Chapter 6 The Wonderful Use of Dark Arts

Soul Link Art, Dark Ones' most honest way of communicating with a friend, could allow the other party to see the past memories from a third perspective by simply tapping on the Yin Tang Acupoint (between your eyebrows), which was also the same technique that 'Act Against the Sky' had used to pass down his memories to him in the first place, except that it was like he had experienced it personally instead of third perspective.

"Maybe it's because of 'Act Against the Sky's' higher level of mastery and utilization." Lin Manshan didn't think much about it.

The Soul Transfer Art, its purpose is to actively transfer soul power to other people, of course, it is possible to actively take it back.

Medicine Refining Art, its function is to stimulate and refine medicinal herbs with soul power to promote absorption, the principle is similar to the cultivation method of Soul Gear, it is a dark art pioneered by the warlike Dark Ones to accelerate the recovery of injuries after battles. In addition, the way of Dark Ones identifying medicinal herbs is very special, instead of looking and eating to test the potency and properties of herbs, they use their soul power to wrap the herbs and feel the medicinal properties within them.

The Soul Ferrying (Revival) Art, separating one's own soul to enter hell and guiding the soul of the deceased back to their body, requires the deceased not to be dead for too long and for their physical body to be intact.

If you have the physique of a Dark One, you can enter Hell with your physical body, and 'Act Against the Sky' has saved Bai Cai with this method.

Soul Detaining Art, detaining the souls of the living, 'Act Against the Sky' had cast this method in a soul state after his body was completely petrified to pull Wu Geng's soul into hell for a conversation.

However, this is a forbidden art of the Dark Ones, requiring their own soul strength to be much higher than that of their opponents, or else they will not be able to detain them at all. Moreover, it requires a high level of attainment, at least Limit Break.

I simply can't afford to pull it off right now.

Soul Refining Art, Refining and devouring the detained soul, but to do so, you must withstand the erosion of the memory from the deceased's life, a forbidden art of the Dark Ones. According to the memories of 'Act Against the Sky', you need to have a Dark Ones' physique to use this technique, and only his teacher, 'Night of Eternity', has ever made use of it, because devouring other people's souls contaminates their own souls, and not only will it affect the mind, but it will also affect the physical body, causing it to distort and become an ugly beast.

After all, soul power was obtained by Igniting one's soul, and a contaminated soul would surely produce contaminated soul power.

'I don't think I'll ever use this Dark Art in my life.' Lin Manshan murmured, he didn't want to become an ugly mess.

'Lastly, the Beast Control Art, which is also the key to my plan.' Thinking about this Dark Art, he couldn't help but murmur.

Separating a tiny bit of soul and injecting it into a beast, using the soul power as a guide to give simple commands to control it to engage in scouting work, it could allow one to watch the scene from a first viewpoint from a super long-distance, and it could also be used to borrow the beast's body to retain memories to read after the event. This method has been used by 'Act Against the Sky', who manipulated a lizard to spy on the battle between the Humans and Gods, as well as secretly observing Wu Geng (Mc) and his group, before deciding to ally with them.

The drawback is that it can only control weak creatures with low intelligence, such as lizards, small birds and spiders. This is because the more powerful the creature, the more complex its memories and the stronger its flesh. To fully control it, one must separate and inject an equal amount of souls as well as soul power for manipulation, and go through the memories of the beasts, so to avoid becoming mentally ill, it is best not to think of manipulating creatures with extremely high spiritual intelligence.

Also, separating too much soul would cause damage to the soul essence, and at the very least, one would become an idiot.

'Therefore, risking one's life and consuming a large amount of soul power to manipulate powerful spirit beasts to assist in battle with this technique is clearly unrealistic and a losing trade.' Lin Manshan pondered, 'But using it to manipulate small insects and birds to monitor the movements of the Tang father and son, and stealing and learning their techniques, is indeed a very good idea.'

He didn't have any aversion to the word "stealing and learning," nor did he consider himself to be a good person. In this world of the strong eating the weak, if you want to be a good person, the first key factor is to have the ability of self-preservation first, everything else is just bullshit.

A random noble with his men broke into your house and said he wanted to kill your whole family, are you still going to kneel down and reason with him?

This kind of thing has not happened yet, but it is not impossible to happen, just consider how the cat woman slave at the Heaven Dou Auction House got captured as a slave in the original story.

As a matter of fact, he has read the novel and never thought that any of those forces in the novel were good, but they were all just driven by their respective interests. Therefore, he also didn't think there was anything wrong with some of the moves made by the characters from those forces, including Tang San's revenge.

Not to mention the fact that the Clear Sky Clan and the Spirit Hall were originally different forces, and just the fact that Qian Xunji had attacked and killed Tang San's mother, he rightfully deserved to take revenge.

What really upset him was Tang San's hypocrisy. As for double standards, as long it is a person, who does not have a double standard?

Revenge is revenge, killing spirit beasts is killing spirit beasts, spirit master cultivation needs a spirit ring, this is the law of survival, nothing to say about it. However, why do you have to talk about justice, for the sake of the whole continent, for the people to get rid of the evil, to get rid of the evil spirit beasts?

Why do you have to make such big bullshit?

If the wolf eats sheep, sheep eat grass, is it also considered evil? Then Tang San is eating vegetables, fish and meat every day, so what does it count as?

Isn't this a classical case of being a whore but still wanting to establish your heart and mind are still pure?

In addition, if there are grievances and debts, you only have to kill the rightful party to take revenge for that, so why do you have to kill the innocent.

As a human being, if you don't even have the most basic respect for the lives of your fellow human beings, what's the difference between you and a wild animal? Think about Tang San thinking of using a hidden weapon in front of Nuoding Academy on the door guard, returning from Sea God Island and massacring more than five hundred spirit masters who were protecting the city of Spirit Hall, especially his Ten Thousand Year Plan after he became god in the sequel, resulting in the death of the thousands of people on the continent; when Lin Manshan thought of all these, he couldn't help but feel a chill at the bottom of his heart.

As for his own master Yu Xiaogang and father Tang Hao, Dugu Bo Jade Phosphorous Snake Poison Release is Yu Xiaogang one of the ideas, of course, it was Tang San who has become a god who purified that poison, otherwise it could have caused a calamity; but after the incident, Tang Hao laughed, saying Dugu Bo could have poisoned all the people of the Spirit Empire, and they would have won even without Tang San, just a little slower. Simply treating human life as a pig and sheep, disregarding life to this point, without any bottom line, at that time when he saw this paragraph, it was a little difficult for him to swallow.

'Come to think of it, when I first read the original version, it was really something. It's a pity that the text was changed a few times later on, glorifying Tang San quite a bit.' Lin Manshan smashed his tongue, withdrawing his cynicism, 'Well, the Clear Sky Clan techniques, including the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer, and its power-generating techniques, might be a reference for me to cultivate my Blade Technique, after all, Blade and Hammer, are both inherently power-heavy weapons.'

'Act Against the Sky' spent ten years to create his own sword technique, which was named after the 'Night of Eternity', its biggest feature lies in its close proximity to the actual combat, simplifying the complexity into simplicity, and also the ability to overlap the sword momentum, each layer of the overlap of the sword momentum can make the attack power increase exponentially, which can be said to be overpowering to the extreme.

'If I can combine the power generation technique of the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Technique with the sword technique, perhaps I'll be able to improve my existing sword technique based on it, so that it can be utilised with spirit power, creating a self-invented spirit skill that can be used in the early stages.' Lin Manshan's gaze flickered for a moment, and then he sighed.

'From the initial cultivation just now, with my current human body, cultivating spirit power doesn't seem to be very effective, accumulating soul power is slow, and even if my use of soul power reaches the Limit Break state, I'm afraid that I won't have much soul power for me to consume.'

The Dark Ones' use of soul power was mainly divided into three stages.

The first stage, the ordinary state, was mainly to accumulate soul power and fight using the physical body's increased strength from soul power, the more soul power accumulated, the stronger the battle power, the Dark Ones' warriors who had not mastered the Spiritize of Soul Gear were basically in this stage.

Of course, at this stage, one can also learn Dark Arts and Mantras to fight.

The second stage is the stimulation stage; when stimulating the soul power, the entire body rises with green light, and the body functions are stimulated, just like using drugs, the physical quality and basic ability enhances in all aspects. If one has already learnt about the Spiritize of Soul Gear, one can inject soul power into the Soul Gear, causing the Soul Gear to change and generate even greater power. At this stage, the strength of the Soul Gear, the strength of the physical body, the amount of soul power, and personal skills were the most important factors in determining battle power. Especially the amount of soul power; it increases the battle power particularly remarkably, as long as the soul power is enough, and the physical body can withstand it, any ordinary increase state could destroy a great general in seconds.

To use force to break skill, it is said in this case.

Of course, once the soul power enters the state of stimulation, it will also be slowly consumed.

And the third stage is true igniting. Dark Ones warriors who could reach this stage, even if they hadn't truly attained the Limit Break stage, weren't too far off from that. To activate the soul power at this stage means the complete release of one's own power, the Soul Gear resonates with the soul, breaking the shackles of the form, breaking away from the realm of the weapon, producing fantastical changes, and maximising the power.

Soul power will also be rapidly consumed with the release of the Limit Break skill, and once the accumulated soul power is exhausted, it will begin to burn one's own soul, and if it is not interrupted in time and burned to the soul's origin, it will be easy for the soul to be scattered, and will not even have the qualification to be reincarnated.

Therefore, if it wasn't a fight for their lives, Dark Ones' Warriors generally wouldn't push their soul power to the Limit Break stage.

'If I'm not in a life-threatening situation, I would have to try to consume as little soul power as possible, and just be satisfied with keeping its physical strength boost.' Lin Manshan sensed the still thin soul power in his body, 'Besides, with the strength gained from the soul power effect on my body, even if I just use my soul power and spirit skills to fight, the battle power I can exert is definitely far more than that of a Spirit Master of the same level, which is usually more than enough for me personally.'

'Therefore, the most important thing I need to do now is to work hard on cultivating my soul power, to solve the headache problem first, and then experiment with the Beast Control Art, during which time I will diligently practice the Sword Technique.'

There is still a difference between having memories and being able to perform them in sync with a physical body.

'As for injecting soul power into the martial soul, and accomplishing Soul Gear Spiritize to make the martial soul form change, it's better to wait until the absorption of the first spirit ring to attempt it. Otherwise, it wouldn't be easy to explain the sudden transformation of the hatchet martial soul into a large sword, but the mutated martial soul with the absorption of the spirit rings can be used as a reason.'

For some reason, Lin Manshan always felt that he could easily be able to complete Soul Gear Spiritize on his Martial Soul.

"Perhaps it's because the martial soul itself carries part of my own soul."

Lin Manshan closed his eyes and lay quietly, his mind constantly thinking about the path he should take in the future.

Time passed little by little, and with the soul power boosting his body's self-healing ability, Lin Manshan soon felt that the soreness in his entire body was slowly subsiding.

After about an hour, he moved his arms, slowly straightened up and jumped off the bed.

Although there was still a feeling of soreness in his bones, walking normally was no longer a problem.

And while Lin Manshan was doing stretching exercises in place to ease the discomfort, Old Jack's call suddenly came from outside the room.

"Little Wu, it's time for us to go to Tang Hao's house."

'It's just the right time to go and observe the interior of Tang Hao's house, so it will be convenient to hide the little creatures and place 'eyes' when the time comes.' Lin Manshan thought like this and took small steps out towards the door of the room.

"Coming, Grandpa!"


PS: Sorry, these two chapters are mainly introducing the power system, so it is a bit wordy.


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