77. We're Meant To Be, Baby Hold On To Me

Thanks for the reviews from the last chapter. I hope that you guys liked it. There's a little bit of a time jump in this chapter. Please enjoy.

Flashbacks are in Italic

Also, I don't own the rights to "In The Still of the Night" by The Five Satins or "I See the Light" from Tangled.


3 Months Later

Jay walked into Hank and Olivia's without knocking. He couldn't remember how long ago he stopped knocking, just one day he did. It's not like it mattered anymore, he and Erin were married. And in Jay's defense, he had spent a few months living there so he was justified with not knocking.

Mouch and Platt had kindly post poned thier wedding after the events with Jackson and instead of their big Nashville ceremony, they had decided to come home and have a simple wedding in Chicago.

And things were slowly starting to fall into place and get back to normal. At least for now.

Adam had recently gotten a job working security at a construction site so that Kim could use her leave to spend time with Jackson while he recovered from his surgery. It was just for the summer, but it was good money and that along with the money from IU, and the money from fundraisers for Jack's heart surgery, they were slowly paying of the infant's medical bills and getting their lives back on track.

Jay called Erin's name as he entered the house.


He got no response at first, then a small giggle wafted from the direction of the kitchen and Noah came bounding around the corner wearing one shoe. He ran up to Jay and grabbed onto his leg, grinning mischievously. A very agitated looking Olivia came around the corner a moment later with his other shoe.

"Noah, get your butt over here young man." Olivia growled at the boy who looked up at her with innocent eyes and the familiar grin.

Jay laughed and he scooped to pick him up, silently hoping that the twins would have the kind of lopsided grin that Everly had. Then again, it was his weakness, so maybe not.

"Hey there big guy." Jay teased as he tickled the boy's belly.

"Hey Jay." Olivia greeted as she took a squirming Noah out of Jay's arms.

"Hey Liv. Is my beautiful wife around anywhere? We're supposed to go to the doctor at four o' clock."

"Yeah, she's here. She just got home though she had to work late and Everly is down for a nap so Erin said she'd just shower here."

Jay's eyes lit up and Olivia narrowed hers at him.

"Forget about it Jay"

Jay tried to look innocent but failed miserably.

"I don't know what you are alluding to Olivia. Erin has reached the uncomfortable stage of this pregnancy and has cut me off anyway, so it would do me no good to entertain those kind of naughty thoughts."

Olivia laughed. "She cut you off? Somehow I find that hard to believe"

Jay rolled his eyes and frowned.

"Yeah. She said she doesn't feel sexy so she isn't into it anymore. I don't know why she feels like that. She's the most beautiful thing in my orbit."

Olivia smiled as she grabbed her purse from the coffee table.

"Well, that's too bad for you now isn't it? I've got to run to the grocery store before dinner. Tell Erin that Trudy and Kim will be here at six for Trudy's final dress fitting."

Olivia took Noah by the hand as they walked to the front door. "Hank should be back in about an hour. We'll be back. Don't forget to tell Erin"

"Sure thing Liv." Jay answered her absently as he watched her walk out the door. The second the door was closed he made a beeline for the bathroom.

Jay quietly opened the bathroom door and slipped inside. He could hear Erin humming softly as he caught site of her lithe form through the opaque glass of the shower doors. He stood watching her for a moment as she stepped under the water to rinse her hair.

Realizing he was running out of time, Jay quickly stripped out of his clothes and as his hand reached for the shower door, he heard Erin's voice very clearly.

"Stop right where you are Jay." Her voice warned softly as she placed her hand on the handle to hold the door in place.

"How did you hear me, I was as quiet as a mouse." Jay pouted as he tried to slide the door open to no avail.

"Quiet as a mouse, my ass." She laughed, as she held steadfast on the handle so he couldn't open the door.

"Erin, open this door." Jay told her in his most stern voice, trying to sound authoritative.

"Forget it Jay. I told you, no more sex for you. We have eight weeks until the twins and you can hold out that long. If not, you've got a hand, make good use of it."

"Erin!" He scolded as his strength overpowered her, and he slid the door open and stepped into the shower with a grin on his face.

Erin put her hands on her hips and scowled at him as she tried to reach for the towel before he could close the door.

"Well, if you're getting in, that means I must be done. So, I'll just leave you to your hand and the cold water."

He shook his head as he grabbed the towel she was reaching for and threw it out before sliding the door closed.

"Uh uh, Er." Jay whispered as he pulled her into his arms, then moved them under the stream of hot water. "Our daughter is asleep and we have this house to ourselves for a very short time and I intend to use that time wisely. After all in eight weeks, I'm not going to be able to touch you for a very long time"

Erin moaned softly at the feeling of his skin against hers, as his lips nibbled on the flesh beneath her ear.

"Jay," Erin breathed as she ran her hands down his back, bunching his hard muscles beneath her hands. "You promised."

"I never did any such thing Er." He admitted as his mouth nibbled a path over her chin on its way to her mouth. His hands cupped her ass and he pulled her against him, his erection trapped between them.

"I only said I would try to behave myself." He said into her mouth before he captured it for a heated kiss. Erin's hands slid up into his wet hair and she moaned as their tongues danced.

Jay gently pushed her up against the cool tiles and her legs instinctively lifted and wrapped around his waist.

"Jay," She moaned breathlessly as she pulled her mouth away from his.

Jay held her by her thighs, the tip of his cock poised at her entrance as he looked deeply into her eyes.

"Please Erin, just once more. I promise I'll be good from now on. I just need you so much."

Erin eyed him for a moment, then her lips curved into a seductive smile as she slid her hands down his back to his ass. She pulled him to her and he slowly slid into her warmth. The both sighed at the intimate contact.

"I love you," escaped Jay's lips before he kissed Erin again, long and deep, his body moving slowly within her, his cock sliding in and out unhurriedly as the water cascaded down his back.

Erin tightened her thighs around his hips and rocked against him as Jay's mouth traveled a heated path over her chin to her neck, where he swirled his tongue around the hollow of her throat. Erin's head leaned back against the tile as Jay's teeth closed around one of her nipples and bit gently, his hips increasing the speed of his thrusts enough to have Erin's back sliding along the wet tiles.

Erin began to pant softly as she felt her insides begin to quiver they way they always did before she would come. She tried desperately to hold her impending orgasm back, not wanting the glorious pleasure she was experiencing to end just yet.

Jay lavished loving attention on both her breasts before his lips traveled up to hers again. Erin slid her tongue into his mouth and Jay groaned as he felt the familiar tingling in his testicles as he thrust one last time, his cock pulsing, losing himself within her body.

Jay's large fame shuddered and his knees buckled slightly as she clamped around him, her own climax stealing her breath and making her blind. She cried into his mouth as Jay braced his hands against the tiles to keep them from sliding to the floor.

Erin kept her legs around him as she caught her breath, kissing his cheeks, his eyes, his chin and finally his lips again.

"I love you." She whispered as he opened his eyes, love and awe and fulfillment shining in them.

"I'll behave from now on I promise," He murmured against her lips as he continued to gently rock inside her, not wanting their contact to end.

"You're, pal." She loosened her legs and let them slide down to the floor. "Come on, we've got to get ready for tonight and we're going to be late now, thanks to you."

Jay slipped from her body reluctantly and helped her to stand on slightly unsteady legs.

Jay brought her hands to his lips and kissed her fingertips. He brought his hand down and ran his hand over her baby bump gently over it as he smiled

"You know if you change your mind I'll be around?" He sighed as his eyes refused to leave her face.

"Get out!" She commanded, laughing under her breath, as she slid the door behind him open, turned him around and pushed him out of the shower.


One Week Later

Jay was nibbling on Erin's neck as she stood in front of the sink, washing the dinner dishes. His arms were around her waist, his fingers caressing her stomach softly.

"Jay, cut that out. Hank and Olivia are going to be here any minute to pick you up for that self-indulgent, pleasure-seeking display of manhood known as Mouch's bachelor party"

"Mmmmm." He mumbled against her skin as he pressed himself against her, letting her know without a doubt how much he wanted her.

Erin couldn't stop herself from rubbing back against him and he growled low in his throat in response, finally removing his lips from the tender skin of her neck.

"Er, be nice. Will you? I've been a very good boy for the last two weeks and I'm counting down the days until I can ravish you like I want to, but if you keep that up, we won't make it that long. I only have so much will power."

Erin giggled as she turned off the water and dried her hands.

"All right. Truce." She responded as she turned in his arms, sliding her arms around his waist and hugging him.

"Truce." He whispered as he nuzzled her ear.

A knock on the door interrupted the tender moment and the door swung open as Ruzek and Atwater traipsed in. Erin and Jay turned toward the door but didn't release each other.

"Okay, that's enough you two." Adam called as he pretended to cover his eyes. "Can't you two keep you hands off one another for five seconds. I swear."

Atwater laughed along with him as he walked over to Jay and Erin, tapping Jay on the shoulder.

"Come on Halstead. Let's go. We've only got one night to corrupt you and we have BIG plans."

He turned to Erin and grinned wickedly.

"Don't worry Erin. We won't let him end up in jail. But that's all I can promise."

Erin eyed Adam narrowly as Kevin and Jay both laughed at his comment.

Jay kissed Erin's temple before releasing her, stepping back and reaching up to cup her face in his hands.

"Love you Er. Have fun with the girls tonight."

Her lips curved into her trademark lop-sided smile.

"I'm not going to say that to you. Behave yourself buddy"." The twinkle in her eye took the sting out of her words.

His mouth descended to hers and he kissed her deeply.

"Always baby." He winked as he released her face and turned to Adam and Kevin, holding his arms up.

"All right boys. Let's go."


The next morning Kim padded into the kitchen and walked over to the automatic coffee maker. God bless her mom for always making sure it was reset after breakfast. She poured herself a cup and sat down at the kitchen table.

She still felt tired, but the nausea she had experienced last night was gone at least. Her stomach was cramping still and the cramps seemed to be getting stronger. They had woken her up twice in the night and she debated calling the doctor. Her doctor had mentioned that minor cramping was normal but these weren't what Kim would consider minor.

Kim looked around the kitchen and sighed. It was strange to be all alone in the house. She was always used to Jack running around making noise.

Thinking of Jack made her think again of how lucky she was. She had so many mixed emotions and they seemed to change hourly.

When she had found out she was pregnant, Kim felt like her whole world was falling apart.

Getting pregnant so soon after Jackson was not the smartest thing she had ever done. In fact it was probably the most irresponsible thing she'd ever done. She and Adam were not anywhere near ready to be parents again. It wasn't fair to Jack.

But at the same time, she couldn't help but be excited for this new child. When the doctor had told her, her first reaction was run out of the doctor's office and straight into Adam's arms. With Adam by her side, she could get through anything. There was only one problem; he wasn't by her side right now.

How was she going to tell him? What was she going to tell him?

Would he be angry? Would he be relieved?

Would her blame her for getting pregnant? Or would he be excited?

She was nervous. That much she did know. But she was happy to be taking a few days to be visiting her parents.

She was happy about this and Jack was going to have a playmate. Just a little sooner than expected.

The longer Kim sat at that table, the more she wished Adam was here.

Why did she have to choose to go visit her parents this week?

Why hadn't she told Adam about this yesterday or even a week ago when she took her home pregnancy test?

She needed her husband right now. She needed to be held and stroked and comforted. She felt so alone and all she wanted was someone to tell her it was going to be okay.

Why couldn't Adam be here to do those things?

She missed her husband. She wanted her husband. She needed her husband.

A blinking light coming from the phone by the door caught her eye. She didn't remember the phone ringing this morning.

She walked over and pressed play and her breath caught in her throat as she heard Adam's voice, her emotions overwhelming her as she listened to his message.

"I miss you Darlin'. Jack misses his mama and I miss my best friend. We hope you're having a good time. I'll see you soon. We love you. Say bye Jack"

Kim smiled at the sound of her baby boy speaking giberish into the phone and Adam's words kept playing over and over in her head as she listed to the message three times.

She looked over at the clock on the wall.


He was probably already gone for work.

She had to try anyway.

She grabbed the cordless and dialed his number. After the fourth ring, Adam's mother's very unhappy voice roared through the phone line.

"This had better be good!" She growled.

"Hey, it's Kim. Sorry to wake you but is Adam there?"

"No Kim, he left fifteen minutes ago. Is everything all right?" She asked, her voice not so harsh anymore.

"No, I'm just returning his call. He called last night and I must have been in the shower. I just got the message right now."

"Aha!" Adam's mother mumbled.


"That's why he was storming around here last night. He wouldn't even let me use the phone. Said he was waiting for a phone call."

"Oh," Kim said softly.

"Well could you tell him I called?"

"Sure Kim. Wait, why don't you just call him at work?"

"I will," Kim sighed as she looked at the wall. "How's Jack?"

Adam's mother looked in the play pen at a sleepint Jackson and smiled.

"He's ok. He misses you. But it's good that you're doing something for yourself. You've done so much for Jack and for Adam. It's important that you take this time with your family and relax. Everything here is covered and I'm enjoying grandma time"

Kim smiled as she listened to Adam's mom. "Thank you for staying there this week. I appreciate it. I'll see you guys soon"


One Week Later

"Edible underwear? Thanks Burgess." Platt, her cheeks turning lightly pink, tried to keep a straight face as she held up the gift Burgess had given her.

Burgess grinned, proud of her gift, as Erin scolded her.

"Kim , what were you thinking?"

"What Erin?" Burgess asked innocently. "They'll be married when they use them. Every woman should have a pair. At least that's what the sales lady said."

The room broke out in laughter and even Olivia joined in, reluctantly, after a moment.

Everyone was gathered around Platt in Erin and Jay's living room. Burgess, Erin, Olivia, Gaby, Sylvie, and Natalie all watched as Platt opened her next present.

Platt opened the box from Erin and pulled out black lingerie.

Everyone "oohed" and "ahhed" at the silk garment.

Platt examined the garment closely; checking the tag, then turned her shocked gaze to Erin.

"Crotchless, Erin?" She asked, her cheeks darkening even further, as Erin shrugged and laughed along with everyone else.

"Well, we thought we'd make it a whole theme." She responded as she motioned to the box again. "Keep going there's more in there."

Platt rummaged through the tissue paper inside the box, finally pulling out two bottles of edible body paint.

Platt looked up wide-eyed, her cheeks now a medium red.

"You do need to live a little."

"Good lord," Platt sighed. "I'll never get out of the bedroom."

"That's the whole point." Gaby added as she handed Platt her present. "That's from me and Matt."

Platt's eyes narrowed suspiciously as she opened the small box, pulling out a pair of handcuffs.

The whole room howled as Platt blushed furiously, dropping her face in her hands.

"I don't know why you're blushing. Hank told me about you coming to work with a hickey on your neck" Olivia said as she took a drink of her glass of wine.

"Well, with all due respect, lieutenant, your husband doesn't know what he's talking about" Platt said as she dropped the cuffs back into the bag.

"Yeah...husband" Burgess said with a smile. "We never heard the whole story on how that happened"

Olivia looked around the room as everyone's gaze was now on her.



Disney's Yacht Club Resort

Hank saw Olivia as she descended the porch stairs on Jay's arm and his breath caught in his throat. He had to remind himself to breath as his whole body went numb at the sight of her. She was breathtaking and Hank's heart thundered in his chest as he watched her walk slowly toward him.

Her hair was down, which Hank was surprised to see since he remembered Olivia telling him she planned to wear it up to keep it off her face. But it was perfect. He loved her hair down, the way it fell like silk cascading over her shoulders. He flexed his fingers as they itched to bury themselves in the silky strands.

Her white dress suit was just as beautiful. And went along with Olivia's personality, accentuating her curves and Hank fell more in love with her, if that were even possible.

His gaze swept up to her face and he caught her eyes. She was smiling at him and their eyes locked on one another, everyone else disappearing. As she got closer, she mouthed, "I love you", and he winked at her as he held out his hand to her.

Olivia and Jay stopped in front of him and Jay turned to kiss Olivia's cheek again.

He took Olivia's right hand and placed it into Hank's left; then he stepped back and waited for the minister to begin.

Olivia handed her bouquet to Erin and she and Hank turned toward the minister. Hank squeezed her hand gently and whispered softly.

"I love you too Liv."

Olivia smiled looking straight ahead, her heart racing. Olivia was afraid if she looked toward Hank, she would have some nagging fear to run. She wouldn't let him ruin their day. All that mattered were she and Hank.

The minister began to speak.

"We have come together here in celebration of the joining of these two people in holy matrimony. Marriage is a bond to be entered into only after considerable thought and reflection. As with any aspect of life, it has its cycles, its ups and downs, its trials and triumphs. With full understanding of this, Hank and Olivia have come here today to be joined as one in marriage."

The minister turned to Jay and Erin.

"Who gives this woman to be wed?"

"We do." Erin replied.

Hank and Olivia turned to face each other and joined hands. Olivia focused on Hank's face and blocked out everything but him.

Looking into his eyes, she saw her life; her future, her heart and her soul and her eyes began to well with unshed tears.

The minister turned to Hank.

"Hank, do you take Olivia to be your wedded wife, to love and to cherish, to honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, through good times and bad, and forsaking all others as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." Hank replied, his voice full of love.

The minister turned to Olivia.

"Olivia, do you take Hank to be your wedded husband, to love and to cherish, to honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, through good times and bad, and forsaking all others as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." Olivia replied, her voice strong and full of the same love that Hank's was.

"May I have the rings?" The minister asked holding out a small paten. Jay stepped forward and placed both rings on the paten as the minister said a small blessing over them.

Olivia closed her eyes a moment and Hank squeezed her hands gently. She opened her eyes, squeezing his hands back, and smiled lovingly at him, his concerned look fading instantly as he got lost in the dark pools of her eyes.

The minister motioned to Hank and he took the small band in his fingers and held it up to Olivia's ring finger as he began to speak.

"Olivia, you are my life. You're my heart and my soul and the very reason I live and breathe. When I fell in love with you. I could only dream of what it would be like to share my life with you. Now I know that dreams do come true, even for someone like me." He winked at her as her eyes narrowed at his comment. "I love you completely and unconditionally and I thank God every night that you love me too. You're my best friend and the promise that love ends and begins again and I promise you from this moment on, you will never doubt you are loved and cherished and adored and needed. I need you like the very air I breathe. I love you Olivia and I always will"

Hank slipped the small band onto her finger and a tear of complete happiness slipped from Olivia's eye.

Olivia wiped it away before taking Hank's wedding band and holding it up to his ring finger, looking deeply into his eyes.

"Hank, I never knew what it meant to truly love before you. Looking back over our lives, I can see that I've always loved you. Even when I thought I hated you, deep in my heart I loved you. You're my best friend and the one person in this world that I trust completely and unconditionally and unreservedly. I love you more than I ever thought it was possible to love anyone and I promise that I will love you forever. Today I give you my heart and my soul and my life. Even though you've had it for a long time, before our family and friends I make you this vow. You are my true soulmate Hank. I love you and I always will."

Olivia slipped the larger band on his finger and a tear slipped from Hank's eye just as it had from Olivia's a few minutes earlier.

Hank and Olivia continued to hold hands as the minister again began to speak, their eyes never leaving each other.

"Heavenly Father, we ask that you bless this covenant of marriage, establishing the union of man and woman. Let them be to each other, a strength in times of need, a comfort in times of sorrow, a companion in times of joy. Give them the memory of this day and of this moment when you have bonded their hearts for now and always."

The minister looked out over the people gathered.

"By the power vested in me by God and the State of Florida, I now pronounce that Henry and Olivia are husband and wife. Those whom God had joined, let no man put asunder."

He turned to Hank.

"You may kiss your bride."

Olivia let out a soft cry of happiness as Hank slipped his arms around her waist, pulling her against him. Olivia's arms slid around his neck as Hank's lips covered hers in a soft kiss.

Finally, only when they were both in desperate need of air, did their lips part. Hank rested his forehead against Olivia's, and looked deeply into her tear filled eyes. He lifted his hand to cup her cheek.

"I love you Mrs. Voight." He breathed before lowering his mouth to hers again, this time the kiss gentle and sweet.

"Ahem." They both heard from behind Olivia and turned to a smiling Erin, both blushing at forgetting everyone around them.

Olivia turned to Erin and hugged her.

"Congratulation Olivia." Erin whispered as she hugged her.

Hank turned to Jay and they shook hands.

"Well I finally did it." Hank grinned, his happiness shining in his eyes as Jay nodded his head, smiling tightly.

Hank hugged Erin and as Jay stepped up to Olivia, she hugged him and turned, and bent to hug Noah who was looking up at her.

"You were wonderful Noah." She cooed at her son.

"Love you mama." Noah threw his arms around Olivia's neck and hugged her tight.

"Hank, I am so happy for you. Camille would be so happy for you too." Erin hugged Hank tight and smiled.

"Thanks for being here, kid. Your support means so much to me" Hank said with a smile.


In the still of the nightI held youHeld you tight'Cause I loveLove you soPromise I'll neverLet you goIn the still of the night

Olivia was nestled in Hank's embrace as they danced on the sand to the song "In The Still of The Night". It was their first official dance as husband and wife and while everyone was watching them. However, they could only see each other.

Hank's hand rested at the base of her back, his other hand holding hers against his heart. Olivia was smiling up at him, but he could tell that something was bothering her. He could feel it in her stance. She had been ill at ease most of the day and the only time she seemed to relax was when she was in his arms.

Olivia closed her eyes a moment, enjoying the feel of Hank's body next to hers. The feel of his heartbeat underneath her fingers gave her a sense of calm.

I rememberThat night in MayThe stars were bright aboveI'll hope and I'll prayTo keepYour precious loveWell before the lightHold me againWith all of your mightIn the still of the night

Olivia felt Hank's hand rubbing soft circles on lower back, bringing her out of her thoughts. She looked up at him and saw the worry in his eyes. She cursed herself for putting that look there on their wedding day. She tilted her head up and brushed a soft kiss over his lips as he stepped on her toe yet again.

"Ouch." She laughed against his lips as he looked at her, his expression contrite.

"I'm sorry, love." He whispered as he pulled back to look into her face. "I guess my two left feet have returned huh?"

Hank pulled her closer, his hand sliding up her back gently, making small circles on her warm skin.

"Have I told you how beautiful you look today?" He asked as he bent his head and his lips brushed her ear.

She smiled and a shiver traveled down her spine as his warm breath caressed her.

"Yes you have, about twenty times actually." She giggled.

"Well, I can't help it; you take my breath away, Liv." His gruff voice whispered.

Olivia stiffened slightly and Hank pulled back to look into her face, his hand rising to cup her cheek.

"What's going on Olivia?" He asked.

"What do you mean Hank?" Olivia asked him, avoiding his eyes.

"What I mean is that you haven't been yourself today. You seem upset about something and I hope I haven't done something to upset you?" His eyes implored her to confide in him. He knew her well enough now to know when she was troubled.

Olivia's eyes widened and she shook her head vehemently.

"No Hank, you haven't done anything." Olivia pressed closer to him and closed her eyes as she brushed her lips against his softly. "It's not you at all. I'm sorry I guess all the stress of the day has finally caught up with me."

Hank sighed and kissed her softy.

"Liv, we did it. We're married. There should be no more stress. Just enjoy yourself." He assured.

So before the lightHold me againWith all of your mightIn the still of the nightIn the still of the night


Erin walked onto the beach and she stopped and smiled when she saw Jay dancing with Everly as the song "I See The Light" from Tangled played in the background. It was something she was sure she'd never tire of seeing, and every time she watched the two of them as they danced, she was reminded of when they danced in the kitchen after they'd brought Everly home from the hospital.

All those days watching from the windowsAll those years outside looking inAll that time never even knowingJust how blind I've beenNow I'm here blinking in the starlightNow I'm here suddenly I seeStanding here it's all so clearI'm where I'm meant to be

Erin smiled sadly as she watched Everly in Jay's arms, and she sadly dropped her hand down to her bump and rested her hand on it.

How was she supposed to love not one, but two babies as much as she loved her daugter? She didn't know how it was going to be possible.

Sure, did she love Jay? Of course she did. More than she'd ever loved another man in her entire life. But the love that she had for Everly? It was unreal.

And at last I see the lightAnd it's like the fog has liftedAnd at last I see the lightAnd it's like the sky is newAnd it's warm and real and brightAnd the world has somehow shiftedAll at once everything looks differentNow that I see you

It was something that went beyond words. And she of course was excited to give Everly siblings, but she was afraid of it being too soon.

She wanted Everly to have every opportunity to do everything she'd want in life and to know love and the fact that in a few months Everly's life would forever be changed gave Erin anxiety.

She didn't remember feeling like this when she was pregnant with Everly. She was sure at some point she probably did. And she knew she should probably talk about it with Jay, but she was afraid.

Afraid that he'd think less of her somehow.

"Mom-mee" Everly's sweet voice rang out across the garden and filled Erin's heart with so much love and joy that she was sure it would burst.

All those days chasing down a daydreamAll those years living in a blurAll that time never truly seeingThings, the way they wereNow she's here shining in the starlightNow she's here suddenly I knowIf she's here it's crystal clearI'm where I'm meant to go

So she did what she always does, she pushed those feelings to the back of her mind and made her way down the short path to where her husband and daughter were waiting for her.

"You ok?" Jay asked as Erin made her way up to him and he took her hand in his.

"I'm great" Erin said "I'm just thinking about how much I love the both of you and how lucky I am"

Jay smiled and brought their joined hands up to his lips and kissed her hand before he turned to look at Everly.

"Do you want to show mommy what you found for her?"

Everly nodded excitedly and held her hand up and showed off the yellow dandelion that she'd picked for her mommy.

"Here" Everly said extending her tiny hand out to Erin.

Erin smiled as she took the small flower from Everly. "Is this for me?"

Everly nodded and smiled showing off her dimples as she held onto Jay's shoulder. "Yes"

"Thank you, bug. I love it so much" Erin praised as she stepped closer to Everly. "Can mama have a kiss?"

Everly nodded quickly and leaned forward in Jay's arms as she placed a kiss on Erin's lips.

Jay raised his arm up and wrapped it around Erin's shoulder as he pulled her closer to his chest as they started to dance to the music.

Jay looked out at the sun as it was setting and and painting yellows, reds, purples and oranges across the horizon and the water by the hotel. The slight summer breeze blowing caused the soft sent of Everly's baby lotion and and Erin's perfume to mix and Jay sighed and closed his eyes as he took in the scent.

"What?" Erin asked as she tilted her head to look up at him.

"I was just thinking" Jay explained as he opened his eyes and looked at Erin.

"If it's about work or anything I..." Erin started.

And it's warm and real and brightAnd the world has somehow shiftedAll at once everything is differentNow that I see you

Jay shook his head and smiled.

"No...I was just thinking about how I'm going to remember this moment for the rest of my life"

Erin smiled as she felt her eyes well with tears.

"I love you" Erin confessed

"I love you" Jay repeated as he gently leaned his head down and kissed her.

Now that I see you


"Now we have to roll them into little balls," Jay directed Everly as she mixed the cookie dough with her hands. "Then put them into the oven and let them bake."

Everly stuck her hands in the bowl and grabbed a handful of dough. "Big for mama?"

"Okay bug, but we can't make it too big or there won't be enough dough for more cookies for mommy's birthday." Jay explained

Everly nodded her head and licked a chocolate chip off her finger.

"Babies come?"

"In a few weeks," Jay sighed, placing the balls on the cookie tray. "Next month, you're going to be a big sister. You're going to be the best big sister ever"

"Why sad ?" Everly added another handful of dough to her massive cookie.

"Daddy's not sad. He's excited. He's just nervous cause daddy doesn't know how he's going to love other babies as much as he loves you," Jay dropped another ball on the sheet.

"Wub ooo," Everly shrugged matter of factly.

Jay put down the last cookie and picked up a handtowel as he turned to face his daughter. "I'm a little sad bug, but it's only because you're growing up really fast. I don't like it."


"Because you're my baby girl, Everly. Mommies and Daddies don't like to watch their babies grow up. It means you're not gonna need us forever."

Everly dropped her cookie on the counter and looked up at Jay curiously.

"Oh, no big?"

Jay smiled sadly and took Everly's hand. "You can't stop growing up sweetheart. Unfortunately for daddy. But I know you're growing up into a wonderful, beautiful little girl and I am so glad for that."

Everly climbed up on the counter by the cookie bowl and threw her arms around Jay. "Wub da-dee?"

Jay squeezed the little girl tightly.

"Always bug. Even when you're all grown up with a little girl of your own. "Everly giggled and pulled away to look in Jay's eyes.

"Babies" Everly said pointing to the sonogram picture that laid on the counter

Jay stopped his ministrations and twisted Everly in his arms, looking into her eyes "Can daddy tell you something? You may not understand this yet, but I am so happy that you're my little girl, and there is nothing in the whole world that I would ever change with you Everly. I was so scared when I found out your mommy was having you because I was scared I couldn't give you all the things you needed. I was scared I wasn't gonna be a good daddy for you. I love you Everly, with all my heart and soul, and your Mommy and I are so glad that we had you. You're our first baby and when the twins come, things might be kind of scary for you, but I want you to know that mommy and I are going to always...ALWAYS love you. Nothing is going to ever change that Evie bug."

Everly reached out and touched Jay's face with her tiny hand.

"Best fwind."

Jay held back the tears that threatened to fall. "You're my best frined too."

Everly grinned and leaned forward into her father's arms.

"Wub da-dee."

Jay buried her face in Everly's silky hair, breathing in the sweet scent of baby shampoo. "I love you too my love."

Jay looked up from Everly's hair to see Erin standing in the doorway, tears rolling down her cheeks. He smiled at her and held out his hand for her to join them. Erin wiped her eyes and moved beside him, causing Everly to pull away from Jay.

"Hi Mom-mee," Everly grinned. She frowned slightly when she noticed her tears.

"Why cwy?"

"I love you Everly Katherine Halstead, do you know that?"

Erin ran her hand through Everly's hair and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. Everly nodded and kissed her back.

"You are the very best thing that has ever happened to me."


"Your daddy is the very best thing that has ever happened to me too. He gave me you."

Everly giggled and looked back at Jay who leaned over to kiss Erin's cheek. He grinned and grabbed her lips with his, kissing her sweetly.

Everly squealed and covered her eyes.

Jay chuckled and pulled away looking into Erin's eyes as she kissed the tip of his nose.

"Yeah," Erin countered, tickling Everly's sides. "I like kissing your daddy."

"Cookie," Everly shrugged, holding up a handful of batter.

Jay threw back his head and laughed.

"We have got to get her away from Burgess."

"No no," Everly placed her hands on her hips.

"Well," Erin pulled her onto his lap. "Everybody does love you, especially me."

Everly giggled and placed her hands on Erin's cheeks.

"Wuv Mom-mee." She leaned forward and kissed her quickly on the lips.

"And what do we tell mommy today?" Jay asked.

Everly was quiet for a moment as she looked at her daddy and then over at Erin.

"Birday!" Everly said clapping her hands. "Mama Birday!"

Erin smiled as she looked at her daughter and then her husband.

"Thank you"

Erin smiled and leaned forward to kiss Everly and then Jay as the oven timer buzzed.

"You just wait until you taste these. You'll be singing my praises" Jay said as he walked over to the oven.

Erin smiled as she watched Jay open the over door and she winced as she felt the all too familar pain in her back.

Jay closed the oven and turned around. His face fell as he looked at Erin.

"Er?" Jay asked as he placed the cookie pan on the counter.

Erin exhaled as her gaze rose to meet Jay's

"I just had a contraction"


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