Chapter 89 Flender’ Suggestions

The next day, early morning.

After breakfast at the hotel, Lin Manshan took the three girls all the way to the sundry shop and walked straight in.

The shop wasn't big and there was no counter in sight, some unknown items were hanging on the three walls, all of them looked old, like antiques, and a few of them were still emitting faint spirit power fluctuations. There was only one shopkeeper inside, a middle-aged man who looked to be around fifty years old, with a pair of black-framed crystal glasses on his face, he was sitting on a recliner with his eyes closed and swaying leisurely.

"I never thought that there would be a shop selling spirit tools within Suotuo City." Zhu Zhuyun let out a sigh as she surveyed the surrounding spirit power fluctuations that she had perceived as well.

It had to be said that this Flender did have a distinctive look, with wide cheekbones, a hawkish nose, and a bit of a treacherous look, so it was no surprise that Liu Erlong hadn't chosen him back then.

Lin Manshan glanced at him in the spare glance, then turned his head and smiled, "You guys take a look too, you might be able to find one you like."

After saying that, he himself began to sweep the shop, and soon fixed his gaze on a piece of crystal the size of a human head hanging by the door, the crystal itself was transparent, but the interior contained a large number of dark yellow impurities, making the whole piece of crystal look very poor quality, giving the appearance of being worthless.

While observing the other goods, he leaned towards the crystal. In a few moments, without turning back, he called out in a very casual tone, "Boss, how much is this piece of crystal?"

Without opening his eyes, Flender faintly said:

"One hundred gold soul coins."

"Ahem." Zhu Zhuyun, who was following behind, choked in shock at the offer, looked the crystal up and down, and couldn't help but ask, "What crystal is this, so valuable?"

"I don't know, but, the boss is a Spirit Saint in any case, he shouldn't swindle us juniors." Lin Manshan said, stroking his chin, "There are quite a few spirit tools placed here, so maybe this crystal is a rare item."

"Spirit Saint!" Zhu Zhuyun trio of women looked surprised for a moment, then quickly looked back and politely greeted with a slight incline of their heads, "Greetings senior."

And at this moment, Flendre's eyes had snapped open, his gaze swept over Lin Manshan, his face flashing with a hint of astonishment, as well as a hint of gravity.

Then he swept his eyes at the three women, his gaze flickered slightly, and with a slight nod, he let out a hmm, and closed his eyes again.

"Boss, I'll buy this crystal." Lin Manshan took off the crystal, pulled out a bag of golden soul coins from his spirit tool, and slowly walked towards Flender. When he went out, he couldn't swipe his card for every single thing, so he was also carrying quite a few gold soul coins in cash on him.

"Well, just put it on the side." Flendre still didn't open his eyes.

"Okay." Lin Manshan nodded and placed the money bag on the edge of the chair, in his heart, he thought: it seems that the trick of knocking down the mountain is still a bit useful, this treacherous merchant surprisingly didn't raise the price, 100 gold soul coins is quite a lot, but it's also a big profit for me.

Putting the crystal into the spirit tool, Lin Manshan once again began to look at other things in the shop, walking to a spirit tool with a relatively strong fluctuation of spirit power, and could not help but turn around and ask, "Boss, can I inject my spirit power into these spirit tools to see the effect?"

"Yes, but you'll have to pay for it if you break it." Flender's flat voice came again.

These spirit tools don't have a price tag, not to mention the effect, damn, I kind of suspect that this treacherous Flender is usually fishing, Spirit Sage strength, in this Suotuo City, the general spirit masters who are caught will have to pay for it even if they lose everything.

Lin Manshan can not help but think like that.

Moreover, if these spirit tools were really useful, he would have made a fortune, and Shrek Academy would not have fallen into such a state of dilapidation. Thinking of this, he shook his head with some lamentation.

"It's better to forget it then."

Saying this, he turned his head to look at the three girls, "Let's go. Let's go shopping in other parts of the city."

Upon hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing and Zhu Zhuyu, who were checking out the merchandise on the other side, hurriedly trotted over to join them.

As they turned around and were about to head towards the door, Flender's slightly hoarse voice suddenly sounded, "If you guys came to Suotuo City to find a Spirit Master Academy to join, you might as well go to the Shrek Academy in the south of the city in two days to check it out, and you might be able to find like-minded teammates there."

Discerning Zhuqing's strength? When the original Tang San came to the shop to buy hair crystal Flender was able to see Tang San's strength, and the raised price was also calculated according to the spirit master allowance Tang San would receive. With Flender's Spirit Saint strength, he might not be able to see the strength of Zhuyun and Zhuyu, but Zhuqing's, it was indeed possible. Lin Manshan stopped and pretended to mumble, "Shrek Academy."

Judging from Flender's behaviour, Dai Mubai shouldn't have revealed the fact that he had been beaten up. Moreover, even if it was revealed, with the earlier probe, Flender probably wouldn't dare to do anything to me. Besides, I've come to Suotuo City. Shrek Academy, the most mentioned place in the original story, the place where the Shrek Seven Monsters met, the turning point of the whole story. I am also quite curious about it.

By the way, I will go and place 'eyes' there, and record everything selectively, and see if I can record the techniques that Tang San has not been able to use because he doesn't have enough strength to do so; so that I can at least be prepared in the future when I fight with Tang San, and if I don't practise them, I can pass them on to other people, after all, they are also considered to be a top skill.

Who would be too short of something that could be used as a spirit skill?

Thinking of this, Lin Manshan turned his head slightly over.

"Many thanks for reminding senior, the Shrek Academy is rumoured to only accept monsters, I should indeed go and take a look at it."

After saying this, he led the three girls straight out of the door.

"What kind of force does this boy come from? I can't even feel his spirit power fluctuations, while he was able to tell my realm on the spot, and it looks like he has even heard of Shrek Academy, so he might have even recognised me."

"Moreover, the three female companions beside him are surprisingly all spirit masters, and the youngest one should not be very old by looking at her height and the delicacy of her skin."

"But the strength, surprisingly, is already close to a Spirit Elder."

Listening to the sound of Lin Manshan's footsteps going away, Flender finally opened his eyes and quietly mumbled.

As an Owl Martial Soul possessor, his eyesight and observation were both exceptional, so he naturally judged the approximate age of the three women with a single glance.

As for the male, he was somewhat unable to judge, not to mention his height, his bronze-coloured skin, at a glance, was often baked by the sun or near a fire source.

The skin was indeed a bit rough, and he couldn't tell his age, but he figured that he should often exercise his physical body.

'Could it be a fire attribute martial soul? Being raised in a mimicry environment throughout to increase practice speed?' In his heart, he couldn't help but wonder.

However, using the oldest of the three women as a reference, this man should be no older than twenty. Using the minimum possible age and spirit power realm as a reference again, this male's strength was feared to have already reached the Spirit Ancestor realm.

"One Spirit Grand Master, one Spirit Elder, and two Spirit Ancestors, I'm afraid that their origins are not simple."

Flender's eyes narrowed slightly, his gaze flickering, "Just now, that male said that he would go to the academy to take a look, and the three girls beside him are clearly centred around that male. In other words, if he chooses to join the academy, the three girls beside him will definitely join as well. In that case, the number of students in the academy would be more than seven, and we might be able to participate in the next continent-wide Spirit Master Tournament. If we can score a good result one time, the academy will become completely famous."

"Moreover, these four people are carrying spirit tools on their bodies, and at a glance, they don't lack money. When they enter the academy and see the academy in such a state, they might even take the initiative to offer money to subsidise and help with the construction." Thinking of this, Flender hurriedly sat up straight, "No, I have to hurry back to the academy. Only geniuses can attract geniuses, I have to arrange for Mubai and Hongjun to come out and show their strength."

After musing, he shook his head again and lay down, "It's not even enrolment time yet. I'm rushing for nothing."


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