93. Red, White and Blue

Thanks for all the reviews on the last chapter. If you're celebrating Independance Day I hope that you enjoy it. If you're not, then I hope that you have an equally great day wherever you may live.


One Week Later

"Jane and Tarzan"


"Fred and Wilma."

"What's the difference?"

"Minnie and Mickey"

Kim turned from the second rung of their stepladder with a row of multi-coloured lights in her hands, still partly attached to the tree. She looked at Adam on the couch, his bare feet propped up on the coffee table, studying the Fancy Dress Couple Suggestions intently.



"You're not exactly being helpful here".

Looking up from the piece of paper he looked at her sceptically, "I'm not being helpful? Darlin, we're going to a 4th of July costume party tomorrow night. We don't have costumes. I'm looking for costumes. How is this not helpful? I mean, you know I'm not one to complain when you wear nothing at all..."

He saw her roll her eyes, but noticed the heat rising up in her cheeks, and smiled to himself,

"But our friends may prefer it if you wore something a little less ... indecent"

Kim shook her head, "Adam, I already told you I'll go as Sandy and you can go as Danny, okay? You're the one who's making it difficult by refusing to do the whole Grease thing. As far as decorating for this party...I've seen you yet to help"

"And that's precisely why costumes for this 4th of July party are more important than decoarting"

She turned back to the tree and placed a red, white and blue streamer on one of its branches. "Whatever, Adam. This tree isnt going to decorate itself, so would you please help me? "

"Sure. I'd be happy to"

Kim turned around to look at him, more than a little surprised at how easily he'd given in.

"I'm sorry to sound jaded, but, uhh, what's the catch, Adam?"

He feigned surprise, "Catch? There's no catch. As soon as you agree to go as one of these couples, I will come over there and help you decorate."

Kim smirked at him, putting her hands on her hips, "Smooth, Adam"

Adam grinned back at her, leaning back on the couch and putting his hands behind his head, "I thought so."

"Fine, I don't care. Whoever the next couple is on the list, we'll go as them"

Adam raised an eyebrow at her before looking down at the paper in front of him at the next couple.


She turned back to him, "What? Who is it?"

"Ahh, never you mind. Darlin'...Never you mind"

Adam got off the couch, moving over her and holding up the cardboard box of decorations in as she removed them.

She narrowed her eyes at him, and he smiled up at her, pretending to be oblivious and innocent.

"Fine, don't tell me", she said with feigned carelessness, going back to decorating.

"I hear the fireworks are going to be better than ever this year"

Adam's smile widened, "It's driving you crazy, isn't it?"

"They're doing the whole thing digitally, so the timing will be perfect"

Adam chuckled and looked up at his wife, "It's just eating you up, huh, Burgess?"

"Like I care who it is, Adam."

After a few moments of silence she burst out, "Okay, it's driving me crazy. Just tell me."

"Nope. You'll find out when I get the costumes"

Kim glared at him as she stepped off the ladder. She leaned down to unravel the last piece of patriotic tinsel from the bottom of the tree, muttering, "You really have no idea how irritating you are."

"But you love me anyway"

Kim straightened herself up and looked at him for a moment before nodding sadly, though her were affectionate. "Unfortunately, yes"

"Mmmm. You wound me, Burgess,"

Adam murmured, letting the cardboard decorations box fall to the ground before leaning in to kiss her gently on the lips. His hands rested on her hips, his fingers easily finding the soft section of exposed skin in between her jeans and her tank top. She pulled away a little, and, with every intention of driving him crazy, she chewed softly on her lower lip, and looked up at him coyly through her long lashes. She slid her hands upwards over his chest, letting her nails trail over the rough texture of his shirt, "Please, Adam?"

Adam's chuckle came out more as a sharp breath sucked in between his teeth as he found it hard not to be affected by her.

"Please, what, Kim? You're gonna have to be a little bit more specific, cause there are a few things I could do for you right now"

Kim's breath hitched a little at the implication. She leant forward, letting her parted lips graze his cheek as she moved up to whisper right near his ear, "Tell me who I'll be spending tomorrow night with"

Adam chuckled breathily, "Really not my call, Kim."

"You think you're getting away with that, don't you?"

She grinned, stepping back as he stepped forward, effectively cornering her against the walls of the room.

"You think you're really cute, don't you?"

"What're you gonna do, Adam?" she said tauntingly.

"Well," he leaned forward a little, lifting up his hands to her shoulders before letting his fingertips trail down her bare arms. She shivered involuntarily, despite the warm heated air of their apartment. "I could..." he leaned forward to brush his lips over hers with a feather light touch as his hands found her hips.


Kim closed her eyes, then suddenly let out a shriek as his hands moved to her sides and he began tickling her.

"Adam!" She desperately tried to wriggle free of his grasp, through her giggles. She managed to get away, but promptly tripped on the rug in the centre of the apartment and fell less than gracefully to the ground, banging the back of her head on the hard wooden floor.

"Burgess, are you okay?" Adam rushed over to her, his panicked eyes searching her face for any sign of distress. "I'm sorry, Darlin."

"Just a bump on the head", She looked at him hovering over her and smiled, and said breathlessly, "You know that?"

"I'm a jerk"

Kim laughed, reaching up to grasp his neck and pull his face down to hers, kissing him tenderly.

She pulled back to study his face for a few long moments. A slow, knowing smile spread over her lips, "It's Sandy and Danny, isn't it?"

Adam's eyebrows scrunched together, "Wh..."

Kim sat up, grinning proudly, "The next couple on the list is Grease, isn't it?"

He threw his head back with a groan before looking at her, intrigued and annoyed, "How do women do that?"

Kim laughed, shaking her head, "Tricks of the trade, Adam. Why didn't you just pretend it was a different couple? You hated that movie.

Adam shrugged, taking the piece of silvery tinsel that lay beside them and slipping it gently over her head, "I can't lie to you, Kim. You know that."

She half-smiled, for a moment overwhelmed by her love for him, and grasped the back of his neck, pressing her lips to his gently, closing her eyes and savouring the moment. His tongue sought entrance to her mouth, easing her lips open. He let his hands fall to the small of her back, lowering her back down to lying position. Her tongue to plundered his hungrily, and he groaned against her mouth. She raked her fingers through his short, dishevelled hair.

He reached up to smooth a hand over her hair as they pulled away, looking down at her adoringly. He moved off her so she could sit up before taking the ends of the tinsel around her neck and tugging on them, drawing her closer to him, "And Lord knows you'd look good in leather".


Amy eyed Jay appraisingly as she waited for him to speak again. She had forgotten how incredibly sexy he was.

"So, what are you doing here Amy?" Jay asked, not knowing what else to say. It was just way too weird to be in Victoria's Secret with her.

"I'm shopping Jay. What about you? Shopping for Erin?" Amy chuckled as she watched him fidget slightly. He shoved his hands in his pockets and a lock of his hair fell over his forehead. It took all her self-control not to reach out and touch it.

"Um, actually, no. She and I were shopping elsewhere and Hank and I just came in here." Jay looked over at Hank who was talking to the sales lady, trying to describe perfume that he was looking for, as a gift for Olivia.

Jay smiled in spite of it all. Standing in a lingerie store with Hank was one of the last places he ever expected his life to lead him to.

"You and your boss shopping in Victoria's Secret. Hmmmm, I wonder what Erin would think of that."

Jay laughed and shrugged his shoulders. "If you only knew half of that story"

"So, how have you been Jay? I haven't seen you in a few days"

"I've been good. What about you?" Jay asked.

"Pretty good. I've been letting Scott sleep on my couch for a week so that's been interesting. I heard about your fight with Erin...Scott told me. I'm sure you know how sorry he is. You know he didn't mean any trouble with Erin, right?"

"Yeah, well he deserved worse than sleeping on a couch for the way he's treated my wife."

"You know Jay, you shouldn't judge people when you don't know all the facts."

Jay just shook his head, not prepared to speak the words that were on the tip of his tongue. "You know Amy, this probably isn't a conversation we should be having."

"Yeah, you're probably right," she said casually and she lifted a sheer black camisole off the rack and held it up to herself. "I think this would look good on Erin. She's got the breasts for it."

Jay smiled again at the mention of Erin, Amy's mention of her breasts passing him obliviously. "Erin looks good in everything she wears."

"And doesn't wear I imagine, too." Amy added as her eyes shifted away from his gaze.

Jay's eyes widened and he swallowed hard at the inference of her words. Amy noticed his reaction and smiled softly.

"Um," was all that Jay could think of saying at that moment. The proverbial cat had his tongue.

"What Jay? Aren't you used to people commenting on your wife's beauty."

"Um, not like that and certainly not, um," Jay struggled to find the words that wouldn't insult her.

"Women, Jay? Is that what you wanted to say? You're not used to women commenting on Erin's body?" She laughed again and reached out to touch his arm.

"For a guy who slept his way into your I.U. job...You sure are at a loss for words"

"Excuse me?" Jay asked, trying to steer the conversation away from Erin's body and Amy's comments about it.

"I heard about you sleeping with your co-workers sister, Gwen?, Grace?, Oh no Gaby...Right? I mean that's how you got to pick where you wanted to go when you left the force. You were sleeping with your friend's sister and you got shot. Sorry if that came out as rude, but really, you shouldn't judge people"

"Gaby has nothing to do with that. I was shot and I got to pick where I wanted to go. I wanted IU and I work just as hard as anyone else in IU. So don't go there, Amy. If it wasn't for that path, I never would've met my wife."

Amy smiled again as she hung the camisole back on the rack, catching the sight of two familar women in front of the store out of the corner of her eye.


"What the hell is that about?" Olivia hissed as she and Erin watched Amy touch Jay's arm as she laughed at something.

Erin's eyes narrowed as Hank walked out of the doors on the other side of the store, carrying a bag from the store along with the one's he was carrying for Jay.

"There you two are. We were just coming back to see if you were done."

Neither woman heard him and he looked in the direction they were looking. Hell! Why couldn't that skank just fall off the face of the earth?

"What is he doing in there with her?" Olivia asked as she turned to Hank. He rolled his eyes in exasperation.

"I have no idea Olivia. We just went in there so I could buy something and he must have run into her."

"You know what guys," Erin muttered without looking at them. "I'll see you later."

And with that, Erin walked into the store with one mission on her mind.

"Way to go and start something, Liv" Hank said to Olivia after Erin was gone.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Nothing Liv." He sighed tiredly as he looked at all the bags in his hands. "What am I supposed to do here? All this stuff is Jay's."

"Let's just go wait at the food court. I want to call that daycare on base and check on Noah" She said as they walked toward the middle of the mall.

"Sounds like a good idea. I'm surprised that all four of those kids stayed and didn't have complete meltdowns" Hank explained as he reached for Olivia's hand.

"So...what were you doing in Victoria's Secret?" Olivia asked a smile spreading across her face.

Hank grinned and found himself blushing "I was looking for that perfume you like"

Olivia laughed softly as she stood on her tiptoes to peck him on the cheek. "Sure..."

"Am I not allowed to shop for my wife?" Hank asked his gruff voice filled with mock hurt.

"You're an idiot. We should go on vacation more often. It loosens you up" Olivia said as she again laced her arm through Hank's as they walked down the mall.

"You also helped loosen me up after the kid went to bed" Hank joked.


Amy grabbed another teddy off the rack and held it up. "What about this one? This color of red would look breathtaking on her."

The silk material was the same color of red that Erin had worn to the Policeman's Ball so long ago and Jay unconsciously sighed as he remembered that night. It was the night that his life began.

"There you are." Erin's soft voice wafted over him and he turned to smile at her. "I should have known I'd find you in a lingerie store."

Jay gazed at her, forgetting all about Amy for a moment and he grabbed her hand and tugged her against him.

"I had to find some way to entice you into this store, didn't I?" Jay's voice was soft as he bent close to her ear, his warm breath tickling her.

"Erin, it's nice to see you again." Amy said after a moment of Erin ignoring her very existence.

"Hello Amy." Erin spoke in an low tone, not hiding her dislike for the woman at all.

Amy's eyebrow raised as she took a step back. "Well I'll just leave the two of you alone then. It was good seeing you Jay."

Jay slipped his arm around Erin's waist as he turned to look at Amy.

"See ya, Amy," he said as Erin slipped her fingers through the belt loops of pants.

Amy turned and walked away as Erin yanked on Jay's belt loop, forcing him to face her. He was smiling mischievously.

"Why the hell was she modeling lingerie for you?" She asked pointedly as he wrapped his arms around her, the bags he was carrying hanging down behind her ass.

"Actually she was trying to help me pick out one for you."

Erin pinched him in the stomach and he winced. "Nice try pal."

"She was," he insisted as his thumbs, the only part of his hands that was not otherwise occupied, rubbed her lower back softly.

Erin narrowed her eyes and cocked her head to the side. Jay chuckled and leaned forward to kiss her.

"So, did you find your book for Kim?"

Erin slid her arms around his waist, under his jacket and her fingers dipped into the waist of his jeans.

"Yes, I did. I found two in fact." Erin responded as she kissed his chin. God, it felt good to not even think twice about that skank, Erin mused, as she pressed closer to him.

"Well since you finished your little task, I think I have been a very good boy and deserve my reward you promised."

"Whether you've been a good boy has yet to be determined Jay. But I suppose I can indulge you for a few minutes while I decide." She teased as his grin widened. He released her and grabbed her by the hand.

"Come over here. I want you to try this on."

Erin chuckled softly as she followed him. He was like a kid let loose in a toy store as he grabbed several articles of clothing off the racks as they passed them on their way to the dressing rooms.

The sales woman walked over to them as they approached the dressing area.

"Would you like to try those on?" She asked as she smiled at the young couple before her.

"Although I'm sure that he'd probably like to try them on too, I think I'll be the one to do that today." Erin joked as the woman laughed along with her. Jay rolled his eyes but didn't say anything.

"Well, as you can see we're doing some renovations on these dressing rooms, so I'll have to have you use the others closer to the back of the store." The woman said as she took the hangers from Jay's hand and led them to the back corner of the store.

She opened one of the rooms and hung the lingerie up before exiting the small cubicle.

"Well, here you go. If you need anything else, please let me know."

"Thank you," Erin said before she stepped inside and closed the door.

"There are some seats right here for you to wait. Is there anything I can help you with?" The sales lady asked.

Jay shook his head as he sat in the chair, resting his bags on the floor. "No thanks. I'll just have a seat and wait."

The woman smiled and walked away. As soon as she was far enough away, Jay jumped up from his seat and knocked softly on the door.

"Erin, open up. She's gone."

Erin's soft laugh came from inside. "What makes you think I'm letting you inside here with me? I'm almost done, so hold on."

"Erin," he growled in a low voice. "You better open this door and show me what I've been waiting for all day or I'll break this door down."

Erin laughed again and he could hear the soft rustle of her clothing as it hit the floor. He tilted his head and looked down at the bottom of the door. He could see her bare legs as she lifted one foot and slipped on a burgundy scrap of something that made his body instantly react.

He groaned softly as he closed his eyes. How could she do that to him? She reduced him to a bundle of throbbing nerves with just the sight of her calf.

He heard the soft click of the lock on the door and he looked around, making sure that no one was watching. He quietly opened the door and slipped inside, not noticing Amy, who was still in the store, standing nearby.

Erin didn't turn when he stepped into the dressing room. She only smiled at him in the mirror and she watched his face as his gaze swept over her half naked form. His eyes darkened with each passing second and Erin felt a rush of warmth spread through her body and settle between her thighs.

Jay stepped closer to her, his hands reaching out and grasping her small waist gently.

"So, what do you think Jay?" She asked as she titled her head to the side so she could get a better look at him in the mirror.

Jay pulled her back against him and his lips clamped on to her neck. He began to suck softly on her skin as he pressed his hard cock against her. His hands slid from her waist around to her stomach and he caressed her softly through the lace and satin fabric. The teddy was low cut in front, the V coming to almost her belly button. The bottom just barely covered her soft mound, the material rising high on her hips only to dip back down in the back, again barely covering the creamy white skin of her ass.

Jay watched her in the mirror as one hand slid up to cup her round breast, his thumb sweeping over the nipple, urging it to a hardened peak. Erin moaned softly as her head tilted back against his shoulder as his other hand slid down and along the seam of the teddy. His fingers dipped beneath the fabric to find her core and he discovered, just as he expected, she was already ready for him. He growled against her skin as he slid his fingers gently inside her, her tight velvet walls clamping around the invading digits.

Her hips began to move as she rocked against his hand and Jay thrust his tongue into the shell of her ear, in the same rhythm as his fingers were moving.

"Jay," she whimpered softly as her eyes glazed over and the orgasm ripped through her body in a flood of sensations. Her legs trembled and Jay held her steady against him as she rode it out, panting and gasping softly for air.

He removed his lips from her ear and smiled at her in the mirror.

"God, you're beautiful Erin."

She smiled lazily at him before she turned in his arms. His fingers slipped from her as she moved and his hand settled at her waist as she slid her arms around his neck. Her lips fused with his as she pressed her body against him. Jay tightened his arms around her as he plundered her mouth with his tongue.

They both moaned softly into each other's mouths as Jay stepped forward and pressed Erin up against the glass of the mirror. She gasped into his mouth but he didn't ease up on the kiss, his tongue tasting every inch of her warm moist cavern.

Erin ran her hands down his chest and pulled the hem of his shirt out of his pants. Her cool hands touched his warm skin and he jumped slightly. Erin giggled against his lips and they finally broke the kiss that had been consuming them. Jay rested his forehead against Erin's and they both caught their breath.

"So, should I try another one on?" Erin asked as Jay pressed his hips against her in a pulsing motion, pressing her bare back against the cool mirror. She unsnapped his jeans and slid her hands into the front of his boxers. The skin of his stomach had warmed her hands and she gripped him firmly in her palm.

Jay pulled his face back and closed his eyes as they crossed at sensations shooting through his body from the movement of her fingers against him. She stroked him from base to tip, using the pad of her thumb to spread the moisture that pooled at the top.

"I want you so bad. You're killing me," Jay hissed through clenched teeth as Erin continued her ministrations.

"So, take me," Erin challenged him as she looked at him through desire filled eyes. Jay took her challenge without hesitation and reached up to slip the straps down her arms, revealing her full breasts to his gaze. Jay's head dropped to Erin's neck and he gently bit the spot where her shoulder and neck met.

Erin cried out softly as her head titled back again, banging against the glass of the mirror behind her.

Jay slid the rest of the teddy off her body as he assaulted her tender neck with his lips and teeth. Erin stepped out of the material and leaned down to push his jeans and boxers down his thighs and they pooled around his ankles. Erin kissed the top of his head as she whispered her love for him against his soft hair.

Amy walked along the back of the store looking for her favorite bras. She heard someone panting and she looked around to see who or what it was. She noticed the bags laying on the floor next to the dressing rooms and she recognized them as the ones that Jay had been carrying earlier. She looked around again and noticed his shoes on the floor just inside one of the dressing rooms next to a man's legs with pants and boxers pooled around his ankles.

At that moment, she heard a loud grunt and then a soft groan that she recognized. She had certainly heard that sound enough to know what it was.

What she wouldn't have given to see that on the store's security cameras, she mused as she turned and walked toward the doors, but not before she spoke to one of the sales women.

"You know I heard something in the back of the store. You might want to go check on that." She snickered as she walked out of the store.

Erin softly groaned as Jay continued to kiss her and they moved further into the dressing room and Erin leaned against the glass fully as Jay placed open mouthed kisses on her shoulder.

Erin started to giggle softly as the reality of what they were doing hit her. Jay looked up at her and he joined in her laughter.

A knock on the dressing room door startled them and looks of horror crept across their faces.

"Is everything all right in there?" The sales woman called from the other side.


Kim tugged at the sides of her skin-tight black leather pants as she waited for the lift to reach the floor of Gaby's apartment. She tapped her hand against her thigh impatiently as she watched the numbers of floors light up, trying to ignore the urge to rip off the curly blonde wig perched on her head. She felt and looked, in her opinion absolutely ridiculous. But it was too late to back out now.

She wasn't sure what to think when she caught the three teenage guys from level two staring at her with slack jaws. Should she be flattered or freaked out? She hoped Adam would appreciate the outfit just as much.

Finally the small 10 ten lit up, there was a short ding and the doors slid open. Kim stepped out into the familiar hallways, carefully avoiding eye contact with anyone that passed as she made her way to Gaby and Matt's apartment.

Kim had rapped her knuckles on the door several times before it swung open to reveal a slightly tipsy Gaby Casey in a very familiar white, low-cut dress.

"If it isn't Sandra D!" Gaby giggled, hugging Kim tightly.

"And Marilyn Monroe. You look great, Gaby"

When she pulled back from their hug, Gaby's eyes were wide, "Where's Adam?"

"He'll be here. He just got off work, and he had to change"

Gaby ushered Kim into her spacious apartment where the party was already in full swing with what sounded like Top 40 blaring from the huge sound system. Almost everyone was a familiar face.

Kim was handed a glass of champagne and found Gaby shaking her head at her with a giggle, "A blonde Kim Ruzek in leather, I never thought I'd see the day."

Kim half-smiled, "You and me both, Gaby. Adam thinks I'm going as the early Sandy, with the yellow dress", she shrugged, taking a sip from her glass, "I wanted to surprise him"

Gaby grinned, "I'll have to have the camera on hand to capture the look on his face" She linked her arm through Kim's, taking a gulp of champagne before leading her over to a crowd of people.

Atwater turned at their approach and grinned instantly upon seeing "Kim, Kim! Wow"

"Kevin!" Kim laughed as she took in his akubra, half-untucked chequered flannel shirt with the first few buttons undone, and high leather cowboy boots. "Let me guess Woody from Toy Story?"

Gaby burst into a fit of laughter. Atwater looked mortified for a moment before sighing, "I'm John Wayne, actually, but close enough", He chuckled, pulling her into him for a relaxed hug.

Gaby and Kim gladly took another glass of champagne from Gaby's husband Matt who was dressed in purple and green as Austin Powers.

"Matt, stop being such a good host. I've hardly seen you all night", Gaby pouted.

"Awww," Matt said, half-amused, half-remorseful. "I'm just trying to be nice to our friends"

"I really appreciate you guys taking over the party at the last minute. My and Adam's place just wasn't big enough once word got out about the party. And I don't like to turn people away"

"Don't even worry about it. How is house hunting going?" Matt asked as he wrapped an arm around Gaby's middle and pulled his wife to him.

"We have a place and put in an offer. So we're hoping that we get it. It'll be nice for the kids to have room to play. Speaking of kids, how is your newest addition going?"

Gaby and Matt both smiled at the thought of the newest addition to their family Louis, who they'd found during a fire and had recently taken in and were fostering and hoping to adopt.

"He's great. He and MJ have become inseperable" Gaby explained referring to her and Matt's now two year old son.

"That's amazing. I bet Antonio is loving babysitting tonight" Kim laughed.

"Hey...he offered" Gaby laughed "He gets what he gets"

Kim finished the last of her third glass of champagne, already feeling its effects as she made her way across the room to pour herself another. She scanned the table for a bottle that wasnt empty, finally finding one and reaching for it. Her hand stilled mid-air as she felt someone come up very close behind her.

"Damn," came Adams husky voice. "And here I thought my wife made it clear I wasn't going to see her in leather any time soon"

"She lied. She figured her and her husband had a babysitter for the night so why not try something fun" Kim said turning to see Adams wide, devilish grin.

She let her eyes trail down to take in his leather jacket, black top, tight leather pants, and felt herself grow even more light-headed. Her breath caught in her throat.

"Is this outfit completely inconsiderate to the general public or what?" Adam said, "Your outfit on the other hand..."

When she raised her eyes back to his, the grin was gone.

His eyes had darkened with insatiable desire.

Kim swallowed hard, "You lied"

"So did you", he countered, glancing at her lips, "Guess we both lied, huh, Burgess?"

"Deception is a beautiful thing", she muttered, overwhelmed with the urge to drag him into one of the rooms and divest him of the very clothes that had provoked the desire to begin with. She grabbed the back of his neck, pulling his lips down to hers, both of them groaning at the contact. Their tongues duelled hungrily as Adam's hands slipped beneath her top to feel her heated skin. He moved his hands to the small of her back, earning another desire-filled groan from Kim as he pulled her body flush against his.

Adam turned back to Kim, chuckling. He let his hands rest on the top of her leather-clad ass, and moved back a little bit, taking a deep breath, "My God, woman Have I told you how good you look?"

Kim pretended to think for a moment, "Not with words"

"You look damn fine, Burgess", he told her breathily.

"I look like I should be working the streets"

Adam nodded, "Yeah, that too."

Kim's eyes widened and her mouth fell open, making Adam laugh.

"I'm kidding, darlin" he said earnestly, still chuckling.

He smiled, stepping over to stand beside her, surveying the drinks table, You want something?

She nodded, murmuring, "Yeah"

He turned to her, crinkling his eye-brows, "Should I just surprise you or are you going to tell me what it is exactly that you want?"

"I want you."

Adam raised his eyebrows at her, a lazy grin spreading over his lips, "I don't think they have that on ice"

Kim laughed, and then shrugged, "It's better warm"

"Or maybe it's the champagne", Kim said as she pulled him into a small hallway and opened a door to check what was inside the first room.

"We're gonna miss the fireworks", Adam told her, looking at his watch.

Kim turned around to grin at him, leaning close to whisper, "We've got plenty of our own, Adam."

Adam grinned too, as Kim found a bedroom and stepped inside. Adam leaned against the doorframe.

"Hey, Burgess?"

"Yes, Adam?"

"You know, I kind of love you, right?"

Kim smiled, curling her fingers through the loopholes of his leather pants, and pulled him into the darkened room. He kicked the door shut behind them just as fireworks began to explode overhead.

"I kinda love you, too"


"Now hold it like this away from you" Jay explained as he held his arms around Everly's body as the two held onto the sparkler in their hands.

"I do it" Everly insisted as she pulled away from Jay.

"Be careful" Jay said letting go of the sparkler and watching as Everly walked away from the blanket from thier spot at The National Mall Park.

Jay moved back up on the blanket next to Erin who was holding the twins on her lap.

"Dada" Caleb said reaching for his father from his place on his mother's lap.

"I got you, buddy" Jay said as he reached for his son and pulled him to his lap.

Caleb laughed as Jay raised him up over his head and quickly brought him back down kissing his face and neck before repeating the action.

"Jay, he just ate, he's going to throw up" Erin warned as Jay pulled Caleb back down to him.

"Ok mom. Be a party pooper" Jay teased as he sat Caleb on his lap.

"Arden, tell your daddy I'm not a party pooper. He just doesn't know what it's like to get a mouth full of throw up to the face" Erin teased as she bounced Arden on her legs.

"Mama mama" Arden said before babbling and looking at her father.

"Hank and Olivia could've came with us" Jay said as he gave a glance at Everly who stood by the blanket and held onto the sparkler in her hand.

Erin shrugged her shoulders "I know, but they got their hotel and Hank mentioned that they were going to take Noah on some family cruise to watch the fireworks. Olivia said we should try to enjoy our last few days together before the kids and I go home on Saturday"

Jay nodded and felt an ache in his heart at only having four more days with his wife and kids before they left to go back to Chicago. "Let's not think about that right now"

Erin nodded and reached her hand out and took ahould of Jay's "Ok"

"All done" Everly said holding up the now burnt out sparkler.

"Oh no!" Jay exclaimed as Everly came walking back over to him dressed in her patriotic summer dress blowing in the breeze.

"Fix it" Everly said holding the metal stick out for her father.

"I can't fix it. It's all done" Jay explained.

"More" Everly said.

"What do you say?" Erin asked as she reached into the diaper bag and pulled out Arden's binky and held it to her daughter's lips.

Arden took the binky and laid forward against Erin's chest, her tiny hands holding tight to her mother's shirt.

"Pease" Everly said dropping the metal stick down on the blanket and pushing a few stray locks of hair that had fallen out of her ponytail out of her face.

"That's better" Jay said as he adjusted Caleb on his lap and reached for the pack of Sparklers and took one out.

Everly smiled and reached for the pack.

"Come here" Jay said as Everly stepped towards him

"Okay daddy" Everly said walking towards her father and turning in his arms so that her back was to him.

Jay once again held onto the sparkler as he lit it and held it steady in Everly's hands.

"Tank ooo" Everly said as she moved to the grass behind Erin and Jay.

"Everly no. You come around here where I can see you" Erin said as she reached behind her for her daughter and guided her to the front of them .

Caleb whined in Jay's arms as he bounced his son in his arms. "I don't think they're going to make it to the fireworks, babe"

Erin sighed sadly and looked down at Arden who was quietly sucking her binky and laying against her mother's chest. "I think you might be right"

Erin reached into the diaper bag and handed Jay, Caleb's binky and a light blanket.

Jay adjusted Caleb in his arms and gave the little boy his binky and draped the lightweight blanket over his son's back.

"Are you tired little buddy?" Jay asked.

Caleb sighed behind his binky and laid against Jay's chest.

Erin swayed side to side from her place on the blanket and gently rubbed Arden's back. "Do you think we should go?"

Jay shook his head "No, I think they'll be ok. Besides Ev is having a good time and I just want to enjoy the night with you and our kids"

Erin scooted closer to Jay and laid her head on his shoulder as she looked out at the park at the different famlies. The sun was setting behind the Washington Monument painting the sky in deep beautiful colors and at that moment nothing mattered but her family.

Not Amy, Not Scott or anything they could do.

All that mattered was the man next to her and the three kids that made her life worth living.

"Wook mama" Everly said a smile on her face as she held up the sparker.

"I see that baby" Erin said with a smile.

Everly went back to looking at her sparkler and she gently waved it back and forth.

"I love you" Jay said turning his head to place a kiss on Erin's head.

Erin turned her head and looked up at Jay who was staring down at her.

"I love you too" Erin said with a smile as she leaned up and kissed him.


"Do you want some of this?" Scott asked as he held the box of popcorn out to Amy.

"No" Amy said as she kept her eyes locked on Erin and Jay and their family a few yards away.

"Amy, you're going to have to let it go. Jay doesn't want you. Why can't you just focus on something else" Scott asked mildly annoyed.

"He might not love me now, but he will. Erin leaves this weekend and I can guarantee you, when she does, Jay will be all mine"


Please Review


To answer the question in the comments Undercover Honeymoon will end very soon. Just give me a chapter or two to wrap it up and I'll end it. I promise this time lol. No worries :-) I'll try to have it done by 95 or 96.