Chapter 72 A decision without regrets


Does this sister have some loose nut in her head? There was something very wrong with the way she looked at me. Lin Manshan suddenly had a feeling of numbness in his scalp.

In the next second, he saw Zhu Zhuyun stand up with her body propped up, taking small steps to his side to sit down, holding his arm and rubbing it, as if declaring her sovereignty, and she said straightforwardly:

"Ah Man, I've decided! I'm going to marry you, and when I return home with you, let's pick a good day."

The continent's official marriage age for men is eighteen, however, it is only for ordinary civilians.

It was different for spirit masters because absorbing a spirit ring could quickly promote the development of the body in a short period of time, so the bodies of spirit masters generally stepped into adulthood earlier than civilians. Therefore, the official marriage age of the spirit master does not have a clear regulation, if you think you can, you are free to do as you please.

In fact, it is also a kind of invisible privilege, opening the door to certain noble spirit masters.

For example, if he was interested in a certain civilian family's girl, originally he could only seize her, but now he can spend a small amount of money to marry her using the official form of marriage proposal.

The official law saves trouble and the person concerned also has reduced repercussions.

The world was that cruel.

And the main reason why she hadn't married Dai Weisi until now was because the imperial power struggle hadn't been settled yet. Of course, it also involved the nastiness between the Zhu family and the imperial family. If the marriage is consummated and the prince dies as a result of the failed rivalry, how will the still-living Zhu family daughter remarry? How can the Zhu family and the new emperor use it to attract or restrain ministers and generals? It wouldn't be justifiable in name, would it?

Heh, that kind of family, it's good to leave it. Zhu Zhuyun laughed coldly inwardly and raised her head to look at Ah Man, her palms pinched the bend of his arms, smiling sweetly. The more she looked at him, the more satisfied she became, and at the same time, she was secretly surprised, 'Even though Ah Man has only absorbed three spirit rings, the strength of this body, feels like it is even higher than me, a Spirit Ancestor, he is too strong, heh.'

'What kind of spirit beast did the three spirit rings that Ah Man absorbed come from? How many years old are they respectively?'

She couldn't help but think about it from the bottom of her heart.

"???" Zhu Zhuqing was instantly shocked, the change in attitude was so fast that it directly confused her.

"." Although Zhu Zhuyun was also a great beauty. But at this moment, Lin Manshan's heart, for some reason, suddenly gave birth to an illusion as if he was at a losing end.

It had happened so suddenly that he was also a little confused.

This bitch, how does she think, could it be that she suddenly thinks I am a potential stock, it is necessary to start before it is too late?

Coughing lightly, Lin Manshan hurriedly pulled his arm out and said with a straight face, "The rabbit meat is getting cold, hurry up and eat. After we finish eating, we still have to hurry up and leave, striving to get out of the Star Dou Great Forest today, and rush to the nearby Inn to recuperate."

"Okay." Zhu Zhuyun loosened her hands, but her smile grew brighter and brighter.

After eating lunch and simply packing up, the three of them set off.

After all, Zhu Zhuqing and Zhu Zhuyun were both Agility Attack System Spirit Masters, and their speed was not bad. Together with Lin Manshan leading the way in front to avoid the spirit beasts, the speed of advancement was very fast.

Although it was already dark when they left the Star Dou Great Forest, they finally made it out that night.

Without delay, the three of them continued to set off and finally found an Inn ten kilometres away.

Bringing two hot beauties with him was indeed easy to attract attention, and as soon as he entered, Lin Manshan sensed violent soul fluctuations.

Thus, Lin Manshan only opened a room, and after a simple meal, he took the two women upstairs.

"Damn! Who is that brat? Surprisingly, he went out with two beautiful women with such hot bodies."

"And both are still pure. If I can get a kiss, hehehe"

"Idiot, how did you survive until now? This is the edge of the Star Dou Great Forest, since someone dared to bring two female companions to a place like this, they naturally have confidence in being able to keep them. You better be careful with your words, don't die and blame me for not reminding you."

"Just by the temperament alone, I can tell that these three people definitely have extraordinary backgrounds, I don't want to involve my family because of you."

"." The crowd exchanged glances and watched with envy as the three went upstairs.

Walking into the room, Lin Manshan was the first to speak, "You guys wash up and take an early rest. Tomorrow we'll leave early in the morning."

Saying that he walked straight to the open space near the side of the door, took out a carpet and laid it down, sat down on his knees and entered a state of cultivation.

Can diligence really make up for weakness? Zhu Zhuqing looked at Lin Manshan who had already entered the state of cultivation, pursed her lips, her eyes gradually firming up.

What a thoughtful and diligent little man. They say that misfortune and good fortune depend on each other. It seems like when I went out this time, my luck was not bad. Zhu Zhuyun felt inner warmth, then she raised her wrist and sniffed it, a whiff of soil plus aromatic grass. She couldn't help but turn her head to look at Zhu Zhuqing, "Zhuqing, the smell of sweat on you can be a lot heavier than me, you should go and wash first."

"Hmm." Zhu Zhuqing withdrew her gaze and nodded slightly.

Her strength was the weakest of the three, and running all the way before, although Zhu Zhuyun and Lin Manshan had been slowing down to let her follow, she still had quite a lot of sweat on her body from such a long journey.

After saying that, she walked straight to the bathroom.

Originally, she also had a spirit tool, only that she had dropped it during her previous run. Fortunately, Zhu Zhuyun had picked it up later and returned it to her, so there was no need to worry about not having a change of clothes.

Seeing Zhu Zhuqing walk into the bathroom, Zhu Zhuyun slowly walked over to the bedside and sat down, her eyes gazing at Lin Manshan.

It is time to marry uh. In the future, this man in front of me will be my husband. Every time she thought about everything that had happened in the past few days, Zhu Zhuyun couldn't help but feel like she was still in a dream. Honestly speaking, she did have some regrets and unwillingness in her heart at first about leaving the Star Luo Empire.

But now, she felt more of a sense of relief. Just like the seed of darkness that had been hidden in the soil for a long time, suddenly sprouted and broke through the ground overnight, embracing the sunrise, with an indescribable sense of relief.

For the future, she is also full of confidence.

All because of the man in front of her.

Sentimentally speaking, this man who saved her and also had intimate contact with her did make her feel something she couldn't tell. Ever since she woke up and learnt the whole story, especially after Ah Man said the second option and that promise. In her heart, she was inexplicably concerned about the other party's thoughts, unconsciously wanting to understand him a little deeper, as if the other party's every move was affecting her.

This was a feeling she had never experienced with Dai Weisi, for Dai Weisi, she felt more of a sense of trepidation.

After awakening her martial soul at a young age, she was contracted by her family to marry Dai Weisi. Since then, in addition to night cultivation, every day someone taught her all kinds of court knowledge and told her to consider everything in the interests of the family, to get along with her fiancé Dai Weisi. She could not throw a tantrum at that time when she didn't understand anything, nor could she refuse, she could only listen and do as she was told.

After a long time, she also did so, and her relationship with Dai Weisi is also quite good. But since Dai Weisi killed the group of maids, she began to live in constant panic. And then, as the battle for the throne intensified, that sense of panic became even greater.

But she had no choice but to do everything she could to help Dai Weisi win, and at the same time earn more capital for herself to protect herself. In everything, it was as if there was a big invisible hand pushing her forward, and there was no choice at all.

It was as if this was a fate she had to accept.

And now that this fate has taken a turn for the worse, she has a chance to choose again.

From the perspective of rationality and investment, Ah Man was indeed an excellent potential stock, breaking through the Spirit Elder level at such a young age was an unprecedented occurrence in the entire continent, at least as far as she could remember, there hadn't been such a character in the Spirit Master world. The most crucial thing was that Ah Man had cultivated from level 3 spirit power to the Spirit Elder level through his personal efforts, which was even more unheard of.

She had a premonition that Ah Man would become an extremely powerful spirit master in the future, and even create a super power that could rival the upper three sects.

He is proficient in pharmacology and knows how to use herbs to aid in cultivation. He was able to create his own spirit skills at such a young age, and in the future, he might be able to create his very own clan secret skills like Tang Chen of the Clear Sky Sect back in the day. Furthermore, according to Ah Man's words, he had also managed to gain a certain something that could aid in his cultivation over the past two years. All of these had already fulfilled the conditions and background to allow a clan to flourish quickly.

Besides, no matter if Ah Man could cure Dugu Bo or not, with Dugu Yan around, a relationship was considered to have been made.

At least for a long period of time, Ah Man would be sheltered by Dugu Bo. In this way, the personal connections as well as the initial safety and security would be there.

The current Ah Man simply needed enough time to grow up.

Of course, the most important thing is, Ah Man is a reliable man. Although he is still young and not very good at words, he is very sweet in his actions, knows how to respect and also knows how to care for people. This could be seen from various small details. For example, before, without hesitation, he promised them to look for Dai Mubai, and bluntly stated the existence of Dugu Yan and the two daughters of the Shui family, allowing them to carefully consider it without the slightest bit of drama. Another example was now, for the sake of their safety, sitting alone and silently cultivating in the open space near the entrance.

So, she made a choice.

This is indeed a big gamble, if the gamble is won, as Ah Man's wife, I will witness his rise, follow Ah Man to build a great family, and become my child's pride in the future. And if the gamble is lost, I will at least have a good husband who cares for me, and even if we are still just acquaintances now, I have no regrets. At least for once, it was a choice I made myself. Thinking of this, Zhu Zhuyun couldn't help but reveal a smile.

Her eyes leisurely looked up and down, 'Ah Man, I will definitely groom you into a good husband.'

"???" Lin Manshan's eyebrows suddenly frowned slightly, from the soul fluctuation, a feeling of palpitations inexplicably came over him.

And just then, with a creak, the bathroom door opened, and Zhu Zhuqing stepped out rubbing her still-damp hair.

"My turn." Zhu Zhuyun stood up briskly and walked straight into the bathroom.

"..." Zhu Zhuqing glanced at Lin Manshan in silence, took small steps to the bed, and crossed her knees to cultivate.

About a quarter of an hour later, Zhu Zhuyun also walked out of the bathroom, walking in small steps to Lin Manshan's body, calling out in a small voice, "Ah Man..."

Lin Manshan slowly opened his eyes, and what came into his eyes was Zhu Zhuyun who was looking at him with a slight bow and a smile on her face, wearing a waist-bound black dress that outlined her curves. The long hair that was originally coiled up had been put down, slightly curled and pinned to her ears. If Zhu Zhuyun's temperament was aristocratic with a touch of voluptuousness before, then now it was voluptuous and bright with a touch of lively playfulness.

"You've also rushed for most of the day, hurry up and wash up." Zhu Zhuyun said with a smile.

Lin Manshan nodded and got up to walk towards the bathroom.

Looking at the back of the person walking towards the bathroom, Zhu Zhuyun pursed her lips, 'Since I've already decided to marry Ah Manshan, then I also have to work hard on my cultivation to help him out in the future.' Thinking like this, she quickly walked to the side of the bed, moved her body to sit beside Zhu Zhuqing, and closed her eyes to cultivate.

In a few moments, Lin Manshan, who had simply rinsed his body, walked out of the bathroom, looked at the two women who were cultivating and smiled. Returning to the carpet, and continued to cultivate.


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