Chapter 111 each has their own improvements

There was no response.

But Lin Manshan could clearly perceive the sudden violent fluctuation of Dugu Bo's soul as he had just turned through the gateway.

Turning back, Lin Manshan looked at Ye Lingling with a complex expression, then turned his head to look at Dugu Yan and softly said, "Yan, don't blame Grandpa, he does have his own difficulties. Hey, although Grandpa is a Titled Douluo, after all, he is only one person."

Only one person. Dugu Yan caught a hint in his words and instantly furrowed her brows and fell into thought.

I'm still too naive, thinking through things too simply. The forces within the Heaven Dou Empire are intricate and complex, the upper three sects are all in the mix, and with the slightest mishap, Dugu Bo alone will not be able to withstand their probe. In the future, I must think about things more comprehensively. Thinking like this, Lin Manshan smiled and continued, "Okay, Yan, no need to think too much, let's go into the house first."

After saying that, he turned his head to look at Ye Lingling, his smile remained the same, "Miss Lingling, come in together."

"Well, sorry for the disturbance." Ye Lingling lowered her head lightly and was pulled by Dugu Yan to follow her into the house.

Coming to the bedroom, looking at the few Zhu family girls who were sitting cross-legged, with a dense lustre all over their bodies, Ye Lingling's calm and pretty face obviously flashed through a trace of surprise.

When Dugu Yan beside her saw this, she spoke out with a complex expression, "Ye Lingling, I am sorry for what happened today. However, with things already having come to this, I can only ask for your understanding. Perhaps your heart is filled with doubts right now, regarding this... I can only say that you will know the reason later." After saying that, she turned her head to look at Lin Manshan, who had already turned back around.

Nodding his head slightly, he took out a golden tulip that emitted a rich fragrance from his spirit tool and said, "Miss Lingling, this is the Beautiful Silk Tulip, it cannot be swallowed, and the method of consumption is to gently inhale on the stamen of the flower, and slowly ingest the essence of the flower into the body, and then operate the spirit power to refine it so that the medicinal properties can be spread throughout the limbs and the bones. There is no need to ask more, when you finish absorbing this herb, you will understand everything."

After consuming the Beautiful Silk Tulip, it has the effect of absorbing the essence of heaven and earth, the light of the sun and the moon, and it was mentioned in the original story that it has a complementary effect with gem-type martial souls. In his opinion, the essence of an Immortal Herb is still a plant, to say that the most complementary is still a plant. Therefore, compared to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan's gem-like martial soul, Ye Lingling's floral and plant-type martial soul Nine Heart Flowering Apple definitely has the most compatible properties.

The effect of consuming it would also be the best.

After handing the Beautiful Silk Tulip to Ye Lingling, Lin Manshan added: "Miss Lingling, go and sit on the bed. I will infuse my spirit power into your body to operate in a specific route, so just remember to follow it later."

Does he intend to teach me advanced meditation technique? Ye Lingling couldn't help but ponder in her heart and nodded slightly.

Then she carefully accepted the immortal herb, turned around, took small steps to the side of the bed, removed her shoes and climbed onto the bed, sitting on her knees.

Lin Manshan also followed and removed his shoes to come behind her, and with both palms against her back, he said, "Miss Ye Lingling, take the herb."

"Hmm!" Ye Lingling's body obviously tensed up a little, but she still obeyed and did as she was told, lightly inhaling the stamens and then closing her eyes.

Lin Manshan smoothly injected his spirit power into Ye Lingling's body, guiding her to operate the Meridian Skill.

Not long after, Ye Lingling's soul obviously fluctuated violently, but soon became stable again.

Seeing this, Lin Manshan retracted his spirit power and withdrew his hand, getting out of bed and heading to the open space near the door.

Bringing Dugu Yan with him, he cultivated together.

After an unknown amount of time, after pinpointing the approximate time, Lin Manshan opened his eyes, got up and came to the table to sit down and wait, Dugu Yan then woke up and followed.

After about a quarter of an hour, Zhu Zhuyun was the first to wake up.

Excitement overflowed, but it quickly stabilised, she slowly stood up and walked towards Lin Manshan with a smile on her face, in the process she lightly swept a glance around, quickly stopping at Ye Lingling who was sitting cross-legged on the bed with a hint of surprise flashing across her face.

Coming to sit beside Lin Manshan, she raised her chin and whispered, "Ye Lingling?"

"Well, Grandpa brought her back." Lin Manshan looked at his mate who had become more and more plump and beautiful in front of him and nodded with a smile, then asked, "How is the improvement?"

Zhu Zhuyun's smile instantly brightened, "4 levels, now I am at level 46."

As the words trailed off, she made a sudden move, her vermilion lips lightly nudged Lin Manshan's cheeks, as she said sweetly, "Thank you, Husband!"

"Why are you polite in a family." Lin Manshan smiled and nodded, after all, it was the Eight Petal Immortal Orchid, that had the softest yet more mellow medicinal properties, it was easy to absorb but required a long time to digest.

The original Oscar had only risen from level 33 to 38 when he just consumed it, and Zhu Zhuyun was able to raise 4 levels solely because she had been practising the Meridian Skill for some time, and had accumulated a lot of spirit power herself, and was close to a breakthrough.

Otherwise, even with the Meridian Skill accelerating the absorption, according to normal circumstances, with Zhu Zhuyun's level 42 Spirit Ancestor strength, it would be very good if she could raise an additional 3 levels.

There were other people in the room who had not woken up yet, so Zhu Zhuyun did not say any more and just quietly drank tea and watched.

Not long after, "Hmm."

With a soft murmur, Zhu Zhuqing woke up a second.

Her face slowly lifted, glancing at the three people sitting at the table drinking tea, her eyes stopped on Lin Manshan's side face with tenderness, and then she rose up and slowly approached.

Afterwards, she sat on the right side of Lin Manshan's seat, her delicate and pretty face glowing with a trace of redness, her small hands pinched her skirt tightly, which shows that her heart was not calm.

"How?" Lin Manshan inquired in a low voice.

"Level 30." Zhu Zhuqing pursed her lips, suppressing her excitement as she replied back.

"The Yearning Hearbroken Red medicinal power is easy to absorb, and the attribute boosts it brings are even more comprehensive. Zhuqing, your enhancement this time is definitely more than that, it's just that the limitations of your realm have not been able to reveal it. Believe me, when you finish absorbing the spirit ring, you will definitely improve tremendously." Lin Manshan said with a beaming smile.

Upon hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing's face did not show delight, instead, there was a trace of worry, "Ah Man, with such a huge enhancement, will the spirit energy be unstable?"

"It won't." Lin Manshan shook his head, "The Immortal Herbs I gave you all are all based on strengthening the foundation and cultivating the vitality, not only will they not shake the foundation, but instead, they will make your foundation even stronger, and your cultivation speed will become even faster. Regarding this point, you guys will soon be able to experience it."

Zhu Zhuqing believed it right away.

Nodded her head faintly, "Hm."

In a few moments, Zhu Zhuyu also slowly opened her eyes, her little face flushed red, and her shining eyes revealed what appeared to be bewilderment as if she was a little confused about the situation, which was very adorable.

Raising her head to meet Lin Manshan's gaze, she immediately lowered her head shyly, slowly stood up and approached in small steps with her small head hanging down. When she just raised her head again, she saw Lin Manshan faintly beckoning, and immediately lowered her head again, walking closer in a well-behaved manner.

She was then pulled into Lin Manshan's arms.

She didn't cry out in surprise, and her soft and plump body was shyly burrowing into his arms.

Still as usual, easy to be shy. Lin Manshan smiled, turned Zhu Zhuyu over, placed her on his chest, and asked with a smile, "How it is, how much did your spirit power improve?"

Because of his behaviour, Zhu Zhuyu's pretty face instantly reddened to the roots of her ears at once, and she replied in a whisper with some stuttering.

"It-t raised by 7 levels."

"7 levels!" Apart from Lin Manshan, the few women present were all astonished.

"Zhu Zhuyu, congratulations." Zhu Zhuyun, who was the first to recover, smiled and congratulated, then turned her head to look at Lin Manshan, her eyes filled with emotion, the smile at the corners of her mouth turned softer, and her heart became warm for no reason, "It's good to have met you Ah Man!"

"It's all thanks to Ah Man, Grandpa Dugu, and Sister Yan." Zhu Zhuyu responded in a thin voice.

"It has nothing to do with me, the biggest credit goes to Ah Man." Dugu Yan said with a smile. Although it was her grandfather, Dugu Bo, who had discovered the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, he didn't know how to utilise it. If she hadn't met Lin Manshan, perhaps both her grandfather and she might have died in the near future due to poisoning, let alone enjoying the benefits of consuming the Immortal Herb.

"Don't say that Yan, if I hadn't met you in the first place, there wouldn't have been this subsequent follow-up." Lin Manshan turned his head to look at Dugu Yan with a soft smile, "That's why you're the one who began it all in the first place, the credit goes to you as well."

"Heh heh, then I'm pretty lucky." Dugu Yan raised her chin, her eyes turning into a crescent moon as she smiled.

"Speaking of that, we have to thank Sister Yan as well." Zhu Zhuyun also pursed her lips.

Upon hearing this, Dugu Yan's smile relaxed, and she shook her head slightly, sighing, "Perhaps, this is fate."

The girls nodded their heads in deep thought.

Looking around at the four women who had even more face value than before, each with their own distinctive features, and whose beauty was beyond comparison, Lin Manshan's nerves were suddenly stirred, and he slightly puffed out his chest with a smiling face.

Then he glanced at Ye Lingling on the bed, holding Zhu Zhuyu in his arms and slowly stood up, saying, "Miss Lingling just consumed the Immortal Herb not long ago, if she wants to completely absorb it, counting the time, it is estimated that it will take two to three hours."

"Let's go, you guys go to the living room to chat for a while, I'll go cook up a dish, and we can all eat before we cultivate and wait."

"I'll go and help then." Zhu Zhuyun dusted her dress as she got up.

"I'll go too," Dugu Yan followed and got up.


Lin Manshan rejected one by one and walked out of the room alone.


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