Chapter 49 Solution and Conflict

"In that case, I'll trouble you." Dugu Yan nodded reluctantly.

After saying that, she turned back to look at the crowd and smiled, "It's getting late, let's go down and have dinner first."

"My treat today!"

Although she hadn't been able to invite Lin Manshan home, the solution to get rid of the poison had been found, and she was indeed in a good mood today.

"Thanks for the hospitality then." Free things would always make one happy, Lin Manshan didn't refuse.

"That's what I should do. It's just a small inn in the mountains, so I'm worried that I'll treat you poorly, Ah Man." Dugu Yan smiled and got up to lead the way.

When they came to the ground floor and sat down, they ordered a few small dishes, and as they ate, Dugu Yan, who had taken the initiative to sit at the same table as Lin Manshan, suddenly asked a question.

"Ah Man, I have a question, I wonder if you can help me with it?"

"Please speak." With the prospect of obtaining the Immortal Herb, Lin Manshan, who was in an equally good mood, was happy to lend his knowledge.

"Since there is a rejection of toxins, why is it that my martial soul can still inherit the potent poisons of those spirit beasts after absorbing the spirit rings? The current me is already capable of releasing three different effects of toxins after activating my spirit skills." Dugu Yan asked politely.

Lin Manshan shook his head, "What you have inherited are only the toxin characteristics of those highly poisonous spirit beasts, not the original toxins in their bodies. Strictly speaking, the potent poison that you produced after activating your spirit skill is still technically the Jade Phosphorus Serpent Venom. As for other toxic effects such as paralysis, corrosion, coldness, etc., they are all products derived from the combination and transformation of spirit energy and martial soul."

"And the poison in your body is a part of the spirit beast's natural poison that was passed on to the spirit ring after its death, and to you, it is completely an external poison. It is precisely for this reason that it will have a rejection reaction after being assimilated with the Jade Phosphorus Serpent Poison, causing you to be poisoned."

"I see." Dugu Yan came to a realisation.

As if she suddenly thought of something, she was just about to ask further, when she glanced at the crowd around her who were also listening, so she dismissed the thought.

Although Ah Man doesn't seem to care if the knowledge he knows will be spread out, it's wise for me to pay attention to the rules. I'll ask for private advice later when he's helping me suppress the poison in my body. With this thought, she began to lower her head and eat her meal.

"Ah Man, here, eat more." Shui Yue'er continued to add food to Lin Manshan joyfully.

"Enough, enough," Lin Manshan looked down at the food piled up in the rice bowl and hastily made a sound to stop her.

After a few mouthfuls, he looked up and swept a glance at the way Shui Yue'er and Shui Bing'er ate, clamping a slice to have a mouthful, and still didn't clamp the meat.

How can you grow meat if you don't eat meat, this is absolutely not acceptable

Lin Manshan hurriedly picked up a piece of rabbit leg meat and put it into Shui Yue'er's bowl, then picked up another piece and put it into Shui Bing'er's bowl, and said earnestly, "Diets are about balanced nutrition, you guys are in the process of growing your bodies, how can you not eat meat? Come, eat more."

"Ah Man, you are really good." Shui Yue'er joyfully picked up the rabbit leg meat and started eating.

"Thank you." Shui Bing'er responded with a slightly reddened pretty face, nibbling on the meat in small bites.

??? Fuck! The Heaven Dou Imperial Academy and the surrounding beauty-peeping crowd of males instantly chipped lemons and were envious.

"." Dugu Yan looked at Shui Yue'er, and then looked at Shui Bing'er's face, with a slightly surprised expression, she pondered the situation.

Not long after, having eaten and drunk enough, the crowd returned to the first floor once again.

Dugu Yan stopped outside the door of her room and turned back, "Teacher Qin Ming, Lingling... and all of you honourable guests, next let Ah Man follow me into the room alone to carry out the healing, all of you please go to your own rooms."

There were more than ten people present, and she didn't want to be surrounded by so many people throughout the entire process.

As a girl, it is indeed inappropriate for several men to go in and keep an eye on Yan. Moreover, the healing methods of this person called Ah Man are quite exquisite, continuing to watch would cause the suspicion of stealing knowledge, which is not in accordance with etiquette. Qin Ming nodded his head and was just about to speak.

"This is not okay! Yan, a lone man and woman sharing a room, in case he..." Yu Tianheng blurted out.

As the words fell, Shui Yue'er, who had already pouted and was a little unhappy, was instantly displeased.

Questioning Ah Man, isn't this questioning me? Apart from being smaller, which point am I worse than Dugu Yan?

Thinking of this, she immediately turned her head to look angrily, ''Humph, why are you so calculating? If Ah Man wanted to do something bad, he would have done it a few days ago when he saved me and Sister Bing'er." Saying that, she even pushed out her small bosom in a very dissatisfied manner.

"Could it be that Sister Bing'er and I look worse than Miss Yan?"

"Besides, Ah Man clearly spoke out of good intentions to point out that Miss Yan was poisoned, and said the cure for the poison without even talking about the reward, where can you find such a good person? You're still Miss Yan's teammate, how can you be so mean to people? You don't want to see Miss Yan cured, do you?" She turned her head to look at Lin Manshan, "You have to be told off for being so kind, Ah Man, if it doesn't work, we just shouldn't help cure her anymore."

Dugu Yan was the first to answer, her brows furrowed, "Captain, I can make my own decisions, you're meddling a bit too extensively."

"Yan, I..." Yu Tianheng's face flushed red, unable to speak.

"Cough." Qin Ming lightly coughed, breaking the atmosphere, "Tianheng, you also heard what little brother Ah Man said before. There are quite a few parts that need to be treated with needles, and I'm afraid that it will take a long time. Moreover, Yan is a girl, it's not appropriate for us men to go in and stare at her all the time, and it's also not in line with the rules of etiquette. I believe that Yan also doesn't want to be stared at by a group of people, so everyone should go back to their rooms and wait quietly first."

"Don't worry, to avoid the other guests of the Inn coming and disturbing, I will stay outside the door to help keep an eye out, alright."

"Captain, Teacher Qin Ming is right, it is indeed inappropriate for us to go in." Behind Yu Tianheng, Osler interjected in a small voice, thinking about it differently, healing a disease being surrounded by more than a dozen people the whole time, even he, a male replacing her, he would also feel uncomfortable in his heart, "Besides, with Teacher Qin Ming helping to keep watch outside, if something happens to Sister Yan, he will definitely be the first one to know about it, so we don't need to worry about it at all."

"I'm sorry, I was the one who was abrupt." Yu Tianheng finally calmed down and nodded.

Glancing at Lin Manshan, he turned to leave with his teammates.

It seemed that this Yu Tianheng should be interested in Dugu Yan, only, his heart was just a bit narrow. And the IQ is also a bit worrying. The three female instructors of the Skywater Academy skimmed their mouths, someone was saving the life of Dugu Yan, who was also expecting it. The life of a person is a matter of great importance, you are still here to talk about useless things. Besides, even if you go in, Ah Man is still the person who is going to treat her, is it possible for you to change the treatment process?

Most importantly, the other concerned party, Dugu Yan, didn't say anything, but you, Yu Tianheng, jumped out and shouted first.

Aren't you afraid that if Ah Man really doesn't help with the treatment, Dugu Bo will jump out and hit you on the head when he finds out?

As people who have been through the love phase in the past, the three female instructors without even having to think about it all know that Yu Tianheng is pursuing Dugu Yan.

Ironically, it is definitely going to be ruined after this.

"Ah Man, do you need me to go in and help?" Shui Yue'er glanced at Dugu Yan and volunteered.

As the words fell, Dugu Yan hurriedly picked up the conversation and politely said, "Ah Man, if you need someone to assist from the side, I can ask my teammate Ye Lingling to help. She has a healing martial soul, so she might be able to play a good role."

Ye Lingling, Nine Heart Flowering Apple Martial Soul. Shui Yue'er instantly stopped talking, Ye Lingling is indeed more suitable.

"Assistance is not needed, you guys have seen the silver needle acupuncture transit technique before, outsiders shouldn't be able to help much." Lin Manshan smiled.

"Then forget it. Letting Lingling come in would be just a dry observation" Saying that, Dugu Yan turned her head to look at the people of the Skywater Academy, "Since that's the case, it would be better for all of you to go back to your rooms and rest first." After saying that, he looked at Qin Ming again, "Teacher Qin Ming, then I'll trouble you to guard outside."

"No worries." Qin Ming waved his hand.

"Seventh girl, let's go. You can't help much by staying here any further," The female instructor said.

"Alright." Shui Yue'er pouted.

Following her teammates, she left.


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