Chapter 65 The hunt is successful and the soul ring is absorbed

"Hiss." The Soul Devouring Spider King hissed in agony as the eight legs moved, unintentionally pulling it out of the tree trunk, and its body fell backwards.

"Shi Shi" Lin Manshan quickly pushed the trigger of the Godly Zhuge Crossbow that had been taken out.

"Plop!" The Soul Devouring Spider King's body slammed heavily on the ground. In the next second, "Pffffff!" Sixteen black arrows with spiral arrowheads followed closely behind, shooting at the Soul Devouring Spider King's waist without warning.

One of the arrows went straight into the inner membrane between the last row of spider legs and the waist.

The other arrows landed around the side-by-side spider leg joints. Most of them were bounced off, but there were still a few arrows that pierced the soft membrane connecting the joints with the lower abdomen, and light green transparent juice was continuously gushing out from the various wounds.

"Hiss, hiss!" Its eight legs trembled, and the Soul-Devouring Spider King let out a harsh hiss.

"Ominous Moon Light" With its abdomen wide open and its weakness fully exposed, Lin Manshan certainly wouldn't miss this good opportunity. Summoning his martial soul, he directly wielded it, and a crescent-shaped blade light poured out from the sword, cutting as much as possible at the Soul Devouring Spider King's lower abdomen.

"Hiss." The Soul Devouring Spider King hissed from its mouth, and its eight spider legs rapidly closed in.

Seeing that the Soul Devouring Spider King was blocking with its spider legs, Lin Manshan did not intend to stop there, the Soul Devouring Spider King's spider legs were already injured at the root, so how much of the attack could it withstand?

The sword light continued to wreak havoc, constantly clashing against the spider's leg, emitting a sound like a clash of gold and stone.

"Ka!" One of the spider legs finally couldn't endure the continuous attacks, and its roots twisted and arched.

In an instant, the Soul Devouring Spider King hissed and slammed its two damaged legs, bracing itself on the ground, and then it violently exerted its strength, flipping its body around. Its three legs were powerless, and the remaining five legs tremblingly pushed and ran forward. There was a large amount of green liquid dripping down from underneath its body, and all the grass and leaves that touched it on the ground rapidly withered, and the thick smoke abruptly rose.

"Boom! Boom!" The eight eyes kept oozing out thick juice, unable to see the path ahead, its body shook and kept hitting the surrounding trees.

Ta Ta Ta, Lin Manshan quickly followed with his greatsword in hand, while simultaneously gathering his body's spirit power towards the sword's blade.

Not long after, the Soul Devouring Spider King's walking speed gradually slowed down, and Lin Manshan stepped on a tree branch to arrive at the top of its head, raising his greatsword high.

"Ominous Moon Light. Chop!"

A ten-metre-long glittering green sword light appeared out of thin air, and with an unrivalled momentum, just like cutting tofu, it cut through the thick branches and foliage in its path, hitting the back of the Soul Devouring Spider King whose speed had slowed down. "Boom!" A giant force hit its body. The Soul Devouring Spider King's eight legs finally couldn't support it and twisted and collapsed in various postures. The huge body trembled slightly, and a faint hissing sound echoed.

Ta, Lin Manshan jumped a few times and came to the 20-metre position in front of the Soul Devouring Spider King, looking at the surrounding environment.

Underneath the Soul Devouring Spider King, the grass was devoid of life, the soil was dyed a miserable green, there was a faint green smoke rising constantly, and the eight originally emerald green eyes lost their lustre, and the transparent white pupils could be clearly seen, hollow and terrifying.

Although he couldn't read its expression, Lin Manshan could clearly feel that the Soul Devouring Spider King's soul was weakening and close to collapse.

However, the fluctuation of the soul was still violent.

'It seems like its resentment is really not small.' Lin Manshan let out a deep sigh, then raised his greatsword and looked at the Soul Devouring Spider King and murmured, "I'm sorry! But, this is the law of the weak and the strong in the jungle, so let me give you a quick death!"

"Ominous Moon Light Slash!"

A sword light much thinner than before cut through the air and struck the Soul Devouring Spider King directly in the face.

A faint hissing sound silenced completely along with the soul fluctuations, and a dark spirit ring slowly rose up.

"The ground is full of poison, it's not easy to get close enough to absorb the spirit ring." Retracting his martial soul, Lin Manshan stroked his chin and looked left and right at the trees.

A tree fell down after a slash, right on the ground not far from the Soul Devouring Spider King's corpse.

Not long after, the toxin completely soaked into the ground, and the bottom of the tree trunk was rotted by a small portion before stopping.

Sensing the surroundings, he took out various medicinal powders and sprinkled them around a few times, then Lin Manshan jumped to the tree trunk and sat down on his knees.

Concentrating his mind and spirit, the spirit ring slowly drifted closer as the Meridian Skill operated.

Afterwards, he felt an unusually majestic and cold energy like a flood wave rushing into the meridian. The tearing pain accompanied by a bone-chilling coldness came, and Lin Manshan hastily mobilised the life energy inside the right leg bone of the Blue Silver Emperor to merge into the meridian. However, just as the life energy was mobilised, an extremely cold aura rushed straight towards his head, and then, as if it had suddenly hit a wall, it was blocked on the surface of his muscles.

However, this cold and gloomy aura seemed to be unwilling to give up and continued to madly penetrate into the interior.

"It's alright." Lin Manshan continued to mobilise life energy into his meridians, while distractedly paying attention to the cold breath outside his brow, 'It does have soul fluctuations, by the looks of it, it should be the soul residue of the spirit beast after its death that comes with the resentment attached to it, it's here to seek revenge on me?'

As if it had gone mad, the gloomy breath was continuously burrowing towards the centre of his eyebrows, and the little bit of that gloomy coldness eroding inwards was clearly perceived by him simply through the surface of his body.

'It's a pity that the further it burrows inwards, the weaker the fluctuations of the soul become.' Lin Manshan sighed, not in the slightest hurry.

Time passed little by little, and the gloomy aura that penetrated breached through the soul energy merged with his body, finally entering his mind.

Immediately, Lin Manshan only felt a flicker in front of his eyes, his eyes were obviously closed, but he could clearly see an illusory Soul Devouring Demon Spider crushing its chelicerae and rushing towards him, "Hmph!" Frowning slightly, he gazed over with a concentrated glance, "Hiss." A hissing sound full of resentment reached his ears, and then he witnessed the Soul Devouring Demon Spider's already illusory body suddenly explode, turning into smoke and dispersing bit by bit.

'Sure enough, after going through the layers of obstruction from the soul power, it's already at the end of its strength.'

Retrieving his thoughts, Lin Manshan no longer bothered to think about it, and he wholeheartedly operated the Meridian Skill to absorb the energy of the spirit ring.

At the same time, he guided the surging spirit ring energy to converge into the eight strange meridians that hadn't been opened before. The Ten Thousand Years Soul Devouring Demon Spider's spirit ring energy was not only exceptionally abundant, but also full of momentum, so it was the best opportunity to take advantage of the situation to open up the first of the eight strange meridians.

Immersed in it, time flew by.

"Eh?" Lin Manshan, who had just opened up the first of the eight meridians and was taking advantage of the situation to immerse himself in opening up the second one, suddenly felt a strange sensation coming from his body.

First, it was itching, followed by soreness, and then a tearing, sharp pain that kept coming from his back.

"Hiss! This is..." A crackling sound of bones grinding was heard in the air.

'It hurts, it feels like something is drilling out of my back, it can't be?' Lin Manshan thought of something and hurriedly calmed his mind, but that intense pain still made his face pale, his fists clenched, his body unconsciously bowed, and the muscles of his entire body began to spasm violently.

"Shhh..." The sound of clothes being stretched out and torn resounded in the air.

Immediately afterwards, eight sharp spikes glowing with green flames, which also seemed to be haunted by green smoke, suddenly shot out from Lin Manshan's back like bamboo shoots after the rain. They grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, stretching to nearly three and a half metres before stopping.

It was inky green, haunted by a glittering green light, with golden stripes on the back, glistening with a metallic lustre. The end was as sharp as a spear, and the side near the back was covered with barbs, linked to a thin, light green blade that shone with a terrifyingly cold aura.

It resembled a scaled-down version of the Soul Devouring Spider King's eight spider legs.

"It's over," Lin Manshan secretly breathed a sigh of relief and continued to absorb the spirit ring energy, impacting the eight strange meridians.

After an unknown amount of time, "hmm" a slight groan echoed in the darkness.


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