Chapter 118 Resurrection! Great love!

"It can still be done like this!!!?" Dugu Bo was dumbfounded, expressing that he was numbed by Lin Manshan's manoeuvres.

In the next second, he slapped on the desktop with a snap and fiercely praised, "Man'er, this idea, it's brilliant!"

Low-key, low-key. Lin Manshan nodded slightly and said with a smile, "As for the other 100,000-year-old spirit beast, her name is Xiao Wu, her real body is a Soft Boned Rabbit, and her spirit ring is very suitable for Zhuyun and the three of them."

"As for the spirit bone, Grandpa, if it's a leg bone, I feel that it's quite appropriate for you to absorb it. Zhuyun and the girls are still young, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future, and they can slowly evolve a ten thousand-year-old spirit bone after absorbing it. On the contrary, it's you, if you absorb it, you can directly bring out the maximum utility of the 100,000-year-old spirit bone, greatly enhancing mobility."

Then, be an even more formidable thigh.

"We'll see when the time comes." Dugu Bo's fingertips trembled, suppressing the small excitement within his heart, and faintly said.

"Well, that's fine." Lin Manshan nodded and added, "In addition, with Tang San's current spirit elder cultivation at most, he is still far from being able to absorb a 100,000-year-old spirit ring, unless sacrificed." Saying this, he raised an eyebrow, "Grandpa, as far as I know, Tang San is currently bonded with Xiao Wu as brother and sister. In my opinion, sooner or later, they'll follow Tang Hao's old path, one person and one beast coming together."

"Maybe they'll even pull off the sacrifice storyline all over again." Dugu Bo interjected with a cold smile as if he thought of something.

You don't have to say it, in the original, the sacrifice was indeed made, and it also produced a great story to be praised.

What kind of looking for a resurrection method! What a great love story!

Damn. Lin Manshan shivered as if by reflex, and goosebumps crawled all over the back of his neck.

"Maybe." It is undeniable. He shook his head.

"In any case, I have long since used my Beast Control Art to leave behind insects and birds for surveillance in Shrek Academy, moreover, I am very familiar with Xiao Wu's soul aura, so she can't escape from my line of sight. Now that the time is not right, we don't need to pay attention to that rabbit, having Tang Hao to help watch over it will save us trouble instead."

"Makes sense, if we catch it and bring it home we will have to raise it for years, it's not cost-effective." Dugu Bo nodded in agreement.

"That's right, that's what I thought as well." Lin Manshan smiled and nodded, then said, "Also, there's another point. I won't hide it from you, Grandpa, I've already formed a feud with Tang San and Xiao Wu." Saying that, he informed Dugu Bo of his grudge against Tang San, Xiao Wu, and Yu Xiaogang.

"Heh, I didn't think that Yu Xiaogang would be such a fame-seeking person. Eating and living in the academy for free, taking the Martial Spirit Hall spirit master subsidy as a matter of course, even if one's own mind is at ease, he still teaches his disciples like this, he's truly shameless."

Dugu Bo spat on the spot.

"Recommending plant spirit ring for the martial soul with a blade, how can he advise it as a senior?"

"More importantly, he looks down on you even though his talent is not good enough."

The more he heard, the more angry he became, and he directly started the mockery mode.

"Just because you made a little extension and speculation on his theoretical knowledge, let Tang San gave birth to a heart of examination against him, which delayed him from accepting Tang San, a Twin Martial Soul possessor as a disciple, and almost spoiled his chance of success?"

"If he is really capable, will he be afraid of that? Moreover, just because of such a little crap, it's not like he hasn't succeeded in accepting an apprentice, he even harbours a grudge against you, a junior, and urges the academy dean to let you graduate early, he really has no shame at all. What a master, it is more like a big shit!"

"That rabbit too, living one hundred thousand years on this mentality, instead of learning something new and useful in the human world, it learnt a lot of bad things and is so spiteful and capricious. Fortunately, it is not a human, otherwise, it would be bad luck to have it in anyone's family, maybe it will cause trouble outside and bring disaster to the family."

"That Tang San is also the same, since he has become a righteous brother, why not teach her properly instead of indulging her, he has failed as her brother. I also don't know if it's Yu Xiaogang who taught him badly, how could anyone waste the Twin Martial Soul talent? In my opinion, he is definitely going to be ruined by Yu Xiaogang's teaching ."


Quietly watching Dugu Bo finish spewing curses, the corner of Lin Manshan's mouth tugged as he said, "Let's find out on the tournament stage."

"Right, don't be kind!"

Dugu Bo slapped the desktop, "Let that Little Yu take a good look at what kind of thing he is, and what kind of a thing the disciple he teaches is. Don't worry, with Grandpa taking the reins, that Tang Hao definitely wouldn't dare to do anything to you."

"Let's do things according to the rules and win in a dignified manner. If Tang Hao dares to mess around, I'll go to Moon Pavilion and capture Tang Yuehua, cut out her tongue and shatter her limbs and meridians, and skin her and throw her directly into the Stormwind Demon Wolf pack. If things aren't working right then, I'll go to the Clear Sky Clan and release a poison, letting his entire clan die off because of his fault."

"Heh, I am not a Qian Daoliu, who can still hold his tongue when his son dies." Saying this, he turned his head to look at Lin Manshan, "Man Er, you have to remember. Against the shameless, you have to be more shameless than the other party. Against vicious people, you have to become more vicious than the other party. If your heart is not ruthless, you can't stand firm, that's how the law of survival is in this world."

You are indeed ruthless enough. Lin Manshan nodded slightly and agreed to those words from the bottom of his heart, "I understand."

"Hmm." Dugu Bo nodded and added, "Man'er, go back and rest early. Early tomorrow morning we'll set off to Sunset Forest to help Lingling and the others hunt for suitable spirit beasts, and when we return, I'll take you and Lingling on a trip to the Ye Family to finalise things."

"By the way, has Lingling's martial soul defect been resolved yet?" Suddenly there was a change in topic.

"It's hard to say, but it should have evolved." Lin Manshan slightly shook his head and spoke out the changes in the Nine Heart Flowering Apple Martial Soul.

Dugu Bo instantly brightened up, "Spirit power increased by 6 levels and the martial soul evolved, that's enough."

"As for whether or not the martial soul defect has actually been resolved, it no longer matters. Perhaps the Ye family head can tell the difference, so letting her take a look at it at that time would be the answer."

"In that case, when I return from the Ye Family, I will set off to Gengxin City, while you should find some time to make a trip to the Shui Family on your own."

"Okay." Lin Manshan nodded, then asked, "Speaking of which, Grandpa, my father-in-law and mother-in-law, do you know how are they as a person and what are their preferences?"

"How do I know this, I'm not familiar with them, ask your wife about this kind of thing." Dugu Bo immediately looked cross-eyed, then nodded, "However, women, all love beauty. As for your father-in-law, I can see that he is really a bit weak in that 'thing'."

"." Lin Manshan understood it in seconds, nodded his head slightly, and excused himself and left.

That night, he burrowed into the Shui family sisters' room, carefully exploring the changes after taking the Immortal Herb while prying for information about his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

The next day, the crowd set off to the Sunset Forest.

The Heaven Dou Empire was located on the northern side of the continent, with the northernmost part being the Extreme North, which is also the place where the rivers of the Empire originate from. The south is made up of several large duchies that are responsible for defending the Empire, which just happens to sandwich the capital, Heaven Dou City, in the middle, and thanks to the favourable geographical location, the climate is extremely moderate.

Even in the summer, it's only 30 degrees at the peak of the day, and it's impossible to experience 40 degrees of heat here.

Therefore, the girls here are all very white and tender!

There was no way around it, the climate is truly cosy, and this is one of the reasons why Heaven Dou City would be chosen as the capital of the Empire.

The Sunset Forest, on the other hand, was located right on the east side of Heaven Dou City, and as the burial place of the Dragon Kings, the surrounding environment was influenced by it, coupled with the unique geographical location, the northern hills and mountains area was a region with year-round snowfall. According to Dugu Bo's description, the Clear Sky Clan's current hideout was situated in a mountain range on the northeastern border of the Sunset Forest, and in terms of bitter cold, it was only a little better than the Far North.

It was also for this reason that Skywater Academy hadn't been built next to the land of the extreme north. Spirit beast resources are right near the imperial capital in the Sunset Forest, so why bother to seek farther away.


Under the snow-capped glacier mountain range.

With a plopping sound, a snow-white fish-type spirit beast suddenly landed on the ice surface of the bank, like a balloon its belly deflated, round small mouth plopping open and close, seemed to be trying to inhale and want to let the belly bulge up, but how could they allow it, the belly was poked through a hole.

"The Siren known as the sea demon in the river looks like this? So ugly." Dugu Yan couldn't help but complain.

Siren was said to be a spirit beast with a beautiful form and could also transform into a great beauty as it grows stronger. While this one in front of her, with its ugliness, directly shattered her fantasies.

"Whatever! As long as the spirit skill is good," Clapping his hands, Dugu Bo nodded slightly towards Shui Yue'er, "Yue'er, hurry over and finish it off to absorb the spirit ring."

"Hmm." Shui Yue'er nodded, picked up the dagger and quickly approached, squatting down and poking the fish's bubble eye.

Soon, a purple spirit ring floated up.

Two hours later, Shui Yue'er woke up quietly.

"Yue'er, how was it?" Lin Manshan smiled and asked, the immortal herb that Shui Yue'er had eaten was the Origin Energy Immortal Grass, which specialised in boosting spirit power. Her physical body was also enhanced by his soul power, which directly doubled the absorption years of her spirit ring, and he was quite curious about how many levels she could raise after absorbing her spirit ring.

Shui Yue'er's face turned a little red with excitement, and had an incredulous expression, "Spirit power is level 35."

Returning to her senses, she said with a very chirpy tone, "The Spirit Skill is called Sonic, as the name suggests, it can launch a sonic attack."

It seems that this level is the boundary of Yue'er's physical body adaptation right now. The spirit skill sonic, its power can be increased with her strength and has good potential. Lin Manshan could not help but recall the scene when the Golden Fur Lion Mastiff executed the Lion's Roar and shook the trees, grass and rocks within a hundred metres into pieces, and from the bottom of his heart, he expected that Shui Yue'er would be able to increase the power of her spirit skill to such a degree one day, and nodded his head with a smile, "Not bad!"

"Since the spirit ring has been absorbed, let's hurry and rush back." Dugu Bo, who was on the side, hurriedly urged, "I don't want to stay in this kind of shitless ghost place for even a moment." After saying that, he picked up his pace and left.

Seeing this, Lin Manshan slightly shook his head, looked round at the women, nodded, and followed with his steps.

After nearly ten days of trekking from the jungle to the glacier, several women's spirit rings were finally all obtained.

Zhu Zhuqing, spirit power level 35, the third spirit skill Hell Ghost Claw, from the 4000-year-old Shadow Leopard, the effect is somewhat similar to the Wolverine claws that he had seen in his previous life, except that it is not from the top of the hand, but extends out from the ten fingers, long and thin, just like the blade of a knife, with not bad power.

Ye Lingling, spirit power level 43, after all, it was directly soared from level 34 to level 40, part of the immortal herb medicinal power converted into cultivation previously and had already been exhausted. Adding to the fact that she is an auxiliary spirit master, with a weak body constitution, even if she absorbed a 9000-year-old plant spirit beast spirit ring under the augmentation of his soul power, the increase brought by his soul power was not much.

In addition, the time they spent cultivating the Purple Haze pupil was just too short. When the original Tang San absorbed a 10,000-year-old spirit ring, he had already consumed Immortal Herb, and his Purple Demon Eye had reached the Mustard Seed realm, and his spiritual power was not bad. When it comes to your life, you have to be realistic, without absolute certainty, he really doesn't dare to let the girls absorb the 10,000-year spirit rings, he can't afford to bear the consequences.

Shui Bing'er, spirit power level 44, fourth spirit skill ice cone, from 9500-year-old ice crystal beast. Because of the first spirit skill Ice Bind, the second spirit skill Ice Armour, and the third spirit skill Ice Ring of Resisting, there was indeed a lack of an offensive skill. Ice cone skill can condense in the air and can be used as a long-distance attack, and can be used as a melee attack by injecting spirit power and strengthening the hardness by holding it in the hand, so it is considered to be a good and practical ice system spirit skill.

As for spirit power improvement, it can only be said to be okay.

Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass medicinal power played more in the enhancement of the martial soul ability, also empowering Shui Bing'er with Ice Element Control Talent, although the current usage is not very practical, can only slightly accelerate the release of the spirit skill, and by the way, condense a small snowflake.

But he believed that it would get better and better in the future.

"That's enough you guys, don't get stuck there, hurry up and catch up!" The wind and snow drifted, and amidst a loud and vigorous shout, the few people travelled farther and farther away, fading into the snowy landscape.


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