against hers.

Erin dropped her arms from around Jay's neck and placed the cupcake on the side table before wrapping her arms back around his neck and kissing him.

Jay deepened the kiss and reached down to pull up the hem of Erin's tank top.

Erin groaned and ran her hands down Jay's back and rested them on his lower back.

A loud squeal from the floor tore Erin's lips away from Jay's and they both turned their heads to look at their daughter who was watching her mother and father a look of curiosity crossing her small features.

Jay pulled back and looked down at Erin. "We almost scarred her for life"

Erin sat up on the bed as Jay rolled off of her and walked the few steps to where Evie was in her car seat. He smiled as he knelt down to unbuckle her.

"Good morning, monkey" Jay exclaimed as he looked down at his daughter and lifted her out of her seat.

Everly squealed loudly as Jay lifted her out of her seat and cradled her against his chest.

"How many cupcakes did you eat before you nursed our daughter this morning?" Jay teased as he walked back over to the bed and reclined against the pillows.

"For your information Jay. You're the only one who eats cupcakes at 9 in the morning" Erin narrowed her eyes at her husband.

Jay rolled his eyes and looked down at Evie who was rooting against his chest.

"Where's Voight? I mean usually we're not allowed within a few feet of each other before he's walking in the room to interrupt" Jay yawned and ran his hand up and down Evie's back as she laid against her father's bare chest.

"He's out" Erin said. "I don't know where, but something is up with him"

Jay looked over at Erin. "Maybe he went somewhere with Al"

Erin shrugged her shoulders "I don't know. I think since tomorrow is Mother's Day he is upset over Camille not being here"

Jay gave a silent nod and reached a hand over to touch Erin's leg. "Speaking of Mother's Day...Ev and I have gotten you the perfect gift"

"Really?" Erin asked her brow raising in curiosity. "Where is it?"

"Oh...you'll never find it" Jay said. "It's not even here"

"What is it?" Erin asked.

"You'll find out soon" Jay said. "Where's my birthday present?"

Erin shrugged her shoulders "You'll get it later. The one from me anyway...If you're looking for the one from our daughter. It's in the nursery"

"Can I have it?" Jay asked.

"I don't know..." Erin looked down at Everly and smiled "Evie should we give daddy his present?"

Evie babbled as she looked at Erin and she put her fingers in her mouth as she kept her head on her father's chest.

"I think that means go get it, mom" Jay said.

"I'll be back" Erin slipped out of bed and went down the hall.

Jay gently wrapped his arms around Evie's back and he sat up slowly and laid her down on the bed on his legs.

"You're the best birthday present daddy could ever get, you know that?"

Everly smiled with her hands in her mouth and kicked her legs.

Jay laughed and ran his hands up the white leggings over Evie's chubby thighs and over skimmed his fingers over the pink top that his daughter wore.

Everly laughed behind her fingers as she felt Jay tickle her belly.

"You're so silly" Jay reached under Everly's arms and pulled her back up to him. He placed a kiss of the side of her dark hair as Erin walked through the door carrying his birthday gift.

"Happy Birthday, Daddy" Erin exclaimed as she moved to take a seat on the bed.

"Is this for me, Ev?" Jay asked looking down at Evie and bouncing her gently in his arm.

"Say yes daddy, I picked it just for you" Erin said reaching over to finally pull the crooked headband off of her daughter's head.

Jay sat Everly down so she was reclined against his lap and he reached for the blue bag full of tissue paper and pulled it to him.

Jay pulled the white paper out of the bag and reached in to pull out a Garmin EchoMAP.

"It's one of those electronic fish finder things. Evie thought you might like it. The guy at Cabella's said it's supposed to be top of the line" Erin explained.

"I love it" Jay said "Thanks bug"

Jay ran his hand over Everly's dark hair. The infant to interested in the tissue paper from the bag to be bothered with her father.

"And thanks mom. Cause I know Ev needed a ride to pick this up" Jay said turning his head to his wife.

"Well, she did. But I figured you could use it. Since I'm going to be going with you to Wisconsin for Father's Day" Erin sighed.

"You've decided to come?" Jay asked.

Erin sighed again and nodded "This isn't going to be like "Sex and the City" when Aidan took Carrie to his cabin is it? I don't want to go knowing you've got some pet squirrel I don't know about"

"You should leave Rocky out of this" Jay said.

"Jay" Erin groaned.

"Baby, you're going to like" Jay assured.

"I'm doing this under such protest" Erin said.

Jay nodded "Believe me, I know"

"This is only because I love you. I'd almost rather do anything then go to Northern Wisconsin" Erin complained.

"Well, it is my birthday so we could..." Jay started.

"We're not doing that...We're not doing that EVER"


Kim turned in the mirror and looked at her back in the mirror. The black top she wore covered the bruises on her back. She walked over to the small bathroom and took a couple Tylenol before swallowing them down with some water.

Ever since she told Adam about Roman attacking her, he'd been in a bad mood. She was hoping that Jay's party at Molly's would've been his stress reliever, but it wasn't. All Adam did all night was stand at the bar with a frown. He was present physically, but mentally and even emotionally he was somewhere else.

She'd taken pity on Roman and against her better judgment had brought him to her apartment instead of taking him to his place with Jenn. How one kind gesture turned out as a disaster baffled Kim. Kim sat on the bed and thought back on Roman's attack for the 100th time since it happened.

Roman crushed his mouth over Kim's as he pinned her arms above her head. The short robe she was wearing had flown up when Roman pushed her onto the bed and she could feel the metal of his zipper against her thigh.

Kim struggled against him as she turned her face, trying to avoid his lips. His lips nibbled a rough path across her cheek as Kim cried, the tears streaming down her cheeks.

"No Roman". She sobbed softly, knowing that no one would hear her even if she screamed anyway. Roman adjusted his hands so that he could hold both of her wrists with one hand and his other slid down her arm to her breast, pulling her robe aside to reveal her bare breast.

Roman drunkenly kissed her neck and whispered against her ear.

"You are so beautiful Kim. I've wanted you for so long"

Roman grabbed her breast and squeezed, his thumb and forefinger tweaking her nipple roughly. Kim cried out, shaking her head.

"Roman, no! Please stop"

One of Romans knees was nestled between Kim's legs and he was pressing his erection against her thigh as Kim kicked her legs, trying to break free of his grasp.

He growled against the soft skin of her neck.

"Kim, stop fighting this. It's not going to do any good" Roman's breath reeked of alcohol and Kim tried not to gag as she felt him breathe against her.

Kim twisted her body and raised her knee as Roman slid the hand that was squeezing her breast down the side of her body to her thigh. He caressed the outside of her thigh and shifted slightly to his right so he could move his hand in toward her center.

With his movement, Kim was able to gain some leverage with her leg and in one swift motion she rammed her knee into his groin as hard as she could. Roman screamed in pain, his eyes wide, as he fell backward onto the mattress, releasing Kim from his grasp as his hands reached down and covered his groin.

Kim scrambled off the bed frantically pulling her robe closed and ran from the room, tears streaming down her face. She ran into the living room and grabbed a baseball bat. She walked back to her room to find Roman still clutching his groin, his eyes watering.

"Get the fuck out of here Roman". Kim commanded as she stood above him, bat poised high in the air.

Roman looked up at her, his eyes flaring with pain and rage. He reached out and tried to grab the bat from her, but she stepped back out of his grasp, her eyes flaring as hotly as his.

Kim lifted it higher over her head.

"I won't hesitate to use this Roman. Get out of my house right now". Kim growled, her tears now dry, her face hard.

Roman looked up at her with contempt.

Even in his drunken state he had known Kim too long to know when she was bluffing and when she wasn't.

And right now she wasn't

Roman struggled to his feet, hunching over as he struggled to walk.

Kim followed him out of her bedroom and to the front door. After he opened it, Roman reached back and attempted to grab the bat out of her hands, but before he could she brought it down onto Roman's shoulder.

Roman clutched his shoulder as the pain radiated throughout his entire body. Kim used the bat to push him out the front door, knocking Roman off balance in the process. Kim slammed the front door and bolted it.

Kim knew Roman didn't have a key, but she still fastened the security chain.

Kim walked unsteadily back to the living room and collapsed onto the floor, sobbing uncontrollably.

And thats where she sat for the rest of the night; bat clutched tightly in her hand.

Sleep was the last thing on her mind.

Kim caught Adam's tear filled eyes in the doorway and she gasped and walked to him. Tears rolling down her cheeks.

Adam blinked back his own tears as he gently wiped hers with the pads of his thumbs; his heart breaking for the fear and pain and humiliation she faced at the hands of someone she considered a friend.

Adam's blood boiled but he tried to stifle the rage that consumed him, knowing that what he was feeling was nothing compared to what Kim was going through.

She looked up into his eyes and lifted her hands to cradle his face, wiping his tears with her thumbs.

"Please forgive me for not calling you Adam". Kim asked softly. "I wanted to so badly, but I knew what would happen if I did".

"I wish you had Burgess. It kills me to know that you were all alone". He gently pulled her closer to him, needing to have her closer. Kim buried her face in his neck and sighed.

"Kim, can I see your back?"

Kim stiffened as she pulled back to look at him, knowing she couldn't hide her bruises from him.

"Adam, you don't want to see them. They're not a big deal". She said half-heartedly, hoping that he would believe her.

"Please Darlin', I need to see what he did to you. I need to see how he hurt you". Adam's eyes pleaded with her.

Kim rested her forehead against his chin for a moment gaining the courage to stand before him. He kissed her hairline softly as he whispered her name.

"Kim. It's all right darlin'. I promise, it will be all right"

Kim nodded her head and moved to stand up. Adam helped her then stood up too.

Kim looked down at the floor, feeling her stomach clench, as she unfastened the front of her robe and slid it off her shoulders. Before this moment Kim had never shied from revealing any part of her body to Adam.

She turned away from him and she heard him gasp.

Adam's eyes widened as he saw the dark purple and black bruises that adorned the right side of Kims spine. He felt the bile rise in this throat and his fingers clenched into fists at his side.

Adam stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her from behind, pulling her gently against his chest. He buried his face in her hair, tears of anger and pain again slipping from his eyes.

Kim slumped back against him and covered his hands with her own.

Kim could feel his hot tears against the skin of her neck.

"Baby, I'm so sorry. I'll never forgive myself for not being there"

Kim turned in his arms abruptly, her eyes wild as she grabbed his shirt in her hands.

"No Adam. This was not your fault. This was Romans fault. I won't let you feel guilty"

"I want to kill him Kim". Adam admitted softly as he held her gently, the image of her bruises burned permanently into his mind.

"Adam, that wont do any good. It won't change anything. He was drunk. I'll never forgive him for what he tried to do, but I want us to put this behind us" Kim insisted as she looked up at him seriously.

"I'm not going to let him get away with this. Drunk or not, wrong is wrong"

Adam released her and walked over to the bed. He sat down, torn between telling her what he knew she wanted to hear and telling her the truth.

"I can't let this go Kim. I won't let him get away with this". Adam's voice was unwavering as he spoke.

Kim walked over and sat on the bed next to him, taking his hands in hers.

"Adam, please promise me you wont do anything". Kim lifted a hand to his face to force him to look at her. "I just want to put this behind us and get on with the rest of our lives"

"Burgess, don't ask me to make you a promise I can't possibly keep"

Kim knew that trying to talk him out of going after Roman was futile right now. He was in no frame of mind to be reasoned with, especially about this.

Besides, she didn't want to talk about Roman anymore. There were other things they should be spending their night

Kim leaned forward and kissed Adam softly.

"Lets not talk about Roman any more. I want you to make love to me". She murmured against his lips as his arms slid around her waist, pulling her closer, needing her and wanting her and loving her. He deepened the kiss and Kim tensed slightly.

Adam pulled back, surprised because he wasn't touching her back. Looking into her face he knew instantly what her hesitation was.

Kim's eyes filled as she pulled out of his embrace and stood up. Adam stood and watched her quietly.

"I'm sorry Adam. I don't know why I tensed up like that" She turned to face him, smiling.

Adam used his finger to tilt her face up so he could look her directly in the eyes.

"Darlin, it's all right. We don't have to do anything tonight if you dont want to". Adam tried to hide the hurt in his voice, knowing that the emotional and physical roller coaster of the past 24 hours had gotten to her more than she would admit. She needed his understanding and patience and he would give to her no matter what it cost him.

"I love you, Adam" Kim said "I'm sorry I ruined tonight"

She took a few steps and wrapped her arms around herself.

Adam walked up behind her and gently brushed her hair over her shoulders. He bent slightly and gently placed soft kisses over the bruises on her back, feeling the heat from them against his lips. Kim trembled slightly but didn't pull away. When he finished, Adam wrapped his arms around her from behind and whispered against her ear.

"Kim, nothing is ruined"

He turned her around and cupped her face in his hands as he leaned his forehead against hers.

"Kim, don't you know?" he breathed, his lips a breath away from hers. "In my heart, Ive been married to you since the day you said yes to my proposal"

Kim blinked as the tears building in her eyes threatened to overflow.

Adam brushed his lips softly against hers, just a whisper of a kiss.

"One night of our lives isn't going to make a difference. We have every night for the rest of our lives to make love"

Adam pulled her over to the bed and sat down, tugging gently on her hand so she sat next to him.

He brushed her hair away from her face with soft fingers as heated tears slipped from her eyes. He leaned his head down and nuzzled her ear softly.

"Besides". He whispered against her skin. "There are lots of other things we can do"

Kim smiled softly as he used her words to calm the churning in her stomach. He always knew just what she needed.

Kim tilted her head to the side to give him better access to her neck and sighed.

Adam nibbled gently, his tongue making small circles on the soft skin behind her ear, inhaling her soft scent as Kim's hands traveled up his chest and began unbuttoning his shirt.

Adam sat back and smiled at her, his eyes soft.

"Let me take a shower and then I want to take you to bed Future Mrs. Ruzek"

Kim laughed as he wiggled his eyebrows playfully and she threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tight.

Adam wrapped his arms around her carefully.

"I love you Adam"

Adam closed his eyes, relieved and grateful that she was safe in his arms. He vowed to himself silently that she would never feel unprotected again.

If it killed him, he would always keep her safe.


Erin's eyes scanned the church as she looked for Kim as service ended. She and Jay had just pulled into the parking lot and Erin was unbuckling Everly from her car seat before Kim took off with Evie and her diaper bag and Erin didn't see them the rest of church. She couldn't quite tell what was going on with Kim. She didn't want to press her on it. She knew if Kim was ready to talk, that Kim would talk to her.

She silently hoped that it wasn't anything with Ruzek, as Adam also hadn't been his normal self.

Erin's thoughts were interrupted by Jay wrapping his arms around her from behind holding up a single pink rose.

"Have I told you how beautiful you look today?" Jay asked.

"Just today?" Erin asked.

"Well, you're beautiful every day. But, your especially beautiful on your first Mother's Day" Jay mumbled against Erin's shoulder.

"Does it make me a bad mom that I haven't seen my baby in the last 90 minutes?" Erin asked.

"Well..." Jay started.

"Shut up" Erin said.

Jay laughed and placed a kiss on Erin's shoulder.

"Halstead, this is a church. Not a brothel" Hank said walking up to the young couple.

Jay and Erin looked up at Hank and noticed his guest and her plus one on her hip.

"How are you Olivia?" Erin asked reaching out her hand to shake Olivia's

"I'm good. How are you Erin? Hank tells me you and Jay have a little one of your own" Olivia said adjusting Noah on her hip.

Jay raised an eyebrow at Hank as Erin and Olivia made small talk.

"We do. She's around here somewhere. It's finally nice to see Noah in person. Put a name with a handsome face" Erin said reaching her hand out to touch Noah's back.

Noah held tight to Olivia. His eyes looking at Erin as she touched his back.

"This is him. He's tired and he's getting another tooth. So he's not in the best of moods this morning. Which explains why we spent the majority of this morning in the church nursery" Olivia said. "Happy Mother's Day by the way"

Erin smiled "Thank you. Happy Mother's Day to you too"

"I'm actually going to be in town for a few days. If you'd like to meet up" Olivia said.

"I'd like that. Do you like hockey?" Erin asked.

"It's ok. I don't follow sports too much" Olivia confessed.

"Well, Jay got me or mostly him tickets to the Blackhawks playoff game tomorrow night. You should come" Erin said.

"I'd like that. Thank you" Olivia said as Noah whined against her shoulder. "And that's my cue to get this little guy back to the hotel and down for a nap. It was nice seeing you again Erin. You too, Jay"

Erin and Jay nodded and watched as Olivia walked past them before looking back at Hank.

"What? She's in town on business" Hank explained.

"And you just casually invite her to church?" Erin asked.

"Don't concern yourself with it" Hank said walking past Erin and Jay to follow Olivia out the door.

Jay and Erin exchanged a look before spotting Kim walking towards them carrying Everly. Adam a few steps behind her with the diaper bag.

"There's my girl" Jay said as Kim walked up to them.

"Jeez Jay, Erin doesn't know about us yet" Kim joked.

"Ha Ha baby hog" Erin said reaching for Everly and pulling her against her chest.

Kim shook her head "She slept most of the time. She woke up a few minutes ago. So she's a happy girl"

Kim reached over and pulled the pink binky out of Everly's mouth and Everly smiled at her.

"Say "See you later, Kimmy"" Erin cooed as she placed a kiss on Everly's head.

Everly cooed and Erin and Kim laughed and Kim slipped the binky back in Everly's mouth. Erin looked over Kim's shoulder at Jay and Adam who were walking out of the church.

"Are you guys ok?" Erin asked Kim. "There's no trouble in paradise?"

Kim shook her head and silently asked for forgiveness. She wasn't technically lying in church. Things were ok with her and Adam. Their relationship wasn't the problem at all. "We're fine"

Erin nodded and turned Evie to lay against her chest and shoulder, rubbing her hand up and down the back of Evie's dress.

"You know if you need to talk that I'm always here"

Kim nodded "I know"


"What's going on with you, man?" Jay asked as he loosened his tie and walked to his car.

"Nothing" Adam said his answer short.

"Ruzek, seriously. What is it?" Jay asked opening the back door of the car. and placing Everly's diaper bag on the floor.

"When Erin was attacked, do you regret what you did to Mike Lane? Would you do it again?" Ruzek asked.

Jay looked around lowering his voice "No. And yes, if someone were to hurt Erin or Everly like that I'd do it again"

Adam nodded and pulled at his tie. "What if it was a friend? Or someone you knew? Would you still do the same thing if that person was to hurt Erin or Ev?"

Jay looked at his best friend "What's this about man?"

Adam shook his head "It's nothing. I'm just in a funk today, man. I'm sorry"

Jay nodded and kept his eyes on Adam. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"No...Not right now" Adam said as Kim and Erin walked up.


"I'm so glad that you guys stopped by today" Arden Halstead said as she sat in the glider with Everly on her lap.

"It's no problem mom. Of course I'm going to come see you on Mother's Day" Jay said

Arden nodded and looked down at Evie who was chewing on a teething ring and content with being in her grandmother's arms.

"Your brother stopped by last night" Arden said.

"Ryan stopped here?" Jay asked his eyes raising to meet his sister's as she walked out onto the porch with Erin following behind her.

"Yeah, he said he needed to ask me something" Arden explained.

"Mom, we've talked about this. You don't need to be giving Ryan any money" Jay's sister Rachel stated.

"Rachel, he is in a bad place" Arden said.

"And he's done that to himself, mom" Jay said.

"He's had a hard road" Arden explained.

"Mom, don't give him any money. Promise me that you won't" Rachel said.

"Don't do it mom. Please. Look what he did to you last time" Jay added.

"I know that you guys don't agree with the life that Ryan has. But he's my child. Jay, you can't sit there and tell me that you'd deny Everly anything she asked for. If she was in trouble, you'd help her. I know you my boy" Arden explained.

"Mom...That's not even the same thing" Jay started.

"But it is Jay. I want to help your brother. Just as I'd help any one of you" Arden said.

Erin looked between Jay, Rachel and Arden before speaking. "Arden, don't you think that you could use this money to help Ryan get in a treatment program for his addictions?"

Arden shook her head "He says this time it's going to be better. That he's not going to get back in that lifestyle"

"He says that all the time mom" Jay shook his head and looked down at the table. "Where the hell is he right now? It's Mother's Day for Christ sake!"

Erin reached her hand over and touched Jay's arm "Jay"

"No" Jay said jerking his arm away "Ryan is always fucking up and we're always cleaning up his messes. I love you mom. But this has to stop"

Arden nodded her head "I know it does, Jay. But you don't know what it's like to have your child in trouble and want to help them"

Jay's gaze softened as he looked at his mother "Mom, sometimes you have to give tough love. You and dad gave plenty of that in your day. Now it's time for Ryan to have some tough love of his own. He got in this mess. He can get himself out"


Hank sat on the couch of Olivia Benson's hotel room and looked at the file in his hands. He heard the door to the bedroom close and Olivia walked over and sat down.

"Are you really sure that this is him?" Hank asked as he looked at the picture of the hooded figure walking out of the New York hotel.

"The victim gave positive ID" Olivia said "I know that this is a personal case for you Hank. And I really want to keep it as simple as possible, but the fact that this guy is out there and not only involved in gambling but this is sexual assault. I came here to approach you with this before the next part of the investigation takes place"

Hank sighed and looked at the photographs in his hand. Why couldn't things ever be simple?

"Alright, I'll see what I can find"

Olivia reached over and touched Hank's shoulder gently.

"I am sorry about this Hank. I know that this isn't going to be easy for you"

Hank nodded "Won't be the first time. Family's not above the law. right?"

Olivia watched as Hank tossed the pictures down on the coffee table. The color photo of the man in the hoodie falling down next to the picture of Chicago Med's own Dr. William Ryan Halstead.


Ok, so Chicago PD last week? Not exactly my favorite episode. And Derek's tweets have put me in a really sad mood the past few days. What can you do though?

With Jay's brother some of you have PM'd to tell me It's not Ryan It's Will, So instead of going back and changing it I've just made his name William Ryan Halstead. That way he can go by either one.

Please Review?