Chapter 48 Ah Man is a Gentleman

'Besides, the herbs in the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well mostly carry ice and fire attributes, and their medicinal properties are estimated to be aggressive, so they are not very suitable for conditioning the body. Ye Lingling's Nine Heart Flowering Apple Martial Soul isn't omnipotent, so its healing effect should be limited. And I can't use the Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass and Infernal Delicate Apricot. If I want to safely strip away the poison, and then heal those dark injuries that have been accumulated for many years in Dugu Bo's body, I think I still have to use ordinary medicinal herbs to do it. Hmm, I have to take the time to think about what medicinal herbs I should look for to combine and match.'

'And I can do these things at home.'

Thinking of this, he raised his head to look at Dugu Yan, "Sorry, Miss Yan, although I know a little bit about medicine, after all, I am young, and I have not been studying medicine for a long time, although I already have a rough understanding of the situation of the poison on your body, if I want to come up with a specific method of dispelling the problem, I still have to spend time researching and studying it, including how to start and what kind of medicinal herbs to match it with. "

"In addition, I personally have some personal matters that I need to deal with, so I'm afraid I won't be able to travel far in a short period of time. As for when exactly I will be able to travel, I still have to go back and see the situation first." Saying that he turned his head to look at Shui Yue'er, "However, I have already promised Yue'er and Miss Bing'er that in two years at the most, I will be travelling to Skywater City, and I might even be joining a certain academy to participate in the Spirit Master Tournament at that time."

"That's right, Ah Man will be proposing marriage at my house in the future." Shui Yue'er nodded her head repeatedly and added.

You're a girl, is it really okay to say it so directly? The crowd of Skywater Academy was speechless.

"Aren't you guys together?" Dugu Yan showed surprise.

"No, it was just a coincidence that I was able to meet the two girls, Yue'er and Bing'er, this time." Lin Manshan smiled.

"Let me say this, let me say this!" Shui Yue'er just enjoyed the feeling of telling a story, especially being able to recount the divine valour of the person she adores.

Anyway, I didn't mention where I live, my talent is poor, my martial soul doesn't have a spirit ring or spirit skill, and it's normal to create my own, so let it be said... Lin Manshan smiled and didn't stop her.

"A few days ago, we encountered a spirit beast riot in the Star Dou Great Forest, a thousand-year-old spirit beast living area."

"In short, Ah Man is awesome." Shui Yue'er finished, giving her conclusion with an adoring face.

So awesome? A civilian, with no parents, no background, and innate spirit power is only level 3, but the cultivation speed is surprisingly fast, reaching the Spirit Grand Master realm at a young age. Moreover, he also dared to pick herbs alone in the Star Dou Forest's thousand-year-old spirit beast's living area, the most crucial thing is that he can even create his own spirit skills.

Damn, even a fairy tale wouldn't dare to script like this!

A young man who studies medicine, entered the Star Dou Forest alone to collect herbs, hmm. At the same time, the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy crowd was shocked, they were also thinking in their hearts, as they also had some experience in assisting cultivation through medicinal baths, in their opinion, the reason why Lin Manshan learnt medicine, risked his life to collect herbs, and was able to reach the realm of a spirit grand master at this age, it should be via aiding cultivation through this method.

However, to be able to create his own spirit skills at such a young age was really beyond their expectations.

Could this be genius? Several students placed their gazes on Lin Manshan and thought inwardly.

No, with no talent and no background, this kind of person shouldn't be called a genius but should be called a demonic genius, his brain is really something. The crucial thing is that he still dares to put his ideas into action, he dares to think and do, no wonder he can have such a rich knowledge of medicine at this age.

His path is really wild, but it's indeed very effective.

In addition, it is so enviable. The male students' gazes fluttered back and forth between Lin Manshan and Shui Bing'er, going out to pick a herb and save two sisters, and being fancied, this Shui Yue'er in particular, starting so blatantly and proposing marriage.

In addition, Lin Manshan pointed out the method of eliminating poison for Dugu Yan, regardless of whether it can help to cure later, a good relationship has been formed, with this kindness in the future, when something happens, the Poison Douluo certainly will not stand idly by.

Now, his status directly skyrocketed.

A Titled Douluo is standing behind you, even if you are not an aristocrat, who would dare to make a move against you lightly?

In addition, with the identity of Shui Yue Er and Shui Bing Er's lifesaver, how could the Shui family and Skywater Academy downplay the kindness of saving their lives?

The point is that although Lin Manshan's talent is not too good, his cultivation speed has not fallen, maybe in the future, the parents of Shui Yue'er will really be happy to marry their daughter.

Thinking of this, they suddenly became sour.

Ah Man is a kind-hearted gentleman. Compared to the knowledge and wisdom, Dugu Yan is more appreciative of Lin Manshan's character, seeing two people in trouble, he is not only willing to take the risk to help them, but he also didn't take advantage of them during the whole process of treatment. Even helped her suppress the poison, and proposed a variety of solutions to resolve the poison, including saying that he would help to think of a specific prescription to dispel the poison, without thinking of taking the opportunity to ask her about her background, and seek the greatest reward for himself. It was as if he just happened to come across her and did her a favour in passing.

"Awesome indeed." Dugu Yan nodded in response, then said, "Ah Man, then can you give me your address, I can ask my grandpa to visit your house in person."

Don't. Don't bother, what kind of temperament does your grandpa have in your heart? I am a commoner with no background, your grandpa will have no qualms about doing anything, he will definitely tie me up and take me away on the spot. Lin Manshan quickly shook his head, "No need for that."

After saying that, he hastily changed the topic, "Miss Yan, what is your current spirit power level?"

"Just obtained the third spirit ring, now level 31." Dugu Yan's face dimmed, but she still answered truthfully.

According to Dugu Bo's description in the original story, her innate spirit power was level 7, but now her spirit power is only level 31, it seems that the poison in her body has brought quite a bit of influence to her cultivation. Lin Manshan nodded slightly, "It is just perfect, Miss Yan, right now there is still quite a bit of time before you break through to the next major realm."

"For the poison on your body, later on, I can use acupuncture on your cervical vertebrae, shoulders, wrists, elbows, ankles, soles of the feet, and bends of the knees - all these joints of the body - like I did just now, to suppress and block the poison from continuing to spread, in a way that would not affect your cultivation. As long as you pay attention to keeping warm in the cold and cloudy weather, you should be able to ensure that within this period of time, not to say that it will be completely dispelled, but at least it will greatly alleviate the pain of the severe poison backlash so that you can cultivate and live a normal life with peace of mind."

As for channelling all of his soul power into Dugu Yan's body, that is impossible.

Without the support of soul power, his battle power would be greatly reduced, not to mention that it would also affect the number of years of the third spirit ring absorption.

Besides, there is no need, for the poison on Dugu Yan's body, even if there is a backlash, it will only affect the locations that are easy to hide the poison, and the pain in the other locations should be very mild, so he only needs to focus on those locations, and suppress and block the poison, which is enough.

As for Dugu Bo, he has the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well to help suppress it, so he doesn't need to worry about it at all.

Is he being wary of me? Dugu Yan could not help but think of what Shui Yue'er had mentioned before. Lin Manshan is a commoner and has an adoptive father, mother and friends, the other party may not have heard of Poison Douluo, but he should be aware of the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy. It is common for aristocrats to bully the commoners in the continent, and the reputation of the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy is not good among the commoners' children, so it is only normal for Lin Manshan to be wary.


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