Chapter 73 Going Home

The next day, the three of them woke up early and set off.

Because the inn where they stayed didn't have a carriage to hire at the moment, the three of them could only walk to the neighbouring town first. After spending nearly half a day's effort, they finally hired a carriage in a small town to continue their journey. On the way back, perhaps infected by Lin Manshan, apart from occasionally looking at the scenery along the way to relieve their boredom, the two women were basically in a state of cultivation. It wasn't until eight days later in the afternoon that the carriage finally arrived at Nuoding City.

After getting off the carriage, and taking the two girls to buy some daily necessities and fruits and vegetables, the three of them went straight back home.

After tidying up the house, just as the sun was setting, Lin Manshan walked into the kitchen and simply made a few dishes.

"Ah Manshan, your cooking skills are really good."

Zhu Zhuyun smiled charmingly and complimented while picking up the dishes and putting them into Lin Manshan's bowl, "Come on, eat more."

"After all, I usually live alone, so I will casually cook when I have nothing to do." Lin Manshan responded with a smile.

"Then if you have nothing to do in the future, can you teach me, I'll cook for you." Zhu Zhuyun asked with a beaming smile.

"It's still too early, you actually don't need to make a decision this early." Lin Manshan stopped his chopsticks and sighed.

"This is my decision after much thought, Ah Man, in my life, I was only been so intimately touched by one male, so who do I choose to be with if not you? You must take responsibility and treat me better in the future." Zhu Zhuyun deflated her head as if she were resigned.

I'll believe you in hell. Lin Manshan glanced at her, then nodded slightly, "That's natural."

Since Zhu Zhuyun had already made her decision, regardless of whether there were any other reasons behind it, it didn't matter. He wouldn't go back on a promise that had already been made.

As for whether Zhu Zhuyun would take the initiative to reveal other reasons in the future, let time bear witness.

"Then when are we going to get married?" When she asked these words, Zhu Zhuyun couldn't help but have her heartbeat accelerate.

Her face was flushed, and she slightly lowered her head, waiting for Lin Manshan to reply.

Can you be a little more reserved? Next to her, Zhu Zhuqing flashed a glance at her in silence.

"This kind of thing, I honestly don't understand."

Lin Manshan wrinkled his brows and mused, "How about this? In a few days, I'll first take you back to the village to meet my adoptive parents and get acquainted with them, and I'll also ask my adoptive parents for their opinions in the meantime. Their family has raised me for many years, and to me, they are no different from my real parents. For the big event like getting married, it is only right for me to inform them." After saying that, he smiled and looked at Zhu Zhuyun, "Zhuyun, it just so happens that I can also take you to my real parents' grave to visit them and report my joy to them."

"Well, I'll listen to you." Zhu Zhuyun smiled and nodded, then with a glance at the somewhat lost Zhu Zhuqing next to her, she secretly thought in her heart, 'It seems that she has a favourable impression of Ah Man, however, she has a thin face since she was a child, so I have to find a step for her to take. The kind of waste like Dai Mubai who only knows how to run for his life alone, what qualifications does he have to marry her? Didn't Ah Man say that going over to see Dai Mubai might disappoint her? To make Ah Man say that it must be extremely unpleasant. In that case, wouldn't it be just the right opportunity?'

Thinking of this, her eyes narrowed slightly.

"Hurry up and eat." Lin Manshan reminded and began to lower his head to pick up his meal.

"Hmm." Zhu Zhuyun nodded and also began to pick at her rice with her head down, occasionally giving Lin Manshan and Zhu Zhuqing dishes.

As she ate, she suddenly asked, "Right, Ah Man. Why is there a forging room at the back of your courtyard? It feels like it takes up a lot of space, why don't you tear it down?"

Lin Manshan smiled, "That forging room is what I got someone to build, I am personally a blacksmith."

"Huh?" Zhu Zhuyun was instantly confused, "Ah Man, aren't you studying pharmacology? How come you're still a blacksmith?"

"It's nothing, my martial soul is a sword, and smithing can exercise my arm and waist strength, which will help me in my cultivation. And when I joined the Primary Spirit Master Academy as a work-study student, as I said before, I had a relatively large appetite. Coupled with the fact that I exercise regularly, my demand for meat is also relatively high. But the price of meat is not low in the academy canteen, so I chose the blacksmithing profession that suits me the most, and made money as an apprentice blacksmith in a blacksmith workshop." Lin Manshan said with a smile.

It was surprising that Manshan had lived such a hard life as a child, and was also extremely hard-working in his cultivation... Zhu Zhuyun's gaze flashed with a hint of pity and admiration as she nodded, "So that's how it is."

"However, it is also because of this that I have had some encounters." Lin Manshan continued, "I won't hide it from you, I'm now the personal disciple of Lou Gao, the president of the Blacksmith Association in Gengxin City of your Star Luo Empire, and the storage spirit tool I'm carrying was given to me by him."

"What, you're a disciple of divine craftsman Lou Gao!?" Zhu Zhuyun was instantly taken aback, then her eyes revealed a brilliant light.

Lou Gao is a Spirit Saint, and the worst of his four old disciples have peak Spirit Emperor strength.

"That's right." Lin Manshan nodded with a smile.

"No wonder you know about us." Zhu Zhuyun skimmed a glance at Zhu Zhuqing, who was also a little surprised, her eyes flickering.

Sister this look seems a little off. Lin Manshan's heart jolted inwardly, but his face had a smile, "During that time when I was undergoing the blacksmithing assessment in Gengxin City, I incidentally learnt about the situation of the Star Luo Empire, after all, it was my first time there at that time, and I was worried that I would be breaking some kind of taboo."

"That's also true." Zhu Zhuyun nodded and said no more.

Not long after the meal was finished, Lin Manshan greeted the two girls and returned to his room to start cultivating.

In this small courtyard he bought, besides the master bedroom he lived in, there were also three secondary bedrooms, so they could live in them after tidying up, so he didn't have to worry about the two girls not having a room to live in.

Time passed little by little, and soon it came to late night.

Tuk Tuk Tuk, a clear knocking was heard.

Lin Manshan slowly opened his eyes, and jumped out of bed, striding forward to open the door.

What came into his eyes was Zhu Zhuyun dressed in a black satin robe, her melon face was gorgeous and sharp, and her eyes were shining as she looked up at him.

"Zhu Zhuyun, is there something wrong?" Lin Manshan couldn't help but ask.

"Hmm." Zhu Zhuyun nodded, then smiled sweetly, "But, I mainly came over to share your bed, though." After saying that, without waiting for Lin Manshan to reply, she fully utilised the flexibility and bodily suppleness of the Hell Civet Martial Soul, and squeezed into the room in a puff of smoke.

Afterwards, she jumped onto the bed and turned around to lie on the side to look over, her flaming body dripping with glamour.

This succubus. Lin Manshan closed the door to the room, walked in small steps to the edge of the bed and sat down.

"Say, what is it?" Being so enthusiastic for nothing means she wants something, he had a feeling that things would never be simple.

Upon hearing this, Zhu Zhuyun's face stiffened, and then she skimmed her mouth and said breathlessly, "Ah Man, you really don't understand." After saying that, she propped herself up and hugged Lin Manshan's waist from behind, her melons pressed tightly against his back as she sighed, "Ah Man, I do have a pressing matter that I want to find your help for."

"It's about Zhuyu."


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