Chapter 110 A world more complex than imagined

After hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing's expression instantly turned serious, and then as if she was performing some kind of ritual, she held the flower in her hand without a second thought. In the next moment, her eyes closed, operating the spirit power in her body to guide her blood and vitality, her cherry lips gently opened, her blood vitality flowed upwards, and a mouthful of fresh blood was spat out, landing on the petals of the flower.

The flower without even moving a bit, directly floated and slid down.

"Zhuqing, go and consume it on the side." Lin Manshan smiled and softly said.

"Mm." Zhu Zhuqing nodded solemnly, getting up and walking to the side to sit down on her knees, bringing the flower into her mouth to quickly chew and swallow. However, after listening to the story, she was tempted to keep this highly memorable immortal herb.

However, she also knew deep down that in this world of the law of the jungle, the only way to protect and help the beloved ones around her was to have strong strength, she had no other option.

Seeing that Zhu Zhuqing had already settled down to absorb the medicinal power of the Immortal Herb, Lin Manshan withdrew his gaze to look at Zhu Zhuyu.

With a smile, he pulled out a white crystalline flowering plant from his spirit tool, "Zhu Zhuyu, this is Daffodil Jade Flesh Bone, it has the effect of softening muscle and mending bone, and passing the energy through the eight strange meridians and veins, it's very suitable for an Agility Attack System Spirit Master like you." Saying that he handed it to Zhu Zhuyu and continued, "Zhuyu, the medicinal power of this immortal herb can assist in opening up the eight strange meridians, you have to make good use of this opportunity and strive to open up a couple of them."

"As for the method of consumption, you need to eat only the petals of the flower, and then suck on the stamen. But remember, you need to be calm and quiet when eating it so that you can get all the essence of it."

"Well, thank you, Ah Man." Zhu Zhuyu nodded solemnly, took the Immortal Herb and walked over to a different empty space to sit down on her knees.

Seeing that the three people's breath was stable, Lin Manshan got up and walked into the bathroom, taking a comfortable shower. Afterwards, he put on his clothes and walked out, finding a space to cross his knees and cultivate.

After an unknown amount of time.

"Tuk tuk tuk " The door was knocked, Lin Manshan got up and walked out of the bedroom to open the door, and found that it was Dugu Yan.

So Dugu Yan also joined the practising group.

After another unknown period of time, the door was knocked again.

Lin Manshan once again got up and opened the door, it was Dugu Bo, and behind him, there was a petite little beauty dressed in white.

Isn't she Ye Lingling? He had met her two years ago when he first met Dugu Yan, Lin Manshan still had an impression.

With a smile on his face, when he was about to greet her.

"Lingling!" Dugu Yan, who woke up behind him, looked delighted and jogged out the door.

At this time, Ye Lingling was somewhat restrainedly looking at the handsome but majestic Lin Manshan with her spare glance, when she saw Dugu Yan running out, she hurriedly turned back and squeezed out a smile on her icy melon face, "Sister Yan, it's been a long time!"

"Lingling, why are you here?" Dugu Yan couldn't help but ask.

Last time when she went back to the academy to invite Ye Lingling to drop out, she didn't mention the matter of solving the Martial Soul Defect, and the reply she got was that it was a matter of great importance, and she needed to go home to discuss it. Then before she could get a reply, she was taken to the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well by Dugu Bo.

She was actually prepared to go tomorrow to ask for the results of the consideration.

How come she came today?

"I," Ye Lingling instantly lowered her head, biting her lips, her face seeping out a trace of scarlet, and she was simply unable to find the words to say.

As if he had guessed that such a situation would arise, Dugu Bo directly opened his mouth, "Because I just stopped by the Ye family and have already proposed marriage to the Ye family on behalf of Man'er."

"My promise is that even if I can't solve Lingling's martial soul defect, I can at least let her strength get a certain boost in a short period of time without any side effects."

"The result of the discussion was that if my solution could really allow Lingling to get a boost in strength in a short period of time, then the Ye Family would agree to the marriage and marry Lingling to Man'er. If I can succeed in solving Lingling's martial soul defect further, then the entire Ye Family will be at Lingling's beck and call in the future."

"The prerequisite is that in the future, one of Man'er and Lingling's children must be named Ye." After saying that, he straightened his back and nodded arrogantly, "Anyway, I've already picked up the person."

"You guys figure it out."

Although it was discussed before, you have so righteously made a pre-emptive decision, and also directly picked up the person, I am now so embarrassed by this whole thing.

Looking at the scarlet-faced Ye Lingling, Lin Manshan's face instantly froze, feeling awkward right on the spot.

Moreover, this kind of behaviour without the consent of the person concerned is no different from kidnapping someone and forcing a marriage.

It was really a bit hard for him to accept it.

"Grandpa, how could you do this?" Dugu Yan, who is her best friend, also instantly became embarrassed, looking angrily at Dugu Bo with a deflated mouth as her tone was tinged with anger.

She was prepared to let Lingling get along with Ah Man first for a while before mentioning it, but now he directly pierced through it like this, which suddenly gave her a feeling of not knowing what was going on inside and out.

''Naive, do you think that as one of the two inheritors of Ye Family's Nine Heart Flowering Apple Martial Soul, Ye Lingling will have the right to choose her husband in the future? Do you guys think she is not aware of this?" The corners of Dugu Bo's mouth pulled slightly, he was helpless inwardly, he also knew that it was a bit improper for him to do such a thing.

But the effect of the immortal herb is really too powerful, once Ye Lingling is invited into the academy by her granddaughter, with Ye Lingling's familiarity with her granddaughter, it's equivalent to directly presenting the powerful medicinal effect of the immortal herb in front of Ye Lingling.

If Ye Lingling was really allowed to get acquainted with Lin Manshan first to cultivate her feelings and then slowly grind it down, how long would she have to wait?

During the process of getting along, almost every moment is at the risk of exposing the medicinal effect of the immortal herb.

Who dares to guarantee that Ye Lingling won't mention the fact that Dugu Yan's strength has suddenly skyrocketed from Spirit Elder to Spirit Ancestor to her parents when she returns home at some point?

Not to mention the techniques on the Meridian Treasure Manual, if several people trained together, once the martial soul is summoned, the spirit rings will be exposed immediately!

At that time, if they were not careful, how many forces within the empire would secretly speculate and probe? The enemy is in the dark, this is a situation that he absolutely does not want to see. Therefore, he had to bring this matter out into the open in advance. He must use the strength and name of him being a Titled Douluo, and use the general perception of outsiders about his proficiency in pharmacology to directly tell the Ye family that he relied on his ability to heal, rather than relying on chance.

Only then would all the speculations and probes from the outside all focus on him alone.

In addition, this is the best way to establish a relationship between Ye Lingling and Lin Manshan in advance by using the most crude method, so that Ye Lingling will remember in her heart that Lin Manshan is her future husband even before she touches the Immortal Herb.

Only then would she realise the seriousness of the matter after consuming the Immortal Herb, and think of her husband's family, herself and their future child beforehand. Instead, in the course of spending time with Lin Manshan and the others, in complete ignorance of the truth of the matter, in the face of her teammate's strength soaring, she might divulge the news to her family while her heart filled with doubt.

Even though Grandpa is a Titled Douluo, he's only one person after all. If I don't do this, how can I guarantee the safety of each and every one of you. Dugu Bo sighed dimly, turned his head towards Lin Manshan, and nodded slightly, ''Man'er, bring Lingling inside to take the Immortal Herb. Just in time, I'll take them to hunt for new spirit rings together in one session at that time." When he said the word "new", he slightly increased the tone of his voice.

Then he added, "In addition, Grandpa will set out to Skywater City now, and pick up those two girls as well."

"When they finish acquiring their spirit rings, you can then bring them back to Skywater City to meet your father-in-law and mother-in-law."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Although his walking posture was upright, in the eyes of Lin Manshan, who could sense soul fluctuations and whose Purple Haze Pupils had broken through to the Mustard Seed realm, and whose mental power is quite remarkable, there was a feeling of despondency, 'New Spirit Ring,' he chanted inwardly, his mind working frantically.

Why did Dugu Bo rush to the Ye family to arrange a marriage between me and Ye Lingling? What was the result?

Why not cultivate feelings first, then confirm the relationship, and then let Ye Lingling take the Immortal Herb?

'Eh? The process in between!!!'

'Dugu Yan is Ye Lingling's former teammate, and in such a short period of time, her Spirit Elder level has broken through to have the fourth Spirit Ring at the Spirit Ancestor level!' He raised his head sharply, a chill running through his hair, as he thought about the risks involved, which he simply couldn't afford to shoulder!

Connecting the key, he hastily strode forward and shouted in the direction where Dugu Bo left, "Grandpa, thank you!"


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