Chapter 121 Victory and Awakening

Steadying his body, Yu Tianheng had an incredulous expression, 'How is that possible?'

Unbelievably fast, completing dodging in just the blink of an eye, after that there was that one moment that was strange!

It felt like his wrist had suddenly sunk into a layer of quagmire, that illusion of not being able to focus on anything made him feel very uncomfortable, his attack suddenly lagged, it was very distorted.

Then his wrist was grabbed, and with a sudden tug, his body which had been leaning forward because of the attack, was instantly out of balance.

And then his body was thrown out, in the exact direction that his body was leaning out of balance.

His technique was to use my body's inertia to leverage the force, but how did that attack make me feel like I was sinking into a deep pool of mud? Amid his thoughts, Yu Tianheng's face turned grave as he crossed his fists, then threw them back violently, his chest vibrating, accompanied by an explosive shout.

"Third Spirit Skill, Thunder Fury!"

In the face of absolute power, all tricks would become illusory... With a concentrated gaze, his body was brimming with thunder.

With a stomp of his feet, he sprinted once again.

It is an amplifying spirit skill, the body's aura is twice as strong as before. Lin Manshan was not afraid, since absorbing the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear's External Palm Bone and the Golden Fur Lion Mastiff's Right Arm Bone, even after several battles in the Spirit Arena he had never once had the chance to test out the limits of his physical body, especially the strength of his arms in front of his enemies. With the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon martial soul that was known for its physical body attacks, this battle was just the right opportunity.

"Come on!" His calves tensed hard.

His body charged forth to meet him head-on.

"Ah Man, you are too arrogant! I know that you are gifted and have a strong physical body, but to use it to defeat me as I am in my third spirit skill augmented state, it's absolutely impossible!"

Looking at Lin Manshan, who was still charging directly over, Yu Tianheng couldn't help but feel anger in his heart. ''Good, you want to compete in terms of physical prowess, then let's compare now, my martial soul is Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon.''

His right arm flexed and lowered, and when the distance was sufficient, he directly swung his fist.

'Good timing,' Lin Manshan's eyes sparkled, his hands covered with spirit energy and he also swung his fist.

What he wanted was to test the strength of his arm through a forceful collision, not to receive lightning, to be on the safe side, it was still necessary to use spirit power to resist the lightning strikes on his body.

"BAM!" The two fists met, making a muffled sound, green light and blue light erupted, the ground trembled violently, and the dust crumbs flew between them, which was cleared by the tumbling waves of air. Zipping electric light flickered all around Yu Tianheng's body, flickering to the ground every now and then, blowing up the dust crumbs once again and turning them into even finer dust.

This is bioelectricity, right? Lin Manshan, who had his arm protected by his spirit power, only felt that there was a stream of electricity that diffused along his arm to his whole body, it wasn't too strong, there was a kind of tingling sensation, even felt a little comfortable. As for the force coming from Yu Tianheng's arm, it did not make him feel the sensation of being on the verge of the limit.

Brother, you can't even break the defence with this power. Inwardly, he could not help but feel some small disappointment, but also felt very reasonable.

After all, most of the spirit beasts are afraid of thunder and lightning, and the continent's lightning-attribute spirit beasts are extremely rare and uncommon, not to mention the formidable ones. This means that although the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan's disciple has a lightning-attribute martial soul, due to the basic intensity of the lightning-attribute isn't being very high, and can't be strengthened by absorbing the spirit rings of the powerful lightning-attribute spirit beasts.

The result could be imagined.

It is possible to create a simulated environment by attracting lightning, engaging in lightning body forging and so on, but compared to directly absorbing spirit rings to enhance the power of lightning, the effect is certainly much worse.

It's no wonder that in the Spirit Master world, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon martial soul is known for its physical body attacks, not for its lightning attacks. Yu Xiaogang had said that the disciples of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon family would only absorb the spirit rings of the sub-dragon spirit beast species, which could indeed allow them to utilise the physical body advantage of the dragon-type martial souls, and as for the thunder and lightning

Saying too much would bring tears, so let's not mention it!

A martial soul that suffers from limitations due to the scarcity of spirit beast resources. it can also be regarded as an alternative type of defect, right?

This is impossible, how could his physical strength be so strong. Yu Tianheng's silver teeth clenched as his heart shuddered inwardly. With a twist of his waist, he attacked again.

Fists, claws, and legs, he used them all swiftly and fiercely to vent his inner turmoil.

But they were all neutralised one by one.

The more Lin Manshan fought, the easier it became, and the more Yu Tianheng fought, the redder his face became. He eventually gave up the idea of fighting with his physical body alone, and his body shook, "Second Spirit Skill, Thunder Crash."

Thunder and lightning filled the air, and instantly countless electric arcs burst out from all around his body.

This skill is not bad in terms of power, the principle is a bit like compressing spirit energy to enhance the power of thunderbolts, after being hit part of the physical body obviously plunged into a short period of stiffness. I haven't taken the Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass or Infernal Delicate Apricot, so it seems that in the future when facing elemental martial souls, I need to pay more attention. Lin Manshan thought about it while retreating back swiftly, however, before he could withdraw from the range of the attack, Yu Tianheng rushed over directly.

Both hands manifested with dragon claws, electric rays filled the air, it was the first spirit skill Thunder Dragon Claw.

The speed was too slow! Sub-dragon spirit beasts are mostly biased towards strength and defence, and absorbing the spirit rings of these types of spirit beasts can indeed drastically increase the strength and power of the physical body, and to a certain extent drive the speed attribute. Unfortunately, compared to me, it's still too much of a difference, not to mention the gap in cultivation. Lin Manshan's gaze flickered slightly, and with a press of his feet, he instantly accelerated and pulled away.

"Lin Manshan, do you only know how to escape?" Yu Tianheng was so angry that he called out his real name and gritted his teeth, "Summon your martial soul and fight me head-on like a warrior!"

What are you thinking?

I am trying to use just enough strength in a fight to hone my fighting skills of spirit master, otherwise, I could easily finish this fight. Lin Manshan stopped his movement and said with a straight face, "Good! Since Brother Tianheng asked for it, I will accompany you." As the words trailed off, spirit power surged in his right hand, and a Great Sword appeared in his hand.

The aura around his body suddenly turned sharp and cold, and his eyes revealed a chilling glint.

Seeing this, Yu Tianheng's expression suddenly stagnated, and his body subconsciously took a defensive stance. After all, Lin Manshan's martial soul is a great sword with a length of 1.65 metres.

While he had a Beast Martial Soul and was unarmed, which meant that he would have to use his empty hands to meet the blade next.

"Boom" There was a muffled sound underneath his feet as Lin Manshan directly hauled his sword and charged in with a direct horizontal slash.

"First Spirit Skill, Thunder Dragon Claw." Yu Tianheng's claws were intertwined, and he was about to receive it hard and strike back.

But in the next second, as the blade approached, he instantly changed his mind, a chill went up all over his body, like an awn piercing his skin, and he felt an extremely sharp aura from the blade.

It gave him a feeling of facing death directly.

Spirit masters with beast martial souls had a far stronger perception of danger than other spirit masters. He had a premonition that if he took it head on, he would not be able to keep both of his hands at least.

He had to dodge.

Thinking of this, he hastily dodged sideways.

But Lin Manshan simply did not allow him to do so, his feet lurched, directly stopping his stance, followed by a twist of the waist and a change of direction of his hands, which immediately changed from a horizontal slash to an upward swing.

In the next second, as if he had predicted the direction of Yu Tianheng's dodge, the blade appeared like lightning.

"Swish!" It stopped directly in front of Yu Tianheng's neck, less than a finger's width away from his lower jaw.

"Gulp." Yu Tianheng's face had gone pale, the knot in his throat subconsciously surged, and his body didn't even dare to move.

"Brother Tianheng, you lost." Retracting his great sword, Lin Manshan stood up straight and spoke in a calm tone.

Yu Tianheng remained silent, then smiled bitterly, "Manshan, it's me who underestimated you." Previously, he had actually thought that Lin Manshan's martial soul was a broken martial soul, its strength shouldn't be high, and that he should be able to receive it by using his first spirit skill, then counter-attack by closing in on him. Now that he thought about it, it was really ridiculous.

Taking opponents lightly was a fatal mistake on the part of any spirit master. Being born into a powerful family and possessing the continent's number one Beast Martial Soul, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Martial Soul, made him proud and gave birth to contempt. While the matter of Dugu Yan made him develop jealousy and the heart of comparison, clearly he should have paid attention after the first collision upon executing the third spirit skill, but in the end, he even chose to fight hard with his physical body.

With one wrong step, every step would become a mistake.

With a complicated face, he glanced at Lin Manshan and continued, "In the future, treat Yan well."

After saying this, he turned around and left.

Although he was competitive and strong, he was also decisive in recognising mistakes, much better than Yu Xiaogang. Lin Manshan smiled faintly and said softly, "I will."

"Brother Tianheng, see you in the next match." Adding a sentence, he also turned to leave.

Ignoring the cheers coming from the surroundings, he walked into the passageway in large strides.

Arriving at the waiting room, he continued to fight in the matched battles.


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