Chapter 87 High-profile

"Bam!" The body directly crashed into the wall, causing an audible blast and raising dust and debris.

The entire hall trembled slightly, cracks spreading from the wall behind Dai Mubai.

Blood overflowed from his mouth, his pupils tightened with fear, his right hand subconsciously covered his chest, and in the next second, the sole of a shoe directly stepped on it and kept twisting.

"Cackle cackle."

The sound of bones crushing resounded one after another.

"Ah!!!" Vocal, pained screams of agony then echoed throughout the entire reception hall.

"Kid, there's a price to pay for talking out of turn." Lin Manshan ground the sole of his shoe while coldly uttering, "Today I am just giving you a lesson. If you dare to appear in front of my door in recent days as long as I am still staying in this hotel."

"I'll beat you up every time I see you!"

"Hehe, don't think I don't know who you are, Dai Mubai, I'll just remind you that this is the Heaven Dou Empire, not the Star Luo Empire. No one will care about your identity here, let alone an outcast who fled out of fear of losing the competition." After saying that, raising his foot, he coldly grunted, "If you're not convinced, when you go back, you can go and ask that Flender come to the door to reason about what you just said, I would like to see if he wants Shrek Academy to close down or if he is happy to come and take out the anger as a result of your arrogance."

"Now, hurry up and get lost!"

As the words fell, Lin Manshan turned towards the hotel manager and the attendant who had already walked out the back door, trembling and not daring to speak.

With a wipe of his waist, a gold card that shone brightly under the light appeared in his hand, and a series of numbers close to nine hundred thousand directly blinded the two men's eyes. At the same time also let the person who just stood up from the corner trembling, grimacing in pain, Dai Mubai's face even more white.

Tightly clenched his teeth, he didn't dare to breathe.

Without using the martial soul one move could make him lose his mobility, there was no doubt that the physical strength and speed of the man in front of him were both far superior to him, but also so rich, the key was not average rich, hundreds of thousands of gold soul coins were paid out when he said so, fools knew that his identity was not simple.

The most important thing was that he even knew his identity.

Almost no need to think, he is definitely from some big power in the Heaven Dou Empire. If it is an ordinary power, how can he have such a huge information network, even he, the enemy prince who has already fled into the Heaven Dou Empire four years ago, can be recognised at a glance. He may be also somewhat connected to the Heaven Dou Empire, it is simply because he cannot influence the Star Luo Imperial Family and has little use, that he has been left alone all these years.

Call Flender? It certainly can not be known, this matter today can not even be mentioned.

The trouble he caused on his own initiative, it would be a shame to talk about it.

Moreover, any further conflict would only further worsen the situation and even implicate the academy.

Maybe, there are hidden experts outside the hotel to protect him, if he really pissed off this man, he will simply summon someone and let them take him away from the academy in the name of an official for provoking trouble. Or even kill him, then there would be no way to speak of his suffering.

After all, just like the man said, this is the Heaven Dou Empire, not the Star Luo Empire, no one would care about his identity. Moreover, he had originally fled, and it wasn't like the Star Luo Imperial Family knew he was there.

As long as he did it stealthily, who would know?

In addition, even if they knew, would the Star Luo Imperial Court send troops to take revenge for a prince like him who took the initiative to stir up trouble and lose the Imperial Family's honour? They would probably just block the news, pretend they don't know, and say that the Heaven Dou Empire had recognised the wrong person, and they wouldn't even bother to talk about it.

After all, he is really just an outcast, an outcast used to sharpen the great prince Dai Weisi and make it slightly more difficult for him to ascend to the throne.

At the thought of this, Dai Mubai's face, which was already pale, steeply lost its blood colour again.

Without even caring about the twins standing trembling not far away, one arm stroked his chest with broken ribs, and one arm hung down trembling.

He now had to go and spend money to find an auxiliary spirit master to be healed and find Oscar for a drink, he shouldn't disgrace himself any more than this.

Not even daring to look at Lin Manshan and the three women, he slightly lowered his head and stumbled towards the door.

Seeing this, the twins not far away stole a glance at Lin Manshan with their spare glance, and hurriedly jogged to follow.

"Boss, the damage that was brought to the hotel just now, you do the maths, I'll pay the full amount." Lin Manshan, who had arrived in front of the manager, smiled and nodded.

"This" The manager looked at the amount in front of him that was so great that it made his scalp numb, and then glanced at Dai Mubai who had just walked out of the door, for a moment he didn't know whether to take it or not, this amount, and this strength, where did this big brother come from?

After confirming his sight, he is sure that he can't afford to mess with this person.

"Manager, don't worry too much, it's only right to compensate for breaking something." Lin Manshan smiled.

"Then thank you very much." The manager bowed slightly and carefully received the gold card, in fact when the two were fighting earlier he had already calculated the loss in his mind, the amount was indeed a bit large, if he told to forget about it directly, he really would feel a bit of pain.

Damn this person is really fierce, people hitting the wall can crack it, how much strength he needs to have for that.

After saying an amount, he let the attendant go to swipe the card, and the manager glanced at the three women and politely said: "Sir, I'm really sorry. The one who just left is our hotel's VIP customer, he indeed has the habit of having a long-term private room in our hotel. And this attendant of mine has just joined us, there are some things that I haven't explained thoroughly. So strictly speaking, our hotel is also at fault for today's matter."

"I'm really sorry for delaying a few of you and causing such a conflict. As a token of apology, I have decided to cut the rent for a few of you for three days, so as long as a few of you don't stay in our hotel for more than three days, you don't have to pay."

Saying that he took the gold card and key from the attendant's hands and respectfully handed it to Lin Manshan, "Several honourable guests, this is the key, your room is on the top floor, the door sign is Red Ocean, I hope that you will be able to enjoy your stay."

Seeing the manager acting like this, Lin Manshan didn't decline and nodded, "Then thank you very much."

"You're welcome, you're welcome," The manager hurriedly waved his hands, then bowed slightly towards the direction of the stairs.

"Several VIPs, the stairs are over here, please!"

"Good." Lin Manshan smiled and nodded slightly, holding Zhu Zhuyun's hand as he walked towards the stairs.

After taking two steps, Zhu Zhuyun suddenly turned her head to look at the manager, "Manager, did that boy often bring the same female companions to spend the night before?"

Upon hearing this, the manager was stunned, he couldn't afford to offend either side, and it was the rule that the hotel had a duty to protect the privacy of the guests, so he could only answer ambiguously, with a smile, "Young Dai has an extraordinary physique, and is a Spirit Master, so naturally, there's no shortage of female companions around him."

Nothing was said, yet it seemed like everything was said.

"Heh." Zhu Zhuyun's gaze instantly flashed a hint of indifference as she nodded slightly, "Thanks for telling me."

"No harm… no harm." Seemingly sensing Zhu Zhuyun's displeasure, the manager hurriedly lowered his head to respond politely.

Going up to the first floor, Lin Manshan found the room by following the door plate, opened the door and led the three women in.

The room was very spacious, the living room alone was more than fifty square metres, and all the furniture was silver-white, with fine carvings of exquisite patterns. The large red carpet was embroidered with floating red rose patterns. In the centre of the hall, there was a huge red peach heart piled up with large red roses, and above it hung a red ribbon with a gold border, on which a line was written with gold silk.

A thousand and one, you are my one and only.

In addition to that, there were also quite a few ceramic willow leaf-shaped vases placed around the room, each of which was decorated with fiery red roses, which resulted in that refreshing rose scent that filled almost every corner of the room, and there was an ambiguous aura that any individual could feel.

"The room arrangement is quite good."

Unlike the two beside her whose faces had already turned red like tomatoes, Zhu Zhuyun's face remained the same as she gave a neutral evaluation.


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