Chapter 74 One person achieves enlightenment, a chicken and a dog ascend to heaven

"She should still be in the Zhu family now, there's no danger, right?" Lin Manshan's face was tinged with a trace of doubt, he had only been to Gengxin City for a few days, and he really didn't know too much about the situation in the Star Luo Empire, he only knew that the way the imperial family fought for the throne was very cruel.

"Hey, it's precisely because she stayed at home that I'm worried." Zhu Zhuyun sighed, "Ah Man, you probably don't know much about our Zhu Family's situation. Our Zhu Family's inherited martial soul, the Hell Civet, and the Imperial Dai Family's White Tiger Martial Soul can combine to perform a Martial Soul Fusion Skill. And to successfully comprehend the Spirit Skill, even if the degree of Martial Soul Fusion is high, it can't be separated from diligent practice."

"Therefore, the women of our Zhu Family are basically arranged to be married one after another after their martial souls awaken, forming a marriage contract with the younger generation of the Dai Family. The purpose of this is to cultivate a relationship from a young age and raise the success rate of comprehending the Martial Soul Fusion Skill."

"The three of us, on the other hand, are in a slightly different situation because of our identities; the object of our marriage is the imperial prince, and without exception, they are all verbal marriages set by the emperor himself. The Star Luo Empire's method of succession to the throne is extremely cruel, to make the family heir more outstanding, the winner needs to be decided by killing each other. As for the losing imperial son, to ensure that the family doesn't have civil unrest, he will basically be directly executed, and the best ending is to have his martial soul ruined and be imprisoned to spawn children."

"Of course, these situations rarely occur because the vast majority have already died in battle during the competition."

"And the ones that survived by chance, since it was only a verbal marriage contract, it hasn't been formalised yet. So there's still a use for them, and after the new emperor succeeds to the throne, in most cases, they'll be given in marriage to the less assured generals in the court or the first sons of the generals, their purpose being mainly to serve as a tainted constraint. Of course, there are also cases such as being accepted as a consort by the new emperor, or being given in marriage early by the current emperor."

Speaking of this, Zhu Zhuyun tightened her arms as if she had found something to rely on and gritted her teeth, "To put it bluntly, all of our Zhu Family women are nothing more than tools for the family and the Imperial Family to seek benefits. If needed, they can reward us to anyone in the name of marriage."

So disgusting? Lin Manshan's brow furrowed as he reached out and grabbed the wrist in front of his abdomen, patting it as if for reassurance.

"So, you're worried that Zhuyu will be given in marriage early?"

"This is not easy to predict." Zhu Zhuyun rubbed her face, "Ah Man, the reason why I appeared on the outskirts of the Star Dou Great Forest this time was nominally to hunt down Zhuqing who had escaped from the family, but in reality, it was for the purpose of expulsion and escort in the hope that she would start a new life in the Heaven Dou Empire."

"However, the appearance of the Thousand-Year Stormwind Demon Wolf Pack disrupted my plans. The current situation is that I had brought two Spirit Elders along with me to chase after Zhuqing back then."

"At that time, the two of them took advantage of the fact that the Thousand-Year Stormwind Demon Wolf Pack's siege was mainly targeting me and Zhuqing to find a chance to escape, and counting the time, I'm afraid that they've already returned to the Star Luo Imperial City by now. Given my and Zhuqing's strength, how could we possibly escape under the pursuit of thirteen Thousand-Year Stormwind Demon Wolves, thus, the only thing the two of them could have brought back with them would have been the news of my and Zhuqing's deaths."

"Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders now, Zhuyu is the only surviving woman of the Zhu Family's direct lineage that is still alive in the world. At the same time, she is also the Zhu Family's most talented junior disciple other than my second brother Zhu Zhuhai. In addition, she is also the fiancée of the deceased Prince, so her identity can be considered extremely sensitive."

"The current situation can be said to be extremely complicated, thus, I can't guess what choice the family will make."

"Is it possible that she will be given in marriage to Dai Weisi?" Lin Manshan couldn't help but speak.

According to status and position as well as talent, Dai Mubai had already run away, and nowadays, it seems that only Dai Weisi had the qualifications to marry Zhu Zhuyu in the Star Luo Empire.

A strong marriage would also be conducive to passing on the bloodline.

In addition, the head of the Zhu family should also be happy to do so, after all, he still has a son, Zhu Zhuhai. Dai Weisi is now the most likely to become the emperor in the future, to maintain the alliance, even if they could not marry Zhu Zhuyu, they would have to marry other women in the clan to Dai Weisi. If they blow off some good words later on, it is possible that Dai Weisi, who has already become the emperor, may be pleased to support his brother-in-law to be the head of the Zhu family.

If one man attains enlightenment, his chickens and dogs will rise above the others, and a change will occur immediately. Zhu Zhuhai was directly blown away by a cannon?

"It is indeed possible," Zhu Zhuyun mused, then shook her head, "But the problem is, after all, Zhuyu is nominally the fiancée of the deceased Prince, how can she be the Crown Princess, even if Dai Weisi agrees, the Emperor and the entire court will not agree."

Saying that she let out a deep sigh, "If my father really chooses to do this, then it is estimated that he will have to sacrifice Zhuyu, agreeing to let her be a consort or concubine of Dai Weisi. And to take into account the repercussions, he will definitely choose to do it without announcing it. But then, what difference is there between that and marrying as a maid? Moreover, Zhuyu's nature is inherently softer, so maybe she'll be bullied by Dai Weisi's rightful wife in the future."

Okay, I've watched some palace fighting dramas, but I really can't hold a candle to Zhu Zhuyun, a person who participated in it. Lin Manshan secretly sighed. 

"So, how do you want me to help?" Lin Manshan asked.

"I want your teacher Lou Gao's help to let someone secretly send a letter to Zhuyu to tell her the news that Zhuqing and I are not dead so that she can rest assured." Saying that, Zhu Zhuyun's voice lowered a few more points, "It would be even better if they could pick her up."

"That seems to be a bit too difficult." Lin Manshan frowned, "Not to mention escaping with someone, whether we can see her in person is a problem."

The Zhu Family, as the second-greatest family in the Star Luo Empire other than the Imperial Dai Family, must have quite a few high-level spirit masters within it, and an operation such as exploring the Zhu Mansion at night was definitely not something that could be done, and grabbing someone by force was even more hopeless. Whether it would be delivering a letter or picking up a person, this matter inherently had its own risks. If it gets exposed, Dai Weisi will most likely send someone to investigate thoroughly, so he can't harm his own teacher Lou Gao and the entire Blacksmith Association.

"It's actually not difficult to meet her alone." Zhu Zhuyun hurriedly said, "Zhuyu is not living in the Zhu family currently, but is studying at the Star Luo Imperial Academy just like me. The academy is built in the forest, which covers an extremely large area, and has over five hundred students. Although there are three Spirit Douluo level instructors, they basically don't care about anything normally."

"In addition, because the academy's students are all noble sons and daughters who come from all over the empire, the gate guards outside simply don't dare to mess with them, and they don't recognise all the students, and even many of the students don't know each other."

"Plus the academy doesn't prohibit family members from visiting either, so basically as long as you show your family token or student visiting badge you can pass the gate guards' inspection."

"And I happen to have both on me."

"Most importantly, with the Zhu Family's status, both Zhuyu and I live in single dormitories in the academy."

"So, as long as our strength isn't that bad, it's not hard to safely blend in and meet her alone."


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