Chapter 117 Making up stories and performing tricks

"Hmm." Dugu Bo nodded his head in satisfaction, then changed the topic, "Alright, I'm done with my side of things."

"Tell me, what did you want to discuss when you looked for me this morning saying that you want to talk about something this evening?"

"About Clear Sky Douluo Tang Hao and a two hundred thousand-year-old spirit beasts." Lin Manshan's face was serious.

"??!" Dugu Bo was stunned, then his face was equally serious, "Tell me, what's going on?"

"Grandpa, the long-range detection effect of the Beast Control Art must have been experienced by you last time in the Sunset Forest." Lin Manshan said.

The matter of travelling across the world should never be told, and now he could only make up stories. Inwardly, he sighed deeply in helplessness.

"Well, it is indeed marvellous." Dugu Bo nodded, Lin Manshan had used it before when looking to obtain a spirit ring in the Sunset Forest, it is indeed useful, for entering the forest and running far away without worrying about getting lost, when necessary, you can also use it to explore the path first, it's pretty helpful.

Lin Manshan had a straight face as he began to make up a story, "The Holy Spirit Village where I was born has a blacksmith named Tang Hao, who has a son named Tang San, who has awakened a Blue Silver Grass Martial Spirit. But later on, I found out that he actually had another martial soul, a hammer."

"Twin Martial Soul!?" Dugu Bo was instantly taken aback, "That hammer is the Clear Sky Hammer!?"

He suddenly felt that his grandson-in-law's experience could completely be written in a fantasy adventure, the village he was born in was so extraordinary.

"That's right!" Lin Manshan nodded, "I awakened my martial soul on the same day as Tang San, and I didn't see him awaken the Clear Sky Hammer on that day. However, after entering Nuoding Academy, I unintentionally comprehended soul power during that time. At that time, my spirit cultivation talent was extremely poor, so I put more time into studying soul power, and the Beast Control Art was comprehended during that time when I was using insects as an experiment. While working as an apprentice in a blacksmith shop, I learnt about the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer and the existence of the Clear Sky Clan."

"So you used the Beast Control Art to follow him?" Dugu Bo tilted his body slightly, looking forward to the follow-up.

"Well, at that time, I was still just suspicious and had thoughts of secretly learning the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Technique and other Hammer skills, so I used my Beast Control Art to follow him." Lin Manshan scratched his head.

"Then it coincided with Tang San summoning the Clear Sky Hammer Martial Soul, which confirmed Tang Hao's true identity."

Seeing Lin Manshan's face look a little embarrassed, Dugu Bo smiled, "What's wrong with stealing knowledge? If I had the ability and the opportunity, I would also steal and learn."

"To put it another way, if those skills of yours were known to Tang Hao, not to mention stealing them, he would dare to rob them openly."

"No one would let go of the opportunity to grow their strength, let alone techniques that can be passed on."

After saying that, he hurriedly urged, "And then?"

"It's a coincidence, in the past when I was in the village Tang Hao would leave for a period of time every year, but it wasn't regular. But by the time Tang San entered the academy, the time of leaving was fixed, becoming the time when Tang San returned to the village every year for the New Year."

"As for the reason for this, Grandpa, it involves another matter, I'll talk about it later." Lin Manshan continued.

I feel like you might as well leave it alone before. Dugu Bo's mouth twitched as he mentally groaned to himself.

Then he heard Lin Manshan say, "Out of curiosity, I followed him once afterwards with my Beast Control Art."

"Then it turned out that he was going to an ancient forest and burrowed behind a waterfall. Ahem, he is a rumoured Titled Douluo after all. At that time, I guessed that there might be some extraordinary treasures inside, so after acquiring the first spirit ring, I seized the time period when Tang Hao wasn't around to go to that waterfall, and then, from outside, I sensed that there was an extremely powerful soul behind the waterfall."

"However, that soul fluctuated very little, and seemed to be in a dormant state, and had been that way for a long time."

"Then I went in."

Lin Manshan nodded slightly in a serious manner, "And found a cave behind the waterfall."

"And then," he trailed off, suddenly asking rhetorically, "Grandpa, guess what I found inside?!"

You should say it. Dugu Bo's eyes glared at once, "I'm guessing my arse! Hurry up, don't be playful."

"A Blue Silver Grass with leaves with golden veins." Lin Manshan's face returned to solemnity.

"!!!" Dugu Bo instantly remembered that Lin Manshan had mentioned two 100,000-year-old spirit beasts before, and fell silent, and then the corner of his mouth twitched with a weird expression, "I now finally understand why the Martial Spirit Hall was chasing after Tang Hao back then."

"How affectionate, that Tang Hao fellow married a 100,000-year-old spirit beast."

"I didn't expect that there would even be a son."

"No wonder Tang San awakened a Twin Martial Soul, and one of them is still Blue Silver Grass. I thought it was strange earlier. With the quality of Blue Silver Grass, how could it pair up with the Clear Sky Hammer to be a Twin Martial Soul? Damn, it turns out that it possesses a hundred thousand-year-old Blue Silver Emperor bloodline."

"Grandpa, at that time, my thoughts were the same as yours now, and immediately thought that this Blue Silver Grass was most likely Tang San's mother, the 100,000-year-old spirit beast Blue Silver Emperor. After all, it's a plant spirit beast, so leaving a seed for rebirth or something like that after death isn't out of the realm of possibility." Lin Manshan lamented, "Also, when you think about Tang San's age and the point in time when Tang Hao became a Titled Douluo."

"I guessed it would have been that Tang Hao accepted the Blue Silver Emperor's sacrifice during his pursuit by the Martial Spirit Hall back then, thus obtaining the ninth spirit ring to break through to become a Titled Douluo."

"And what I found in the cave afterwards affirmed my guess." Raising his head, Lin Manshan nodded slightly, "I also found a lead box on the stone wall in the cave, and after opening it, there was a 100,000-year-old right leg bone lying inside."

"A hundred thousand-year-old spirit bone!?" Dugu Bo was immediately shocked.

"That's right!" Lin Manshan nodded his head, "This is also the reason why I could use life energy to save others."

"I absorbed it on the spot."

"No wonder, no wonder." Dugu Bo murmured repeatedly, no wonder with Lin Manshan's talent and qualifications he could reach the Spirit Elder realm at a young age, no wonder he was able to absorb spirit rings one after the another beyond the optimal age, having a piece of 100,000-year-old spirit bone as a foundation could indeed make up for quite a lot of things.

"Grandson-in-law, what a good luck you have!" While showing a joyful face, his tone was sour.

With this kind of luck, it wouldn't be too much to say that he is a child of destiny, would it?

He is my grandson-in-law. So it's a happy thing!

"Luck, it's all luck."

Lin Manshan scratched his head and smiled modestly, then changed the topic, "But then again, Grandpa, I'm kinda wondering about Tang Hao being chased back then. How was he discovered by the Spirit Hall? And it also happened to be the point in time after the Blue Silver Emperor had given birth. If he had casually found a mountain village like in the Holy Spirit Village, and then found a civilian woman to deliver the baby, how would he have been exposed?"

Dugu Bo was stunned, then opened his mouth, his face showing alarm, "All I can say is, meticulous planning!"

If that was really the case, then Tang Hao could only be described as not a human being. Thinking like this, he couldn't help but feel a trace of contempt inside.

I also thought the same thing. Lin Manshan looked at him, looking speechless and then said, "Speaking of which, Grandpa, the child born of a 100,000-year-old spirit beast and a human, can it still be called a human being? I have heard, that a Wolftaken can drop a spirit ring and spirit bone after being killed."

"To be able to awaken a martial soul, that means that his physical characteristics are more on the human side, it's similar to a 100,000-year-old spirit beast after re-cultivation, so he's barely considered a human being." Dugu Bo's eyes narrowed slightly, "As for whether or not he would drop a spirit ring and spirit bone, the Blue Silver Emperor after re-cultivation is still able to perform sacrifices and leave behind a spirit bone after death. Tang San, who possesses half of the spirit beast bloodline, that's really hard to say."

If he isn't Tang Hao's son, I'd really want to give it a shot... With a raised eyebrow, Dugu Bo continued, "Alright, let's not talk about this." Tilting his head slightly forward, "Man'er, you just said that there are two 100,000-year-old spirit beasts, where's the other one?"

"This goes back to Tang Hao's son, Tang San... I have to say, their Tang family father and son are really destined to have a relationship with 100,000-year-old re-cultivating spirit beasts." Lin Manshan shook his head, "The same day Tang San and I joined the Nuoding City Primary Spirit Master Academy, there was a 100,000-year re-cultivating spirit beast that joined the academy along with us and joined as work-study students just like us, and we even stayed in the same dormitory."

"I only discovered her difference after awakening my soul power."

"This," Dugu Bo didn't even know what to say for a moment.

Is this Tang San's good luck, or is his own grandson-in-law's good luck, that this kind of thing has been encountered.

Dumbfounded, he revealed a dazed expression again, "No wonder Tang Hao only went to see the Blue Silver Emperor during Tang San's New Year's return to the village." His eyes focused on Lin Manshan, nodding slightly, "If I'm not wrong, Tang Hao should be living around the academy during the other times, right?"

The village is full of ordinary civilians, while the Spirit Master Academy is full of Spirit Masters.

In case a big shot suddenly came, the 100,000-year-old spirit beast would be out of luck.

"That's right!" Lin Manshan nodded, then raised his eyebrows, "Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to pinpoint the right time to go to the waterfall."

"This, it's true!" Dugu Bo opened his mouth and was left speechless.

If Tang Hao didn't regularly go to the waterfall to meet the Blue Silver Emperor, then his own grandson-in-law wouldn't necessarily have the guts to go there and dare to absorb 100,000-year-old spirit bones directly in the cave. After all, absorbing 100,000-year-old spirit bone with a one-ring spirit master cultivation would require at least a few days.

If there was an unforeseen situation, it would really be a death sentence.

"Grandpa." Lin Manshan suddenly said, "Now that I have Bing'er and Yue'er joining me, the members of my battle team are considered complete."

"At this stage, the most important thing that needs to be done is bonding, and for a battle team, I think the fastest way to bond is to participate in battles. Therefore, I would like to take the battle team to the Heaven Dou City Great Spirit Arena to participate in the Spirit Fighting Competition during your trip to Gengxin City."

"Then, start a battle tour around the main cities!"

Speaking of this, a brilliant light flashed in Lin Manshan's eyes, "And the first stop can just be set in the Fasinuo Province."

"Eh?" Dugu Bo also suddenly brightened up, "Man'er, what do you mean?"

"Grandpa isn't that the forest where the Blue Silver Emperor is located is close to the Holy Spirit Village." Lin Manshan smiled, "When I finished absorbing the Blue Silver Emperor's right leg spirit bone I had put that lead box back in its original position, Tang Hao may not have found it by now."

"And Tang San is now at Shrek Academy in Suotuo City, so I'm sure that Tang Hao is there as well, isn't this just the right opportunity?"

"I can completely use the Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse to take away the Blue Silver Emperor's main body and transplant it into the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well."

"And the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well can promote plant growth." Saying this, Lin Manshan smiled slightly, "Grandpa, with Lingling's current strength, she can completely afford to wait. Most importantly, I now have the Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone, and I have the Eight Spider Spear External Spirit Bone that can absorb life energy."

"And the Blue Silver Emperor, as a plant spirit beast, happens to be able to absorb and transform life energy to enhance its cultivation again."

"There are so many people in our battle team, if we do some calculations, if we cultivate to the Spirit Emperor level, even if the accumulated life energy from the Spirit Beasts hunted and killed to obtain the Spirit Ring may not be able to allow the Blue Silver Emperor to directly revert back to 100,000 years of cultivation, but 80,000 or 90,000 years can still be done, right?"

"In that case, wouldn't there be a spirit ring that is most suitable for Lingling's Nine Heart Flowering Apple, right?"

Together with the Blue Silver King, one can directly collect two pieces directly. He thought inwardly.


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