Chapter 51 Ah Man, what kind of girl do you like?

Yu Tianheng snorted coldly, "I am the captain of the battle team, and I have the responsibility to keep an eye on the safety of my team members."

"A captain can control the private lives of his team members? How come I haven't heard of such a thing! Those who don't know would think that you are her boyfriend." Shui Yue'er skimmed her mouth, then crossed her arms and snorted coldly, "Besides, the kind of long needle that Ah Man used for medical treatment earlier, could it be that you were blind and didn't see it? You suddenly barge in and it accidentally scares Ah Man, and he slips up, can you afford the responsibility?"

"How is this caring about the safety of your teammate? It's clearly hurting your teammate, isn't it?"

"You," The words were blunt, leaving Yu Tianheng speechless.

"Alright, Tianheng, Yan is a very strong-minded girl, what would happen if she knew what you're doing? Moreover, don't forget who is Yan's grandfather." Qin Ming reached out and put his hand on Yu Tianheng's shoulder, "Besides if you want to know the situation, wouldn't it be fine to shout from outside the door?"

After saying that, he took a step forward, and with his side face close to the doorway, he lowered his voice and inquired, "Yan, is it still not over?"

Soon, Dugu Yan's clear voice came.

"Teacher Qin Ming, I guess it will take a little longer. Ah Man has already healed several joints of my hands and feet, it is indeed extremely effective, and I feel much more relaxed in my body now. You guys go back to your rooms and rest first. When the treatment is complete, I will come and let you know."

As the words fell, Qin Ming turned around, "Tianheng, you've heard it too, Yan is fine."

"All of you go back first, it's enough to have me waiting here. You've seen the silver needle that Little Brother Ah Man uses for treatment, it can be said to be incredibly thin and long, so using it is undoubtedly a delicate and time-consuming job. It's normal for Yan to feel bored and find something to talk about."

"Yes, thanks for the hard work, Teacher." Yu Tianheng nodded helplessly and turned to leave.

"Seventh girl, Bing'er, let's go back as well." The female instructor on the side also spoke out.

"Let's go." Shui Bing'er glanced at the door of the room and pulled Yue'er's sleeve, "Later, when Ah Man comes out, he'll come looking for us."

"Oh." Shui Yue'er nodded and followed Shui Bing'er as she left.

Inside the room, Lin Manshan continued to inject the needle, his body slightly tilted, his face close to Dugu Yan's shoulder, and his expression was serious.

Now in such a close proximity, Dugu Yan was able to clearly see every inch of Lin Manshan's expression, and could even feel a faint nasal breath hitting her skin, tinting it with warmth.

Her pretty face was slightly flushed, her eyelashes fluttering under the shade of candlelight, and her heartbeat accelerating slightly.

All because of a sudden flash of thought in her mind.

'Each arm has three large joints, wrist, elbow, and shoulder, and the corresponding ones for the legs also have three large joints.' Thinking of this, her dimple became even more flushed, 'But that joint, Ah Man just skipped right over it. There are also the five nests of the human body that he mentioned earlier. Now that I think about it, because of the poison backlash, my body has been tormented by pain for many years, and no one knows better than me which positions will hurt when the poison backlash strikes.'

'Ah Man may also know, but it is really difficult to say, so he simply skipped over it.' Dugu Yan felt the joints of her hands and feet that had been treated by the silver needle, 'Moreover, this kind of healing means of Ah Man should only be able to protect one area per needle. If that's the case.'

'Just like what Ah Man said, several joint parts of the body will greatly relieve the pain due to the poison being blocked, but it won't completely eradicate it.'

'And to completely deal with it, wouldn't it be necessary to,' Her cheeks reddened even more at the thought of this.

Looking at the teenager in front of her who was close at hand, Dugu Yan sized him up more and more carefully, her mind constantly flashing through everything that had happened between the two of them in this short half a day's time, as well as all the relevant information that she had heard.

After a long while of silence, Dugu Yan lowered her eyes and suddenly asked, "Ah Man, what kind of girl do you like?"

Why are you suddenly asking me this? Lin Manshan was confused for a moment, then said in a serious manner.

"Of course, it's a good-looking big chubby girl, the kind that grandma said very good at giving birth. She said, the chubby one with a big butt can give birth more easily, and the skinny ones would suffer a bit more when giving birth. Of course, the character should also be passable, it is definitely not possible to be with a foul temper and one with a scheming mind. It is best to speak without twisting; A family is about mutual respect, so we should talk about all the troubles and wants bluntly at home, I definitely can't deal with riddles."

Big chubby girl, this description... It is really something. Dugu Yan subconsciously shifted her gaze downwards and inwardly sighed in secret relief.

"Then do you prefer an older one or someone younger than you?" Dugu Yan asked again.

"This is not exactly a matter of preference. My grandfather said, when a woman is three years old, she takes a golden brick. When a woman is thirty years old, she sleeps on a golden mountain. If a woman is three hundred years old, no one in your house needs to worry about anything. It's said that spirit masters live longer than ordinary people, and being older is nothing to worry about." Lin Manshan said bluntly.

"Your grandfather is quite funny." Dugu Yan laughed a little, although most of the commoners lived in hardship, their ability to enjoy themselves in bitterness was beyond the reach of aristocratic children. And thinking about it, it didn't seem to be wrong. Many spirit masters who are not married at thirty, more or less with some family business. Three hundred years old, still alive means she is at least a Titled Douluo, and with a Titled Douluo in charge of your family, you really don't have to worry.

Nah, I am always a man who knows how to be funny. Lin Manshan thought in his heart, but in his mouth, he said, "After all, my grandfather has lived for decades, and has seen a lot of things."

"Hmm." Dugu Yan nodded and stopped talking.

Not long after, the acupuncture on both shoulders ended, Lin Manshan whispered, "To the neck area."

After saying that, he consciously turned his back.

"Good." Dugu Yan slowly stood up, glancing at Lin Manshan's back, not that broad, but she felt filled with a sense of security like being with her grandpa. He is the one, who is saving her, saving her grandfather, and saving the entire Dugu family.

Pursing her lips, she no longer hesitated, and her fingers went straight to the nape of her neck. She is wearing a strapless one-piece neck dress, to expose the back of the neck it is necessary to open the collar at the neck, but in doing so, the shoulders of the upper body will be fully exposed, although she will be lying flat and does not need to reveal the key areas, but the thought of being touched by the man in front of her at close range, still can't help but accelerate her heartbeat.

A rustling sound was heard, and soon, a low murmur broke into the ear, " Ah Man, it's okay."

"Hmm." Lin Manshan turned his head, looking down at the snow-white back of her neck and rosy shoulders, his breathing was slightly shortened, he secretly inhaled, and quickly stabilised himself again.

There was no delay, finding the right position, his left-hand fingertips lightly pressed, the silver needle slowly stabbed in.

A cold touch came, Dugu Yan's body slightly trembled, her face instantly turned scarlet, and it quickly spread to the ears.

Immediately, she lightly murmured and asked, "Ah Man, the five nests of the human body that you mentioned before, apart from the elbow nest, where are the other four located respectively?"

"This..." Lin Manshan was at a bit of a loss as to how to speak.

"Is it pharmacological knowledge that can't be spread out?" Dugu Yan asked.

"That's not true, it's just that the places in question are rather private, and it's inconvenient to talk about them." Lin Manshan replied back.

"What's so inconvenient in speaking about it." In order not to stir the silver needle, Dugu Yan's voice was very soft, "My grandpa has also been trying to learn pharmacology all these years to find a way to get rid of the poison. Ah Man, quite a few of the pharmacological insights you mentioned before, I've never heard them from my grandpa. If you can, please do not hesitate to give me some advice, I would like to convey it to my grandpa, it might be helpful to him."

"Alright then." Lin Manshan mused and slowly spoke, "The five nests of the human body are divided into the elbow nest (cubital fossa), this has already been mentioned before. The armpit nest (axillary fossa), is also known as the sub-shoulder hollow. The knee nest (popliteal fossa), is also called the behind-knee nest. The thigh nest (femoral fossa). These four places are located in the joints of the limbs, but it is also the location in the limbs that is most likely to accumulate cold and dampness, and at the same time, there are many internal meridians and blood vessels that intersect there, with far-reaching effects on the body. Lastly, there is the heart nest (Fossa ovalis), which is adjacent to the spleen on the left and the liver on the right, connecting the heart and lungs on the top and the intestines and stomach on the bottom, and is the place where the heart's vital essence converges...."

"In addition to these, there are two more special nests (fossae), also known as two important 'eyes'."

"One is the navel nest, also known as the umbilical eye, connecting the twelve meridians within, and connecting the intestines and stomach below. The second is the waist nest (lumbar fossa), also known as the waist eye because the bones in this position carry almost the entire weight of the body, it is extremely important"

With this introduction, the healing was also finally declared over, Lin Manshan lightly pinched the silver needle and slowly pulled it out.

"Miss Yan, it's done." Saying this, he wrapped the used-up silver needle in a cloth towel and turned around to stand up.

Dugu Yan, who was lying on her stomach, reached out and grabbed his wrist and a clear murmur followed.

"Ah Man, your Silver Needle Acupuncture Point Transit method should only protect one area per needle, right? Only administering acupuncture to the limbs doesn't do anything to prevent the whole body's poison backlash, right?"


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