Chapter 67 Treatment

"This is the detoxification pill, hurry up and take it." Pouring out one from the porcelain vial, Lin Manshan quickly handed it over.

The masked female spirit master didn't speak, raising her head with difficulty, her eyelids propped open as if they were being suppressed by a huge force. She glanced at Lin Manshan as her eyelashes lightly trembled, and then the dagger in her hand slipped, her fingertips tremblingly pointing towards the woods on the other side.

"That side quickly go and save..." Finishing her words with some difficulty, her eyes closed and her body fell down softly.

Without hesitation, Lin Manshan hurriedly took off the female spirit master's mask, revealing the pale and lustrous pretty face behind it.

His fingertips lightly pinched her chin and directly stuffed the detoxification pill into her mouth, followed by a princess hug to hold her steady.

Getting up while looking up and down.

'Looking at her appearance, she is only eighteen or nineteen years old, together with this getup, I probably know who she is.'

"Then the other..." Between his thoughts, he pressed his toes and quickly turned his direction towards one side of the jungle in pursuit.

Not long after, he caught a glimpse of the young girl ahead who had already been surrounded by Stormwind Demon Wolves and was half crouching on the ground with her knees bent. Her body was covered in bloodstains, and her leather jacket had already been torn apart, revealing a large portion of her fair skin. The bulge under her neck was undulating. The hand that held the dagger tightly had been raised to the front of the neck, clenching her teeth, her eyes brimming with tears, her eyes full of unwillingness and determination.

"Girl, stop it!" Lin Manshan hurriedly shouted.

"Buzz," The Stormwind Demon Wolves' eyes showed a fierce light, the flesh between their lips tightly wrinkled, the mouth full of sharp fangs made a low rumbling sound, and they turned their heads to look over. Then their faces stiffened, the tip of their noses twitched slightly, and they lowered their heads and whimpered and wailed a few times, turning their heads to run.

"Is it because you smell the alpha's blood on me?" Looking at the disappearing Stormwind Demon Wolves, Lin Manshan's brows loosened slightly. With one kneeling in front of him and one in his arms, it was still a bit of a problem to face so many Agility-type Thousand-Year Spirit Beasts. Protecting one would be no problem, but protecting two at the same time would be a bit of a risk.

Steadily landing not far in front of the young girl, Lin Manshan softly called out, "Girl, are you alright?"

"???" Before he even approached, the girl had already collapsed abruptly without strength.

"." Lin Manshan was actually speechless as he quickly walked forward, 'Cat's ear hairstyle, looks like it's really Zhu Zhuqing.' He slightly lowered his head and glanced, 'Then this face with seven points of resemblance to her, it should be Zhu Zhuyun.'

As if thinking of something, his sight couldn't help but shift slightly downwards, his eyebrows then raised, 'That being said, Dai Weisi wouldn't be impotent, right?'

After coming in front of her body, he held Zhu Zhuyun and half squatted down, looking up and down at Zhu Zhuqing's injuries, his expression changed as he murmured, "A very tough will, having lost so much blood, and having been poisoned, and having exhausted her stamina, she is still able to hold on until now."

'This butterfly effect, honestly speaking, I am really not sure if I am lucky or a complete disaster. First Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er, then you guys, this is really...' Lin Manshan couldn't help but laugh bitterly.

In between his thoughts, his free right hand hurriedly took out the porcelain vial from the spirit tool, and with a light flick of his thumb, he poured out a detoxification pill and held Zhu Zhuqing's chin straight. Afterwards, he stuffed the detoxification pill between Zhu Zhuqing's lips, his middle finger and thumb lightly pinched her cheeks, and with the tip of his index finger, he pushed the pill into her mouth.

"The clothes and trousers are tattered and torn, and the whole body is soaked in sweat that it's caked with salt. And there are also so many wounds, and I don't know what was stained along the way, it's so dark and black. Damn, it's going to take a lot more explaining when they wake up." His brows wrinkled for a moment, Lin Manshan hurriedly adjusted his stance, reaching out to pick up Zhu Zhuqing as well, and then slowly stood up, one on each side, he effortlessly picked them up.

Neither of the two women was actually too tall, Zhu Zhuqing wasn't too old right now and had a height of less than 1. 65 metres, while Zhu Zhuyun was around 1.75 metres. This kind of body type, in front of him who is a 1.88 metre big man is simply not worth mentioning. Carrying them up was really like holding two kittens, almost not feeling much weight.

With his toes lightly pressed, he quickly ran towards the dead Stormwind Demon Wolf leader.

Dead or not, it couldn't be wasted, and he was about to use his life energy.

With a distance of less than two thousand metres, he quickly made it there.

Approaching the corpse of the Stormwind Demon Wolf leader, Lin Manshan's thoughts flickered, and the Eight Spider Spear quickly projected out from his back, directly inserting itself into the two pieces of the corpse. In the next second, the originally fleshy corpse caves in at a speed visible to the naked eye. After finishing, he walked to the two corpses behind him and did the same thing, and transferred the pure life energy that had been filtered through the External Spirit Bone and soul power to the Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone.

Afterwards, the external spirit bone was withdrawn as he quickly ran in the direction of the river.

Both girls were spirit masters, and the wounds on their bodies weren't deep, so as long as he didn't run violently, the bleeding would soon stop on its own, which was a relief.

Now the most troublesome thing was how to solve the problem of wound infection in this kind of primitive forest full of bacteria.

The wounds on the two women were too many, he now needed to find enough pure water.

Time passed little by little, about half an hour later, Lin Manshan finally rushed to a small waterfall between the two big rocks and made his way to the side of a small pool, less than three metres in diameter, very clear, after the soul perception, there are no spirit beasts in it, instead, there are some small fishes and shrimps.

Feeling the temperature of the two women's skin, which has risen several degrees, a sign that the wounds are beginning to become infected and inflamed.

Without the slightest hesitation, Lin Manshan hastily stretched out the eight spider spears to clean up the weeds on the side of the water pool.

Afterwards, he micro-manipulated the Spider Spear to channel his spirit power into the spirit tool at his waist, picking up a carpet and laying it on the ground. Retracting the Eight Spider Spears, he placed the two girls flat on the carpet in turn.

After doing a good job of cleaning up, he removed Zhu Zhuyun's storage ring from her fingertip, placed it on the carpet, and walked down to the water pool holding her body. Regardless of whether it was cold or not, he quickly cleaned her wounds up.

After finishing, he took out a towel from Zhu Zhuyun's spirit tool and wiped the wounds clean, then put it back on the carpet, and took out the special anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory medicinal wine to apply on the wounds. When it was all coated, he covered her with a blanket. With a small step, he went to Zhu Zhuqing's side to pick her up and did another set of processes as he had done before.

Not long after, after sterilising the wound, the temperature of the two girls' skin surface dropped significantly.

Seeing this, Lin Manshan hurriedly picked up the still unconscious Zhu Zhuyun and washed her body again. After wiping it off and placing her back on the carpet, he reached out to channel life energy.

Since the wounds were not deep, the speed of healing was extremely fast. The wounds hardened and scabbed at a speed almost visible to the naked eye, and then fell off, returning to baby whiteness. Seeing this, Lin Manshan picked up Zhu Zhuyun's spirit tool, chose a set of clothes from it, and helped her dress neatly through a difficult process.

It had to be said that Zhu Zhuyun had so many spare clothes, so he took another set out. As he did, he went through the same process for Zhu Zhuqing and dressed her up.

Afterwards, he covered both of them with blankets.

After doing all of this, Lin Manshan was finally able to take a comfortable bath by himself to cool down his head and body.

Going ashore and putting on his clothes, he sat beside the two girls with his knees crossed and cultivated by himself with his eyes closed.

The next day, as the morning light shone through the holes in the leaves, Lin Manshan slowly opened his eyes.

When he turned his head to look, neither of the two girls had woken up.

'After all, they were running for their lives last night by overdrawing their physical strength, they were in a highly concentrated state of mind, so it would indeed be tiring, and they probably wouldn't wake up for a while.' Lin Manshan shook his head, turned his head to look at the clear pool, and stroked his chin, "Sorry I have no choice, No spirit beasts came to sneak attack last night, so I can only send you guys into the pot."

Not long after, there was a dazzling bonfire, with an iron pot placed on the side, and several small fishes were boiling in the white broth inside.

After having a simple breakfast, Lin Manshan continued to cultivate.

At midday, the campfire blazed, and the iron pot was once again placed on the side, this time, a snake was stewing inside a soup.

"Ai, Little Snake, Little Snake, it's not my fault if you send yourself to the door." Lin Manshan used his fingertips to lay down the ingredients, and used an iron spoon to thicken the soup, while mumbling heartily, the tip of his nose twitched slightly, "It smells really good."

And right at that moment.

"Hmm," A soft whimper suddenly reached his ears.


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