Chapter 119 Arrangement

Heaven Dou City, Ye Family.

After carefully inspecting Ye Lingling's martial soul, Ye family's current generation head, Ye Lingling's mother, Ye Xintang slowly turned around and bowed to Dugu Bo with extreme respect.

"Many thanks, senior Dugu!"

"Please also rest assured senior, the junior will honour the agreement. From now on, the Ye Family shall be guided by Lingling."

"There's no need to thank me, although this matter was facilitated by me, the one who really helped was your future son-in-law, I only contributed the herbs. Why else do you think that the poison on my body, which has remained unresolved for years, was resolved as soon as Man'er arrived?" Dugu Bo waved his hand and said indifferently.

Her son-in-law. The cool-looking Milf was immediately startled and turned her head towards Lin Manshan with a slightly stunned, puzzled and inquiring mingled expression.

"These are all things I ought to do, mother-in-law just call me Ah Man." Lin Manshan smiled.

Ye Xintang suppressed her inner shock, her face recovered its cool and graceful expression, and she smiled lightly, "Then thank you, Ah Man."

"We are all family in the future, so there's no need to say these polite words." Dugu Bo, who disliked customary etiquette, skimmed his mouth and crudely interjected to speak bluntly, "Lady Ye, the old man intends to build a family force with Tianxing Academy as the foundation and Man'er as the core."

"In the future, the newly built Tianxing Academy will have two academies, internal and external, with the external academy focusing on nurturing people and treating everyone equally. After the end of the Spirit Master Tournament, there will be additional primary and intermediate branches, and students will be free to stay or go after graduation. And those who ultimately choose to stay will be invited to be incorporated into the inner academy for training."

"As for the management of the inner academy, my current idea is to take the form of a council, with the highest leader being the Speaker, equivalent to a Sovereign. Underneath are the councillors, equivalent to elders, who enjoy the right to speak and discuss in the council. Under the councillors are the deacons, who assist the councillors in managing the affairs under their command. Under the deacons are the disciples, divided into the core and inner disciples. I am now inviting you to become a councillor, and in the future, the Ye family will set up a separate faculty known as the Sacred Healing Faculty."

"The Ordinary Heart Flowering Apple Martial Soul awakened by the other clansmen of your Ye Clan, although their healing efficiency isn't as good as the Nine Heart Flowering Apple, it is still a good Healing Martial Soul. Therefore, I want your family to be in charge of the daily healthcare of the academy. In addition, I will summarise and pass on my knowledge of pharmacology to you, and in the future, the academy's herb cultivation, and elixir and medicinal material trafficking industries will be left to your family."

"Lady Ye, what do you think?"

"The Ye family is honoured to join." Ye Xintang replied crisply.

The fact that Dugu Bo was willing to compile the pharmacological knowledge he had learned and pass it on, as well as setting up a separate faculty for her family and entrusting them with the responsibility of managing a major industry was already enough to show the importance attached to them. The most crucial thing is the potential of this newly established power.

When my daughter went, she was level 34, and when she came back, she was level 43, and her martial soul has evolved, what a terrifying promotion.

Perhaps this kind of enhancement could not be replicated more than once, but as long as there are a few of them who gained it, it would be enough.

Because there was no doubt that all of those few possessed the qualifications to be a Titled Douluo.

A potential force that might possess several Titled Douluos in the future, this is absolutely terrifying.

As an auxiliary martial soul family, how could it not be a blessing to be able to obtain the shelter of such a force?

Moreover, it is still a family force established with her son-in-law as the core, it can be said that a son-in-law is also half a son, so she thought that she wouldn't be treated poorly in the future no matter what.

"Good, then this matter is finalised." Dugu Bo nodded and added: "The president of the Star Luo Empire's Gengxin City Blacksmith Association, Lou Gao, is Man'er's teacher, I'll set off on a trip tomorrow to pick him up to help build the academy and invite him to join the academy in the meantime. Counting in the Shui Family of Skywater City and your Ye Family, who already chose to join some time ago, the academy's core is now considered to be in its infancy."

"After the academy is constructed, I will invite all the major forces to come and observe the ceremony, and after that, there will be a first internal meeting of the academy, and we will discuss the rules and regulations of the inner academy together at that time. Of course, there are more important things that will be of great benefit to you as well, you'll know then."

As a matter of fairness, the medicinal herbs and the top techniques, he and Lin Manshan had discussed and finally decided to bestow them at the official meeting.

Unexpectedly the base of the group is already so robust, plus an important thing that will be of great benefit to me, could it be that. Ye Xintang was secretly shocked inwardly, and nodded, "Junior understands."

Then she added, "Senior Dugu, does the construction of the academy require my clan to send people to help."

"No need, the affairs of the inner academy, in the early stages, still need to be carried out in secrecy, and it is not appropriate to divulge the matter of you joining for the time being." Dugu Bo shook his head, "I'll let the Imperial Family help with the academy construction, as long as the money is in place, they have plenty of people to send, it saves a lot of work."

"That's also true." Ye Xintang thought about it and nodded. The Imperial Family itself has been supporting a lot of good craftsmen, there is also a specialised Ministry of Works in charge of management, who are usually idle, if Dugu Bo is willing to pay money to hire them, the Imperial Family will surely be very happy to do so.

"In that case, Lady Ye, see you again in the coming days." Dugu Bo laughed.

After some polite words, the few people excused themselves and left.

The next day, Dugu Bo left and travelled to Gengxin City.

Lin Manshan, on the other hand, brought Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er to rush to Skywater City.

Just after entering the City Lord's Mansion, the Shui Chaozong couple were very enthusiastic, especially after seeing the two girls' strength increase, they were so excited that they were close to worshipping their ancestors on the spot. After Lin Manshan pulled out a large pot of low-quality aphrodisiac wine formulated with common herbs in accordance with the medicinal properties of the Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower, the father-in-law turned into a good brother on the spot. The two mothers-in-law were happy to receive the homemade beauty facial mask.

Subsequently, after discussion, Skywater Academy agreed to privately establish itself as the Water Department sub-academy of Tianxing Academy, without relocating for the time being.

Everything will wait for the Tianxing Academy team to participate in the Spirit Master Tournament and achieve good results, and then talk with their strength, to convince the natural willingness to relocate.

Lin Manshan expressed his agreement and slept in the City Lord's mansion for the night in an empty, lonely and cold room.

The next day, after promising to deliver a similar tonic wine sometime later, he left with his father-in-law's good cousin, the level 68 Spirit Emperor Shui Zilu, who instantly called him a good brother, and brought along his wife, as he followed the team to Heaven Dou City, leaving behind his son, who has already reached adulthood to work in the City Hall, to stay behind to watch over the family.

It's true, that in the true love between parents, the child is just an accident.

"Perhaps, I should open a wine shop in Heaven Dou City." On the way back, Lin Manshan couldn't help but think.

After proposing his idea, the good brother Shui Zilu said that the Shui family would be happy to help take care of it.

Thus, the matter was finalised.

Returning to the Residence in Heaven Dou City, he greeted the few girls.

"Crap!" Shui Zilu instantly felt sour, his eyes couldn't help but glance at Lin Manshan who walked forward, "That vigorous!?" While deeply shocked and envious, he was even more excited about the medicinal wine prepared by Lin Manshan.

"Ah Man is quite blessed." The beautiful woman beside him sighed with a smile while twisting someone's waist.

Shui Zilu immediately sucked in a breath of cold air, and then turned his head, ignoring the pain in his waist, he domineeringly grabbed his wife's waist, Shen Qingyu, Level 62 Spirit Master, with Great White Shark Martial Soul. Slightly lowering his head, gazing with deep affection, "Yu'er, it is also my good fortune to marry you."

Smart man should seize the initiative at this moment, solve his own crisis and let his wife feel at ease at the same time, as well as make her happy, this is his many years of marriage experience he summarised based on his wife's character, a hundred times tried and tested practical experience.

"You're already a big old man, aren't you ashamed of speaking like this." Shen Qingyu instantly blushed shyly and hammered his chest with her small fists.

Brother Zilu, what a great performance. Lin Manshan, who walked in front, and heard everything with his superior hearing was instantly shaken in spirit and felt that he had learned something.

In the future, Brother Zilu and I will definitely have a lot to talk about. He thought inwardly.

A short while later, both sides finished introducing themselves.

"Ah Manshan, I think." Shui Zilu swept a glance at the upright, amazingly handsome Lin Manshan. As well as the few girls with curvaceous, bubbling beauty, he couldn't help but speak, "You guys should go out in the future with a mask or something. It should cut down quite a bit of trouble."

"I also think so."

Shen Qingyu nodded her head deeply.

Thus, the next day, under the leadership of the Shui Zilu couple, Lin Manshan put on a black mask and led a few girls who wore black veils and swaggered to sweep out the Great Spirit Arena.


PS: Quick transition to start the main plots.


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