Chapter 10 Disliked by Yu Xiaogang

"The Inn is not something that poor people like us can afford to live in." Old Jack shook his head and showed a bitter smile on his face, "Xiao San, you must strive for success, by the time Grandpa sees you next time, I hope that you have already become a Spirit Master. At that time, you will be able to go to Spirit Hall every month to receive a subsidy. When you have the money, you and your father won't have to live as badly as before."

After saying that, he looked at Lin Manshan again, "Little Wu, you should work hard as well."

"I know, Grandpa." Lin Manshan hurriedly nodded his head.

The Nuoding City Primary Spirit Master Academy was located in the west of Nuoding City, and Old Jack only knew the approximate direction, it was only after asking the passer-by several times that the three of them finally arrived at the main gate of the academy.

From afar, a twenty-metre wide, more than ten metres high huge archway built from rock stands majestically, underneath which are two iron gates built from fine iron, dark and shiny, showing all the majesty.

Looking in through the gap between the iron gate, the internal road is wide and winding, with lush trees on both sides and when you look up, you can vaguely see the roofs of several exquisite buildings.

Carved on the rock right in the middle of the top of the archway were two large, gold-stained letters, "Nuoding Academy."

"What are you looking at? Is this a place where you country folk can come?" Before the three of them even approached, a young man in front of the gate dressed in standard uniform was already loudly chiding with a disgusted look on his face.

Old Jack hurriedly walked forward with a smile, taking out the prepared proof from the Spirit Hall as he did so, "This little brother, we are from Holy Spirit Village, and these two children are the work-study students that our village has sent over this year. Can you tell us, what formalities they need to do to enter the academy?"

"Two?" The youth instantly furrowed his brows, then laughed somewhat insidiously, "A straw den can still give birth to a golden phoenix? Still two? The academy hasn't had any work-study students from villages for years, you guys aren't imposters, are you?"

Lin Manshan, and Tang San both frowned slightly, a trace of anger flashed in Old Jack's eyes, but he still held it back.

"Little brother, how could a certificate personally issued by Deacon Su Yuntao of the Spirit Hall be fake?" Saying this, he handed the certificate forward with a smile.

Hearing the words Spirit Hall Deacon Su Yuntao, the youth's face obviously changed slightly, then he casually took the certificate and looked at the top one, and immediately became angry, "Martial Soul Blue Silver Grass, Innate Full Spirit Power! It's simply a big joke, old man, you can't make it up like this even if you are making things up, right?"

"I've been working as a doorman at the academy for four years now, and I've never heard of a student with innate full spirit power."

"Besides, Blue Silver Grass is the continent's recognised Trash Martial Soul, how could it be possible for it to awaken Innate Full Spirit Power?"

"Falsifying the proof of the Spirit Hall is a felony, old man, I think you don't want to live."

"You" Even if the old Jack's temper is good, in the face of disgrace, he immediately said angrily: "You... you are deliberately making things difficult. Brat, you wait for me, I'll go to the Spirit Hall to find Deacon Su Yuntao to confront face to face, Deacon Su Yuntao originally said that he would welcome my family's little Five to join the Spirit Hall, and I didn't agree to it because of my little Wu's age. I'm going to ask him to come, he will surely be willing to help. Xiao San, Little Five, let's go." After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the city.

"." The youth was stunned, subconsciously uncovering the first proof to look at the second proof, Lin Manshan, Martial Soul Green Hatchet, Innate Spirit Power Level 3.

Compared to Tang San's Innate Full Spirit Power Blue Silver Grass martial soul, Lin Manshan's martial soul was obviously much more normal.

This couldn't be true, could it?

The youth was instantly somewhat frightened inwardly.

The identity certificate issued by the Spirit Hall is naturally something that no one would dare to forge, it's just that, Tang San's martial soul information was just too exaggerated, and that's why he felt that this old man from the countryside in front of him was messing around in desperation due to his lack of understanding.

Of course, he actually didn't need to care about any of this, anyway, children sent inside will also be verified about the information again by the instructors inside. The reason why he reprimanded at the very beginning was to scare people and get some benefits along the way.

In the past, parents who sent new students over would more or less give him some benefit, especially the civilian families.

But this old guy in front of him was stupid, completely out of line with the rules, only handing over the certificate without passing the money.

Originally, he wouldn't even look at the information on that certificate, and there wouldn't have been anything afterwards. Two children with spirit power, if it is true...

Wouldn't this be him personally pushing them to the Spirit Hall? If the dean knew, would there be any good luck for him?

Thinking of this, his body trembled, and he immediately raised his feet and reached out to shout.

"Old man, please stay." A slightly hoarse shout suddenly came from not far away.

'It's over!' The youth turned his head to see the person coming, and his heart suddenly went numb, this person is Dean's best friend. If today's matter is brought to the dean's attention by him, he will be finished; thinking of this, he hurriedly ran forward, nodding his head with a fawning face, "Grandmaster, you're back."

As long as Yu Xiaogang could persuade the person to enter and did not complain to the dean, he would be fine.

Lin Manshan's trio had also turned around at this time, and when they looked around, the one who came face to face was a middle-aged man who looked to be around fifty years old, of medium build, with one hand behind his back, a head of short hair, with an ordinary appearance, and his facial features carried a hint of languid and decadent aura.

'This is Yu Xiaogang?' Lin Manshan looked up and down, 'Just this appearance, how did Bibi Dong and Liu Erlong fancy it in the beginning, how could they still miss it after decades of not seeing each other, could it be that the girls all like the melancholic uncle type?'

Walking to the front of the three people, Yu Xiaogang lightly glanced at the youth who had already come to his side and slowly stretched out his hand, the youth saw the situation, and hurriedly bowed and placed the two certificates in Yu Xiaogang's hand. Glancing at Tang San's information with his head down, Yu Xiaogang's eyes immediately lit up. However, when uncovering the first certificate and looking at the second, his eyes dimmed again and even flashed a trace of dismissiveness.

Lin Manshan, who was constantly paying attention to Yu Xiaogang, could clearly see the corner of Yu Xiaogang's brows furrowed and his lip muscles slightly contracted, as a senior social animal who had once received a severe beating from the society and knew a little bit about the world of human affairs, he could tell with a glance.

This was an expression of dismissiveness.

'Half a level Innate Spirit Power, looking down on me for having a Level 3 Innate Spirit Power? There is no waste martial soul, only a waste spirit master. When talking, talent is not important, but in your heart, you only want to teach students with high talent; mixing and mingling for so many years in the Nuoding Academy, not even teaching a single civilian student, not teaching a single class, not showing up once during class, every day you put proving yourself on your lips, how come I haven't seen you teaching any civilian spirit masters to become a talent for so many years, and proclaiming your prestige on the continent? How come I haven't seen you cultivate your Luo San Pao martial soul into a successful one? Dozens of years old and still level 29!?'

'Everyone curses double standards, everyone has a double standard, but your double standard definitely falls into the category of an outlier.'

After secretly cursing in his mind, Lin Manshan retracted his gaze.

"Which one of you is Tang San?"

Yu Xiaogang raised his head with a bland expression.

"It's me." Tang San stepped forward and said without looking humble.


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