Chapter 52 Acupuncture

Surprisingly, she guessed it. Lin Manshan was taken aback and awkwardly said, "Indeed."

"However..." He felt the need to explain.

"Ah Manshan, you don't need to say more, I can understand your plight." Dugu Yan spoke out to interrupt, then loosened her hand, her voice was as light as a flying mosquito, "Ah Man, you continue with your healing." A mixture of rustling and inexplicable sounds was heard.

"???" Lin Manshan's body froze at once.

The sound he just heard.

I'm still a...well, I'm nearly 30 years old!

The atmosphere remained silent for two seconds, and a trembling voice with slight sadness suddenly sounded, "Ah Man, could it be that even you feel that I am an ominous girl with poison all over a body?"

"???" Lin Manshan was taken aback at once, although he was a single dog in his previous life, he was also poisoned by the film and video for many years, if he could not understand her, then he could really hang himself.

Just this kind of reverse confession came too suddenly, just like a tornado on the flat ground, and blew him away.

However, why? Lin Manshan was a bit puzzled, but still responded in a hurry, "No, Miss Yan, I have no such thoughts at all. It's just that I felt it was too sudden and somewhat unexpected. After all, it's still our first day of meeting."

"Moreover, I helped you out merely as a casual gesture." Of course, the purpose was not purely for the Immortal Herbs, but also for the sake of befriending Dugu Bo and finding a thigh to hold for myself. As for the girl, I admit I like a mature woman, but I am also a person with a bottom line, if it is forced, then married life or relationship certainly will not be harmonious. That kind of relationship is not pleasant to even think about, it's better to get to know each other. The kind of bland nodding relationship is very awkward to think about, I would prefer my wife to glue to me like in a teenage relationship. Lin Manshan thought a lot.

"Miss Yan, if you're doing this for healing or to repay a favour, there's no need to be like this. Although my Silver Needle Acupuncture Method is flawed and can't completely eliminate the pain of the poison's backlash, it can definitely alleviate it greatly and keep you physically unharmed for a few years. In addition, I am not a person who goes back on my word, since I promised to go to Heaven Dou City to help you and your grandfather get rid of the poison after settling everything, I will definitely go."

"Miss Yan, what's the harm in waiting a little longer?" Lin Manshan said seriously.

Yes, what's the harm in waiting for some more time, anyway, I have endured it for so many years. Dugu Yan inwardly lamented while her eyes looked straight at the back in front of her, suddenly giving birth to a kind of satisfaction and throbbing thinking that she didn't pick the wrong choice; feeling warm, her delicate cheeks couldn't help but blossom with a hint of a smile, and she softly said, "For the sake of healing and repaying the favour, it is considered to be one of the reasons. Ah Man, you have not only saved me this time, but also my grandfather, and even more so, the entire Dugu family. Such a great favour, there is indeed no way to repay it."

"However, I am not that kind of pedantic person."

"Then why?" Lin Manshan looked puzzled and couldn't help but speculate, "Could it be because just now"

The part where he administered the acupuncture was in the hands, feet and neck joints, looking at and inevitably touching these places, although it wasn't considered to be a hidden location, putting it in the previous world where people ran around in bikinis all over the beach, it wasn't even called a big deal. But in today's feudal society, Dugu Yan is a lady of the family, perhaps it is a little different. Previously, when treating the foot injuries of Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er, those two girls were just too shy to look at anyone.

"This is indeed one of the reasons." Dugu Yan's voice was very light and melodious, "Ah Man, other than Grandpa, you are the first person of the opposite sex to come into such close contact with me."

"Just now, when you were administering acupuncture to my shoulder, I had been thinking about the possibilities."

"I was thinking at that time, apart from you, will I be able to accept another man in the future to touch my body at such a close distance like today? Even if it was only for healing, such a thought had begun to rise in my heart with some instinctive distaste as soon as it did. And when you touched my neckbone, just thinking about it makes me feel soiled, I just can't bring myself to accept myself like that."

Sister, do you perhaps have a spiritual cleanliness fetish? Moreover, if you post this in the comment section in my previous life, you'd probably receive a flurry of punches on the spot, saying that you're not worthy of being a free woman in the new era. At this moment, Lin Manshan couldn't help but think of Bibi Dong, who for the sake of Yu Xiaogang's safety, ruthlessly broke up with him, and then got confided in the secret room by Qian Xunji, and had been unable to accept herself after that incident, and then gradually blackened out.

Furthermore, till now, she still has been silently protecting Yu Xiaogang, otherwise, Yu Xiaogang would have died hundreds of times.

For example, carrying the Pope's Order given by Tang Hao around to pretend to be a badass, is the Pope's Order a kind of thing that can be taken out casually? There are only a few pieces in the whole Spirit Hall, and Bibi Dong doesn't even need to check, she knows that the piece in Yu Xiaogang's hand isn't issued to him by the Spirit Hall. If she said, "I didn't issue it," Yu Xiaogang would be guilty of a capital offence. Another example is the Spirit Master Tournament, where Yu Xiaogang looked directly at Bibi Dong and shouted "Admit defeat".

For God's sake, the other party is the Pope, can you just look straight at her like that in public? And the tone of his voice was not even remotely respectful...

In this world, girls still regard chastity as very important, and the more prestigious the background, the more value is attached. After all, there is a marriage situation between the major powers. If they marry a second-hand, then won't the family head of the husband roll up his sleeves and fight on the spot? The friendship established at great cost over the years will be destroyed with a single thing, directly turning from a good friend to a mortal enemy, which the family head of the bride can't accept.

To avoid this situation, big families naturally need to instil good ideas from a young age, although it is not like in the ancient times of his previous life when women couldn't even go out of the house. Free love is also permitted, but some things can't be done casually or the consequences will be very serious.

A proper feudal ideology confinement.

Lin Manshan secretly sighed.

Is that why Zhu Zhuqing crossed an empire to find the playboy Dai Mubai and chose to forgive him?

His mind could not help but think of Shui Yue'er, who had a determined look on her face and then thought of Dugu Yan behind him, and he had mixed feelings.

Joy because the girls are all very excellent, concerned because of the parents behind the girls, he can't resist any of them at the moment.

Good thing, I was able to find a new way to salvage everything. Lin Manshan thought inwardly.

"There is another reason." Dugu Yan's tone became softer and softer as she continued, "Ah Manshan, I might really like you a little bit. Of course, only a little bit."

"I don't know if this counts as falling in love, but I do like spending time with you. Even though it was only the first day we met, and we didn't talk for long, it was one of the happiest moments of my life."

After pondering for a moment, she added, "Ah Man, perhaps it was your kindness that impressed me at first, but what really made me like you should be your optimism and cheerfulness, as well as your sincerity. When I talk to you, I don't feel alienated, but rather relaxed, and it makes me feel at home."

I feel that it's more likely that you grew up without much love.

When he thought of Dugu Yan's past, Lin Manshan couldn't help but feel emotional inside. It's indeed a bit miserable, but there are many similarities with his current life, both of their parents are dead, and maybe Dugu Yan has found a resonance in me.

Suddenly I feel like a country boy entering the city, pretending to be a tough guy and showing off some talent in public, and being looked at by a rich beauty on the street and got caught in her eyes and fell into a vortex of love. Lin Manshan groaned in his mind, in such a short period of time, just for these few reasons she decided to commit herself for life. In his previous life, this could not even be thought of!

Isn't it normal to go through the process of asking if you have a house? Do you have a car? What type of car? How big is the house? What's your salary? How many people are in your family? Any younger siblings? And lastly, how much is the dowry and how many tables will you arrange for the banquet?

Most young people don't even get past the first requirement. Do you want to get married without a house?

How can you get married without a house? Times are changing, and society is progressing.

"Of course, there is also a small other factor." Dugu Yan talked on her own, "Since those two from the Shui family both approve of you, I think they shouldn't be stupid, and they also went through a deep consideration, from this it's enough to get a hint ..."

"That you shouldn't be a bad person."

For this kind of thing, you can still look up references like this? Lin Manshan was taken aback, and then he couldn't help but ask, "But, Miss Yan, don't you think I'm a bit of a womaniser? Moreover, I'm just a commoner, I'm concerned that..."

Before his sentence could end, the sound of light and crisp bed board moving was heard sharply, and a soft hand wrapped around his waist, as something soft and warm pressed against his back.

Damn... Lin Manshan's body instantly stiffened.

"Ah Man, I, Dugu Yan, will never turn back on what I have decided. Even if you want to be a farmer in the future, I'll follow you there, wash and cook for you, and have children. As for Shui Bing'er and the others, as long as they are genuinely willing to accompany you, I won't object either. We are both fatherless and motherless, having more sisters in the family and someone to talk to might not be a bad thing." Dugu Yan's tone was firm.

"But there is one thing, Ah Man, I hope you can do." Dugu Yan changed the topic, and her tone was slightly softer, "Since I was a child, I have been following grandpa everywhere for many years, and I am well aware of the viciousness of people's hearts, and in this world where strength is honoured, people who like new and sick of the old are everywhere, especially amongst the powerful and the wealthy it is even more common. Ah Man, I don't want you to become like that in the future. My grandpa said that it's not wrong for a man to be flirtatious, as long as he's not downright lecherous, it's not a big deal. And if you are willing to always be good to your women, won't dislike them because they are old and grey, and can dare to stand up for them when they are bullied, then it is worth to die together, no matter how good you are in the future."

Worthy of being a Titled Douluo who grew up in this world, Is not your grandfather, Dugu Bo, quite lax in this matter? No, perhaps, it is because of having seen more of the cruelty of this world.

Lin Manshan's face could not help but be solemn, "I was raised up and taught to be a great man, I should strive to achieve the highest standard in the world, and be worthy of being brought into this world. If I even abandon the woman who accompanies me, won't I become an eggless (ball-less) beast?"

For example, Yu Xiaogang type of person who runs away while in a relationship and talks about marriage without clarifying the situation and ending the relationship cleanly is a scumbag.

Surprisingly later, the whole spiritual husband and wife situation formed where the women stayed unmarried waiting for him, he is a beast amongst beasts.

"I am naturally unwilling to be such a brazen person."

Upon hearing this, Dugu Yan instantly revealed a smile, rubbing her face on his side face, and hugging him tightly, "You are truly my Dugu Yan's man in the future, however, I will still say some bad things in advance, if there is a day you abandon me without a proper reason. I will try my best to kill you and then kill myself."

So hardcore? Lin Manshan laughed and reached out to hold the supple hands on his waist, "You definitely won't have that chance."

"Hmm." Dugu Yan slowly withdrew her hands and lightly pressed them against his back, humming, "Ah Man, hurry up and administer the acupuncture. If we wait any longer, someone is going to come over to rush us again in a while. Moreover, Sister Bing'er and Sister Yue'er should be waiting impatiently as well."

"Okay" Lin Manshan's body was still a little stiff, and little by little, he turned around. In the next moment, his pupils shrank, his breathing suddenly became a bit rapid, and his face felt like there was a fire burning on it.

"Don't, don't look, you, you just hurry up." Dugu Yan lowered her eyes, biting her lips and urging in a small voice.

"Hmm." Lin Manshan immediately closed his eyes to calm his mind, then his eyes instantly turned serious, and with a nod, he took hold of her slender shoulders and helped Dugu Yan to slowly relax, then he turned around to re-spread his holster and pinched out a silver needle.

Taking a deep breath, his body slowly leaned forward.


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