Chapter 9 Tang San who flustered at school

The next day, Lin Manshan woke up early and came to Tang Hao's house under the lead of Old Jack. Because of Tang Hao's visit yesterday, Old Jack didn't shout loudly, but quietly took Tang San away. Along the way, Tang San was also asking Old Jack all sorts of questions about the academy, all of which Old Jack had long since introduced to Lin Manshan at home, so he just listened quietly.

While the distance wasn't too far, Lin Manshan observed Tang Hao's movements through the magpie bird left in front of Tang Hao's house, and through a gap in the window, he was surprised to find out that after Tang San left, Tang Hao got up right away, and started to pack up his things after drinking porridge in the kitchen with tears in his eyes, and it looked like he was preparing to go out. After about half a quarter of an hour, Tang Hao closed the door and left, but the direction he went was not to his side.

Instead, he headed towards the southeast.

'Could it be that he's preparing to meet the Blue Silver Emperor?' Although Nuoding City wasn't considered a big city in the Fasinuo Province, it had a very unique geographical position because of its proximity to the borders of the two great empires, and it happened to be in the northwestern corner of the Star Dou Great Forest, and it wasn't too far off from there, so it could be said that it was one of the closest human city from the Star Dou Great Forest, while the Holy Spirit Village happened to be situated just to the south of Nuoding City, which was even closer.

'Perhaps this is the reason why Tang Hao would bring Tang San to settle in Holy Spirit Village in the first place. It's because this location is in the same vicinity as where the Blue Silver Emperor is, and it's close enough.' Lin Manshan's eyes flickered, and he immediately gave a trailing command to the magpie bird, which was small in size and had a decent flying speed, so as long as it didn't encounter flying spirit beasts, there shouldn't be much danger in observing from the air.

The magpie bird fluttered and soared into the sky, flying further and further away, and soon the link with him was broken.

Although the Beast Control Technique was subtle and could allow for real-time observation, there was a distance limitation. And with his current soul power, the distance he could establish a link was less than two miles, 'Why does it feel like I'm like a base station, the more soul power the better the signal will be?' Lin Manshan bristled, since cultivating his soul power, he had awakened a special sensing ability that could sense and identify the presence of souls around him, other than that if there was a villager within three hundred metres of his own home had passed away, he would definitely be the first to know.

Because the familiar soul disappeared.

'It's a good ability to prevent sneak attacks, but unfortunately, it can only sense living things with souls.' Lin Manshan was inwardly satisfied, turning his head to Tang San who was still inquiring.

'Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Technique, Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track, and the method of creating hidden weapons and sleeve arrows, I've seen and understood all of them. I also understand the Controlling Crane Catching Dragon Technique and some basic hidden weapon techniques a bit, but internal techniques like Mysterious Heaven Skill, I still have no clue.'

'Mysterious Jade Hand, the Purple Demon Eye also could only be learned after knowing its internal circulation method. As for the Immortal Herb and the method of using poison, it's not important to me.'

'Should we wait for Tang San to write it down himself?' Lin Manshan turned back and secretly sighed, this possibility was extremely low.

'A good thing is, cultivating soul power seems to be slowly improving my physique and cultivation talent as well, in the latter two months of spirit power cultivation, my spirit power has sort of increased by 1 level, of course, it could be because the first ten levels of a spirit master are inherently easy to cultivate, and it doesn't have anything to do with my physique getting stronger.' Lin Manshan guessed inwardly, 'However, my body has been growing quite fast lately.'

He flashed a fleeting glance at Tang San, he and Tang San were both born in January, he is only a few days older than Tang San. Originally, both of them were about the same size, but after cultivating soul power, after only three months, he was obviously taller and bigger than Tang San.

'If I can absorb my first spirit ring, I reckon I'll be growing even more vigorously.' According to what Old Jack stated, spirit masters seem to generally grow faster than ordinary people, in Lin Manshan's view, this is actually quite understandable, people originally rely on eating to absorb nutrients to grow, and when spirit masters absorb spirit rings, they can directly obtain a large amount of energy, isn't it the same as eating a lot of hormones, which shortens a large amount of the growth cycle in a single moment?

'No wonder Zhu Zhuqing's cake and buns are so puffy at such a young age.' Lin Manshan had a sudden mental picture in his head.

"Little Wu, tired of walking? Do you want to stop and take a break to eat something first." Looking at Lin Manshan's somewhat flushed face, Old Jack couldn't help but stop his steps.

"Grandpa, it's fine. I'm not tired yet." Lin Manshan was instantly startled and hurriedly replied with a steady mind.

Old Jack nodded and continued to walk forward. Renting a wagon would be expensive, so they had been walking all the way.

Holy Spirit Village was not far from Nuoding City, but not close either, and the three of them walked for half a day before finally arriving.

Although it is not a big city, after all, it is near the border of the empire, so the city wall is also thick, the three of them followed the flow of people to undergo the city defence inspection; after two proofs from Spirit Hall were flipped out of Old Jack's parcel, the soldiers' attitude obviously became a lot more polite. After skimming Lin Manshan and Tang San who were behind a glance, they didn't even take a closer look before giving them a pass.

'The difference in class ah.' Lin Manshan watched the soldier's face turn from impatient to respectful, without even checking the parcel he had close to his chest, so he couldn't help but sigh with relief, his parcel was loaded with the copper soul coins that he had picked up in the past two years, there were nearly a hundred of them, according to Douluo Continent's currency conversion ratio, one gold soul coin is equal to 10 silver coins, which is equal to 100 copper soul coins.

The purchasing power of a gold soul coin is enough to support the normal living expenses of an ordinary family of three for a few months. Doing the maths like this, the hundred or so copper soul coins are already considered a decent amount of money.

He did not doubt that if it wasn't for those two certificates, this money would most likely be withheld by the soldiers for unfounded reasons.

The three of them wore extremely plain clothes, they looked like ordinary civilians, so bullying them would be a breeze.

Originally he had picked up more than this amount of money and had already given a portion of it to his adoptive mother, Miao Ni.

Because the probability of picking up money is a little too frequent, can be called a miracle, to avoid causing unnecessary misunderstandings, he kept most of it saved.

As for picking up money, once or twice is normal, too many times is not normal.

In addition, because the work-study students of Nuoding Academy can earn food expenses by doing odd jobs for the academy, he refused the living expenses that Old Jack's family had put together before he left home. But soul power cultivation is linked to the strength of his physical body, and he can't nibble on buns and drink congee every day, so bringing this money with him can alleviate some of the burdens. As for not having enough, he planned to think of other ways once he entered the academy.

'There are so many people in the academy, and there are also nobles, so I hope I can pick up some more.' Honestly, if a system came with a ding to explain this damn luck Lin Manshan felt that he could still accept it a bit more, now he could only attribute it to adding most of his points in Luck while playing simulator games in his previous life before his death; As a modern man, he always had a sense of unreality, but being able to go out and pick up money was indeed a good thing for him.

'What goes around, comes around...the problem of money, really nothing, I can just go and get a job.' Lin Manshan secretly sighed, he really didn't want to ask Old Jack for money.

"Xiao San, Little Wu, later on, Grandpa will send you two to the academy and go back. You two must listen to the teachers in the academy, and you must not leave without permission, when the semester ends, Grandpa will come back to pick you up, by then it will almost be the New Year."

The three of them walked into the city gates, and while walking towards the direction of Nuoding Academy, Old Jack urged.

"Grandpa Jack, are you leaving so soon?" The face of Tang San, who had left home for the first time, was clearly not that calm anymore.

"???" Lin Manshan's face instantly twitched, you probably never left the sect in your previous life for twenty-nine years, right?

You're flustered even going to school?


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