Chapter 7 Breaking Up Unhappily, Beast Control

On the western side of the Holy Spirit Village, three barn dwellings stood far away, and the sound of clanking and banging echoed through the air.

Lin Manshan, carrying a lunch box in one hand and a wine jar in the other, followed Old Jack's side.

"Xiao San?" Looking at Tang San, who was carrying a hammer at the front of the house and constantly hammering on the iron blocks, a hint of sullenness crept up on Old Jack's face, leaning on his crutches and approaching with small steps, "Xiao San, how come it's you who's working? Where's your father?"

After saying that, he turned his head towards the house and shouted, "Tang Hao! Tang Hao!"

"What's all the noise, disturbing people's dream." A slightly angry voice came out from inside the house, and then the curtain was lifted, and a burly man with a scruffy beard walked out.

"Tang Hao, what's wrong with you? What kind of father are you to be like this? Xiao San is only six years old, how can you let him do such heavy work?" Old Jack glared with both eyes, his neck tilted, and he angrily grumbled on the spot.

"He is my son, I can make him do whatever I want, there's no need for you to interfere." Tang Hao glanced at Lin Manshan and the things he was carrying on Old Jack's side with his hindsight, "What, still want to try and persuade?" His tone was not polite at all.

"You, you cough," Old Jack's body trembled with anger, and he couldn't help but cough lightly.

"Grandpa, you calm down." Lin Manshan hurriedly spoke out to comfort him.

"Tang Hao, I'm not going to argue with you." Old Jack stroked his chest and glanced at Tang Hao with disapproval, then turning his head towards Tang San who had already put down his hammer and walked forward, his face restored to peacefulness, "Xiao San, come, grandpa brought you delicious food to celebrate your martial soul awakening spirit power, and you have the chance to become a great Spirit Master, and fight for the glory of the village."

"Hehe, fight for the glory of the village, that's what you're aiming for, huh?" Tang Hao said indifferently, "But I haven't agreed to Xiao San going to some Nuoding Academy. Who's going to cook for me after he leaves, if there's nothing else, you can leave."

"Tang Hao!" The anger in Old Jack's heart was ignited once again, and he turned his head to look angrily at Tang Hao, "It doesn't matter how you want to stay decadent and be an outcast yourself, but don't harm Xiao San. If you don't become a Spirit master, won't you be bullied by those noble lords in the future? If you don't become a Spirit Master, won't those noble lords come running over here when nothing to do and look at your son's daughter-in-law and your granddaughter, are you just going to stand by and watch them be taken and bullied?"

"Enough!" As if being poked in the sore spot, Tang Hao's eyes flashed coldly as he loudly bellowed.

"If he can't, he can't. Hurry up and get the hell out of here!"

Seeing his only relative being scolded, Tang San's face instantly turned cold, and his tone was crisp.

"Grandpa Jack, since my father won't let me become a Spirit Master, it's fine for me not to be a Spirit Master. If there's nothing else, please leave."

"Xiao San..." Old Jack froze slightly, only feeling an inexplicable blockage at the bottom of his heart, then his face darkened slightly, and he turned his head to look at Lin Manshan, "Xiao Wu, put the things down, let's go home." After saying that, he turned his head to look at Tang Hao again, saying in a serious tone.

"Tang Hao, when I was young, I've seen with my own eyes the servants of the nobles bringing their men to the villages to take away the good-looking female children, and I've heard that those girls ended up being sold to other big cities, and have not been heard from since. Tang Hao, even if you don't think about yourself, think a little more for Xiao San."

"Although my family's Little Wu is not good, his innate spirit power is not as good as Xiao San's, but at least he tries hard, and I believe that he will definitely be able to become a Spirit Master in the future and protect our village from being bullied. Think about Xiao San's future; that's why, I'm still trying to make you understand. That's all I have to say, think about it yourself."

Waiting for Lin Manshan to place the things in the open space at the side, Old Jack turned his head to look at Tang San again.

"Xiao San, I'll leave the dishes and wine. You two should have a good meal tonight, I'll come back tomorrow to collect the food box."

After saying that, without waiting for Tang father and son to speak, he turned around and left.

Lin Manshan quickly followed Old Jack, and when he walked far away, he looked back at the barren house, clenched his fists, and his eyes flickered.

Not long after, the two of them returned to their residence and had a not-so-pleasant dinner.

After the meal, Lin Manshan returned to his room, sat up on the bed, and immediately punched the edge of the bed, cursing under his breath.

"F*ck, Tang Hao, Tang San, these two simpletons, really treating other's good intentions like donkey's liver and lungs."

"It's not too late in the day, let's cultivate our soul power first." Without strength, nothing could be done, Lin Manshan knew this very well.

Two hours later, Lin Manshan slowly opened his eyes, a hint of joy crawled on his face, "With the first attempt before, my body seems to have adapted a bit, it's not as sore as it was before, and the time I can practice has also become longer."

Clenching his fists and feeling his body that clearly felt more powerful, Lin Manshan smiled and fell straight back.

Moving into a comfortable position, he fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, Lin Manshan woke up early and went out. It was the middle of February, and there were already swallows and magpie birds in the fields, so with his simple bird-catching tools and plenty of patience, he managed to capture a magpie bird and then found a spider inside his house.

Inside the bedroom, Lin Manshan placed the bamboo tube containing the spider on the desk and slowly stretched out his right hand to place it at the opening.

Immersing his mind and urging his soul power, a faint green aura immediately surged towards the spider.

As the spider's eight limbs stomped wildly, a faint sense of struggle was transmitted into his mind, and then images kept flashing by.

Spitting silk and weaving a web, waiting, spider web swaying, bundling prey, feeding, the images went back and forth on these, and the duration was not long.

"Spiders have such short memories, and it's gross." Watching spiders gnawing on flies and mosquitoes from the first viewpoint caused Lin Manshan's heart to chill, "However, it's fortunate that it's not devouring souls, or else I would have to experience what spiders feel when they eat."

"That feeling must not be pleasant." Lin Manshan shivered and drew back his right hand.

Controlling this kind of small creature that wasn't even a Spirit Beast was obviously very easy.

Looking at the spider in the bamboo tube, Lin Manshan's consciousness moved, the spider suddenly moved in his desired direction, his consciousness sank in slightly, and the image in front of him suddenly changed, his eyes saw the walls of the bamboo tube from the perspective of the spider, but the image was in human visual colours instead.

"It's quite interesting." Lin Manshan tsked, "I just don't know to what extent this spider's memory has been enhanced with the soul power, if the retention time is still as short as before, then it can only be viewed in real-time."

The infusion of soul and soul power was not only to manipulate the creature but also to drastically improve the creature's memory ability, making it easy to read it at any time. After all, no one would be willing to squat in one place to watch a live broadcast every now and then, it would be too much of a waste of time.

Moving the bamboo tube to one side, Lin Manshan pulled over the magpie bird that had its legs tied with a long rope on the side.

Holding it in his hand, Lin Manshan immediately submerged his thoughts to separate his soul and injected soul power, this time, he obviously felt his mind numb for a moment, it was obvious that controlling the magpie bird required a lot more soul and soul power to be injected compared to the spider.

Moreover, the memory fragments that flashed through his mind were also much longer.


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