Chapter 109 Is there a spirit bone?

"Grandpa, what's wrong?"

With a puzzled face, Dugu Yan turned her head and asked.

Dugu Bo's head turned little by little, pointing his finger at the right front limb of the Golden Fur Lion Mastiff, "It seems like, it dropped a spirit bone."

Saying that he wanted to move forward to check.

"Grandpa, what are you going to do?"

Dugu Yan grabbed his hand, tilted her head and pouted, "Ah Man is still sitting on the corpse absorbing spirit ring."

"A spirit bone is a spirit bone, it won't be lost, it doesn't matter if you wait for Ah Man to finish absorbing the spirit ring and then go to check it out, if you go now, it's not good if you accidentally disturb Ah Man."

"Fine." Dugu Bo thought for a moment and nodded.

Looking at Lin Manshan, his breath had steadied. The Golden Fur Lion Mastiff's battle power was indeed formidable, but its cultivation was less than 20,000 years after all, and Lin Manshan already absorbed a 10,000-year-old spirit ring when he was at level 30. Now that he had taken three more Immortal Herbs, both the strength of his physical body and the strength of his spiritual power had far exceeded the past. Absorbing a Golden Fur Lion Mastiff spirit ring that was less than 20,000 years old, would be an easy thing for him to do.

In fact, it was indeed the case.

At this moment, Lin Manshan had already suppressed the galloping spirit ring energy and was immersing his mind in impacting the eight strange meridians.

"Yan'er, it won't be that quick, sit down and wait slowly." Dugu Bo spread the carpet on the ground and raised his head to call her.

"Hmm, okay Grandpa." Dugu Yan answered and slowly sat down, holding her chin and waiting quietly.

It was unknown how much time had passed little by little.

"Phew," Lin Manshan lightly exhaled turbid air, and slowly opened his eyes, his face tinged with a trace of delight.

'The sixth meridian of the eight strange meridians is finally all through, the next is the most difficult Ren and Du meridians.'

As he craned his neck and prepared to get up, a light call reached his ears, "Ah Man!" Looking back down, it was Dugu Yan who had already stood up.

This was followed by Dugu Bo's slightly urging call, "Man'er, there is a spirit bone, quickly come down and turn it over."

"There is spirit bone?" Lin Manshan immediately froze, then carefully perceived, glanced down in the direction of the Golden Fur Lion Mastiff's front paw, dabbed and jumped down to the ground and trotted over.

Crouching down and grabbing the right paw with force, a piece of golden spirit bone suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Golden Legend!

"Still a complete right arm bone!?" Both eyes were slightly enlarged, followed by ecstasy.

This is the right arm bone of the Golden Fur Lion Mastiff, although its age is not high, its strength and quality are absolutely outstanding. Just recalling the scene of the Golden Fur Lion Mastiff shaking the ground with a slap in anger when he was running, it was clear how strong the increase in strength would be from this piece of spirit bone.

It is definitely worth absorbing!

After all, with soul power in place, this spirit bone could continue to evolve. With a good foundation, the future potential is huge.

"Man'er, what a fine piece!"

"This luck of yours, it's really enviable." Dugu Bo, who ran to his side, looked at the golden right arm bone that was picked up by Lin Manshan, the quality of which was obviously not low, his heart immediately became sour, but he still hurriedly smiled and urged.

"Man'er, this piece of spirit bone is of extremely high quality, the evolutionary potential is not small, so hurry up and absorb it."

"Hmm." Lin Manshan didn't hesitate and nodded with some excitement, "Grandpa, please continue to protect me."

After saying that, he turned his head to look at Dugu Yan, "Yan, there's grandpa here, don't worry, rest when you feel like it."

"Well, I understand." Dugu Yan nodded with a big smile.

Seeing this, Lin Manshan quickly found an empty space beside the Golden Fur Lion Mastiff corpse and sat down in place.

He placed the spirit bone close to his right arm as the golden light lingered, the spirit bone quickly melted in, and Lin Manshan also closed his eyes in response, operating his Meditation technique to accelerate the absorption of the spirit bone.

After all, it is from the same spirit beast's spirit bone as the spirit ring, and its age is not too high, so he absorbed it very smoothly, and Lin Manshan's body's breath soon stabilised.

When he woke up again, it was already completely dark.

Not far away from the rising bonfire, Dugu Bo was holding a grilled fish and sprinkling the spices back and forth on the surface.

In the next moment, he suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of Lin Manshan and called out with a smile, "Just in time, I just went to the river to get a few fish. Man'er, hurry over and eat."

"Grandpa, I'll be there in a moment." Lin Manshan slowly stood up, shouting in response while stretching out the Eight Spider Spear, not hesitating to stab it into the Golden Fur Lion Mastiff's body.

Seeing this, Dugu Bo didn't say anything.

Turning back, he continued to grill the fish.

The matter of the Eight Spider Spear having the ability to devour had been mentioned by Lin Manshan before when he was healing the hidden wounds in his and his granddaughter's bodies. At that time, he was worried that Lin Manshan would rely on this way of devouring spirit beast spirit energy to cultivate. However, after hearing Lin Manshan say that he only devoured spirit beasts that he hunted when acquiring his spirit ring and that he only devoured life energy for lifesaving purposes and to help people heal their injuries, he didn't say anything else.

Spirit masters needed to hunt and kill spirit beasts to absorb their spirit rings to advance to a higher realm, this is a rule. As long as one held on to their bottom line, did not kill indiscriminately, and did not wantonly devour life to cultivate like evil spirit masters, it did not matter in his opinion. As for devouring the life energy of dead spirit beasts through the Eight Spider Spears to save his life and save others, this kind of benefit to others and himself could only be considered as a reasonable use of the ability of the external spirit bone in his opinion.

Not long after, the devouring ended and Lin Manshan walked towards the bonfire in big strides.

"How about it, how's the enhancement?" Handing over the grilled fish, Dugu Bo asked in a casual tone.

"Adding the 1 level boost from absorbing the spirit bone, I am now at level 45." Lin Manshan smiled as he accepted the fish and replied back.

"Level 45!?" Dugu Bo opened his mouth, although he had guessed it before, he was still shocked when he personally heard about it.

Dugu Yan turned her head to look up, with deep emotion and pride in her eyes.

"Well, now that I have opened six of the eight meridians, the spirit power that my body can absorb has naturally increased. Relatively, the energy required for each level-up has naturally become more. So I estimate that this time, absorbing the spirit rings should have given me a 2 to 3 level raise in spirit power, and the rest should be a boost from the conversion of the medicinal power of the Immortal Herb."

"As for the Spirit Bone, its function is mainly to enhance the strength of my physical body, it doesn't bring much in terms of cultivation enhancement, it's already pretty good to be able to increase it by 1 level."

Lin Manshan said with a smile.

"That is true." Dugu Bo smiled and nodded, then sighed with emotion, "Man'er, I have to say that your self-created Meridian Skill is indeed an extraordinary technique. Although Grandpa has only just practised it, the benefits I have received are indeed numerous, and I had never thought before that those tiny meridians that are normally closed off and unable to allow spirit power to pass through would still be able to be opened up for the flow of spirit power in the body. Although it's not as thick as the twelve main meridians, it does store a lot of spirit energy."

"Accumulation of less becomes more." Lin Manshan smiled.

"That is indeed the truth."

Dugu Bo laughed, the next moment as if thinking of something, his face flashed with a trace of regret, "It's a pity that you can't retain spirit skill by absorbing the spirit ring and spirit bone, or else if you can retain that domain skill of the Golden Fur Lion Mastiff, it will definitely enhance your battle power tremendously."

Now that I think about it after the Golden Fur Lion Mastiff activated its domain skill, it was really big and fierce!

Wasn't that thing just a wisdom-lowering halo? Lin Manshan pulled the corner of his mouth and shook his head repeatedly, "Grandpa, the side effects of that domain skill are too great. Growing larger in size, losing the sense of pain, battle lust, and weakening the body after it ends, are pretty serious consequences if someone takes advantage of them."

Didn't I just use these weaknesses to exhaust it? Dugu Bo froze for a moment, then nodded slightly with a stiff expression, "It seems reasonable."

Getting bigger in size is fine. Losing the sense of pain, it's quite prone to becoming reckless due to battle lust, confidently fighting someone stronger instead of running relaying on this spirit skill? Wouldn't that mean taking more beatings? The body becomes deflated after it ends, which is a bit fatal, it is easy to get your head picked off.

The world is dangerous, it is better to be cautious.

After eating the fish, take a nap for the night.

The next day, the three returned the same way.

Two days later, Heaven Dou City.

Dugu Bo sent the two of them to the door of their residence and left, heading to the Imperial Palace to find someone to handle the matters of the academy's establishment.

Lin Manshan, on the other hand, dragged Dugu Yan straight into the mansion and found the three girls of the Zhu Family who were practising in the backyard. Seeing the two people whose appearance had obviously changed for the better, the three girls' faces were obviously surprised, and after some explanations from him, they were all shocked at the efficacy of the immortal herbs.

When they learnt that Lin Manshan had brought back a suitable immortal herb for them, their faces were both surprised and expectant.

Whether or not their strength would increase is another matter.

It is important to be able to become beautiful.

After living in the wild for many days, Dugu Yan said she needed to take a nice hot bath, so she said goodbye to them and returned to her room first.

Lin Manshan, on the other hand, led the three people straight into the bedroom, and when the three girls were seated, he directly took out a snow-white eight-petalled orchid from the Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse, and handed it to Zhu Zhuyun, "Zhuyun, this is the Eight Petal Immortal Orchid."

"After consuming it, it has the effect of strengthening the foundation and purifying the energy to get rid of impurities, it is the immortal herb that I have specially selected for you, chewing and swallowing is enough, you should consume it and run the Meditation technique to absorb it."

The more the age of the immortal herb, the better the effect of absorption after taking it. After his repeated selection, he thought that only the eight petals immortal herb with the mildest medicinal effect and the easiest to absorb would be the most suitable for Zhu Zhuyun to consume, and the efficacy is also extremely fitting, after all, she is the oldest amongst all the girls, and the impurities in her body are also the most accumulated.

"Thank you, Ah Man!" Zhu Zhuyun carefully accepted it, then threw a flirtatious look as she left.

He quickly took out a flower shaped like a peony without the leaf, and the flower was haloed with a few touches of blood-red over it.

"Zhuqing, this is Yearning Hearbroken Red, in terms of efficacy it is considered to be the best amongst the immortal herbs, it belongs to the overall enhancement, you are the youngest, so it should be the best for you in terms of absorbing effect."

Since Lin Manshan had given it, it must have been well-thought-out according to each person's situation, Zhu Zhuqing was also clear about this and thus did not reject it.

After carefully accepting it, she somewhat shyly lowered her head and whispered, "Thank you, Ah Man."

"Hmm." Lin Manshan nodded with a smile and added, " Zhuqing, although this Immortal Herb is good, it is difficult to consume."

He then said the introduction story of the Yearning Hearbroken Red that he had adapted on the way, a tragic love story is always touching, not to mention that it said to two girls.

When he finished the story, he looked again, the two girls were already red-eyed, with a very touched look.

Seeing this, Lin Manshan smoothly went forward to hug them, comforted them, and continued to tell the method of consumption.


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