Chapter 88 Who gave him the courage?

"Not bad." Lin Manshan acted like a serious person and continued to walk forward with the three women in tow.

Pushing open the bedroom room door.

Holy shit, so flowery to play together... finally can not restrain the mental shock, and quickly calmed his mind, with a spare glance left and right to glance at the three women, just to catch up with their respective sneak glances that came over. Zhu Zhuyun is magnanimous, slightly raising her eyebrows, casting a charming and affectionate, meaningful glance.

Zhu Zhuqing and Zhu Zhuyu, on the other hand, immediately dodged away with red faces the moment their gazes came into contact.

The bedroom was very large, the width was more than seven metres by visual estimation, a soft bed was placed in the middle, shaped like a peach heart, fully covered in cherry red cover, with a diameter of more than three metres, accounting for almost half of the entire room area, from a distance it looked like a full peach heart cake. Light red curtains fell from the roof, covering the soft bed above, with the gentle light, giving people a dream-like feeling.

Needless to say, it's quite a sight to behold. Lin Manshan was greatly shocked, and in his two lifetimes, he had never seen anything like it before.

In addition, it was so awkward that he felt a strange atmosphere in the air, he opened his mouth and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Zhu Zhuyun seemed to feel the dilemma of Lin Manshan, covered her lips and laughed, her footsteps moved lightly, walking in cat steps to take the lead into the bedroom, came straight to the bed and sat down, and then her hands propped up on the edge of the bed and pressed her body downward, causing the soft bed to ripple for a while, "It's not bad, it's quite comfortable."

After making the evaluation, she looked up at Lin Manshan trio who left standing at the entrance, and stood up with a flirtatious smile, "You guys chat first, I'll go take a shower." Saying that she walked towards the bathroom with graceful steps, opened the door of the room with a cackle, her body paused for a moment, and spun around to turn back again.

"How about taking a bath together? The bathtub inside is 'super big'." The soft voice stretched the word "super big" to a great length.

Big, just how big, can it envelop me? Lin Manshan's spirit was shaken, and he couldn't help but think.

"If you don't believe me, come and see!" Zhu Zhuyun added while throwing a wink at Lin Manshan.

Look, what's wrong with me just looking?

As if encouraged, Lin Manshan pulled the two women, who were still standing motionless, forward.

"A bathtub, how big can it be?"

A serious question was asked.

In a moment, "Damn!" Lin Manshan was once again shocked inwardly, this is a fucking bathtub? Are you sure it's not a swimming pool?

With a width of over two metres, a length of a solid three metres, and a depth of around one metre, he felt like he could totally swim on his back in it.

"How is it? I didn't lie to you guys, right." Zhu Zhuyun laughed, and then as she held onto Lin Manshan's arm, her voice was soft, "Ah Man, you come in as well. Last time, after practising the Blinking Steps and Jade Hands, you used the method of silver needles transiting the acupoints to help me massage, and it was quite effective. As it happens, you can help me press it again later, recently my hands and feet are a bit numb again from practising."

The Blinking Steps required the operation of spirit power to stimulate the meridians and acupoints in the legs, she had only just learnt it for a short while, her body had not yet fully adapted to it, and her feet would still occasionally cramp up after practising it for a long time.

Practising Jade Hands was even more difficult, requiring an impact on the narrow meridians, and her hands were red and swollen after every practice.

As the possessor of the Hell Civet Martial Soul, speed is her forte, and claw attacks are her main means of attack. Therefore, the Blinking Steps and Jade Hands are her main skills right now. However, because of the fragile meridians involved, the progress of cultivation could only be considered average.

"Alright then." When it came to serious matters, Lin Manshan couldn't help but add a trace of solemnity to his countenance. Because of the new meridian operation routes and the integration of the knowledge of acupuncture points he had learnt, his improved Blinking Steps and Refining Jade Hands were indeed much harder to practice than the original Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track and Mysterious Jade Hand.

As he walked inwards, he said, ''The early stages of practising the Blinking Steps and Refining Jade Hands are indeed prone to causing some effects on the body, however, there is no need to worry. When we get to Heaven Dou City, I will collect some medicinal herbs to configure potions for you to aid in your cultivation, which can be absorbed through soaking, accelerating your body's recovery and strengthening your muscles and bones, and by that time, it will be much less troublesome for you to practice these two skills."

Nuoding City was after all a small city, making it difficult to collect the required medicinal herbs, coupled with the fact that he was really too busy some time ago, having just imparted the Meridian Treasure Manual to Zhu Zhuyun, he immediately rushed to Star Luo City to pick up Zhu Zhuyu, and then immediately returned to the village for the New Year's Eve after he came back. As a result, a lot of things were not prepared, and in his haste to cope, he could only see who had problems after practising, and using life energy and massage techniques to help whoever had problems, and he himself had delayed some cultivation time as a result.

Not long after, the four of them changed into bathrobes one after another and entered the bathtub. Zhu Zhuyun very actively moved to sit beside Lin Manshan and raised her hand to urge:

"Ah Man, quickly help me rub."

"Hmm." Lin Manshan took her hand and began to press and knead the acupuncture points, and as he kneaded, Zhu Zhuyun suddenly asked.

"Ah Manshan, you deliberately asked for directions to bring us to this hotel today because you wanted to meet Dai Mubai, right?"

"Well, because of what happened to Zhuqing, I do hold a resentment towards this person, Dai Mubai, in my heart, and this time I did come here because I wanted to teach him a lesson in passing to vent some anger on behalf of Zhuqing."

Lin Manshan nodded slightly.

Of course, it is also to look at the style of the Rose Hotel mentioned in the description of the original work in passing, I have to say, it really turns out to be better to see than to read, it is better to enter to look at it, and it is indeed very rewarding today. Inwardly, he secretly praised it.

Upon hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing immediately turned her head to look over, her beautiful eyes filled with warmth and moisture, and she was touched by the words.

'Just now I also suspected that Ah Man has deliberately come to this hotel without having that kind of idea, I didn't think that it was to help me vent out some anger.' Inwardly she could not help but give birth to a trace of self-blame.

"I just didn't expect that when I met him today, he was even more unbearable than the rumours." Lin Manshan shook his head and continued.

Spirit masters who didn't dare to cause trouble weren't good spirit masters, they were mediocre. He had a feeling that Dai Mubai had been brainwashed by these words from Flender, or that he had never encountered any powerful spirit masters or spirit masters with strong backgrounds in Suotuo City before, and had become arrogant and accustomed to it. Why did he dare to say that he wanted to buy the female companion of a strange man whose strength was unknown?

Did Flender's strength give him the courage to do so?

Men are the most intolerant animal to provoke, especially in front of women, don't he understand that?

If this had happened in a wilderness instead of a hotel, he would have cut Dai Mubai down with a slash.

He really didn't know how Dai Mubai had survived in the past. Lin Manshan was inwardly speechless for a while.

"Extremely unbearable indeed."

Zhu Zhuyun also laughed coldly with contempt in her eyes.

"Alright, let's not talk about such unhappy matters." Lin Manshan shook his head, then said, "Later I'm going out for a trip, don't worry, there's no danger, it's just to recognise the path, tomorrow we can go over there together, I'll be back soon."

"Zhuyun... you guys don't need to follow, you've been sitting in the carriage for a few days, take an early rest tonight."

"Oh..." a response quickly came in the air.


A long time later, Lin Manshan was walking alone on the streets of Suotuo City. After wandering around for a while, he finally caught a glimpse of a closed grocery shop, the signboard was engraved with a circular mark consisting mainly of a combination of three symbols, namely a longsword, a hammer, and a dragon, which was undoubtedly the licensed logo from the Spirit Hall.

"Looks like this is the place." Lin Manshan stroked his chin and murmured, "Let's come back in the morning."

Saying that he turned around and left.


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