92. Sins Find You Out

Thanks for the reviews on the last chapter. I appreciate all of them so much.

Before you read, there's no Burzek in this chapter, I apologize for that, but I got kind of carried away writing this chapter and I promise I'll make up for it.

Also, the end is rated M.



"Kitty?" Everly asked as she pointed to the Cheetah in the enclosure.

"That's a Cheetah" Jay explained as he pushed Everly's stroller through the zoo habitat.

"Chee-taaa" Everly repeated as she looked at the big cats as they walked and rolled around the grass.

"Yeah. Cheetah's are the fastest land animal and they're on the endangered species list" Jay explained as he knelt down next to Everly.

"What dat?" Everly asked as she sat in her stroller. Her Rebecca doll strapped in with her dressed in the same outfit.

"It means that there aren't very many left and that we need to take care of the ones that are left so that they don't all die" Jay explained.

Everly looked at Jay and down at Arden who was strapped to Jay's chest in her Baby Bjorn. Her pink Fisher Price sunglasses and matching pink hat adorned the seven month old's face as she babbled happily.

"Ardy a kitty, Ardy" Everly said as she pointed to the big cats in the field.

"Dadadadada" Arden said as she put her fingers in her mouth.

"No...kitty" Everly said shaking her head.

Jay laughed and stood up as saw Erin coming up towards them with a few bottles of water and Caleb strapped to her chest.

"Prices here are expensive" Erin complained as she handed Jay his bottle of water.

"We should've brought some stuff in" Jay said as he opened his bottle and took a drink.

"Mama...kitty" Everly said as she pointed down at the Cheetahs.

"I see that" Erin said.

Caleb squealed and kicked his legs as Erin took a drink from her water bottle and then held the rim to Caleb's lips and gently tipped it up as he took a drink.

"Someone is thirsty" Jay said reaching out to tickle Caleb's cheek.

"Dada dada" Caleb said holding his arms out to his father.

"I'm afraid you're strapped in, buddy" Jay laughed at his son who just like his twin sister was wearing a sun hat and sunglasses but only in blue.

"How about we go get some lunch. I saw a few street vendors down by the park. We could have a picnic" Erin suggested.

"Sounds like a plan" Jay said as he pushed Everly's stroller away from the Cheetah exhibit.

"No go" Everly said

"We've gotta go. Tell the Cheetah's bye" Jay said as he pushed Everly's stroller.

"Bye bye" Everly said as she waved her hand.

The family of five made their way out of the zoo and down the block to the open park.

"Out" Everly said as Jay unstrapped Arden from the Baby Bjorn and gently sat her on the soft grass.

"If I get you out. You have to sit down on the grass and eat. No running" Erin explained as she too unbuckled Caleb and sat him down on the grass.

"Me not" Everly said as Erin reached down to unbuckle her.

Everly climbed out of her stroller and onto the grass and knelt down by her brother and sister who were pulling at the soft grass.

"Wat doin?" Everly asked as Erin left to go and get everyone some lunch.

Caleb and Arden babbled as they pulled at the blades of grass and Jay took a seat down next to them.

"Daddy?" Everly said as she walked closer to him and sat on his lap.

"What is it, bug?" Jay asked.

"Da babies not pway wif me" Everly said.

"Evie, that's just because they're not quite big enough to play with you the way that you want them to. They still have some growning to do. But one day soon, they're going to be chasing you all over the place and you're going to want them to leave you alone" Jay explained.

"Me miss ooo" Everly said "You go home"

Jay smiled sadly and placed a kiss on Evie's head and he gently played with one of the french braids that laid against Everly's shoulder. "Daddy misses you too. But he's going to be home soon"

"Me stay wif ooo?" Everly asked.

"I wish you could bug. I'd love for you and mommy and your brother and sister to stay with daddy. But you guys have to go back and daddy has to finish things here" Jay explained.

"Oh" Everly said.

"But we're going to have so much fun while you're here. And before you know it daddy will be back home and we'll all be together again" Jay assured.

Everly nodded as Jay let loose of one of her dark braids and Erin walked up to them. Her arms full on lunch for everyone.

"Hank and Liv left pretty early this morning" Jay said as he unpacked the twins baby food and grabbed Caleb and stripped him down to his diaper to avoid him from getting his clothes a mess.

"They wanted to get on the road for the beach. I think they'll have a good time with just them and Noah. They've never really taken a vacation together" Erin explained as she followed Jay's actions and stripped Arden to her diaper and grabbed a small container of baby food and a plastic spoon before opening it.

"I don't think they really hit it off with Amy" Jay said as he started to feed Caleb.

"I think she's a lot to hit off" Erin said as she quickly opened Everly's grilled cheese sandwich from the food vendor and tore it into small pieces.

"Tank ooo mommy" Everly said as she started to eat.

"I just think you guys have to get to know her" Jay explained.

Erin raised an eyebrow as she scooped up a spoonful of green beans and fed it to Arden. "You seem pretty defensive of her"

Jay shrugged his shoulders as he fed Caleb a spoonful of carrots before he grabbed one of the fries from his own mean and took a bite of it. "She's my partner at work, she's my friend. I'm just used to her"

Erin nodded as she swallowed the bite of her food she'd taken. "Do I have something I need to worry about, Jay?"

"What?" No" Jay assured. "There's nothing happening there"

"Funny...I told Hank the same thing about you" Erin said with a sigh.

"Erin, I promise you. Nothing has happened and nothing will happen between Amy and me. How about we all go out to dinner tonight and we can sit down and you can get to formally know Scott and Amy" Jay suggested.

"If that's what you want" Erin said.

"Good" Jay smiled and grabbed his phone to text Scott and Amy the plans.


Erin checked the video baby monitor as she waited on Scott to finish filling up the cup of milk she'd came across the hall and asked for so that she could make Everly some pudding as a reward for being so good a t the zoo. Jay and Scott hadn't had any in their fridge so Erin had quickly stepped across the hall while the twins and Everly were down for their nap.

Jay had made a quick trip downtown to turn in some paperwork and it had left Erin alone at the apartment complex.

Scott watched her for a minute, his gaze sweeping from her face down to her feet, then back up again.

"He'll be back Erin. Don't worry, he's not with Amy." Scott teased. Knowing the tension between the two women.

"Scott, Jay has never done anything to cause me not to trust him. He's the trust worthiest person I've ever known. Unlike some people I know."

Scott shrugged as he thought back to Jay's first week in Virginia and how the three had went out to "Paint The Town Red" and Amy had gotten extremely drunk.

Jay, not wanting Amy to get in any kind of trouble with the CID had gotten her home and back to the apartment and put Amy to sleep in his bed.

Little did Scott know, Jay hadn't mentioned that small story to Erin.

"Amy's a good girl. Sure she has some issues, but if she can sleep in Jay's bed and not make a pass at him when they were both drunk, then I don't think you have anything to worry about when they're sober"

Erin looked at him somewhat confused. "What are you talking about Scott?"

Scott's eyes twinkled a little at her response. He had been right.

"I'm talking about Jay spending the night with Amy after we all went out his first week here"

"Scott I have no idea what you're talking about."

In that moment, Scott realized he'd fucked up. "Oh, Erin, I'm sorry. I just assumed he would have told you. That is unless he has something to hide about it."

"Scott, I really don't know what you're talking about. I get that you're friends with Amy and you're on her side. So you have to know I don't believe you, right?"

"I'm not lying to you Erin. I just thought you should know about it. Amy told me he has incredibly strong hands. Whatever that means." Scott tried to be nonchalant since he could see that he was getting under Erin's skin.

"Well, whatever, Amy, told you is a lie." Erin said her name with disgust. "If anything had happened, he would have told me."

"I guess. But I'd at least think he'd tell you about her being so drunk that night." He put his hand on his chin "He brought her back to sleep in his bed. I thought you knew Erin, really I did"

Scott watched as Erin's face fell. "What?"

"Oh, Erin, you didn't know about that either? Well, it seems that Jay does keep secrets from you."

"Go to hell Scott," Erin glowered at him as she turned and stalked out the front door.

Scott called after Erin and chased after her to apologize. He opened the hallway door and ran into Jay.

Jay looked all around the hallway for Erin and not seeing her but seeing Scott made him realize what must have happened.

"You may want to go talk to your wife." Scott said quietly. "We had a conversation about you and Amy. I think she was shocked when I told her about us all going to the bar that first week and Amy getting drunk"

"You told her what?"

"I told her about how you and Amy at the bar"

Jay shook his head and pushed passed Scott.

"I thought that you'd told her about Amy getting drunk. I'm sorry man. I can talk to her if you'd like for me to"

"I think you've done enough, man" Jay said. His mind racing.

Jay turned and pushed the door open. Scott spoke quickly as he tried to get the last word.

"I have to tell you when I mentioned to Erin about Amy and you at the bar, she was quite surprised. You really should be more careful if you're going to sneak around behind your wife's back. You never know who might tell her the truth."

Jay shook his head and walked into his apartment and closed the door behind him


Jay entered the apartment calling Erin's name.

"Erin, are you here?"

He tossed his jacket on the chair next to the table and headed to the bedroom.

Jay opened the door to find Erin throwing her clothes into her suitcase haphazardly.

"Erin, what are you doing?." Erin didn't answer him so he walked closer to her and he could see that her eyes were red and that she'd been crying.

"Erin," he said softly as he reached a hand out to her.

"Don't let anything Scott says to you get to you. He is a lot to handle. You just have to know him"

Erin whipped around to look at him as she pulled her arm away from his hand.

"Is that so? So, tell me Jay, is what Scott told me true? Did you really let Amy sleep in this bed with you?"

Jay sighed as he rubbed his face tiredly. "Erin, it's not what I'm sure he insinuated it was. I didn't keep it a secret from you. I tried to tell you that night but you fell asleep before I could."

"Then it is true?" She asked incredulously not able to believe that Jay would keep something like this from her.

Erin turned back to the suitcase and slammed it shut. Jay stepped closer to her again.

"Erin, no, it's not true what he said. I mean it is, but nothing happened." He tried to keep his exasperation out of his voice. "There was nothing to it. We went out that night, she had way too much to drink. I didn't want her to get in trouble so I brought her here to sleep it off. I slept on the couch...nothing happened."

"Jay, get out! I don't want to see you right now."

"Excuse me Erin?" Jay asked incredulously. "What are you so angry about anyway?"

"What am I angry about? What am I angry about? Well let me see. I just found out, from Scott of all people, that my husband who I thought never lied to me neglected to tell me that the whore that lives across the hall slept in my husband's bed.?"


Erin's eyes narrowed and she felt her heart literally breaking in her chest.

"I can't believe I heard it from Scott. Answer me one question Jay. Are you fucking her?"

"What?!" Jay's mouth dropped open in complete shock at her question.

"What about that question didn't you understand Jay? Are. You. Fucking. Her?"

"Why would you even ask me that? Of course I'm not fucking her. Where is this coming from Erin?"

"Jay, I'm taking the kids and I'm going back to Chicago tonight. You can come with me or you can stay here. Or you can go find your partner and fuck her all night long. But I am not going to jeopardize my life any further."

Jay grabbed her arm desperately. "Erin, you're being ridiculous. You're not leaving. And I told you there is nothing going on with Amy and me. I can't believe you're letting what Scott said get to you. He doesn't think when he speaks. He has a problem with that."

"Scott didn't make me doubt you Jay. You did. The second you lied to me you planted doubt and mistrust between us." Erin walked over to the closet and started tossing some clothes onto the bed.

"Erin, I didn't lie to you. Please stop doing that and talk to me." Jay walked over and slammed the closet door shut.

Erin turned to him and placed her hands on her hips.

"Well then what do you call it Jay? You had weeks to tell me. Mention it in passing. Say, 'Hey Er, did I tell you about what happened at the bar?' That's all it would have taken. Unless of course you have a reason to hide it from me."

"Damn it Erin! I am not hiding anything from you. I tell you everything. You know that." He ran his hands through his hair roughly. "Can we please not fight today? Today is the happiest day we've been in weeks. I can finally breathe now that you and the kids are here. Can't we just focus on that and you can be mad at me tomorrow about this, although I really don't understand what you're mad about."

Erin pushed passed him and opened the suitcase again to toss the last of the clothes into it. She snapped it shut and placed it on the floor next to the bed.

"Well Jay, if you don't know what I'm angry about then I guess this conversation is a waste of time. Please just get out. I'm not going to dinner. I'm taking my kids, I'm going to Chicago with or without you."

"I'm not getting out Erin. I am so sick of you telling me to get out when we're fighting. What can I do to convince you that there's nothing going on with Amy?"

"Actually Jay, there is nothing you can do. Please just get out?" Erin asked him, her voice cracking with emotion as she picked up the suitcase and moved it next to the door.

Jay suddenly felt a wave of panic come over him. The relief he had when she was finally back in his arms was now replaced with terror that she was going to leave him.

"Erin, I love you. I'm not letting you go anywhere until we straighten this out."

"Jay, you cannot stop me from leaving! I'm going to Chicago tonight." Erin responded as she reached for her phone that was lying at the end of the bed.

In an act of desperation, Jay pulled her roughly against him, one hand sliding down her back to grasp her ass while the other wrapped around her back.

"No Erin. Not until you believe me."

Her soft scent surrounded him and he felt his body react to her instantly. He pressed against her and ground his throbbing erection against her as his mouth crushed down on hers.

Erin tried to pull her mouth away from his but Jay only thrust his tongue deeper into her mouth. He plundered her moist cavern with his tongue, tasting her and he moaned breathlessly. She always tasted so incredible it made his head spin.

Erin finally managed to extract her lips from his and gasped for air.

"Jay, don't do this. Just get out."

Jay slid his hand down the back of her thigh pulling it up and around his hip.

"No, Erin!" He growled as his lips descended on hers again.

Erin struggled against him, her body acutely aware of the heat radiating from his.

Jay released her mouth and pulled back to look in her face. Her skin was flushed and she looked more beautiful to him than ever before. His heart clenched and all he wanted to do was to show her how deeply he loved her. Make her believe that she was everything to him. She was his life. He needed her to know that there was no one else. There would never be anyone else.

He pressed against her as he held her gaze. He could see the tears behind her eyes and the doubt as well.

He lowered his face so his lips were just a hair away from hers. Her ragged breath tickled his lips and he ran his tongue along her bottom lip slowly.

"I'm going to prove to you how much I love you. I'm going to prove you're the only one Erin. Just you!"

Erin's breath hitched slightly.

"This doesn't prove anything Jay. You lied to me about her. You don't lie to people you love."

He growled again as he took her bottom lip between his teeth and bit gently.

"I didn't lie to you Erin. I told you about it. You just fell asleep."

He released her lip and soothed the bite with his tongue before Erin turned her head away from him, trying to hide the tears that were threatening. She loved him so much and just the thought of him with another woman was killing her.

His hand lifted to her chin and turned her face back to him. "Don't you ever doubt my love for you Erin! Or how much I want you. Or my fidelity. Do you hear me?"

Erin's eyes narrowed. "Why don't you just go and fuck Amy. You know that's what you want."

"Erin I don't want anyone but you. Why don't you believe me? How can you believe Scott someone that you don't even know?"

"I didn't believe him really."

Jay released her, defeated, but Erin was on a roll.

"Tell me Jay. Was she worth it? Was fucking her worth throwing our marriage away? Our kids? Did she make you come that hard?"

Jay's temper flared again and he reached out to her again.

"Don't you ever say that to me. I haven't been with anyone but you."

Erin pushed him away and turned.

"Just go Jay. Go fuck your skank and I'll just go find someone to fuck me as well."

Jay felt his hands form fists at his sides as he closed his eyes. She was pushing him to his limit. As hard as he tried to fight it, the image of her on her back, with her legs apart and another man between them was rushing past the back of his eyelids and making it hard for him to breath.

"No!" Jay growled as he grabbed her again and crushed his mouth against hers. Erin's arms went around his neck and she frantically grasped at his hair as she finally gave in to him.

Jay was determined to show her she was the only one. He was going to show her that she would never be satisfied by anyone else.

He pushed her backward onto the bed as they both ripped at each other's clothes. Jay's henley shirt flew across the room. Jay pulled Erin's clothes away from her skin. Erin kicked off her sandals and they hit the closet door on the other side of the room.

Jay leaned forward and sucked on the soft skin of her throat as Erin reached for his waist and unfastened his belt. She unbuttoned and unzipped his fly before sliding her warm fingers into his boxers. He groaned against her neck as she stroked him firmly from base to tip, using the pad of her thumb to spread the warm fluid that pooled there.

Jay flicked the front clasp of her bra and her ample breasts fell out. Jay pulled back and cupped the weight of them in his hands as he roughly tweaked her nipples to hardened peaks.

Erin pushed his boxers and pants over his hips and he kicked them off along with his shoes, dropping them onto the floor beside the bed.

Jay moved between her legs and tore the last remaining barrier between them, her panties, from her body as his gaze swept over her naked form. She was breathing hard, her chest heaving, her skin was flushed and her eyes dark with desire.

He pushed her legs up so her knees were bent and her feet were flat on the mattress. He could see her glistening wetness as her legs parted willingly for him. She watched him through heavy lidded eyes as his hand reached out to touch her, Erin moaned softly as her head fell back onto the soft mattress.

Erin cried out from the force of it but not because it was painful. He felt glorious. He always did.

Jay began pumping in and out of her soft body over and over. Erin's legs lifted and she rested her feet on the bed as her nails dug into his back. Jay groaned as they both continued to look deeply into each other's eyes. Neither one was willing to break the gaze.

Erin thrust her hips up against him as pleasure rippled through her body. He loved her. She knew he loved her but she was so angry and scared. And that was not a good combination in Erin Halstead.

"So, tell me Jay, "Erin panted as his hard thrusts stole her breath, making her breasts shake against his chest from the force of his powerful thrusts into her body. "Does she feel this good?"

Jay grunted as he lowered his mouth to her neck, sucking on the warm skin. He ignored her question and just thrust harder into her body. The sweat pooled on his back and Erin smoothed it over the deep scratch marks she was leaving along his skin.

Erin continued to goad him.

"Tell me I wanna know. Is it that good?"

"Erin," he growled as he lifted his head."There has never been anyone but you. I don't want any one else but you."

"I don't believe you. I know how turned on you were that night we had phone sex. I should have known better. I should have known you'd fuck her if you ever had the chance"

Jay grabbed her leg and lifted it up over his bicep, as he pumped harder.

"I've never fucked her Erin. What do I have to do to convince you?"

Erin felt the tears behind her eyes burning. "Do you love me?" She whispered hoarsely as she felt her inner walls beginning to throb around him, her orgasm quickly approaching and her eyes fluttered closed.

He stopped his movement inside her for a moment and gaped at her. How could she doubt his love for her? He felt her orgasm overtake her body and he pulled all the way out of her body then thrust back in hard.

His hips began a frantic rhythm as he continued to thrust hard through her orgasm. Erin's hips lifted off the bed as she screamed his name, her whole body trembling.

Jay groaned as his balls tightened and he exploded deep inside her, his cock throbbing and pulsing as he closed his eyes focusing only on the feeling of her warmth surrounding him.

Jay collapsed on her, his chest heaving as he buried his face in her neck.

"Of course I love you Er. Always." He whispered, his throat dry as he struggled to catch his breath.

Jay released her leg and Erin slid it down his body until it rested against the mattress. Erin tried to push him off her but he wouldn't budge.

"Please let me up Jay." Erin begged over the lump in her throat.

He shook his head and then lifted it to look at her again. He stayed inside her, not willing to break their connection just yet.

The tears welling in her eyes broke his heart. How did they ever get to this place, the place where Erin doubted his love and his fidelity?

"No, Erin. I'm not letting you up until you believe me. How could you even think I would do that to you? I love you baby. I want you so much it hurts. I don't want anyone else. Ever."

Jay voice broke as he spoke the words from his heart.

"I would never risk what we have. Never! There is no one who is worth risking us." He said the words so fiercely that Erin's breath caught in her throat.

"Jay," His name came out like a strangled sob as Jay slid his arms beneath her shoulder blades and his hands came up to cup the sides of her face.

"Erin, I have never been inside another woman since I fell in love with you. Only you! It will only be you for the rest of my life."

Erin looked up into his eyes and she knew in that instant that he was telling her the truth. How could she have doubted him? Doubted them?

Erin leaned up and kissed him softly as the tears she had been holding slipped from the corner of her eyes.

"I'm sorry Jay. I know you love me. And I do trust you. I really do."

"Then why wouldn't you believe me?."

She closed her eyes for a moment, ashamed that she let Scott get to her.

"I know Jay. I could just see it in my mind and something in my gut told me it was true and it made me blind with jealousy. Then you admitted it was true that stuff at the bar, I really don't remember you telling me. I believe you that you did though."

"I did Erin. I guess I just wore you out so much that night you fell asleep right away."

Erin giggled softy and Jay began to rock his hips against her. He was starting to harden again inside her and he needed the friction.

Erin lifted her hands to his face and pulled his lips down to hers. She slipped her tongue between his lips and ran it slowly along his teeth. She rocked her hips against him in response to his movements and she could feel her desire rising again. Only this time it wasn't frantic. It was slow and full of all the love they had for each other.

"Jay, make love to me." Erin whispered against his lips and he sank into her as he slowly moved inside her.

The fear that he felt a short time ago that she would leave him was slowly vanishing.

Jay nibbled slowly along her jaw to her ear. He licked the rim slowly before dipping his tongue into the canal.

"I love you Erin. Forever."

Erin wrapped her arms around him tighter and she sighed blissfully.

"I love you too Jay. For the rest of my life." Erin whispered against his shoulder before she kissed it softly.

Her hands ran down his back again and she could feel warm blood from where she had dug her nails into him.

"Oh, Jay," She gasped as she struggled to see over his shoulder. "You're bleeding."

Jay lifted his face from where is had been diligently sucking on her neck again.

"Don't worry about it sweetheart. I will gladly take any battle scars you give me."

Erin smiled lopsidedly at him and he fell in love all over again. He always did when she smiled at him.

Jay continued to love her slowly, their passion building with each rocking of their hips. Jay would pull all the way out then slowly slide all the way back inside her, burying himself as deeply as her body would take him.

Erin's legs lifted again and wrapped tightly around him, holding him captive inside her.

Neither one of them wanted this pleasure to end.

As their passion grew, Jay sped up his thrusts. He lifted his weight off her, bracing himself on his arms as lost himself inside her body over and over again. Unable to stop herself, Erin matched his rhythm, her hips rising to meet his, thrust after thrust.

Her body began to tremble in his arms again and Jay followed her into oblivion seconds later.

"I love you," they both whispered simultaneously as they rode the final waves of their orgasms.

Jay laid his head on her breasts and she held him, her fingers gently playing with the short hairs at the nape of his neck.

His face took on a sober expression a minute later.

"So, are we okay Erin?"

Erin's caressed his cheek softly as she smiled ruefully. "Yes, we are Jay. As long as you forgive me for being an idiot."

Jay slipped from her and rolled them so they were both on their sides facing each other. He swept her hair behind her ear and cupped her cheek tenderly.

"Erin, there's nothing to forgive. Please tell me you believe me though."

Erin's lips curved upward into a smile and she sighed. "I believe you Jay."

He released a breath he hadn't been aware he'd been holding and the relief that registered on his face made her giggle once again.

"Good," he breathed. "I'll never give you reason to doubt me ever Erin. I promise."

He smiled at her and pulled her against his chest. His stomach growled loudly and they both laughed out loud.

"Well, I guess that's our cue to get our asses to the restaurant, huh?" Jay teased as he stood and pulled Erin up off the bed.

Erin slid her arms around his neck.

"How about a quick shower first?" She asked, her eyes twinkling. "We wouldn't want to show up all dirty now would we?"

Jay's eyes grew dark with desire and he didn't say a word as he turned and pulled her toward the bathroom.


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