Chapter 66 Encounter and Anger (2 in 1)

Lin Manshan slowly opened his eyes, felt the temperature of the surrounding air, and murmured, "I'm afraid it's already the early hours of the morning at this point."

"That means I've been absorbing for several hours at the very least!"

'As expected of a Soul Devouring Spider King, its deterrent power in this area is quite sufficient. Normally, no other spirit beast dares to intrude into its territory, and this place should be in the heart of its territory, so the spirit beasts out there simply don't know that the Soul Devouring Spider King is dead.' As he pondered in this manner, he looked down and saw how the eight spear-like spider legs had already been inserted into the ground at some point in time, supporting his body and carrying it up into the air.

"Although obtaining a 10,000-year-old external spirit bone is something to be happy about, but, spider legs, still green?" Touching his chin, Lin Manshan shook his head, no longer dwelling on it, "From now on, let's call it the Eight Spider Spears."

Saying that, he closed his eyes and perceived carefully, he felt that the eight spider legs were like his own arms and legs, without the slightest discomfort. There was a sense of touching wherever he stabbed, and it gave him a sense of familiarity, 'Is it because of the washing of soul power?' His thoughts moved, he supported his body and came to the Soul Devouring Spider King's corpse, touched his chin, stretched out two spider legs and directly inserted them, then a cool and comfortable sensation travelled down the spider legs and entered his body.

"Surprisingly, it works! It seems that the devouring ability is a function that comes with this External Spirit Bone, and isn't considered a spirit skill." Lin Manshan exclaimed with surprise and then smiled.

"In this way, the problem of consuming life energy of the Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone has been solved."

For something that could save his life, he didn't care about devouring spirit beast life energy, not devouring humans was his bottom line as of now.

"However, there's no need to kill spirit beasts indiscriminately. In the future, when acquiring spirit rings for myself or helping my friends acquire spirit rings, it's fine to devour the spirit beasts that are hunted and killed. Just enough for emergencies, it's a waste to accumulate more."

Not long after, the devouring ended and all the energy converged into the spirit bones, Lin Manshan controlled the Eight Spider Spear and went back to the trunk of the tree.

Retrieving the Eight Spider Spear and sitting on the tree trunk, he clenched his fists and closed his eyes to perceive his body, 'It's worthy of being a 10,000-year-old Soul Devouring Spider's spirit ring, surprisingly, it was able to increase the strength of my physical body by this much, and my spirit power has been upgraded by 4 levels. Especially the enhancement of strength, which nearly doubled. This is obviously not in line with common sense, could it be because of the external spirit bone eight spider spears attaching to my body? After all, it grows in the cervical vertebrae position of the backbone of the body'

'Hmm, perhaps it also has something to do with the fact that I have opened up a strange meridian. It's just a pity that after holding on until the Eight Spider Spear took shape, the spirit ring energy in my body also became stable and gentle, and the force afterwards was insufficient to support me to open up a second one anymore, and only three acupuncture points were opened up.'

'However, what has been gained is already quite a lot, so it is better to be content with what I have.' With a smile, he released the Eight Spider Spears again.

'The Soul Devouring Spider's poison is hosted within the External Spirit Bone, and in terms of comprehensive enhancement, it's far better to vacate that space so that I can hold more soul power within my body. In this way, the strength of the external spirit bone can also be boosted, and the increase to the physical body will be even greater.' Thinking of this, he quickly pulled out a few empty vials from within his spirit tool and aligned them towards the Spider Spear.

As he concentrated, a drop of green poison with a fishy odour was squeezed out and fell into the vials.

'Applying it on a hidden weapon might be even more effective.'

Retracting the Eight Spider Spear and putting the vials into his spirit tool, Lin Manshan got up and jumped, swiftly arriving in front of a large tree that could be hugged by a single person.

Afterwards, his right hand grasped, the martial soul appeared in his hand, his fingertips caressed the blade, as he murmured out loud, "The density has obviously increased by a lot, and the sharpness has become even more concentrated." Saying that a brilliant light flashed in his eyes, and he slashed the sword horizontally towards the tree trunk.

"Shss." The sword slashed across the tree trunk, barely feeling much resistance.

"." The tree didn't move and didn't fall.

"Bam!" Lin Manshan slapped his palm, the tree then tilted and fell, and when he looked again, there was an extremely smooth cut along the surface.

"So sharp?!" Lin Manshan was taken aback, "You are awesome Spider Brother, your spirit ring is bullish."

He quickly turned around to face the Soul Devouring Spider King corpse and bowed deeply, "Brother Spider, I wish you a good birth in your next life. Eat abalone and sea cucumber casually during the day, play with abalone and sea cucumber casually at night, live your life without worrying about food and partner, and taste the flavour of the sea without bumping into the ancient sea beasts."

After saying this, he took back his martial soul, changed his clothes, found a flat location to lay a carpet, and closed his eyes to sleep.

Early the next morning, after casually eating something, Lin Manshan departed and set off on the same route.

When he first entered the Star Dou Great Forest he knew that he would be heading a long distance deeper this time, so all the way here, at certain distances, he would look for ordinary small insects like ants, mosquitoes, crickets, and the like to use Beast Control Technique to leave behind the coordinates.

Although the journey back the same way is going to be a longer distance, at least he won't get lost.

After a day of running, he finally reached the river in the afternoon of the second day.

The next journey would not only involve passing through a small portion of the 10,000-year-old spirit beasts' living area, but also the entire 1,000-year-old and 100-year-old spirit beasts' living area, making it a long way to go, and the river was twisting and turning. But there was a direction, so Lin Manshan wasn't going to follow the river around, and directly chose to run across it.

After an afternoon of running, he finally left the 10,000-year-old spirit beast's living area. After cultivating and resting for the night, when the first rays of the sun emerged, he continued to set off again.

By evening, the thousand-year-old spirit beast's living area was considered to be halfway through, arriving at the next section of the river.

As the sun was setting, the sky was orange-red; Lin Manshan was eating grilled fish while looking at the beautiful scenery.

With his current strength, he wasn't worried about his safety in the Thousand-Year Spirit Beast Living Area.

After all, he wasn't the kind of commodity like Yu Xiaogang who had a combined spirit ring age of more than a thousand years but couldn't even beat a hundred-year-old spirit beast in a real battle, so what could happen if he built a fire?

After eating dry food for a few days, it was time to enjoy the fresh flavour.

So, as he was eating, an incident occurred.

"Eh?" Lin Manshan looked up to the left side of the river, and within the range of his soul perception, a spirit beast with a cultivation level of around seven thousand years suddenly appeared. It was followed by two, three, four. Thirteen beasts in total. Apart from the first one that is seven thousand years old and another one that is five thousand years old, the rest of them have cultivations ranging from one thousand years old to three thousand years old, moving somewhat like a pack.

They were closing in around him in a half-arc formation. 

'I just wanted to try something fresh, What's wrong with starting a fire?' Lin Manshan was depressed, put down the roasted fish and slowly stood up, "I would like to see, what kind of things dare to come and disturb me from eating a fish, it must be added to the meal tonight!"

The distance of several hundred metres could be reached as soon it was mentioned, soon, a pair of eyes with green light emerged in the darkness of the jungle on the left side.

"Stormwind Demon Wolves." Seeing the approaching beasts, Lin Manshan's lips couldn't help but twist, inwardly groaning, 'No matter how you look at it, I'm not a girl, What are you guys coming to find me for? You Stormwind Demon Wolves have such a good nose, can't you smell that I'm a man?'

The Stormwind Demon Wolf, in the Star Dou Great Forest, is considered to be a relatively famous spirit beast, especially amongst the female spirit master circles. Of course, it wasn't a good reputation.

The origin of the Wolftaken in the original story was something he remembered very well.

The Stormwind Demon Wolf is known for its speed and endurance, with a keen sense of smell and spiritual wisdom that opens up early compared to other beasts, having considerable intelligence at a hundred years of cultivation. The key is, that it is a group-dwelling spirit beast, with a strong sense of group consciousness, belonging to the type that would only fight in a group and never fight alone, and basically only picking the prey weaker than itself, no fixed territory, belonging to the nomadic spirit beast race, so occasionally it will appear in the area where the low-aged spirit beasts are living.

Therefore, in the spirit master community, there is a saying, "If a female spirit master encounters a Stormwind Demon Wolf in the Spirit Beast Forest, then there is definitely a group of them around. If the woman believes she can't escape, then the best thing to do is kill herself in place."

There is no other way, the speed and endurance of the Stormwind Demon Wolf is far superior to humans, and it is well-versed in hunting tactics, and it can also release wind blade skills, not to mention that it hunts in a pact.

You can't outrun them on the ground. If you go up to the trees and are targeted by the wind blades, once you get knocked down, you'll end up in a really miserable situation.

The desire for life is far beyond all other desires, so there will always be one or two girls who can't bring themselves to commit suicide, and so the Wolftaken was born.

He got to know about this or listened to the gossip of someone who had once been to the Star Luo Empire when he entered the Star Dou Great Forest. Currently, the place with the most Wolftaken on the continent is the Star Luo Empire due to its complicated terrain, especially in the forests around the borders, so at that time, everyone talked about it on the way.

It was said that the Star Luo Empire also sent a large army to encircle and eradicate them, but the Wolftaken's noses were too sensitive, and they would also set up sentries and were always alerted in advance. Their combat power is quite high, their physical bodies are strong, each of them is not inferior to a level twenty or thirty spirit master, and five hundred of them would be able to defeat a regular army of ten thousand people.

"It is said that the taste of Stormwind Demon Wolf meat is terribly unpleasant, I don't know if it's true or not."

Looking at the Stormwind Demon Wolves around him that were emerging from the jungle and constantly approaching, Lin Manshan couldn't help but show a chilling look in his eyes. Although he didn't know if this pack of Stormwind Demon Wolves in front of him had ever plagued any human female spirit masters, in the face of such creatures, he did indeed have a murderous intent.

And right at this moment.

"Ow." The Stormwind Demon Wolves in the surroundings let out long whines one after another, and then, with a rustle, a huge grey giant wolf with a length of more than three metres suddenly jumped out of the bush on the side, with golden eyes, showing its teeth and ferocious appearance.

"Hehe, it's just right to use you guys to try out the close combat effectiveness of the Refining Jade Hand as well as the two External Spirit Bones." Lin Manshan smiled coldly and pulled down his upper shirt.

With a thought, the Eight Spider Spear burst out, his palms turned into claws, and between the lingering golden light, his arms turned into emerald jade.

Seeing Lin Manshan's body changing in such a way, the Stormwind Demon Wolf leader's body froze, and then its head was lowered.

With an "oooh" whimper, it made a sharp turn and scrambled into the jungle, and the whole process barely took more than 1 second.

"???" Now it was Lin Manshan who froze.

"So timid?"

The speed of the Stormwind Demon Wolf was very fast and being close to the jungle, it ran away almost in an instant.

Leaving Lin Manshan standing on the riverbank, with his hair messed up by the night wind.

"Damn, is this a wolf or a dog?" Lin Manshan unhappily withdrew the external spirit bone, dispersed his spirit power, and was left speechless, "It is said that the Stormwind Wind Demon Wolf is bloodthirsty by nature, and is clever and cunning. I haven't seen any bloodlust today, but I have indeed seen cleverness and cunningness."

"Obviously there are many beasts, but they can still run away when they see that the situation is not right, quite decisive."

Shaking his head and glancing at the darkening sky, he walked back to the campfire, picked up the uneaten grilled fish, warmed it up, and started eating.

After eating, and extinguishing the bonfire, he came to a safer location and cultivated on his knees with his eyes closed.

The next day, he continued on his way.

On the evening of the third day, Lin Manshan, who had already entered the living area of the hundred-year-old spirit beasts, saw that the sky was already dark and stopped his steps. Although he was still a short distance away from the river, after all, it was a hundred-year-old spirit beast's living area, so he wasn't worried about anything anymore.

After simply eating something, he closed his eyes and cultivated.

Time passed little by little, and after an unknown amount of time, Lin Manshan suddenly opened his eyes.

"Eh?" Turning his head to look behind, one, two, three, four... Nine. Turned his head to the other side again, one, two, three... six, "???" In the next second, he sprang to his feet.

"Nope! This number, this soul strength, and this distance and distribution, it's the previous Stormwind Demon Wolf pack, They're rounding up, and there are two Spirit Masters who are being separated and hunted down. Looking at the soul strength, one is less than a Spirit Elder, and the other is at the upper and lower levels of Spirit Ancestor. With this kind of strength, it's unlikely that this group of Stormwind Demon Wolves can't kill them."

"Unless it's a female spirit master."

"They are trying to exhaust the two and capture them alive."

Thinking of this possibility, his eyes turned cold, and with a little push of his toes, he hurriedly dashed towards that Spirit Ancestor. Although this suspected Spirit Ancestor is much stronger than the other one, through the perceived soul fluctuations, it is obviously that person is in more danger, and the one she is currently confronting is that seven-thousand-year-old Stormwind Demon Wolf leader.

If you want to kill them, just kill them, insulting and abusing them, he can never tolerate it.

'Blinking Step!' As he ran with all his might, the great sword martial soul appeared in his hand, and his spirit power was converging.

Not long after, when he let his eyes look at the area with soul fluctuations, his face turned expressionless with a fierce glint in his eyes.

The wind blades released by this small group of Stormwind Demon Wolves were definitely with the purpose of shaming, and although there wasn't a single serious injury on the black-clothed, masked female Spirit Master who was running on the ground in front of him, the upper half of her body and her thighs were covered in bloodstains.

Her leather clothing was tattered and torn, and the large exposed wounds were blackened, contrasting sharply with the surrounding white skin under the sparse moonlight, a clear sign of poisoning.

'She should have been deliberately driven by the Stormwind Demon Wolves to a location with lots of poisonous shrubs by shooting wind blades. And by the looks of it, her stamina is close to being exhausted. She is squeezing the dagger in her hand, is she preparing to commit suicide if she can't hold on?'

"Damn it!" Lin Manshan's gaze turned cold, and he tapped his foot, 'Vanishing Art.'

"Girl, don't kill yourself!" When he shouted, his figure had already arrived at the top of the masked female spirit master's head, raising his great sword high and staring angrily. He swung the strongest strike since he came to this world. Absolute overwhelming power, turned into twenty metres of sword light, with a fierce aura, slashed out vertically.

"Ominous Moon Light. Chop!"

The blade light was like a great curtain, enveloping the Stormwind Demon Wolf leader in almost an instant.

With a poof of blood, its body turned into two parts, along with its two companions who were approaching behind it.

"Ta!" When his body landed on the ground, and he turned his head to look, the black-clothed, masked female Spirit Master had already stopped and was sitting powerlessly on the ground, still clutching the dagger in her hand, her body trembling lightly.

"Are you alright?" Lin Manshan hurriedly ran forward while pulling out the porcelain vial from his spirit tool.

"Whimper." A whimpering low sound as well as the sound of branches and leaves crushing came from behind him, moving further and further away in his soul perception.


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