Chapter 50 Gossip

Walking into the room and closing the door, Dugu Yan was the first to speak, "Ah Man, the area where the needles are used includes the bend of the knee, sitting is inconvenient, so let's go to the bed."

"Well, that's good, lying down is also more comfortable for you."

Lin Manshan nodded.


Dugu Yan's pretty face reddened slightly as she gently nodded her head.

Silently, she walked to the bedside, pulled up her left sleeve to reveal her elbow, took off her shoes and quietly lay down.

Lin Manshan, on the other hand, first walked to the table, opened the bag that he didn't take with him when he went downstairs just now and took out the holster containing the silver needles. Afterwards, he picked up a wooden chair from the side of the table, came to sit beside the bed, and pinched up a silver needle.

"Let's start with the elbow of the left arm."

"Well, thanks for the trouble." Dugu Yan nodded and closed her eyes.

Lin Manshan said no more and began to use the needle carefully.

After a while, the slightly bored Dugu Yan finally couldn't help but speak.

"Ah Manshan, you seem to know a lot about the Jade Phosphorus Serpent Martial Soul, so have you ever heard of Dugu Bo?"

I'm a commoner from a small village, how could I possibly know about the famous Poison Douluo? Is this girl testing me, is she suspecting I have ulterior motives? Your guess is correct. Thus, Lin Manshan used a questioning tone:

"Your grandfather?"

"Well, when you come to Heaven Dou City, I'll also bother you to help heal my old man." Dugu Yan said politely.

"Okay, no problem." Lin Manshan said briskly.

Confirming that Lin Manshan didn't know her grandpa, Dugu Yan's tone was obviously a little more cheerful, with a teasing tone, "Ah Man, Skywater Academy's Yue'er girl seems to be very fond of you. When are you going to propose marrying her back home ah?"

Shui Bing'er also seemed to have a bit of a crush on him... but it should be unlikely, the Shui family would definitely not agree.

"I would like to, I just don't know if her parents would agree. I heard Miss Yue'er say that if I want to marry her, I have to defeat her father, so I'll have to work hard on my cultivation next." Lin Manshan said with some restraint.

The head of the Shui family seemed to be a level 79 Spirit Saint. Dugu Yan raised her eyebrows slightly, "Then I wish you success."

Once the Mysterious Heaven Skill is seized, then I will go to your family's medicinal garden to get high on some grass, and by the way, I will give one plant to Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er, by that time, the two of them will have their strength skyrocketed, and when my father-in-law is happy, he might just tie someone to my house. Lin Manshan was full of confidence, and with an edge of his eye he glanced at the Dugu Yan's pretty cheeks, and quietly thought, 'Maybe at that time, when your grandfather's strength skyrocketed, he might also sell you in the process.'

But in his mouth, he politely said, "Miss Yan, then I'll take your good wishes. However, it's still early."

"Take your time." Dugu Yan smiled brightly, "When the time comes, I will definitely bring my grandpa to support you."

After saying that, she couldn't help but ask, "Ah Man, I heard Miss Yue'er say just now that you have a very awesome dream but didn't say it out loud, can you tell me about it?"

Firstly, he spoke out the solution to get rid of the poison, then he promised to come to Heaven Dou City in the future to help root out the poison, and now he has stepped in to help her suppress the poison, this favour is too big, she had to repay it!

Then Lin Manshan spoke out about his dream.

Asking the strong for battle and becoming the strongest person in the world; was quite ambitious. However, marrying a few more daughters-in-law, having big fat boys to continue the lineage, and then living happily together as a family, this dream is really...

Dugu Yan was frozen in shock.

It's a bit odd, but it doesn't seem to be out of place.

The idea of having many children is deeply rooted in the minds of almost all civilian families on the continent.

The two empires had been encouraging procreation for many years to strengthen their national power, and there were many polygamous people in the civilian class, who were also the mainstay of the empire's labour source. On the contrary, it was the spirit master group. Because the couples had to consider factors such as being in the right family and having equal strength, there were fewer cases of polygamy in the case of normal spirit master families. After all, the battle strengths of the spirit masters tended to be overly domineering, and a small conflict could potentially tear the house down.

However, Ah Man even directly said this kind of thing in front of the two girls. Dugu Yan blinked and re-examined, unexpectedly, Ah Man, who is intelligent and good in the study of pharmacology and knowledge of the Martial Soul, when it comes to the issue of love, he is truly so straight.

"Ah Man, this dream of yours, it's quite good." Dugu Yan finally gave a neutral evaluation.

This feels a bit womanising, but at least he is not being hypocritical about it, and if he can keep his original heart intact, he can be considered a person who has the courage to do something. In her mind, she secretly added a sentence.

"Hehehe, not bad, right."

If it wasn't for the fact that this world is honoured by strength, Lin Manshan would really want to be just a rich man, living a life with no worries about food and clothing, with many concubines, living a life full of nourishment day in and day out. As long as there is no old Wang (Chinese milkman and mailman meme) next door, it will be a peaceful life.

Unfortunately, this is a fantasy world. However, it is just one that is at the basement level of the Xuan Fantasy genre.

"Alright, time to switch wrists." Lin Manshan said, moving his position.

"Hmm." Dugu Yan responded and continued to ask questions with great interest.

Most of them consisted of interesting civilian incidents, and out of boredom, Lin Manshan was happy to answer them.

Dugu Yan enjoyed this kind of conversation, and every time the conversation reached a new novelty, she would bat her eyelashes and smile coquettishly. Ever since she followed Dugu Bo to Heaven Dou City, she had been studying at the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, surrounded by students who were the children of nobles and treated her with either awe or flattery, she disliked that kind of feeling. Instead, here with Lin Manshan, she felt an incomparable ease.

There was a feeling of the smoothness of a deer leaving its cage and returning to the mountains and forests.

Thinking back to the turbulent life she once had, Dugu Yan couldn't help but feel a sudden realisation, and even came up with the idea that when she and her grandfather were properly healed of their poisons, it wouldn't be a bad idea to return to a rural and peaceful life together. The fame is too great and addictive, but it will exhaust you; This point, as a granddaughter of the Titled Douluo, she has deeply experienced over the years. Status, power, fame and fortune, there are already too many people immersed in them and lost their original heart.

These feelings, those noble children who had not suffered, could not understand.

This was also the reason why she had not been able to get along with those students in the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy all these years.

Time passed little by little, Lin Manshan's speed of administrating acupuncture wasn't slow, each joint was controlled at around half a quarter of an hour.

The wrist, elbow, ankle, foot, and knee bend, excluding the one where the needle had been used before the meal, there were a total of 9 joints.

Without realising it, half an hour had already passed.

Outside the door, Yu Tianheng had already arrived once again, including the subsequent arrivals of Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er, as well as a female instructor who followed along uneasily.

"Teacher Qin Ming, why hasn't he come out after so long? Something won't happen, right?" Yu Tianheng asked with a frown.

"It's fine, they seem to be chatting about their lives inside." Qin Ming smiled, after all, it was an inn in the middle of nowhere. The soundproofing of the rooms built was not as good as the hotels in the main city. Although he couldn't hear the content of the conversation, listening carefully, he could still hear the laughter inside, as an experienced man, he was completely sure that the two were chatting about common everyday things, anyway, it wasn't the sound of that kind of thing.

"Chatting about their lives?" Yu Tianheng sniffed, his expression instantly became displeased, "What kind of treatment is this."

He immediately reached out, wanting to push the door to check.

"What are you doing?" Shui Yue'er dashed forward and jumped forth angrily.

"I'm now doubting if that brat called Ah Man is really healing Yan." Yu Tianheng frowned slightly.

"And why does that concern you? Who are you to her?" Shui Yue'er tilted her head and looked straight up.


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